Casuals on Holla Forums

You disgust me.
Why not drop the act? Just stop pretending to dislike a game and show your true colors from the start.



He's right, no amount of saging can change the simple truth.
However here's what OP doesn't understand: Holla Forums is a joke.
If you take anything written here seriously you're a retard.
Buy want you want to buy, pirate what you want to pirate, if you let anything written on Holla Forums influence your life you're too stupid to breathe, because that very same person writing that shit on here doesn't give a fuck and he might be doing the exact opposite of what he just said.

I'm actually considering buying Overwatch. $40 is an attractive price for a new game
No pre-ordering though. I want to know what the final product is like and the player numbers first

Remember, fellow scrubs: Gitting gud will give you ADHD like OP

I'll probably play it since my friend is excited to try it out.


It's been like this forever.
At least some of those playing the games are pirates.


The people who are the most afraid of shills are the people who shape their opinions based on what Holla Forums tells them.

Pretty much this. I can understand asking people opinions on certain things, but if you use Holla Forums as a guide for life, you're dumber than a sack of rocks. I mean, I know I've got shit tastes but I enjoy them so I don't give a fuck. Holla Forums has always been a den of hypocrisy and fronting and anyone who says otherwise is lying.

"DONT EVER LISTEN TO SLASH-VEEE!!!!!!!!!!!" -A user of Holla Forums quoting a user of Holla Forums

It's like any other forum, you don't want to get your opinion from just one place.

That's totally what they're saying. This is clearly an all or nothing issue

Enjoy your new fallacy book, niglet? Hey, posting a picture of a knife in your ass with a timestamp is for casuals who can't git gud. I'm a Holla Forums user, telling you to not do that. If you ever agree with Holla Forums then you're a scrub. Connect the dots.

This site is shit now, what do you expect. Take a gander at the catalog: template threads, generals as far as the eye can see, thread #38549 complaining about censorship/circlejerking the latest shitty weeb fan service pandering game that doesn't censor, 36 doom/overwatch/dark souls threads.

Compare this to 4shit's Holla Forums's catalog. No difference.

But user I love you

Exactly. Its best to have an informed opinion from more than one place if you really want to use word of mouth for recommendations. Holla Forums is just one of those places. Just not a very good place for it.

Jesus, where did it all go wrong?

I WANT to say it was when Undertale released but it was probably before that. I just want to know if we could've stopped this.

Holla Forums told me insurgency was cool and i bought it and it was a good game.

Holla Forums told me that evolve was going to be a microtransaction-fest, i didn't listen, i bought it.

Of course if you take the "Holla Forums is one person" approach, wether you're talking with somebody retarded, a shill, a memelord, or somebody with some thought in their words will depend on the time of day.

But in the end it's up to you to distinguish between all these people, that's why Holla Forums is so hardcore, it's the souls-like procedural competitive imageboard with visceral-gameplay that's a spiritual successor to 4chan.

See? i took so long to write the post i turned from the smart guy to the memelord within that time.

Anyway, this thread is shit, starfox was always shit, and deus-ex was okay i guess.

I already do that. One of the only 2 games I'm truly excited for is Persona 5 and I guarantee you SMTfags will be crawling out of the woodwork to shit on it even more than they already do come release. Letting sperglords on Holla Forums majorly influence your tastes is retarded, we only ever talk about a couple dozen games consistently and a lot of the Holla Forums-approved shit is fucking garbage as far as I'm concerned.

Not to mention that 8/v/'s moderation is almost as inconsistent and disconnected from the users as 4/v/. And Holla Forums's main administration is arguably worse than 4chan's at this point.

You sound a bit defensive.

It went to shit a couple months after the exodus but I still prefer 8v just for higher filesize limit, multi image posting, and overall slower board movement.

You're an insecure tryhard with projection issues.

Look I'm spouting buzzwords too!

i tried to get to the bottom of this line of reasoning and i hit a neverending loop

Can you not differentiate the posters from the board? Holla Forums isn't a person

You should have fucking played it with your friend during the beta test so that you could see first hand that the game is poorly designed and not enjoyable.

blow me dude
this games beta was amazing

cant wait to play it

You gotta understand that most people that frequent Holla Forums are lonely kissless permavirgins, so they long for any kind of "community" they can relate to, which makes them tune their opinions to whatever is accepted by that community.

It's like 12-year olds watching lets plays because nofriends, basically.

i recently bought bloodborne and loved it
support games you like and try and not support devs/publishers that a use shifty jew tactics
super simple stuff
i believe people can do better than this

Of course, you could always get the luck of the draw. My point was listening to one source is never the answer just because its occasionally right about something. That's like blowing all your cash on the lottery because you won 50 bucks on a scratcher that one time.

They're not wrong though. The sheer amount of shit you need to wade through these days to fine a decent new game is massive.

We get it user, it's so hard to be a unique, non-conforming 15 year old

The only solution is to enforce tripcodes for everyone.

Why isn't there a /bane/ version of that minigame?

Stop this shit



mark is a pleb, tell me something i dont know

why are people concerned with fitting in? why not just talk about video games?

They never used an image board before?

What is Mark's steam avatar? Is that an FF character?

You puzzle me.
Why not drop the act? Just stop pretending that you just want to sell your shity game and show your true colors from the start.

nah, from xenoblade

Downvoted because I got triggered.

goy come on, stop being difficult. youre starting to give me a holocaust. its only 40 bucks itll be fun. you can buy it with all the money youre saving from the amiibos you arent buying

Dunban from Xenoblade

Honestly I think things would be nominally improved if people actually paid attention to rule 8 and additional stipulation 2, it would weed out a lot of casual shit.

i always pirate

So how would we improve the board to begin with?
We can't magically stop others from acting retarded, without some serious hotpocketeering.
And when the hotpockets do start banning people for being retarded, they just ban evade and start more shit because they thought they were innocent, which is why Mark prefers a hands-off approach in the first place.

