Anime Nazi Waifu Thread

Post your smuggest nazi waifus to trigger the goons invading the board right now.

Other urls found in this thread:

Noice. I need one of these threads after looking at so much cancerous cuckchan memes on this board.

but why

reported for being a goon.






She's the best.




Thread theme

Why has there been no nazi anime fashwave OC yet?

Seriously, you're not helping. You are only sliding the board more.

I wish I had more.

You have to fight cancer with smug just like You have to fight fire with fire.


Fighting fire with fire only creates more fire user.

Then so be it, this is war.

We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn.


God's work user.



Very semitic of you. Do try to be less transparent next time.


Your useless report won't do anything, just like this slide thread. Kill yourself Chaim.

Stay butt-hurt, goon.


You niggers are going to die painfully

Kill yourself, goon.

You first, faggot.




The only bad thing about this thread is I can't repost these images in other threads without a bypass

I don't have a problem with smugs, but seriously?



How many of threads have been made as of late?

There have been some philosophy threads, book threads on the other hand I do miss. Im just glad they now allow self-improvement threads.


What's your point? Go make a thread then. Don't use that as an excuse for making a thread totally unrelated to politics.


Hasn't been a book thread in about a month, which is a shame. There was a thread on "Easy Meat - Multiculturalism, Islam, and Child Sex Slavery" a week or so ago, but it's not as thought-provoking as other books discussed here.

Shit, forgot my anime girl.


Either you took that one out of context or I didn't ask that right.

I've been curious as to the number of these kinds of threads popping up (smug animu) and was wondering how many have come up lately.

This entire thread is degenerate trash


As I've said before many, many times: there is an entire board dedicated to Holla Forums-related books, newfags like you are of course not aware of that though.

On an anime related topic will Sean Spicer has a press briefing?

Euthanize yourself


I miss the spice.

Care to name it?

Fuck off iamkampfy. Nobody wants to use your shitty 1pph board. Why are you trying to control the narrative here and stifle intellectual discussion? Really makes (((you))) think.


wtf OP



But where did OP go?

Sage the fucking thread.

Hit and run (((OP)))

Why? This is a great thread.

It's off-topic. Sage this shit.

Nope, it triggers the goons and cuckchanners so it's here to stay :^)






No its not. The topic is animu nazi girls and all I see are posts with animu nazi girls.



get out

Please accept pic related as an apology.



When will 3D adopt the purity and beauty of 2D?




After the "Final Deal"


The fuck Holla Forums?



3DPD will be replaced by A.I waifus and will repopulate the continent of africa once the nigger race is genocided.





Reported also.

Don't talk to the faggot, please.

3D women will get the rope then

Ok, friend.

Of Course!

And I'm done.


Thanks adc9aa-sama and bce065-chan.

Drown yourself.




Asspained goonfag

you're welcome


You're welcome.




Techno kitty!


I never thought I'd see this "not art" fag once again


You're so pretty pretty

You lack the spirit of the ArtFag. What a waste.

You are the only one claiming it's art user-kun


Techno kitty kitty

Idk, go make an art thread if you're so inclined.
You forgot to sage.

It looks like you made a mistake user-kun this isn't an art thread.

Flying through the air so high

You're like a shooting star that lights so high!

Flying through the air so high!

These threads are necessary if for no other reason than to cause massive ass ache in those who do not belong here.



You're so pretty pretty!

It is good to admit your mistakes user-kun even tho you keep typing like TRS but if you really want an art thread you should go and make it friend.

Techno kitty you're so pretty pretty.
Techno cat!


Once upon a time the makers of a game called techno kitty adventure was planning a sequel

You're so pretty pretty with a broken heart!

No, why do you ask user-kun?

I just dont get it why post images of people painting instead of the paintings. Why complain about this thread and not create your own classic art thread?

so fly so high and never come down i'll move like you to the techno sound!

Top lel, there was an art thread a while back. In it someone mentioned a video called The Banishment of Beauty. It is a must-watch for all the artfags out there.
Don't pick on Finns



Ban evasion

flying through the air so high like a shootting star that brights up the sky!



