Diet/food/fitness red pills

sup goys, we consider ourselves red pilled on pretty much all political issues. We have identified The Jew behind media, academia and politics.

What about diet, food and fitness? What are the jewish lies behind what constitutes a healthy diet and/or healthy exercise habits? I'll start with a few.

red pill: low intensity cardio like jogging is a way to fuck your knees up and give you problems with energy. Regular distance runners can develop chronic fatigue syndrome, and marathoners have bodies that look like shit.

alternative: weight lifting and high-intensity short-duration cardio like sprints or jump rope.

red pill: grains are not what humans were evolved to eat. The only reason we're told otherwise is because grain and corn interest groups want us to keep buying terrible food that is extremely cheap to manufacture. Likewise with sugar, possibly the worst thing you can ingest that is considered food.

alternative: paleo. Focus on large amounts of green vegetables, healthy vegetable fats like avocado and olive oil and animal fats, eat lots of meat. Avoid all grains and artificial sugar. Eat fruits sparingly.

Can we get a Holla Forums-tier health & fitness thread started?

Other urls found in this thread:

I hear very good things about the Mediterranean diet.


have you even taken the flat earth pill if not you dont know anything.

This is bait

its not you fucking spastic. if Holla Forums took the flat earth pill a year ago, we would have already ascended.

The easiest way to go about it is to eat nutrient dense foods. Paleo, keto, vegetarian whatever it is, you should be asking yourself is, "does what I'm eating have a lot of vitamins, minerals, fats…" etc.
So don't worry so much about a specific diet but about eating nutritionally rich foods.

I could probably write a book about lifting weights but one thing I wish people would care about more is GPP General Physical Preparedness. These guys I see at the gym can lift heavy weights but have to take 5 minutes between sets; which is pathetic.
Look up and do GPP work to increase 1.) Your work capacity and 2.) recovery. If you're already lifting weights you don't need much GPP work, just something on the off days that will break a sweat like farmers walks or high rep calisthenics.

Lolbertarians get fucked - sugar should be banned.
If you eat sugar then you are doing serious damage to your body.
You are fucking up your body's response to insulin by eating sugar.
This includes fruit and milk - although dairy and fruit sugars aren't quite as bad as THE CRYSTALLINE JEW.

Stop killing yourself with the diabeatus.

The most important aspect that most fail at, time. You're not going to be good at it the first year. Always play the long game, avoid doing techniques wrong or lift too heavy when your body or technique can't handle it, because it will cause injuries in the long-run. It will take time and always find ways to improve your workout and you will make it.

Hey, not to shill or anything but I'd just like to announce that I have this new product out called a "bicycle". Some of my customers are simply calling it a "bike" but I doubt that name will catch on.

That said, yes, weight lifting is important, however, it should be done in combination with some cardio - not either/or.

The knee fucking only comes from bad shoes and poor technique. If you're really worried you can do low-impact cardio like swimming instead. Swimming is god-tier fitness training and is really good for your lung capacity. Do not neglect your heart. It is the most important muscle you have.
At least half of your diet should be green, leafy veg. Do not neglect meat or carbs but make sure you are getting huge amounts of vegetables in you. Both not eating meat and only eating meat will kill you. The time-tested balance is 50% vegetables, 25% carb source (potatoes, rice, pasta, etc), 25% lean meat. You don't need much in the way of animal fats so you can get all you need from just the fat within the meat itself without eating the really fatty parts like rind or chicken skin.
Pretty sure the grain thing is a myth but artificial sugar is really bad for you. A lot of people have an addiction to sugar and barely notice it because of how much sugar is in our daily diets. Take a look at the ingredients list on your food and make a note of all sources of sugary shit you eat. Muesli bars, candy, fizzy drinks, most processed shit, and american bread (so I hear) are all full of sugar. Cut all of it out of your diet, eating fruit to treat your cravings. Remember that fruits are full of sugar themselves (and acid which is bad for your teeth) but will always be more healthy than candy.

