Ex-Inteligence Nigger Official Openly Threatens President Trump with ‘Rebellion’

Ex-Inteligence Nigger Official Openly Threatens President Trump with ‘Rebellion’

“The things I’m hearing on the street from people in the former members of the intelligence community are not positive,” Nance said of relations with the White House. “This brings them back to the period before he made his visit to the CIA, where he was spending every day insulting the intelligence community.” Nance suggested that attempts to tie the recent leaks regarding former National Security Adviser Micheal Flynn may backfire. “Now we have the tweet where he claims the FBI are involved in illegal activity, illegal leaks. This is not going to end well for him,” he said.


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tippity top tier kek, please "bring your message" of pedophilia and drug trafficking directly to us CIAniggers, see how well it goes for you.

Pick one

That's the same nig who told Milo to "fuck off" on (((Bill Maher's))) show.

A Clinton Fan Manufactured Fake News That MSNBC Personalities Spread to Discredit WikiLeaks Docs

These "people" do realize what kind of shit will go down if they touch so much as a strand of hair on his head, let alone assassinate him, right?

Double dubs of truth.

dubs confirm, cianiggers will burn in the (rising)fires.

When are we going to enforce treason and sedition.

Sure thing spook.
Fucking try something, I dare you.

"CIA nigger" might be my favorite meme-primitive of the current years

This, when the fuck is President Trump going to start convicting these fucking retards of treason?


No, that was the other nigger.

agreed, and checked. thanks terry.

That guy is a joke:


"Claimed US former spy says that WikiLeaks analysis staff are equal to three hundred people with government jobs"

and the very first day of the Podesta e-mails Malcolm Nance was saying they're forgeries:


Never trust niggers

They both said it. I think this one said fuck off, and the other one said go fuck yourself.

rechecked, friend


Did you watched his press conference last week? Well, at least he seems to gotten more redpilled on nuclear threats. I studied nuclear physics so I can imagine Trump's stumped face when the intelligence community redpilled him about Pu-239's biological effect. I can see him going from orange to white when they redpilled him about how close we are to times where governments will have to actively stop nuclear bomb attempts by muslim terrorists/white nationalists/etc.

To add context, currently the only TWO pieces of technology that make muslim terrorists/white nationalists/etc non-nuclear threats are: centrifuges (enrichment process) and explosive lenses (bomb making).

So they're down to "no u r" for their counter-narrative

OP was such a faggot again BTW


Trump needs dismantle the CIA.


high level military and spooks are well known for holding that opinion, hopefully it turns into a re-run of the failed turkey coup.

It's quite possible they've broken enough laws already that it no longer makes a difference. They may decide they're better off taking their chances.

A few thousand limp wristed desk jockeys vs 150 million well armed amerifats. this should be fun.

STRAFOR We are changing foot. IT IS ACCELERATING

General awareness

The LEFT "IS!" ACCELERATING. There seems to be a great shift in pace in the media today. It started last night.
The global political left seems to be making a drastic shift in rhetoric and action toward acceleration and
you can mark 2/19/2017 as the day i happened.

The overall happenings such as……………………………….
kim jong un bro…kim jong NAM
russian ambi dead
leftists marches chanting allah akbar
the culling of milo
the outing of the WH leak
the intl trade of military weapons at all time high

summation? - A. THEY ARE MOVING TO 3D

Spl police and int agencies are on the leftists side
standard police take their orders from chief and commanders (up for grabs
Military and snap forces take their commands from Trump

RWDS take their orders from Trump but no one has seen an RWDS even once
Leftists are out in streets by the thousands and they feel righteous
Random non-msm E-news fags trying to calm the right and say don't stoop to the leftists level..its what the globalists want.


It is time for us to Coalesce our efforts and amplify what we are doing.

No. I don't think we should "accelerate" what we are doing. I think the correct chess move now is to boost the lefts acceleration.
They are the ones trying to larp meme in real life - a war - with everyone that does not agree with them. So much so that they are blind to the outside forces that want to infiltrate our nation and make it look like the middle east. They are so willfully blind that they don't see the beheadings happening in times square 30 years from.

Communists used to be the number one terrorists, then they gained political power, became professors and even the fucking president of many nations. Their massive success is what inspired Islamic terrorism and are funded by the same jews.

They are still a strong number 2 behind islamic terrorism. Still fucking up a lot of shit in south america.

Nigger, what?

Same guy who was talking nonsense on the Bill Maher segment. What he said about needing teams of guys working around the clock 24/7 for ages to analyze email data is a complete crock. Guy is full of shit.

did he look up from his script even once? what a fucking joke

Soon the C.I.A. will be replaced with P.O.L.

This nigger is part of the same "intelligence community" that couldn't find any wrongdoing when hillary took hundreds of millions in donations from foreign countries

user, they're drug-pushing, child raping, nation toppling, terrorist supporting, mind control experimenting, communist loving, illegally operating on us soil traitors. It's death either way but maybe behind door number two they can escape an execution if they play their cards right.


Trump needs to start hauling these niggers out and shooting them in the face.

If Milo was worth anything at all he would have called out this disinformation spewing nigger when they were on Maher's show but he was probably too busy fantasizing about sucking his cock.

The ones at the top yes, but id wager good money that the lower ranks and pawns actually think itd turn out in their favor and that everything would go back to normal. Remember, they are heavily brainwashed

Nobody gives a fuck what that insignificant nigger has to say. Please kill yourself chaim.


