Looking for a new game to waste my time

Okay, niggers, I have quite a bit of money but I'm cheap as fuck and would like to buy a new game via PC. I'm willing to spend at least $30, but the cheaper the better. I want something new, and don't care if it's indie as long as it isn't shit.
I like survival horror and RTS games similar to Dawn of War. Platformers are also in my top tier.

I can play anything and everything on the market as of now. That excludes Doom, since I've seen the gameplay and know it's shit.

So far I have, as of 2016:
-Witcher 3 and DLC
-Rise of the Tomb Raider
-Warhammer 40k Eternal Crusade

I've heard some great stuff about Dark Souls 3 but also that people are getting banned left and right due to hackers.
Though, I still have yet to play Scholar of First Sin.

Bump, you stupid niggers

Nigger, just go and play some emulated games, you probably have a rig that can emulate ps2 and gamecube. Go play the wild arms games or some shit rather than waste your money on games you arent gonna play.

I can emulate, but I have an actual SNES and PS1, PS2 and most JRPG games that were released when the genre was in its prime.

Why would you ever get Overwatch or Battleborn?! Better games are out there!

Damn it, even Paragon looks a million times better!

Well, whatever. survival horror, get Dead Space 1 and some of the old silent hills and Stalker too.

Try Perimeter if you want an RTS. The terraforming is fun as hell, it's also kinda creepy, so you could like it. Maybe try emulating something old you were not able to play when it came out.

Nigger, there are plenty of better games that can be played with friends for free or extremely cheap. Serious sam hd has prettt good multiplayer, along with UT (really any, i think the new on is free), and quake 3 arena. Stop spending your money on this shit or go back to reddit.

Wow, your tone really makes me want to help you out mate, being called a nigger makes me feel so helpful and willing to assist you! Its totally not you who's the stupid nigger, the user who bought Cancerwatch!
Rudeness aside, Planetside 2. Some anons have a squad on it and its pretty fun.

Depends on how you like to spend your time. Of those you listed, The Witcher is great as the video game version of an epic novel that will take you 60+ hours to beat once. On the other hand, games like Overwatch theoretically have infinite replay value but are largely repetitive in 10-20 minute segments. Which of those directions you prefer is really a matter of personal taste; some people prefer to sink days marathoning JRPGs while others spend 2,000+ hours in TF2.

Personally, if you really want to blow a lot of time I recommend getting into grand strategy. It takes a long time to learn but has ludicrous replay value. Best results if you like historical games.

Kerbal Space Program is also a great time sink with a steep learning curve.

Too bad you can't think for yourself and make your own choices. Come back when you actually have enough taste to discern what you do and do not like.

Depends on what you want

Lisa: The Painful RPG. It's an RPGMaker game with a soundtrack done in a trial version of FLStudio. It's also got some decent writing, great humour and a touching story. The dev did an interview here ages ago.
Crypt of the Necrodancer. It's a dungeon crawler rhythm game, where you beat monsters to the beat of the music. It gets very hard later on, but the soundtrack and boss fights make up for it.
Space Engineers. It's Minecraft in space, with dynamic grids. It's also got C# scripting support, so you can build a ship and code in a life support system, or build a satellite with a rocket launcher and program an autolevelling script to keep it facing down. Just look up some Youtube videos, people make all sorts of crazy things in it. Downside is it's in Early Access, but the devs update it every Thursday.
Human Resource Machine. It's Assembly made fun, and has some nice puzzles to it.
The Typing of the Dead. Make sure you know how to touchtype, or it's not as fun. The original isn't on Steam, but TToTD: Overkill is. They're both good but the original is better.

Alternatively buy an old console and mod it. Burnout: Revenge and Ninja Gaiden: Black are pretty fun, and you can't get them on PC unfortunately.

You stupid fucking idiot, I'm saying I have a rig that can run anything. Suck my balls.

Jesus fucking christ, you really are a worthless shitbag. Why the fuck would anyone help you?

Kill yourself you disgusting fucking subhuman.

Shut your whore mouth, you stupid fucking faggotass cocksucker. I don't give a single shit about what you have to say. If I have my own opinions, I'm "unable to form my own opinions".
If I like whatever Holla Forums likes, I have to endure countless autistic games only to become a basement dwelling neckbeard. I have other things to do than play video games, you mentally decrepit faggot.

Then why are you here, faggot?

OP are you from reddit or just underage?

I regret posting in the first place.

Grab Battlefleet Gothic:Armada, user.
You want to destroy emperors enemies in void, don't you?

Trails in the Sky

You also have shit taste

… Well alright then
Roll for em, lads

Casting for wizard.

I was hoping for fist, but im ok with this too.

Just play Monster Hunter then, and grind for literally every single piece of equipment in the game.

There, I just gave you something to do for like, five years.

I hope you're trolling.