Some extra facts:
The fats in this cause your body to produce HDL which helps lower your cholesterol. Spread it on toast as a substitute for margarine and add some marmite, tomato, or salmon for a really nutritious breakfast or snack.
Almost all of the nutrients and fibre are in the skin. Even if you're going to mash them, don't peel your potatoes or you're just eating starch.
Build muscle you fucking faggot. Lift heavy things regularly and learn the proper technique so you don't break yourself in the process. Continually increase your intensity and remember that muscle will grow on your rest days and only if you have a protein and calorie surplus. If you are young (under 20), you will put on muscle extremely quickly.
Do both cardio and weight training. Both are just as important as each other.
All food is foreign antigens so it is only natural to react to it. You have special cells in your gut that stop you from reacting to the food you eat often. If you're getting the shits from veg, you desperately need to eat more as it's a sign that your body doesn't even remember the last time it had a healthy meal. It'll suck but you've got to power through it. You are at a massive risk of bowel cancer if you don't eat fibre rich foods like green veg. Expect massive but easy to pass shits if you're getting enough. I have heard rumours that your shit should float if there is enough fibre in it because fibre is lighter than water but have 0 proof to back this up. Nothing wrong with more fibre though. Fibre is just indigestible plant matter like cellulose (chains of glucose). A very small portion of it is broken down into glucose by bacteria in our gut but the rest is just mass that dilutes the toxins in your shit and gives more mass to the stool so your bowels can easily move it.
Type 2 diabetes is the one that presents later in life. This is the one people typically get from poor diet and exercise however this is the one that has a genetic component so if no one in your family has it, you're not likely to get it yourself. If you have it the way to "cure" it is to get lots of exercise and eat healthy. Listen to your body and make sure you have some sugar source on you for when you start getting hypoglycemic. The gist of how it works is your body struggles to use the insulin it produces to get the sugar in your blood into your cells. Your muscles have special enzymes in their membranes that bring in glucose when the muscle is used. tl;dr: don't be a lazy faggot and diabetes will not be a problem.
Type 1 is the one that kids are basically born with and requires insulin injections.

Remember: only those who act today are the ones who have a tomorrow.

You're a charlatan with no understanding of human physiology, Mr. Broscience. It is not "low-intensity cardio like jogging" that "fucks your knees up," but rather poor form, which happens from people who don't ever learn to run properly (yes, there is a form), and/or try to go too fast with poor form while they're too fat and too new.

The body responds to pressures exerted, and just like muscle is broken down and repaired resulting in more muscle fibers as a result of weight-training and other stress, bones undergo osteogenic processes as a result of being stressed, and the bones do grow stronger. A runner with a healthy diet who is lean will have stronger bones and their joints will be fine provided A.) they did not start running while significantly overweight and B.) they always had proper form.

Otherwise, explain lifelong marathon runners? Explain the old ladies who are probably three times your age, who are still jogging along the path in the morning past your armchair warrior ass, until you can't see them in the horizon, not stopping?

Also, LISS (low-intensity steady state) cardio is cardiovascularly beneficial, as it does help to reduce your resting heartrate, and it increases the efficiency of your cardiopulmonary system overall (i.e. gas transport, i.e. oxygen delivery to muscles).

The only thing you got right is that high-intensity short-duration is slightly more beneficial for time management, due to the shorter time investment for a higher caloric burn, but then you have a conundrum where if one ups the intensity, you up the risk of injury. You don't see old grannies doing HIIT sprints, you see them puttering along on the treadmills and ellipticals at moderate paces.

Despite masturbating to your steroid-rendition of Jesus while listening to Jay Cutler interviews about proper ways to stick needles in your ass while eating 12lbs of chicken for dinner and his essential 30-supplement support list to avoid bitch tits, you're a vain closet homosexual who clearly aspires to project a vision to the rest of humanity that "I spend a great deal of my life to impress women on a base animalistic level."

So, while you're at that, you might as well start your next charlatan shitpost on the metaphysical benefits of tattoos.

/fit/izen of 8+ years here.

You want the ultimate tip that rivals "READ THE FUCKING STICKY"?
Here it is:
Only drink water and milk.

Also to the Holla Forumslacks looking for a fitness board that isn't coated in the homosex, believe it or not our >>>/fit/ is almost entirely straight now.
Faggots get laughed out.
Hell we held a poll if we should ditch /fa/ for /fem/ back when it was first made and /fem/ actually won, by a lot…

lol whut?


Happened to literally nobody ever.

Bonus fact:
To feel full you need to have fat, protein, and carbs in your meal. If you miss fats you will not get all of the energy out of the meal, if you miss protein you will not feel full immediately after eating, and if you miss carbs you will feel hungry again a short while after eating. This is important to remember if you are trying to lose weight but feel starved all the time in your current diet. It also helps get more out of your diet in regards to nutrients and energy so you don't need to eat as much to get the same outcome. Chew your food lots before swallowing because the movement of your jaw tells your body it is full. Chewing gum also helps suppress your appetite in the same way.