Don't start what you can't finish, CIAniggers.

time to dox, no?

I thought lyin' Brian got fired from NBC

They're fucking clueless as fuck if they actually think they're well-liked by Americans at this point. After the cocaine trafficking, the opioid epidemic, weird human experiments like MKUltra, I think most of us want the Alphabets to go fuck themselves. The actual intelligence community isn't like they're depicted in shitty Hollywood movies, chasing around the cartels during the day and Muslims at night. Even during the Cold War, when they should have been keeping their eyes on Communist subversion, they were doing stupid shit like overthrowing Iran's government on behalf of BP. The testimony of people who make a living disseminating lies is worth less than nothing to me.

The question is - how many Soros-Maidan leftie kids could the CIA mobilize if it came to it? Could they be trained properly? Armed in any meaningful sense? Would the loyalist military fire on them, or would the job of exterminating the troublemakers fall in the laps of partisans while the military hangs back and waits for one side to gain a decisive advantage? There's more questions than answers right now. One thing that's for damn sure is that they are opening discussing sedition against a lawful administration, and the longer Trump takes it on the chin, the bolder and more treasonous they will dare to become.

Negro has a P.O. box and a land line
PO Box 457 Stottville NY 12172-0457
(843) 797-8447

What's interesting is the phone number goes to Charleston SC; I don't think this guy wants to be found.

funny how easy it is to wipe your name from the net when you work for the federal government; but when the average citizen wants to they must be a terrorist

From which any callers will no-doubt be easily traced, so anyone doing this is advised to not do anything stupid.

You're forgetting niggers.

NIggers aren't nearly the threat that the intel community has become.


No wonder he's so salty about Trump, kek.

How much do you want to bet the nigger is running guns and/or drugs?

This nigger is a piece of shit.

m-muh russians

Is this the same nigger from the Mahr segment where he argues that the leaks had to have been done by 300 russians?

I'm bored with this nigger tbh.

Dude is some rah rah 'merican "seaman" who bought into the brainwashing probably because the nigger knows he's a diversity hire and then decides hey things aren't going my way for once so lol let's just usurp the Republic!

never forget.

Not only that but the fucking retard bases his entire identity on being ex-military; all he fucking does is write books and work as an analyst because somehow this dumbass working on some fucking compartmentalized intel shit makes him the "authority" on the matter.

He also owns another house and runs some fucking bullshit hippy feel-good crap for "veterans" read: POZZED POGs who "served" read: wrote a bunch of memos and pretended he was le ebin spy

He'll probably kill himself pretty soon tbh; he's going to be unable to reconcile his newfound beliefs with his brainwashing; he's already starting to develop a split personality, won't be long before he goes completely batshit insane and cuts his dick off or something.

One last thing:



context? dude looks familiar

linkedin com/in/maryse-beliveau-nance-a3b40049
datagovus com/philadelphia-property.php?id=222165300 (archive.is/iHDSk)

229 E DURHAM ST is a property in Philadelphia. The market value is $172,800 in 12/31/2012. The property is built in 1915. The property owner is Nance Malcolm · Nance Maryse-beliveau.

whitepages com/name/Malcolm-W-Nance/Stottville-NY/his1pmh
(843) 797-8447
BellSouth Landline

It's the "300 people needed to use thunderbird search function" faggot.

seems like MSM is pushing his ass hard.
He needs to eat lead passed through an oil-filter

and to think, he was right all along.

who fucking knew?

sounds legit :^)

I remember reading a couple of threads about how in a revolution usually only about 10% of the population participates. In the United States, if polling data is to be trusted, about 30% of the population would commit armed insurrection if push comes to shove. Something like taking the guns or removing Trump could be the catalyst. And I think the intelligence community might be actually worried because the media isn't working as well as it used to in shaping public opinion.

The best part of this bullshit is that the MSM is absolutely OK with this, if not encouraging it explicitly. Person in question is a foreign affairs columnist and editor for Time Magazine.

www .linkedin.com/pulse/winners-losers-mysterious-deaths-adi%C3%B3s-c%C3%B1n-ian-bremmer

And we'll do it for free.


This is why all niggers need to go the fuck back across the tracks at 5pm and be 100% subservient to whites (not kikes) at all times.

Thats exactly what I thought. I scanned through at least 30k of the 55k podesta emails in a matter of a few weeks. That nigger was saying it would have taken 300 Russians working 24/7 to go through them. Then he went on to say how they were able to so quickly (in 2-3 days) bring up a subject that was in the news and dump all related emails, as if that doesn't take a 10 second word search of their database. What a fucking jack ass.

Only one thing matters at this point:

all pedos and satanists must die.


You'll never get your 10 cuckbucks back goon.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Malcolm Nance is a stupid fucking nigger.

Why bother going to intel briefings when the alphabet kikes are just going to lie to you anyways ?

Also your post reeks of goon stink. even the formatting is off.


He needs to go farther. We don't them scurrying off to another country like every other time in history.

No one gives a rats ass what former intelligence officials feel - they're no longer relevant
current ones will do their duty
just something surprise, surprise left-leaning MSNBC likes to stir up at least once a week it seems.

you'd think he'd live in a nicer house being a bought nigger

I presume at least half of the underground wants these crimes to end as well. Hopefully the administration forces the e-branch to side with the side that hates the crimes. Nobody in their right mind would want to fight for the losing side. If the administration is capable of handing out trillions of dollars in LOANS to banks then I'm guessing they operate on overkill mode.

Atrocious crimes have been committed legally.