So, leftypol, what do you think?

So, leftypol, what do you think?

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You spelled inaccurate wrong on the last page.

Math is ideological tho, look no further than how they treated Zeno's paradox.

This is actually a comic from Fangdangler. Was wondering if you guys found this revisionist. Seems like the artist is using this as an example of 'cultural marxism'. I could be wrong. I dunno.

PoMo is shit. /thread

I don't think lacan was a pomo

The stuff the prof is saying in the comic sounds like PoMo.

I think black/purple girl is retarded that we people are able to be objective and that our langauge can be objective to observe objective reality. Our Langauge and our observations are to insignificant to even grasp a supposed reality outside our existance.

Isn't the point that interpretation is ideological, not the mathematical study itself?

Granted I only understand him thru zizek, but my impression was that lacan's theory was one which only described how ideology creates the world around us and why ideology is the way it is, so that we may critique it and thus use reason to change the world instead.

Mathematics has nothing to do with reality.

She's right about Freud, Lacan and Hegel, though.

I disagree with positivism as well but I think it's rather silly to throw out objective truth all together, after all some ideas and statements must be closer to the truth than others even if they remain incomplete

I can't help but think everyone in this comic is retarded tbh.


Zizek's concept of ideology comes from Marx, not Lacan.

Math has something to do with reality although clearly it is lacking in the same way other human languages are.

I will agree with you on Freud and hegel but lacan made some good points

Yes but isn't his analysis that describes ideology lacanian. And isn't that the point of his theory?

Same tbgh

This comic is retarded as fuck and belongs in the trash tbqf.

Also recently i actually learned an electric calculation that is impossible to do with standart mathematics called Superposition theorem and Thévenin's theorem. The only way to calculate it us by imagining a seperation of the two battery's who would if both calculated bring constant random results.

Math, from what I'm understanding with mild understanding dialetics, is a byproduct of material conditions, that it's people eventually found there is more than one of a given object and so on. Eventually though, this is taught to bring awareness to this material condition, and thus, math is born.

Go easy on me.

No it doesn't. Marx's conception of ideology goes "they do not know it, but they are doing it," discourses that promote false consciousnesses, whereas Žižek's is a critique of the fetishist "I know well that (for example) the shoe is only a shoe, but nevertheless, I still need my partner to wear the shoe in order to enjoy."

Are you fucking high?


The comic is written with all the characters pushing one approach to reality and the main character being the opposition. By the antagonists own logic, trying to claim that "everything is ideology and objectivity does not exist" and saying that this is truth, is also ideology.

Also both the antagonist and and protagonist lack the grasp of what people like Latour wanted to say, I think, regardless of the validity of his opinions and its relation to something as abstract like math or science.

Also the drawer pushes the narrative of "philosophy is dumb and full of people who smoke weed" which is kind of juvenile

Last bit to add:

All characters in this comic sound retarded as fuck.

This is the full comic. I wonder if this will be the next 'chrishtian' comic?

Yes math is a biproduct of material conditions, specifically of a subject trying to understand the material conditions. But don't rely too much on dialectics here, even they have logical inconsistencies when applied to the real world (for example, in Marx's theory of dialectical materialism prices are only the appearances of the abstraction of value, and these appearances to do not underly the true value. But certainly this cannot be the case when the price of technology used in production influences the techniques used to produce commodities and thus the socially necessary labor time). I think overdeterminism is a much better way of looking at material relations, although there are likely flaws in that theory as well.

When it comes to math the problem is clearly that the universe itself is not discrete. Just look at Zeno's paradox, logically speaking if the universe was discrete we'd be unable to travel anywhere because in order to do so we'd have to travel half way there, and halfway of the second half and half way of that. Meaning that movement would be impossible.

The way math eventually solved this problem was with calculus adding up ambiguous infinitesimally small amounts. Basically they were forced to make a continuous unit to make it work while dressing it up as something discrete to keep the ideological purity of their language.

No i live below sea level actually.

Its a shame I have to live in the same country as you.

At least you got somewhat good taste.

But are you fucking?

The ocean levels can't rise soon enough.

We will build a wall to keep the sea people out. They bring death, destruction and ruin our societies.


Wew lad


>implying i want to

where does funding for the sciences come from huh??

We are not the sea people. We are the nazis to the sea people jews.