1. Do stronglifting or olympic weightlifting. Don't waste your time fucking around with machines and isolation exercises. Useless in comparison to proper compound lifting.
2. Drink a lot of milk every day, at least a liter.
3. Drink a lot of water everyday, several liters if you use 100% creatine monohydrate, which really does help you lift more weight, and lifting more weight helps you make more gains.
4. Avoid any plastic packaged foods and drinks, plastic products used in food emit xenoestrogens into the food/drink, which over years permanently lower your testosterone. Almost all of us are already affected by this. The average testosterone level of western males is currently under 50% of what it was a hundred years ago. This is an intentional poisoning of Aryan men by Jewish run food companies.

This is bait.

generally that means don't respond to it.

Pointing out bait isn't responding to it, it's signalling to newfags.

There was a really excellent thread a few weeks back, pertaining to the Weston A. Price foundation. Lots of good information on what to avoid and what to stick to.

Did anyone archive it??

if you're going to for the lotsa milk maymay, at least GOMAD.
to an extent, yes. but there are multiple reasons for falling test, and more than whites have been affected. you're giving the kikes a little too much credit.

I strongly believe that all High Schools should have a mandatory weight lifting program, especially for males.


Should there be a summer break in this day of age?

I would have male students return for a few hours a day during the summer to run & lift weights. I would have schools boost student's GPA if they meet targets.

After 4 years you would have macho men.

Does it benefit the body to inject testosterone? We've all heard of Xenoestrogen.

There is no need to drink a gallon of milk a day, that's like 2 000 kcal. You need a lot of your daily caloric intake from solid food as well. You'll just get fat if you drink a gallon every day.
Also, my country does not sell milk in gallons because we don't use an outdated and inaccurate counting system.

This. We'll have mandatory weightlifting in school for all young whites in the future. Can you imagine it, every single member of your nation being fit, beautiful, strong. One step closer to becoming overmen.

True but it's expensive to not be dangerous.

Yes, of course. You will get very strong and fit. You could just go on TRT, Testosterone Replacement Therapy and use such a small amount of steroids that you give a good boost to your testosterone, putting you around where an alpha male a hundred years ago would have been, but not unnaturally high.
If you inject testosterone enough to reach naturally not achievable levels your body will react to it and cause some side effects, such as ending sperm production and making you infertile for the duration of the steroid use.

What do you mean? Most high schools already have gyms with squat racks, bench presses, barbells and plate weights. It doesn't really cost that much at all to get a few racks, benches, bars and weights for every school.


Children will literally suicide themselves doing bench presses unless they're supervised and children are really hard to supervise.

Weights are not competitive, you need lots of competitive outlets, be they sports, speech and debate, math competitions, etc. from a young age to purge the everybody gets a trophy r-selected faggotry. The biggest factor in creating numales and leftists is the lack of competition, elevating competition as a virtue in all spheres, academic, athletic, socially, etc. will fix that, it goes beyond just lifting.

I agree with most of this but cardio should be an important PART of your fitness regimen. It should not be the only part of your fitness regimen and it is important not to overtrain.

That being said, for a whole variety of reasons you should have a certain level of fitness endurance. Beyond health reasons, physical endurance is going to be the most important trait you have if shit hits the fan. There is a reason that soldiers of the world have always had distance running as a core component of their training. If you're swole as fuck but can't run 10k you're useless dead weight. This, coupled with the fact that distance running is the ONLY physical trait in which humans outperform other animals makes me think it is absolutely important.

No, don't train like an Ethiopian, but you should be able to run 2.4k in under 10 minutes, 5 k in under 24 and be able to run 10 k in under an hour (shoot for 45). These are actually easy as fuck to achieve with bare minimum training and frankly you should probably strive for far better. Don't train to BE a distance runner, but distance running should absolutely be part of your regimen and is frankly one of the most 'practical' physical fitness goals you can have.

This is relevant to high-dose zinc but what about low-dose? Zinc obtained through regular diet as opposed to supplements helps boost testosterone production doesn't it?

Don't write a book until your are at expert level in your subject.


Salt is actually healthy, just not modern iodized table salt. The whole anti salt meme came about because kikes want the goyim to be unhealthy and needed something else to market. Active people in particular need WAY more salt than the (((FDA))) RDA. Celtic sea salt or Himalayan pink salt are good options because they contain lots of minerals unlike modern refined salt.

