Who lets these people talk about this kind of thing?

Who lets these people talk about this kind of thing?

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Fucker's retarded. But what did you expect from journos?

You do by sharing their work and talking about them all the time.

I have a better question.

Why hasn't Holla Forums created a reviewing company yet? We could make our opinions have more clout if we did.

Gather your party was launched as a Holla Forums review site as I recall, but it's still fairly small.

We would never reach a consensus on most modern games.

Conflict is an important part of Holla Forums and of good academia, are you a woman?

The jews and SJWs.


Bayonetta 2 is a casual shit
nothing will change this fact


The only issue would be not getting early review copies of games. But if someone's a dumbfuck dildo that buys games day one or preorders no need to cater to them anyway.

Jesus Christ, I'm going to throw up.

I'd ask for source, but it's better we don't link to this garbage.

Holla Forums isn't one person, that's why, fucking redditfag

The real issue would be keeping the ocean of shitposting goons that don't play games writing articles about games they haven't played.
Like Undertale, or any 3d Sonic game

Holy shit

That doesn't say the last of us, gone homo, her story, you know, just burn this industry to the ground already.

The worse "Game of the Year" winners are Mass Effects 2, 3 and Dragon Age Inquisition Don't think 2 won a GOTY

Nice quads but the consensus on the most part is that they're awful

They're shit 0/10. Easy.

Imagine it.

Imagine being made so frustrated and angry over a shapely women confident in her sexuality that for over 2 years you bitch and moan about it to everyone you can. Imagine being so made that for 2 years you seethe with hatred over it, getting further and further frustrated that she has a nice butt and nice breasts and that she was allowed to exist in a game that wasn't made for you. Imagine that after all that you then have it labelled as one of the worst games of all time because you just can't stand the idea of anyone beyond the bodytype of what you or your friends could get as a girlfriend in real life and thus have to resort to censoring, or bodyshaming as they say now, anyone who is considered attractive so you can feel better because you're dating someone that you or your friends don't find attractive. Imagine being so angry at women for having a variety of different bodytypes and come in many shapes, forms, and sizes and you are made so furious by this you actively try to remove not only mention but the appearance of anything other that just the bodytypes that you personally approve, imagine wanting that level of control over women's bodies.

Just imagine it.

Holla Forums in a nutshell

Here you go you nigger. gamesense.co/


Who ever wrote this needs to be shot in the knee caps

because reviews sites are dying and the ones that are not get all their money from shilling.

It's called Gather your party.
It's a gaming website made by Holla Forums and is updated at least once a month.
No one today is old enough to remember it since it was made all the way back in 2012.


hang on.
what the fuck

impressive b8

Underrated post

maybe they're getting paid by NoA because I bet they hate Bayo 2 was way better than any of there censored crap

The same type of people who say pic related.

This can't be real.

I will admit that I am annoyed with Bayonetta 2 being exclusive to the Wii U. Luckily, that Wii U emulator is coming along nicely.

Jesus, it's worse than I thought. Can anyone name a single game that has good gameplay and is cinematic in camera angles and story-telling that's not Shadow of the Colossus?

Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3
2 has a good story but isn't as good on the gameplay front

Why do people always talk about smb. Smb 3 is better in every way, heck, even Doki doki panic has more to offer. Why do the autists stick to the most barebones mario game? This is why Nintendo keeps releasing yet another New super mario bros game rather than making a decent new game.

Imagine being so angry at a video game for daring to have sexy, young girls in it that you go out of your way time and again for years calling it sexist, misogynistic trash that shouldn't exist.
Imagine being such a vile person and scum of the earth that even after the devs caved in after a decade long barrage of insults on them and their games and decide not to release their newest game in the west because of not wanting to deal with shit from YOU, you still go out of your to import the game not meant you, trash the game not meant for you, virtue signal how much of a good ally to "the cause" you are, and then have the gall to ask "omg why did isn't this game getting released in the west? xd".

But in DOA, they're all legal now…

Last time i checked 18~25 is still considered young.

Yeah, I know. I'm just referring to how people say DOA has underage girls. People can't handle a legal fucking flat chest.

Holla Forums also has a lot of shitty opinions that should never escape this place


im just saying, Holla Forums in general doesnt really hold itself to any higher standards

Because it was first, and also they act as if its the first platformer when you had stuff like Pitfall before it

Yakuza. It understands for the gameplay part to let you play it, and for the cutscene part to let you watch it.

To be fair 99% of games are pretty bad with at least 80% of modern games worse than shovelware a decade ago

Clearly there is a bias in games media that prevent female lead gaming protagonist from succeeding.

Adventure Island 3, Flintstones, Felix. There were a lot of really good ones. Journos and kids have such shit taste.

fuck you this is not a b8
it is not as complex and skill based as Bayonetta 1

they casualized the combo meter and some combos have been reduced and reworked to be easier

GYP does produce good content, but nearly everyone who is part of is produces at a snail's pace and prefers to talk about old games.