Once upon a time the makers of the game techno kitty adventure requested a sequel and A SONG AND THAT SONG WOULD HE CHEESEY AS POSSIBLE.THAT SONG WAS NEVER HEARD.


I'm sure you're jsut pretending to be retarded

very nice

Until now.

Why don't you tell us all things that aren't art.
Comic books?
Go through the whole list of "not-art" artfag-kun.

Now show the updated version! Where the western art is a bunch of literal shit and blood on a canvas depicting children being raped by Satanists and Japanese art is pic related and this isn't even a good example I could have cherry picked way harder I could have used 5cm Per Second but I took the high road.

I cant believe my eyes
A techno feline!?

Techno Kitty Kitty
You're so pretty Kitty
Techno Kitty with a rocket pack

you're sliding other threads, the value of their content aside, and doing it in such a way as to artificially inflate a thread that has no merit in begin on this board

you're not from here, get out

Up in the sky
flying way up high
I can't believe my eyes
A techno feline

No art
Many pictures of artists
And one big ban-evading autist.

Techno kitty you're so pretty pretty.

I won't stop.Not until the goon stops spamming the thread.

It's not about art, it's about exorcising goons.
Shoo Shoo Goon.
Your leader was knocked out by one of the worst filmmakers and your online presence has been fucked, rightfully so, you filthy degenerate kikelovers.

Not smug, more like enthusiastic.

Beautiful people, strong willed, nationalistic country loving people, Hitler was a man who saw his people being destroyed by the evils of this world and did everything to try and stop it.

Up in the sky
flying way up high
I can't believe my eyes
A techno feline
so fly
Up high


user you're the one spamming this thread
and you could be spamming real slide threads instead of making one
nobody would object
hell you could be posting here


that's a fucking good joke

Ugly, weak willed, insane, Hitler was an insane man who did evil things because he was just an evil person and the Jew dindu nuffin wrong goy!

Remember to sage.


Sorry mein fuhrer I forget does saging work when you post images?

(id duppels are checked kamerad)

So pretty pretty

why should i stop if goons and cuckchanners get so salty over cambodian rainbow girls?

Well, the allies were the best golems back in the day.

They were probably jealous of superior German 3D technology, or something.

What would anime look like in a axis victory scenario?

whose upset about the nazi waifus?
I'm pretty sure people are annoyed that you're spamming the board without a political topic
I'm sorry to say the webm thread is more on topic than this

It wouldn't exist at all, because it's degenerate bullshit.



Thats exactly what a undercover goon would say.

First of all anime would exist perhaps less sexualized and stuff but it would still exist. What is interesting though is would we still get things like Gundam or LotGH which were made by people who were depressed about how the war ended.

well you have no clue

It would because we say so.
And it will in the Fourth Reich, so kill yourself.


Sage and report for obvious kike shills.

already reported the thread
adc needs to learn to fuckign dump 4 images

When Barron Trump order the 1st Idol Division to wipe out the Jewish Fleet they won't be laughing at us!

One of the trendiest threads on the whole site.


We are growing stronger soon we will pass through the veil soon no one can stop us.

wew lad

Inter Dimensional War soon fellow Wizards will you be ready for anime to become real and Nazis, Space Marines, Weaponized Idols, Meme Wizards and the God Emperor wages war against the Kikes and their Alien Slave Races to free reality from the Kikes control.

adding my own work.


pretty gud tbqh

where can I buy this? "ぷねうまレコード" site is gone.


I'll sage for off topic, but I just want to say that the second picture is obviously of Herbert Maxis's Bf-109, he was shot down by American light AA at low altitude during "Operation Bodenplatte", he managed to belly-land his plane but the AA crew shot and killed the 24 year old pilot immediately as he tried to climb form his cockpit. They left him dead on the wing of his plane, but before the MP got to the site, souvenir hunters had not only started to pull of pieces of the plane, but had apparently looted all of his personal equipment and all his clothes.

Remember Slide threads don't actually work here because the board allows to many threads and it is not as fast as cuckchan, sageing is pointless as fuck because bumplimit is so fucking high and degeneracy is 90% of the time just a buzzword used to derail a thread. now go to the Red Pill Thread and educate yourself.


Yeah cool. If you're here you can't shit up another thread.

