Sorry bro, this is the only other controller I have
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Is that a dildo ?
It's okay, I brought my own
That's fine, I'm just happy to play with someone.
is this a mouse?
Nope. It's a Transformer disguised as a mouse
how the fuck do you hold that
You don't.
I assume the right hand holds the yellow handle and the left hand holds the black handle, don't know how comfortable it would be
Most of these look more like space ships than controllers.
There has never been a good third party controller ever.
of course! this one, I'm going to use the official one so that you have the advantage
It's like you don't know what you're talking about or something.
ok now you're just posting dildos come on
It doesn't feel nearly as bad as you would think from the way it looks.
I like my controller better anyways.
We had all these threads back in the day on half/v/, faggot. If there's anyone who's new here, it's you.
Every time
>Unsheats controller
What's the twist and lock thing for?
I bet that second one would go well with my Fedora lamp.
so what is the best fighting controler?
No, the idiot who owns it just broke the the thing
I got this thing. Its pretty good for PC things because even if you can't change the control scheme to fit the controller, you can actually program the controller to fit the game.
So while everyone was pissing and moaning about lack of customization and stick support in Street Fighter V, I had it day one and all I had to do was switch to a profile that was mapable on this thing (you get a default and like 3 mapables)
You're retarded. That shit is not only rare and worth a pretty penny, it's arguably the best way to control GBA/GB/GBC games on the Gamecube.
I own one and it's comfy as fuck.
That's all kinds of gibs me dat goddamn.
And it pisses me off to no end cause i'll never see a good mech sim on PC that could use such a beast.
You know that doesn't seem all that bad. I mean you'd need to have it set up in front of you instead of holding it but it seems like a nice angle for the controls.
"Tim, you just handed me a Bop-it. Where's my controller?
Just a stab in the dark but I think the grips move up and down. So it's meant to lock in place at the angle you like.
While it might be
I don't think the idea is necessarily bad. I mean a metal construction, not looking like a Swiss Army Knife with everything pulled out.
Whoa, I was just posting everything I had of controllers.
Sorry I upset your autism.
Kill yourself.
At last, a controller for Goro.
It's actually a pretty good controller for twin stick Goldeneye. I wish I had one fifteen years ago.
The ultimate controller.
Kill yourself.
fucking chinks man
is that Donald Trump?
So you can lock your bike up when you're not playing gamecube.
So I'm not the only one seeing it then.
Sorry bro, I have the grey one.
The orange one is for fags.
TBH I took this to school as part of my Halloween costume in th 80's.
I shot everyone that day, it was full of lulz.
The fuck is wrong with him?
"A real hip controller for a real hip videogamer, such as myself!"
Its stuffed crust pizza!
There's mozzarella in there!
Like pottery.
If you're going to be cancerous at least do it right.
That has to be the most uncomfortable controller… holy shit my head hurts at how fucking awful this is.
Holy shit I never noticed that before.
You best not be implying the negcon is bad. It's the best gamepad imaginable for racing games and second only to an actual wheel.
Almost all the records for the classic Wipeouts are set with negcons, they're traded like gold bars in the Wipeout community.
He doesn't care what people think.
I wonder how many anons got gifted these items growing up
what is the context?
I need that for.. uh.. laughs….
It's not porn believe it or not, some user probably has the summary of what it's about somewhere.
I thought it was porn at first too.
I think that N64 controller is for goldeneye's dual analog mode. I imagine it would play pretty good with that.
Ask and ye shall receive.
No way there's that many games in there, even by the "standards" of those bootleg bunch of games in one collections.
I think I'd kill myself after reading that.
It's not so much the idea that bothers me here as the AWFUL execution.
Most of those bootleg games are really light. Assuming they're 100kB on average, you could fit 10 million of them in a 1TB HDD.
I meant more like there's no way somebody made that many games for it. Even if they took every bad bootleg game anyone ever made, that couldn't be over 10,000 to be extremely generous.
Though I also doubt they'd actually employ a storage device of 1TB either, knowing the price point those things aim for.
what the fuck, i need to read this. so whats the actual name of it?
I don't know user, there's plenty of people in China doing bootlegs for a bowl of rice. Who knows how many there's out there.
The way most of those cartridges are set up is with maybe a few dozen games and then nearly endless iterations with small memory changes.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. where you run a little faster.
Super Mario Bros. where jumps are a little higher.