Journalism in the modern era became the monster it is today because everything is too goddamned expensive and everyone demands instant gratification.. so if you want to talk about vidya, you suck every publisher's dick, accept their backroom deals, produce clickbait, and hire hipster faggots who work for scraps and have no shame when it comes to writing the dumbest shit possible to get the most traffic.

You know what else is shit?

Your hair

I kind of expected you to rag on the equipment system because that's the one thing I really hated in Bayo 2.

id say its more like 96% but yeah its pretty soul crushing

These people are why I would support Hitler if he rose from the dead. I don't hate Jews or gays or blacks or whatever. I just hate these fucking faggots.


other anons already said that it is a public knowledge
+ i kind see why they wanted to change the equipment system


What site is this shit from already?

To many different opinions, and anons that just want to stir shit.

The general consensus is that if its AAA its probably not very good, at least to us who have played many games before.
AA is hit or miss as are indies. So yeah, depends on the anons talking about it at the time.

Hey dad, hitler was a socialist.
He'd be funding these quacks to try and turn vidya into socialist propaganda.


that makes a review genuine

have 2-5 different reviews of the same game

adding in a point by point comparison at the end

the point of reviews are for helping the consumer decide if they want to buy something or not, not to flat out tell them to do so.

He hated fags, though, and these fags are the faggiest faggots to ever fag.

This is a fair point, as different aspects of games appeal differently to different people

He was more Nationalist than Socialist

He only hated fags because it was mutably useful to build a following in his country. Socialists are hilariously flippant about their stances. Need more proof?
See my pic, they're flipping back over on gays because as a demograph they aren't reliable as a voting pool to attempt to get into power, Which is funny because the left went Antigay to pro gay to anti gay in less than two decades, just to attempt to amass voters.

This, strive to be objective when talking about the functionality of a game and give your subjective opinion on it. The best kind of game review.

All we'd really need to do is have some sort of regulatory system, preferably automated so we're not giving some random faggot any kind of unnecessary power, where we have 3 slots for a negative review, and 3 slots for a positive review.

Apply for the slots before a deadline, I'd say 2 days after the posting date for new games after the system's creation, no deadline for older games for the sake of allowing the backlog to be filled, and then RNG the slots if you get more than 3 applicants for either perspective. Slot assignment can, after a fashion, be weighted against ratings applied to reviewers themselves, so we'd end up with a system where the best reviewers get heard more, but never feel pressured to play shit they don't care about because they're not asked to do it, so you don't get situations where people who hate strategy games for example are reviewing a strategy game.

I think this might actually be something we could do.

Because we're not a hivemind, schlomo.

Bull shit.

This is why you shouldn't eat lead based paint kids.

This user gets it.
While objectively-answerable questions such as "will [GAME] run on [TOASTER SPECS]?" do need their objective answers, the rest comes down to having a number of people with different tastes share their opinions of the game.
The main problem with sites like cucktaco and polygon is that they have such a narrow variety of views, and none of them even care about vidya except as a vehicle for their opinions.

have a paragraph or two on the good and bad then summarize it all up. leave it open ended.

It's not even opinions, it's their "Experiences" when playing games. It's not a matter of "I thought this game was shit" it's a matter of "I FELT, like I had just been raped the moment Mario jumped over that gap".

What if instead of a review you show a non-retarded thread of the game with a bunch of anons talking about it.

Hardly any different, except for the 15 instances of the word "shill."

4chan Holla Forums?

It sounds like a good idea, but of course there'd have to be people with enough dedication, time and money to pull it off. Is not like any of us can just casually start something like that.

It's so fucking true it hurts

Remember when people would review a game and then they'd get another guy with totally different tastes to review it?
Is it that hard to do that?

A bunch of old publications used to have 2~4 people talk about a game with some scores skewing love it or hate it or varying genre taste's angle.

Now websites are so cheap and stingy that they barely pay for one sole reviewer to write diatribes about a game, so little that they have to buffer with tons of follow-up and side articles about their feels and opinions just to make rent in their San Fran abodes.

No, he wasn't big on the socialist part of things, but it was a core component of the party he took control over and others in the party held it firm, so he ran with it.

I think anyone that would really commit to something like reviews or any other kind of commentary is already a part of something or doing their own thing.

It brings up lots of questions, what the format will be, who will pay for and manage it all, what will set it apart from other shows, et. al.

Are threads like this what the email field is set up for?

Only good Holla Forums review company that updates more than once a month is Lewdgamer.

It'd remind of the little character blurbs on products in shadowrun games, especially the Riggers book.

Mafia 1 was always the superior game.

Granted he eventually ordered him killed but that was for reasons unrelated to homosexuality.

still doesn't mean it's for casuals.
sure I don't think it's as good as 1 but still man

Are they wrong?
Releasing on Wii-U was a monumental blunder.

It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't on Nintendo's checkbook. Sega's too busy making pachislots and Yakuza games they refuse to translate or market.