This is how mentally defective you paid shills actually are. Seriously; this IS how you behave. You're too easy to fucking bait.

Tell me more about how mad you are?




Post ore smugs


Fuck shills.

Yukari a best

Yukari is cool but I prefer Erwin

Erwin has good taste, but this Anglerfish Team detachment in a MI-24 invalidates your argument


No sign of best *actual* nazi waifu. Come on guys.




Retards can't comprehend the fact that anime is a medium through which we can meme and represent aesthetic ideals.

Lots of normies only see the sperg side of anime fans. Some of the best stories are told through anime.

Violence Jack
Ninja scroll (movie)
wicked city

Cant remember the rest its been years since I watched any.

Anti-Anime is a codeword for anti-white

Downboat negated.

I'm not really sure how to feel about those you named

I thought we japan did some fucked up shit, but shooting at a downed pilot is pretty fucked up.
Please keep Europeans and other Whites from killing each other over meaningless wars between brothers; pictures and accounts of the European Theatre always pains my heart.

Can someone post the Holla Forums cat getting ass fucked by the fat old men?


Stop posting and lurk moar.
Polite sage.

haha meems


Why are biyoris so warlike?


I think that for Japanese pilots to get a confirmed kill they had to also kill the pilot, and this lead to Japanese pilots often shooting at parachutes.

Forgot the "L"? The word is "Feigling" (coward).
Nouns are always capitalized in German.

The American military did some pretty fucked up things during the war. It was a total clusterfuck; some grunts were totally brainwashed into treating another white man like that, just shooting him while defenseless. Sometimes they were simply too scared because they had been led to believe that the Nazi would be on drugs, or so fanatic that he would never surrender under any circumstances.

There was actually an excellent scene about that in "Band of Brothers" where Major (a lieutenant at the time) Winters is advancing on a German position. The Germans are totally unaware that the U.S. Army is advancing on them. Winters leads the charge and he sees a young Wehrmacht soldier stand from his position. He can't be more than a few yards away and the German soldier doesn't even have his weapon at the ready. Winters stops, time seems to slow down. The young German's face changes as his eyes adjust to the sunlight, where Winters is coming from. Winters shoots him square in the chest with his Garand and he dies. In the heat of the moment he doesn't think about it, but after he's promoted, that killed young soldier during the charge keeps haunting him. He sees the soldier's face in greater detail, slower motion.

Band of Brothers may have been directed by (((Spielberg))) but at least it tells real war stories and the soldiers themselves use their moment on the screen to say that really, the German soldier isn't really that much different from them. In the post-show interviews they said things like: we could have been friends, maybe gone fishing together. This is the true entry-level redpill in my opinion, understanding that the Germans get along with our culture well (many of them moved here in the 19th century and gave the deep South a lot of its traditions). Jews fucked themselves with their own anti-war narrative.

Link to scene in question:

That first picture is taken from something that actually happened.
The reason the kraut looks so confused is that they'd been sent to inform the British troops that the Germans would rather they surrendered due to being outgunned, outmanned and in a lousy position.

Naturally being Brits led by a British officer they were too crazy to surrender.

From 'A Bridge Too Far' about the Battle of Arnhem


Never. Why the fuck would they? Even the landwhales will have someone chasing them.




you all are fucking autistic




triggered goon detected


get out goon

Does daughteru count too?

user, Tanya is the SECOND Reich, not the Third.

I heard there were a few goons and here.




That body type/face shape/freckles never fails to make my dick diamonds.

Nine fucking days.

Why so triggered, goon?

The only way you could be more triggered is if you had to face Uwe Boll in a boxing match, goon.

Yes we know, stopping masturbating to anime is a crime.


Bumping this thread in order to trigger the goons.

Stay triggered, goon.


Goons get out.

Are Nazi Were-cat boys acceptable waifus?

No sodomites

I want one of Herr Goebbels so bad, he's my favorite apart from Hitler.

Assuming much? Or projecting? Or wishful thinking?

Anyway, liking anime grils is so mainstream, every poo and their mother jacks it to hentai bewbs.

So you're just as degenerate as the left?
Have some 3D chowder.

y eben libe, [email protected]/* */


Any goons to trigger today?

Tanya is my daughter