Super Mario Bros. where jumps are a little higher still.
Super Mario Bros. where all blocks are somehow coin blocks.
Super Mario Bros. where one of the levels has an extra block somewhere.
Super Mario Bros. where one of the levels has an extra block somewhere and you jump a little higher than usual.
When there's a more realistic number, they're usually more deliberate alterations, like, say, Contra where you respawn with a certain weapon or start on a specific level.
"Числа", or "Numbers", by Виктор Пелевин, or Victor Pevelin.
You might find it in his collection of stories called ДПП (nn).
For twisting and fuck you
I want it just to fuck with people.
To be fair a cassette player would be useful if you were ripping music from old tapes. Especially if its something like punk or hip hop
I hope you swapped the stick and buttons for better ones because they are trash.
X arcade sticks are overpriced junk.
is that after so many hours of use? because honestly I don't see really much of an issue.
Jesus christ.
Holy shit, that power supply.
when you're a fucking billionaire you tend to not abide by all of everyone's rules
I would argue it is better than an actual wheel.
I eat the crust first on my pizza, because then the rest of the pizza is delicious topping on pizza bread. When you eat crust last, it means the last bite you have is hard bread. Why would you want that?
cut the crust off of each piece, and eat them as bread sticks in garlic dipping sauce
As strange as console controllers can get, they don't hold a candle to weird arcade controllers.
I can just hear the calories dripping from your fingers.
I make up for it by exclusively drinking water :^)
time to learn russian, does anyone have any good places where to start?
Some places have really nice bread, though.
I miss having a little bakery nearby. They had some great soft pretzels. I can get close, but not quite there with my own oven. Still, the most critical thing is dipping them in lye. Baking soda and egg wash won't cut it.
Looks more like John Miller.
How fagging often do you eat pizza for that to be an issue, you disgusting monster.
I've never made my own bread ever, unless you count naan. But I make really good naan bread. I don't use any preservatives though, so I usually only make it when I expect guests, because it doesn't really last more than a couple days before it needs to be tossed.
Naan is for fags. You make good fag bread.
Roti's where it's at.
Let me answer your question with another question, when did you realize you like taking it in the ass?
Roti is just naan bread prepared in a different way. wut
No one else liked it seemingly, but this n64 controller was perfect for my monstrous giant hands.
You're a naan prepared in a different way.
ids grottin' doo zalgty in heer :DDDD
Man I can't even get close. Bread is some kind of sorcery to me. All other forms of baking I've got DOWN. It's science, you measure and time and execute precisely and at the end you have a lovely cake or pie or souffle.
But bread. BREAD. It's too volatile. There's too much non-science fuzzy logic involved. You have to corral living creatures like some kind of Lovecraftian zookeeper, feed them and control the course of their lives before casting them into FIRE to die and become nutrients for you.
I can't do bread.
I love Ievan Polka.
Duolingo is free and on par with $200+ language learning software.
I know what you mean though, the language selection itself is very limited
Honestly it kind of sounds like a Russian version of Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse.
Transform and Roll-out!
Spicy chicken, garlic sauce, salad and naan bread. Those were the days.
Technically Turkish is Asian too, but yes, I mean the EAST Asian languages.
Fuck, your'e making me hungry, shut the fuck up.
but also Europe :^)
Nice 43
That looks fucking awful.
There's also a PS2 version.
Also here's the prototype.
Odd. Lian Li normally makes high-quality chassis.
Yeah, bread's weird, touchy-feely and demands fucking around. When you finally get something out of the oven and see how it turned out, the feedback you get can mean completely different things depending your oven, the humidity, the flour, the water hardness, and these are all before even bringing up the quantities, times and processes.
On the plus side, I did learn the importance of a certain kind of test when it comes to research in any imprecise area: going out of your way to specifically fuck things up in one dimension. I had trouble with figuring out how long to knead until I deliberately and definitively overkneaded just to see what would result. Turns out I was chronically underworking the bread before, even though I thought I was being on the heavy side.
You know, unless you're going for that artisan no-knead bread thing or something else very wet into very hot, you really do have to work that fucker.
I was looking for this fucker, but you beat me to it.
This doesn't even make sense considering MW2 isn't a lightgun game
Neither is Resident Evil 4 but that didn't stop them from making a gigantic chainsaw controller.