Pop up that tells people how to hide threads?

of course, but people want Holla Forums to be their Holla Forums. the problem is that line of thought goes both ways so people feel justified in shitting up threads that violate their pussy.

People constantly talk about how the industry is dying and that video games are getting worse and worse, but honestly, unless it's an unfinished mess, most AAA games have some merit to them.

I don't know if a "chill the fuck out" reminder would help or make things worse. I'd say like a 30 second timeout where you can't post, but then you'd get a timeout long after you made said post

It's Fallout 4 all over again.
Except as always, the shit company wins

When does this happen? People only get mad when they can't talk about a game without half the thread calling them something they're not.

Protip: Not everyone who disagrees with you is being paid to do so. People have different opinions.

What AAA game lately has any merit? The only place they've improved at all is graphics. They're inferior to older stuff in every other way

Just because something isn't the best thing ever doesn't mean it's the worst thing ever. If you want every game that comes out to be better at something than a game that previously came out, of course you're going to be upset.

Oh yeah, where was that sentiment in OP's post when he accused anons of pretending that they don't like games, so they won't but them. I guess negative opinion doesn't count as opinion, right? they just

whats sad is that its hard to come up with examples for pc games because on that front weve mostly just been getting shoddy ports from AAA. i dont really mind that much because the good games tend to have a hell of a shelf life. as for consoles mario kart 8, splatoon, pokemon super mystery dungeon, bloodborne and ratchet and clank are alright.
if i was familiar with the vita i could probably come up with a few more.

He was expressing frustration about people on Holla Forums shitting on a game they like just because they're trying to fit in. Of course some people aren't going to like a game, and that's fine. But don't pretend people aren't flipflopping like a motherfucker every time a game gets any sort of attention.

How the fuck does he know whether they're actually like it or not? Is he a telepath?

Exactly but because it isn't the worst thing ever doesn't mean it has merit. See pic related. AAA stands out in absolutely no ways. Its just mediocre. Its bland and generic

Exactly, its just sad that there's nothing to write home about. I want to like new games, I really try but I just keep being disappointed

Because he's on Holla Forums and sees it happen every often. Hell, even Mark does it.

I suppose merit isn't the perfect word. I guess value would be closer to what my intention was.

Ahh fair enough then, I can see people finding value in some AAA games, though like I said I'm not one of them unfortunately.

That's completely reasonable, as long as you don't act like a cunt about it. Live and let live, I say.

maybe the AAA we know has run their course, if they can redeem themselves that would be fantastic but change and "death" are a part of life for some reason. a lot of games anons seem to be fond of are from when these studios werent that big. thats kind of happening all over again, people love hotline miami, stalker, EYE, endless legend, dwarf fortress. its just a little worrisome it isnt happening faster but if shit ever settles down ill bet itll get to that point, people just have a lot of shit on their minds these days cause its not just video games that feel like theyre flying off the rails.

You know I'm not going to lie and say I'm beyond all that since I do like to occasionally shitpost and give people a hard time for liking stuff I don't like, but that's done out of boredom and I just find it fun sometimes. But I don't actually care what they do

I honestly don't see normalfags giving up on AAA any time soon, they are too easily fooled by marketing and fall into "hype" as long as AAA companies can keep that up long enough for the masses to purchase the game then AAA will sustain itself.

I remember Ubisoft said they were going to let their devs form small teams to make some lower budget games, and Child of Light was one of the games that were a result of that. I don't think I've heard about anything since then, though. I only hope that kind of thing becomes a trend among big publishers.

We all shitpost. I like to make fun of games as much as the next guy, but I know I can do it without genuinely pissing people off. As long as your fun is coming across in the post, I don't think people will mind as much. Most of the people here are mature enough to laugh at themselves. I think

A man says "I'm lying" is he right or wrong?

they wont give up on it, after all people still go to the movies and watch 40% commercials on tv. but whatever. im not saying theyll die as in go under, just die in spirit.

Everyone here is underage pretending they aren't! It's simple truth!

What's next? Taking tips from Holla Forums about knitting techniques?

Why do you think there was no Persona 5 thread when the pile of new info came out from the magazines? It's because SMT fags come out and try to derail the thread by talking about Strange Journey and other SMT games most SMT fags haven't even played themselves

I admit that made me kek. I basically meant how there are some people here that will basically only play "Holla Forums approved" games. Those faggots are morons. I would watch a "knitting with Holla Forums" vid out of some sort of morbid curiosity though.

i wanna see them knit a comfy swastika afghan blanket

astroturfer pls go

>people make a few threads about it because it's fun

This is why we can never discuss anything besides ace combat

Seriously it's getting flat out retarded.
Oh you talked about a game, fucking stop shilling.
You get like 4 people who are talking about the game period, and the rest are just yelling Shill and Cuck.
God forbid you don't like a game, then you're somehow a shill, a supercuck, and just a nasty troll who must be ding dong bannu'd

it's a shame some didn't like it.

I found it super fun

If the Civ series is going the path of Heroes of Might & Magic, only faster, it's better to follow the advice of anons on Holla Forums than to waste money.

The quality here has definitely gone down, but it's still better than the alternative, I feel. And either way, you're a fucking idiot if you only let either Holla Forums decide what games to play without making an ounce of judgement for yourself.

found the shill

There is.

good one. guaranteed replies.

You idiots who are paranoid of shills are fucking hilarious though.
As if anyone sane would invest money into advertising on this shitty website.
It's devolved into just a meaningless insult now because of how overused it is. "shill" is the new "cuck". It has no meaning.

They only do that on reddit, and MAYBE 4chan.