After just giving up years ago on adventure time...

after just giving up years ago on adventure time, i kind of want to try to pick it back up and casually watch it in the background to try to get the 'good story' out of it, is there an episode guide that cuts out all the shitty terrible filler and highlights the good episodes and story arcs?

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Why would you want to watch this shit?

if it actually has deep lore, like steven universe then its worth watching

OP is the equivalent of someone whose only been fed McDonalds his entire life and has never tried anything of higher quality, so he champions McDonalds as the best food ever when it has as less nutritional value than the contents of your garbage bin.

Maybe if you want to laugh to their pathetic attempts to create a story

the only thing bad about the show, is the fact that they release 5 episodes in a week, 4 of them are filler, then go on hiatus for another 6 months. this fucking schedule has absolutely killed the hype for the show, to the point where i have forgotten it existed before because there is no news. ever.

Just go here and use it as background noise

If there isn't already, I was just about to suggest that someone should make exactly that.

then why don't you watch all the episodes in order?

Half of the best episodes are "filler", and a good part of the story arcs go nowhere. Just try all the episodes of the first 3 seasons and skip the ones you find insufferable

you faggots are fat for a reason.

So, by your logic, if I tell someone that there is more than one way to skin a cat, you’ll freak the fuck out and call me a cat killing psychopath because you’re autistic? Got it.

You cat-killing psychopath! Get the fuck out of here.

here is all you need to know

you like to skin cats? you sick fuck.



whats wrong with stong women?
you dont want to be overpoewred by your gemfu?
who is greg?
and finally:
nice meme words.

Greg isn't respectable, he just isn't annoying. A golden turd is still a turd.

Are all Steven Universe fans this retarded and obnoxious?

I stopped watching right after Lemonhope killed my final bit of hope in this show. From what I can gather it doesn't get much better until maybe Season 7, where it just becomes boring nothing and never stops being like that. Some have said the Islands mini arc is good, but honestly I think they're just deluded.

There is plenty more wrong with the show than just that and you know it. For example, there's no story.

While looking at SU it's easy to mistake the events that transpire for a narrative. I mean, they meet new friends, fight enemies, and discover all kinds of new things about their world, how could there NOT be a plot? Well, despite all of these "big events" occouring in the show, never do they directly tie in to one another. Steven discovering something about his mom doesn't have any effect on the direction the show takes, the next episode doesn't show him asking anyone questions or searching for the answers himself, which in turn leads him to stumble upon something that spurs on further events in the episode after, it's essentially forgotten and instead followed up on with an episode about a pie eating contest or some stupid shit like that.

One of the most egregious instances of this happening is in the episode "Room for Ruby", where a little angry red person falls from the sky and ganks back the ship Steven and company effectively stole from her and her cohorts who work for Homeworld. Now, if you've seen previous episodes, you'd know that the CGs are essentially hiding out on earth from Homeworld, and them being discovered is very high on their list of concerns. Having Homeworld discover them would lead to Earth being invaded and everyone being killed, so a Homeworld operative returning to base with such information should be a major OH SHIT moment. Now, what do you think happens immediately after this? How do the characters react to these events transpiring? They don't. Garnet just shrugs and reacts in a way that is tantamount to having a cute dog knock over a plush toy, saying something along the lines of "Dawww, what a little rascal." Nothing changes, the CGs aren't scared shitless and trying ANYTHING to prevent that red person from returing to Homeworld and ratting them out nor are they trying to hide in case an invasion DOES happen, they just forget about it and move on, and the following episode is about something totally divorced from this seemingly big development… at least until a later episode when Homeworld finally invades and begins snatching up humans, but you see what I mean, right?

A story needs flow, it needs events to logically follow eachother in a way that makes sense, and SU almost never does that. SU prefers to bring up these plot points for an episode, forget about them for fifty episodes, and then bring them back up apropos of nothing and expect us to give a shit. The only time I can think of them NOT doing this is with Jasper after "Alone at Sea", whose presence basically shaped the events of the rest of the episodes until the end of Season 3. Granted it wasn't perfect, but it was the closest this show ever got to a running plot in it's entire run.

Aside from the vocal gaggle of emotionally insecure and mentally damaged faggots, most aren't any more cancerous than any other fandom, however said faggots are easily worse than the most cancerous ones of shit like FNAF or MLP.

That sounds like something a goddamn fanatic would say. "It's just a vocal minority!" Bullshit.

Can you also explain everything bad about AT as well? I quit watching about the end of season 2.

Can you fucking read?

But it's true, though. You don't see every SU fan being like Awestruck "Triggered Nigger" Vox, most just keep to themselves and make art/comics that are arguably more interesting and entertaining than the actual show. And anyways, i'm not a fan of SU. I just got into watching it because I had heard it was good. I only keep watching it because laughing at it is still entertaining and I'm 4 seasons in on this trainwreck and it takes a special kind of bullshit to make me stop watching something.

Again, I haven't actually watched past Lemonhope, but i've perused many a AT JoJo thread and know a bit of what happens. In no particular order…
That's all I can remember.

It's funny, there was this one thread where I asked this very same question and got some dumb faggot trying to sell me on specific episodes for around 3-5 posts. I wonder if he's still autistically screeching over my stating JoJo is better and more entertaining…

You're the one who can't read, nigger.

He's your responsibility. Either cut the tie, or accept the tumor.

Please stop. Television means you can TELL what is going on with your VISION. If you don't have the free time to sit down and fucking watch it with your two eyes pointed at that screen, don't even start. Turn on a radio while you polish your dildo collection or whatever it is you're so fucking busy with that watching a show from start to finish is impossible for you.

Asperger's Time is a great show with horrible execution that stopped being interesting because the creator Penn McBaldBeard or whoever he is can't write a cohesive plot or a funny joke to save his life. Combine that with the worse animation and unfunny side characters getting their own episode and you have a cartoon that's aged worse than The Simpsons in less time.

I'm not a fan of SU, though. If any nigger needs to read it's you, nigger.

Then you've cut the ties, which is good, now shut the fuck up about the good of people you don't associate with.