>As long as it can be plugged into an USB port and every button is functional, it's accepted
>Ends with two chinks playing competitive Catherine using dildo controllers
I own the PS2 version. It looks really nice in its display case. Also doesn't feel as terrible to hold as I had assumed.
Donald Trump does everything
But how is he going to become president unpredictably if he's so clearly going to win?
Find me evidence to the contrary.
Are you ready for the darkest era for America?
If I could tell you it wouldn't be unpredictable
I can't.
A female as a head of state is the sign of a dying nation.
Can't argue with that.
surprised no one caught this
yeah I'm hyperkin so what
Neither was Final Fantasy X-2.
Note: not actually a lightgun.
Jesus fucking christ this thread
Whats wrong with a cooler master elite case?
Honestly for anything short of a full sim it really is, you don't need an elaborate desk set up with a clamp and pedals.
I really wish somebody made a 3rd party version with an analog left shoulder button and xinput for modern machines.
Meant to ask earlier, do you make it the traditional way?
Nothing really. I guess I grabbed it by instinct out of my folder because of the owtheedge color scheme.
Have to add that the start button is pulling the start chord. It's retarded but charming.
How about the Master System Girl.
So that's what the pull cord does. That's different from the CG version.
Fuck no I don't, because those things are expensive.
nigger a tandoor is literally a clay pot that you light a fire inside of
you can make your own by scraping clay off your local riverbed
user, you said it wasn't porn but going by the synopsis posted, it sounds an awful lot like porn.
Didn't mean to imply it was bad. But you have to admit on first sighting it is a bit funny looking. Same for the Jogcon which had fucking force feedback on the little wheel, though sadly only Namco racing games really supported it. Though it does make you wonder why there hasn't been a replacement for it. Guess making wheels is more profitable.
I know it from Star Wars Racer Duel Control method Think of the arcade machine.
I remember being excited for that being a potential feature of the Steam Controller and then being severely let down. Are the controls ass? I might legitimately pick one of those up if I can customize it to a PS2 layout and then a 360 layout at will.
It really is a girl, I'll be damned.
The jogcon strained the nerves in my thumbs the only time I got to try one.
You sound like a skelly
Do you have autism or something?
When my girlfriend took these weird drugs that made her clit huge. Prostate stimulation is great with someone you love, user.
degenerates like you belong on the cross
quotes like yours belong in a shit game
Are you sure your girlfriend is really a girl, user?
I need that N64 one to pretend i playing with niples
I knew Tokimeki Memorial would make it to the west someday
Because I'm so pious, I deserve to be treated the same as my Lord and Savior?
Yeah, Dubs. There's still a vagina, and there's no urethra in the clit. Okay, fine, I confess. He clit isn't big enough to reach my prostate. Her Bad Dragon totally is though.
My mall had a display for a bootleg N64 that plays Famicom games set up during Christmas 2004
Even though I'm in the first world and therefore we could've had a display for Halo 2 or something.
what are you supposed to do with that claw thing
Yeah, bullshit.
And no, if you're somewhere in western Europe or somewhere then it's still not first world, europoorcucks have always had to spend their life saving on American cum.
Slip like Freudian
Your first and last step to playing yourself like a massive faggot
Squeeze your nips
Actually I live in the US
What are those even supposed to be man? what are the extensions for?
For prostate stimulation, obviously.
this discussion is happening in a strange controller thread
I love it
I have one of these.
It's weird. Works well with Descent though.
What does the orb do?
You hold on to it and move it around and the orb's movement translates directly to what you're controlling, giving you complete freedom of movement in any direction.
i went to india when i was a kid and ate so much bread. proper tandoori naan is the good shit.
What is that silver Wave bird wireless controller for Game Cube for $600 Alex?
Pathetic. They really are the Texas of Asia, and ultimately deserving of their fate.
I think I want to fuck Nep, she looks so smug
and play with those controllers in her hair.
Is she taken?
polite bump
i must know more
That's an ou5 of context edit retard. Holy shit.
No, she's not taken.
She's also not real, so it doesn't matter.
Then work out you fucking idiot.
Is that a hamster cage?
There are an infinite number of Neptune's user, go wild.
Here's your gamepad bro
These things are actually the shit
I had one of those. I remember playing Tetris on it a lot.
Are we gonna see a dark souls run like that guy who used a guitar?
I have that 64 controller I thought it was perfect