He's right.

which one

Eh, the argument against freud is valid because freud is a massive faggot who cant into actual arguments but I feel like the writer doesn't understand the argument the real version of their strawman philosophy teacher is trying to make.

Daily reminder to those that need it that the magic electro-box you're communicating with right now doesn't run on subjective ideological fee fees.

The universe has (to a degree) predictable rules that allowed for the development of life - that is, patterns of matter interacting with other matter in a such a way conducive to the continued replication of the pattern.

Your mind may not be in tune with some ideal absolute reality but it is literally the product of countless successful generations of increasingly complex interaction with
universally consistent manifestations that comprise physical reality.

Throw a ball into the air, watch it. plot a quadratic equation, blow your mind.

It is precisely because of the usefulness of and predictability of the sciences that it is used as a method of social control. Just because something can be convincingly used for ideological justification by the powerful doesn't make what is being used nothing but ideology.

Zeno's paradox doesn't assume a discrete universe. You don't know whether space is discrete or not. You don't know whether time is discrete or not.

Would you say that scrolling in a game for the Nintendo Entertainment System proves that the NES already got infinite resolution?

The entire comic can be summed up in one image.

what do you mean?
if you ruin math for me i may never recover.

You've got it backwards. Maths is not some innate part of reality, it's just a tool used to describe it. Physics is a good example for this because the usual Newtonian "reality is just computation" approach is mathematically sound but breaks down at the quantum level, clearly demonstrating that maths is some abstract thing but in itself has nothing to do with reality.

Christian tier.

^basically what you are saying. Just because we, smart monkeys, have not gotten to the bottom of reality and thus are trying to figure out the inner workings of the universe by black box testing doesnt mean the black box does not contain something that is mathematically consistent.

I mean fuck you are basically saying that 1+1=2 is a lie because we don't understand what causes dark energy and we might as well give up because you can never understand what causes dark energy because math and consistency does not real and the universe does not function according to natural laws.

Math is a highly specialized logical language, that language and our logic is a product of our entire evolutionary history, one that is foreign to the rules of quantum space.

You have it backwards. Realty itself, as we know it breaks down at the quantum level.

Our math at least, has proven capable of providing useful abstractions.

Yet another example of people getting it.. .. but not really.

What do you mean?

You misunderstand my point. Zeno's paradox points out that either motion is impossible thanks to the universe being discrete, or the universe is not discrete and motion is possible. This is irreconcilable with math as we knew it.

What does that have to do with anything? Do you not understand the difference between discrete and continuous values?

Reality doesn't break down dumbfuck. Reality is what reality is even if its counter intuitive to us. There even is a logic to particles on the quantum mechanical level, just not one that is easily compatible with our already existing knowledge of physics.


and fucking chill

how is this leftism

lacan was a leftist

From the look of the main character i expected this to be a fanfic tier "i'm the victim" comic

It still is but not in the way I expected

1+1=2 is suppressing class consciousness.

The artist could have the proffesor respond "Yes, but, you shee, math is a language that reflects tha absolute reality, a plane we can never trully understand *snif*, therefore, no matter how deep we dig we can never trully escape our ideology and see accept that, perhaps 2+2 isn't always 4. Fuck! Even I am not free of my Ideology! Am still eating from the trash can! *snif*"

But, nope. "Academia is bad because gultural margzism".

ITT: people who failed high school math and are still assmad about it

Wtf is this, some kind of scientism SJW? The strawmans in this comic could fill a fucking barn.

To my knowledge he claimed radicals just suffered from daddy issues and sought strong leaders. Not very radical.

you may pick one and only one.

and there's racial biology. AKA "scientific racism".


You literally just proved my point. Science is a construct, that does not mean that there is science that does, and does not, produce results, but what is socially acceptable as science is dependant on the society in which it's practised.

in case you hadn't noticed I was saying that "racial biology" isn't a science, but instead racist cherrypicking to justify their prejudice.

and the scientific method is designed to be objective, and those who follow it will get objective results.

nice strawman, and the results it produces are due to a flawed method, that is why it isn't science.