Dietary cholesterol also has basically no effect on heart cholesterol and is an important precursor to testosterone. Eat the yolks, faggots.

I'm convinced he really did have hiv/aids. He just looks like he is dying from AIDs in that pic.

The real redpill is that you should do whichever your muscle genetics support better. Some people will never be endurance runners and would get more from sprints and skwats

Fuck yes. Teaching young people about fitness would reduce healthcare costs significantly and is essential to national security.

If only we could get president Trump to do something like vid related.

From what I read it was from his fruitarian diet. Dude ate nothing but fruits for every meal.

Nutritional "science" is such a fucking joke because it's literally impossible to test anything unless you lock people up from birth and monitor everything they consume, otherwise there's way too much variation to make any useful predictions. About the only useful thing that came out of it is the identification of essential vitamins and minerals and even that they can't agree on how much of each you need. I just make sure I eat actual food(nothing made in a lab) and plenty of protein.

If SHTF and you're inna woods, good luck maintaining your muscle mass. The cardio guys will hunt you down.

This thread shamed me into throwing out my one sugar treat, that I was just eating. Thank you.

Read the whole post smart guy. I said having to wait 5 min. before another set IS PATHETIC. As in not good.

Squat is the king of exercise, and I can demonstrate it with values.

High caloric expenditure
High increase in metabolic activity
"Alleged" increase in testosterone
Legs are used in most physical activities, back and abs are also involved in stabilizing
Trains cardiovascular system
Exercise increase moral, high potential for gains which also further boost moral.
Very low time investment needed, what you require : squat rack, normal flexibility


You NEED to take 5 minute breaks to perform at your best you trogdocrossfityte. You could not take that 5 minutes and screw your workout if you like, you can also do 100 swinging pullups and post it on instagram.

That's not how the human body works, but nice try kiddo.

I heard some vegan shakes can. It's not all fruit but close.

Beware of chlorine. It is a powerful xenoestrogen and absorbs through your skin, not to mention you're bound to get some in your mouth, ears, eyes etc.

If you're gonna swim, do it in a pond or something natural

this this this this this this

fruit juice is all sugar, it's basically soda; tea has flouride, coffee is addictive, probably bad for your heart

I know plastic is absolutely terrible, even skin contact poisons you, but how do you avoid the stuff? Practically all food comes in plastic.

GOMAD is way too much, I love milk and the thought of drinking that much makes me feel sick. I gained like 25lbs of mostly muscle in like two months without drinking an insane amount of milk, so can you.

Running long distance is practically torture. But anyway, how do you start incorporate cardio into your routine? Is two lifting days and 1 running day per week appropriate? I'm primarily concerned with gaining muscle but I don't want to be neglecting my heart and stamina, running is an invaluable skill.
Rest Lift Rest Run Rest Lift Rest?

Caffeine is addicting, but it isn't bad for your heart. More bad for your will power and strength.

Good tip on the sugar, the more Keto I go towards, the better I am. Low sugar, grains and dairy. That shit is aging me rapidly.

To sum up:

there is in every normie's refrigerator

There is a reason the government stopped JFK's fitness program, the same reason Joe Biden made testosterone steroids illegal even though the FDA was against it. Men who have strength tend to be against the redistribution of wealth a study found, not explanation for it but it might be because of the increased confidence, the unshackling from group-think and increased instinct to provide (ie you want to be the one giving money to people, not have the government take it from you and take the credit). The democrats know this, for a long time I assume (the 80s).

You are fucking retarded if you think running is an invaluable skill and all you want to gain is MUH MUSCLE. Then shit, you get shot, bleed to death.

As much I am on the fence about milk (Homo). I agree tabletop sugar is bad for you, same with eating bread and what not. Just remember to burn off what excess you eat, lift, do cardio, practice some type of martial arts, shoot guns, and the biggest aging agent of them all is.
I can not be more serious about stress, remove that shit from your life entirely and the path ways to the Fatherland will open up to you.

Take you bullshit out of this thread. ALL elite athletes, weather it's olympic liftersm, strongman or NFL players have and need very high work capacity. Having to wait 3-5 min. is something newbies that haven't gotten past the minimalist workouts like SS who can't even bench 2 plates but think they know everything or BB who build muscle no matter what they do.

Heres a redpill ion the fermented Jew.
It is cheaper and better to ferment your own wine than to drink the storebought shit.
Any kind of sugary liquid mixed with activated, hydrated yeast WILL produce drinkable giggle juice in a week or less.