But thats wrong you fucking faggot. The scientific method tries to prove or disprove hypothesise and thus if you use results you will use subjective judgement, popular opinion and peer pressure to interpret results. In addition to that "science" is not the same as the scientific method, as many theories of the same thing can exist which are all made using the scientific method, but science is a grander thing that consists of the going theories heralded as "true" as per the humans that agree or disagree with theories.

i want to see porn of this girl

IE only measurements can be objective, as soon as you interpret them for a theory or hypothesis it becomes non-objective, which is done all the time in science, as you need to use human judgement to weed out "measurement errors" which can easily lead to disregarding contradictory true measurements to prove or disprove your hypothesis.

She hawt

Orwell was right

oh thank god i was expecting an idpol comic or an even more retarded Holla Forums edit but that's actually p thought-provoking


Yeah see, here you're doing exactly what I said you do:
Are you even aware how much of a fucktard you look like right now?

there's plenty of it in the comic, it's nsfw

Well, he did draw a naked pic of Milo With a foreskin.

It's just saying that humans are involved therefore everything is ideological. It's a very tedious, pedantic argument. It's like complaining every time someone says they're going to get a drink of water and pointing out that actually they're not drinking pure H2O but rather a kind of very dilute soup.

You can't build a supercomputer out of post-modernist bullshit, I'm afraid. Science and maths are tools which work. If you have a problem with them, it's because you're trying to use them wrong.

Dude, Zizek's Ideology (as the Big Other) is an attempt to fuse Althusser and Lacan, it's far removed from it's Marxist roots.

Not him, but you look pretty stupid yourself for trying to turn it into a semantic argument.

The crux of your argument is that the word "science" is somehow bad because it has been used to describe bad things. If you can't agree on a consistent language for communication, then there's literally no point even trying to discuss anything.

I think the characters are too black-and-white. A real pomo masturbation expert wouldn't just go NUMBERS ARE EMOTIONAL BLARGHL. Look at the age of that character and where he is. The professor has had lived the life of a career bullshitter for decades at that point.

So I'm not saying he would have a sound rebuttal, but at least he would have a better handwaving pseudo-answer. Like this:

*professor tries to put pipe in mouth to look wise, but it's actually his penis*

Except I've literally never said anything you just said.

What I've clearly stated is that "science" should be subject to the same critique as any other thought system, that it produces and reinforces ideology by the mere fact that it's practised by human beings. Darwin was right, but his theories was also appropriated to produce an (for quite a while) 'science' on the superiority of certain races (with the scientist himself belonging to the cream of the crop, of course).

In the same way, the signifier of being "science" is used to legitimize austerity, psychology on how to best control populations and the workplace, and even used to make the act of "responsibility" and killing disappear into a network of statistics, percentages and likelihood that surrounds drone warfare.

The denial of these things is ideology, it's the ideological belief that science is somehow not used by humans, with all that it entails.

A critique of "Science" is not:
Which is what you people seem to presume post-structuralist critique is.

you do know that's a trap, right?

Yes? And?

Actually No, i didnt know that.



woops didn't even mean to attach that

post pictures of porn folders

Pretty good taste TBH.


Truly the pride of my collection tbh

literally the trifecta of shit taste

You forgot furries

there is some good furry porn. Not a majority, but it exists.

You got rare stuff? Furronika is amazing.

I say porn but all of these 1.7k pictures are either just tomboyish girls looking cute, smiling or being borderline echii. Theres very little actual smut in that folder and as far as i remember not even a single instance of softcore or hardcore.

The abyss of humanity never seizes to amaze me. We truly are a disgustingly amazing species.



Not really my art style, I prefer more cartoony/anime-ish

Awful taste TBH.


I like pokes

Absolutely disgusting, n1x.


Thanks fam.

Niggers, do you know what falsification is? You can't "prove" anything in science, you can only fail to disprove it.

Get on my level, pleb.


I don't see how such a critique of science as practiced by humans is neccesarily integral to postmodern/structuralist fields though. The same critique can and has been articulated before without the needless jargony bullshit.

On second thought, that is a bit too verbose for a comic. Alternative proposal:
Everybody except protagonist:
There are thought bubbles under their laughing heads.
C *looking at B*:


Reality does not break down, a Lagrangian approach can handle quantum physics pretty well. The point is not that maths is not capable of describing reality, but that just because something works out in maths does not mean it has anything to do with reality.

Maths has to be applied to reality, and there are multiple ways to do this, not all equivalent.