Are you intentionally being retarded or something? We are talking about gym class here. There will be a teacher supervising and teaching the kids how to do stronglifting, three times a week, one hour each.

This is right, you have chances to injure yourself at any physical activities, in weight training the chances are low because it is way more controlled and static, you can stop at any point but it still happens and people who are new should expect to learn a lot over the course, so do not go overboard, do not train intensely right before a stressful exam, do not train intensely right before pulling an all nighter, don't injure yourself and you have lots of years to learn every little details that make all the differences, not get burned.

Can you rewrite that, I don't speak faggot. Have fun larping though.

does anybody have any experience taking estrogen blockers or something similar to combat the effects?

I can't believe retards still think this meme is true.

Do one-legged squats on a kettlebell all you want, a 5 min break before a PR is still mandatory. There is not much gained in powersets or complexes, even without doing a PR, 2 min between warmups and 3-5 between heavy sets is beneficial for those who have the time.

I'm someone who has done exactly this (test-e + equipose) and I highly recommend it. It's 3 years later, I'm very fit and life has been very generous to me. Nappsgear

But muh Mens Health magazines and youtube bodybuilders/crossfitters! Time for a cheat meal day! 20,000 calories! ARNOLD WAS A LEGEND! Man, did you check out the Crossfit games? Nah, that shit is so gay, I am a bodybuilder, time to take my 40 difference supplements. I love THICC CHICKS! XD XD XD SICK GAINS!

If you think running is "torture" get the fuck off my board you weak limpwristed faggot.

Has this shit ever been beneficial? It always seemed like a cult.

Its just another fitness fad and promotes an ELITE mentality. I didn't follow up much after that. Anyone I have met who does crossfit is a 30 something washed up faggot or a single mom.

Lifting is the easiest, best controlled activity, it yields numbers, not participation trophies, but other sports have a basis in lifting anyway. What lifting doesn't have is sportsmanship and teamwork.

Squats, Bench Press, and Deadlift if you can only do 3 lifts do these 3. Do accessory lifts with Dumb Bells if you want to look good if you only care about strength just do these 3.

The problem with crossfit is it sacrifices form and effectiveness for reps while at the same time you get 0 GAINZ and a super high chance of injuring yourself.

Lifting has tons of teamwork you need a spotter who isn't going to leave you half dead on a bench with 300 lbs on your chest you had no business lifting.

Just because you retards fell for the crossfag shit before you picked up a bar doesn't mean others fell for it you projecting retards.
How about you stop watching youtube videos and regurgitating shit and read books like
Instead of posting shit like you found /fit/ 3 months ago.

How many children can one teacher supervise?
How many children can use a power rack at the same time?
The answer to these questions is the same number.
How much do insurance companies charge for weightlifting liability?
Too fucking much, because children fuck around and injure themselves maybe even smash out all their teeth or chop their fucking heads off, that's why schools don't teach it except to their elite athlete$.

Jesus that guy is ripped.


Crossfitters are the hipsters of lifting they are on the level of people who think Planet Fitness is a good gym.

Crossfit Jesus suffered for Zero Gainz.

Get enough marketing/propaganda behind something and it's amazing what people will fall for. Just look at the holohoax

Teach me Senpai!

Go to the gym pick something up and put it down. Getting into the science of all that stuff is not for beginners unless you are not a beginner then ignore me. If you are a beginner though form is 100 times more important then how much you can lift… It also helps to lift with the idea you are preparing for the coming race war.

We refer to ourselves with the jewish term for cattle, you alt-right cuckchan sodomite.


I'm all in for getting fit and being ready for when the shit hits the fan. What about diet? Can I just eat a ton of crap and hit the pool like Michael Phelps?

*don't refer


is it really though?

Are you going to swim 8-12 hours a day like Phelps? Swimming is god tier for endurance and cardio though which is great for losing weight. The only tried and true way to lose weight is eating at a deficit of 500 calories or so plus working out lifting/cardio or both. If you want to get big muscles and get strong lift while eating at a surplus and a fuck ton of protein. It all comes down to what you want what do you want user?

Ok faggot, explain whats wrong with longer rest times instead of just namedropping shit.

Yep. Ketosis diet + NatSoc economy + Jesus ethics = path to salvation

Pushing Yourself to the Limit + Eating at a calorie deficit + Hermetic Teaching = Path to Enlightenment.

i have zatiorskys book, great read. are you sure you've read it though? because it honestly sounds like you havent. no, an elite strength athlete is not going to be taking "short" rests when lifting high intensity. the systems involved with providing energy take time to replenish, and for an elite powerlifter wanting to guarantee they get their work in, 10 minutes of rest or more isnt even out of the question candito comes to mind
if you're going to namedrop good resources you at the very least have to understand them

youre right.

u sound kind of angry. DYEL?

Thank anyway for the insights and perspectives that aren't the same as mine, seriously, to you and everyone else.


Yeah I agree, I think having decent cardio capacity is beneficial but only to a point. I've never met anyone who prides themselves on marathon running and actually looks strong and healthy. Also I feel like kind of a snob for saying this and shitting on others' accomplishments, but my fagbook is full of normalfags who make posts about how proud they are of their "couch to 5k", like running 5k is hard.

Yeah this. My co-workers sometimes make comments like "lol ur strong but I bet you can't run 10k". I trained myself to run 10k and it took less than 3 weeks. It's not fucking hard at all.

good shit mang. I love finding out the lies and BS spread by the agricultural jew.

Joke's on you, I'll kill you all and eat you before my muscles waste away. J/k, that is a good point, but I think like I said there is a big difference between functional cardio capacity, and marathon fuckery.

It's not that you have to wait, it's just that waiting 5 mins lets you recover enough to really go balls-out again on your next set, at least that's how it works for me.

Elite marathoner Ryan Hall retired at like 32 because of chronic fatigue. He also looks like absolute shit. Apparently it's common.

found your problem. theres much more compelling evidence that short distance running at higher intensities is superior to traditional long slow distance training anyway

Who the fuck cares if you can run 10km am I going to run 10km when SHTF or am I going to most likely have to kill a man with my bare hands.

tbh unless youre retarded id say you're more likely to run 10k
shtf avoiding conflict > all else. you only have 1 life

I am shitposting I know.

So one of the hardest red pills I made myself swallow was that most world-class athletes are on some sort of performance enhancing drug. I heard phelps eats like 10,000 calories a day when training, that's a big red flag that he is on some kind of hormone drug.

There is a whole industry designed to keep normal people deluded in the belief that all it takes to reach elite athlete status is hard work, discipline, dedication and genetics. Rarely is it mentioned that these top level athletes have all of the above, plus Vitamin S. Similar with fitness models. All of it is intended to keep people spending shekels on whatever new stupid product they are trying to market, keep them always trying to reach that elusive goal.

Yeah I agree. The problem I have is that conventional wisdom says that if you can run 26k you must be healthy.

I do wonder what is harder, reaching a 300lb bench or running a marathon?

Start by reading some of the books i mention. I'd suggest Science and Practice of Strength Training first because it setups the foundation for ST basics.
Next find a novice program AND STICK TO IT. No switch or any of that shit. Even if you find a better program later stick to the novice program for ATLEAST 6 months. I found a decent novice one with a little search:
Workout A

Box Squat 3/5×4-6
Floor Press 3/5×4-6
Pendlay Row 3/5×4-6
Overhead Barbell Extension 3×6-10
Barbell/Dumbbell Preacher Curl 3×6-10
Stiff-Legged Deadlift/Good Morning 2-3×6-10
Weighted Plank 3×30-60s

Workout B

Box Squat 3/5×4-6
Paused Overhead Press 3/5×4-6
Trap-Bar Deadlift 2×4-6
Close-Grip Bench Press 3×6-8
Weighted Chin-up 3×3-5
Weighted Plank 3×30-60s

Mon, Wen, Fir A,B,A B,A,B
Or other novice programs like SS but i get tired of recommending it and others like it
When you can bench 225lbs, squat 315lbs and deadlift 405lbs the 2 3 4 plate standard congrats, your intermediate and you can find a different program.

Also on off days, about 2 times a week, work on GPP. Nothing that's HIIT thats what the gym program is for, but something that will get you to sweat and breathing heavily. Sled pulls, farmers walks, calisthenics, jump rope, shadow boxing whatever. You need to increase your work capacity when you get to the more advance programs. GPP work also helps with recover so you can push yourself harder on gym days.

Pretty much this going further since my brother has done a cycle the guy he bought them from said 90% of his sales go to Military member, Firmen, and the Police.

It isn't. Just searched through pubmed and goygle scholar for anything relating to chlorine and xenoestrogens and there is nothing. No one has ever even thought to test for this because it's fucking retarded. The closest I could find to even being tangentially related is that a lot of xenoestrogens have a chlorine molecule on them but chlorine does not act like estrogen in any way. Estrogen is not even polar anyway so chlorine molecules dissolved into your blood/body wouldn't even go to the places where estrogen acts.

Also anyone who has no idea about lifting or exercise in general remember it all advice is equally the best advice and the worst advice everyone body is different so their body will work and be affected differently. Getting fit = 30% Exercise + 30% Diet + 40% Magic.

The brain should never have to work at a calorie deficit. This is only possible without risking obesity under ketosis. Switching from glycolysis to ketosis is like switching from coal to uranium.

Another huge red pill for me was finding out how the pharmaceutical jew is designed to keep people just well enough to be able to work and pay for things like diabetes medication. I heard someone in a documentary say, there's no money in healthy people, but also no money in dead people. People taking statins and in pre-diabetes could become healthy by adjusting their diet.

Not that it's easy. The agricultural jew makes it very difficult (for people with low agency) to go from a grain-based diet to a healthy one with leafy vegetables etc as a basis. Fact is, shit food is extremely easy and cheap to get, healthy food is only easy and cheap if you sort of know what you're doing.

Every fucking time.

Keto is also an incredibly extreme diet that is only recommended to people who have experience dieting. It's like asking a 160lb Gym Newfag to lay down and rep 300lbs they are going to fail and it is gonna be awful.

idk, not sure you can really equate endurance events directly to strength stuff like that, because given enough time, anyone can complete a marathon. but to run a marathon quickly?.. i still agree with you tho

you cant make cookie cutter statements like 2,3,4. there will always be deviations of guys who make it past that as a novice, and guys who get stuck before
imo theres not much compelling reasons to get strong as quickly as possible, and running an extremely volume conservative program as you work up is the best option
also holy shit dude, completely unnecessary program. unnecessarily high volume, far too much variation, poor exercise selection. literally why would you recommend that shit, if you're going to copy paste a program anyway just give him something proven like canditos, izzys, or rips

What's wrong with Crossfit? Are you actually triggered because there is more than a single effective way to achieve gains?

You fucking autists.

That's every fitness thread you get a few people who swear by this one thing that they swear is the Canon Gospel of getting /fit/ mixed with a shit ton of Broscience while everyone shits on each other. It's just the culture of things… that and being impressed by other peoples GAINZ.

theres a lot wrong with crossfit. primarily the worryingly high injury rate due to a number of factors which you can find if you just fucking google "crossfit critique"

At least people aren't arguing that rei is the best girl(because we all know it's actually asuka)

i dont even understand, do they even read their own resources?

You guys are correct when you say that resting does help and is needed sometimes for things like PRs or on really heavy low volume days. But I emphasize it because when you get to programs that not only use heavy low reps but include high volume work, work capacity will absolutely help. It's about what you can do in a single session. I guess if you have all the time in the world it's not as important and you can spend hours and hours a day at the gym but it's so easy to work on and helps a lot.
Plus you have guys like strongmen who work on GPP. Strongman yoke is fucking hard and they train their GPP to help with it. Keep in mind that's just one example.

Aside from the direction correlation between the terrible form of Crossfit exercises and physical issues (muscle/tendon/ligament ripping/snapping at a higher rate, muscle dystrophy after prolonged use, and bone/cartilage issues, as well as increased instance of workout accidents because TERRIBLE FORM)?

Absolutely nothing.

Crossfit = 0 Gains
You increase the chance of getting injured because they consider reps to be more important then form. When it comes to things like box jumps and their stupid pull up whatever. They issue is when they do dead lifts and actual weight lifting it looks like their bones are going to snap at any second and in many cases they do. Also anyone you will reference as "does crossfit and has gainz" are often people who only do crossfit as an accessory work out and do real lifts, are on steroids or both.

Like I said everyone is different and everyone tries to standardize things and apply their own experience to what others should do. Proper form and rest times are essentially the big ones you need to worry about. At the end of the day it comes down to what you want if you want to run far then run, if you want to lift big then lift, if you want to injure yourself training for the sake of training do crossfit.

fuck off.

One example doesn't prove running/cardio isn't worthwhile you nigger.

Because I don't have the time to try and explain about all the different kinds of standards people have which can get confusing. Weather its a str. standard, a knowledge standard, a time standard etc. everyone has their own standard, I just wanted to give user something to go off of.
Like I said in the post it was one example of a program I found online and it didn't look that bad when I glanced at it but fine. I just get tired of recommending shit like rips or 5x5 because guys think that's all they need, the same variation of squat, bench, deadlift and overhead for the rest of their lives and don't move on to other programs that use a wider selection of movements.

It's less extreme than the rabbit diets the jew keeps pushing. The only tough part for me was giving up bread because I loved Panera bread and cheesy bread. Potatoes and rice I liked but don't really consider to be sacrifices. I can eat all the cheese and meat I want. Never hungry. Never tired. And no weight gain because once the fat is converted to keytones, it can't be converted back into fat for long term storage like with glycolysis. The only problem is getting enough salt.

Good for you I am just saying for fit newfags it is to extreme but I agree if you can do Keto it is probably the best possible diet.

Can't stress the animal fats enough. it's the most readily digestable protein source, animal protein is good for you. taking a nutrition course at university redpilled me about food, including a lot about how corrupt the food processing and agriculture industries are. seems obvious, but it surprised me how openly we discussed these issues. It's made me wonder about smoking and how bad it really is. Everything under the sun has turned out to be a lie or debunked and I've felt smoking was one of those topics. I know there were some smoking redpill threads a few months back but they seemed like shitposting more than anything. Anyone have any info on smoking? I know risks are largely genetic. Anyway I haven't read the thread, maybe there's already some info.

I don't understand how its "extreme" or how a newbie is going to "fail and its gonna be awful".

Are they going to blow up like a balloon on it because they accidentally had some BBQ sauce or the yogurt they bought accidentally had some added sugar or something or are you just speaking in terms of sticking to it?

Every workout I do starts with the 2.4 k run as a warmup. It's sufficient to get a good warmup but not enough to really sap your energy before weight training. The biggest problem you'll run into is that rough leg days can really interfere with any kind of running the following day. Even bicycling can be rough if you overdo it.

I reccomend two cardio/core days and three weight days. On the cardio days aim for 5k to start. Once you can do 5k in under 25 minutes add another k, keep going until one day a week you can hit 10k. Scale to your schedule but try to hit the gym more often if you can. You'll need to figure out what works for you.

No they won't be able to stick with it. There is a small group of insane people like you and I who can do things like that and then there is everyone else.

also once you become fairly strong at a beginner level with both weight and cardio, you can adjust cardio/weight ratio depending on if you're trying to bulk up or not.

Well here's what I do:

The single best diet on the planet. Basically eliminate all modern processed foods and simple carbs: no more white bread, pasta, rice, or sugar, no more potatoes either, no shitty trans fats. Stick to whole foods, and even then limit flour and glutenic cereals in general, mix Mediterranean, paleo and vegetarian diets, but don't eat a ton of meat like every paleo retard and make half your meals vegetarian, and don't abuse fruits. I'm not diabetic myself, but I met plenty who eventually became healthier following that diet than ever before. Doing it myself, I can certainly confirm, it's weird in a way that your body has next to no reserves, but it keeps you on edge instead of making you a lazy slob that feels like shit 24/7.

I only eat when I'm really, really hungry, about every 18 hours, so I skip one meal out of two, alternating between skipping lunch and only eating lunch. Allows me to put twice the money on food and get really healthy stuff, and gives me more time for cooking too. And then I do the most important thing that needs to be done: I sit down at a table and take my time to eat, and I never eat alone.

Once a French navy instructor, he wrote literal Holla Forums-tier books on it which are worth a read for that alone. Here's the most defining quote of this method:
Hiking, running, high/long jumping, climbing, rope walking, javelin/discus throwing, lifting, French boxing, Greco Roman wrestling and swimming are my weekly activities. I do most of that everyday in the neighborhood, walking/running in-between activities, leaving only lifting, throwing, wrestling and sparring as dedicated activities.

That stuff is enough for me, and it requires little of your time really.

We could get Trump to reinstitute a similar nation wide fitness program, I mean for fucks sake michelle obama, that ape women, was supposed to be inspiring kids to do pushups and eat right. What's stopping Trump from actually getting kids to do pushups, pullups, 1 mile runs, and eat better by cleaing up the absolute shit usa school food. I mean, pizza, burgers, french fries, should be fucking banned form schools. Why do US schools feed their children such trash? It must be jews, I tell ya. We're gonna make school lunches great again, believe me

I disagree, strenght is fundamental, but the final goal should be to join the mind and body, so whats is considered with the mind can be done with the body, and what is done with the body is considered by the mind in a nice healthy feedback loop. the extra final goal is to go beyond even that.