President Trump laying down the truth this morning.
Who else thinks this is to prepare the public for the "big work" that starts later this week?
President Trump laying down the truth this morning.
Who else thinks this is to prepare the public for the "big work" that starts later this week?
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine your country becomes such a joke the President of the United States feels he can openly mock you even when you're allies. We don't even treat Canada this badly. It's hilarious.
Don is a true red pill dispenser.
(use archive, nigger)
At the very least it's a good opportunity to redpill normies about Sweden. I was browsing some enemy blogs the other day and some people even mentioned that they had never heard before of "right-wingers and fascists claiming that feminism and immigration has ruined Sweden."
I love my President so fucking much
The Guardian has an article on how Swedish crime has gone down lel.
Comfiest morning I've had in a long while. Thanks, Don. My coffee is all the richer and the sun is a little brighter now.
How is it even possible to spin statistics that way, the rape stats are so insane there I thought they were some sperg making them up. I had to see them myself. I couldn't believe my fucking eyes.
I can't help but notice our President got himself dubs with that tweet.
The stats are a complete cover up in the first place. Police have stopped enforcing the law for almost all petty crime.
Its like Trump is from the future, even when he supposedly makes a mistake it still works out in the end. Sweden is finally being put in the spotlight for the whole world to see.
I cant help but notice YOU got dubs.
I just realized my ID also has dubs. W-what does Kek intend to do today?
And he got the same dubs as Trump!
Oh I bet this'll get him some flak from MSM kikes. Fucking glorious.
How bad HAS sweden gotten anyway I haven't kept close tabs on it, last I checked place is on fire and possibly some zones are converted (violently) to sharia law?
They just legalized child marriage the other day.
in 5 years if they do not kill ALL islamists then sweden will be totally muslim.
I don't know what to make of it
Did…did we elect a 1980's style Bully as the president of the united states? This is the best thing that has ever happened by a large margin.
>the US has considerably less violent crime than Sweden
What the fuck…
Okie doke
Reminds me of the dumbass global warming horseshit they showed at the Olympics this last time. The "ice caps melting" sequence ended in 2009 because they couldn't show the caps growing back.
It really shouldn't suprise us that much what he thinks of sweden, but I'm glad to see him say it up front
Also, nice Bond digits, OP.
They will not release statistics for 2014 and forward.
Read about "kod 291"
Truly, the one word comeback is the most powerful comeback of all.
He just keeps getting better!
US Funding of swedish far-right groups when?
WELP thats just lovely. You serious or fucking with me?
That I can buy. Easily, it's how they work these days move in until they outnumber the cops and then start slaughtering everyone who isn't them. Religion of peace indeed!
There any unoffical sources for statistics out there or is it memoryholed by Holla Forums's favorite (((Friend)))?
I am so proud of my President
The informed opinion seems to be, that more crimes are being reported
And regarding rape, more crimes are being categorised as rape
I hope trump changes the gop logo, those inverted pentagrams don't give me good vibes.
Now's the perfect opportunity to rain down some archived articles of the various rapes, memory holed accounts of swede women trying to come out and tell authorities about the sexual assaults.
Crank out those redpills. Everyone should know that twitter is already compromised even harder to expect to get banned. Kikebook is too, but you can still get some redpills out.
I wouldn't call the "politically correct" opinion "informed".
Reminder the media meme'd their own demise.
A swedish woman was recently raped for 5 hours on a facebook stream by shitskins. Attacks like that isn't happen when it was a more racially pure country.
Even his ID has dubs.
Not that I know of, however I don't read Swedish media EVER. I might have missed something. There was a police officer who is soon to retire that dropped his spagetti but it was all anecdotal evidence for his experience in his own district.
Nice dubs there friend.
Required Viewing
America Will Become A Nazi Country By 2019 (PROOF):
Those are the four leaders of the parties that make up the neoliberal Alliance coalition. They tried to assosciate them with the alt-right label with them, it never stuck.
The Hitler subs are inaccurate in that video.
SD are liberals?
of course they are.
Get us webms then required-man.
Kek is warning us of a great purge.
They don't report crimes at all in the no-go zones, because they don't go there.
Wouldn't be surprised if the real stats were 3x worse.
Anti-immigration liberals.
This is an excellent demonstration of the power of systems thinking over goal thinking. Trump doesn't have a goal, but rather a system. You can set up systems so that you have a lot more ways to win than you do to lose, and that the few losses you suffer are minor while the wins are big. His favorite tactic is to create situations that are no-lose for him. He's damn good at it.
Remember CTR's sad attempt to equate Trump to Biff Tannen?
It worked. Just not how they intended.
because the difference between cuckistan and canuckistan is that we just don't take in any sandnigger who shows up at the border. We take in far too many sandniggers, but at least they're mostly educated, so immigration causes less damage than in mostly any other first world country.
That sounds like "free-market communists".
Kikepedia says they are "ethnopluralist" tho
Tell me about Kod 291 fam. I looked it up but it seems like it's some secret code the cops use when dealing with Anti-System rebels. What is it?
Are Swedes the most naive people on the planet for Christ's sake? It's almost as if their government forbids outside media like NK or China.
Go kakka in the metsä nigger. test me.
as said.
Jimmy Åkesson is not in the picture.
They are exactly like the other parties only difference is that they want less immigration. And they are very anti-islam.
Sweden is not a ally of the US
You're in denial leaf. Your country is Sweden in 2010. Your suffering will be used to justify further crackdowns here, so thanks for that. But you will suffer.
Because Sweden suddenly became the rape capital with magic, right?
60 Minutes crew in Sweden attacked by refugees:
Swedish politician speaks on camera about immigration issues and expresses different views when secretly filmed.
I was linked this yesterday
break your links you stupid faggot
What do you think? It's all in English and you can't distribute those forbidden opinions there, they're not 100% at fault (most probably think everything is fine, and that one relative that got raped was such an unlucky person).
Where can I get a finnish grill like this?
No it's not denial. No shitskins is too many shitskins. My point is your own: we're a few years behind but it'll come. Thank God there's millions of acres of free land to live cozy here for the rest of my life if SHTF.
Donald Trump is the best Shitposter in Chief the US has ever had.
How could you possibly know that? Barely 50% of the nation showed up to fucking vote in total.
I also love how they found 1-2 people to hold up and claim "See! This is what Trump supporters think! We got these two guys, both of whom look Jewish btw, to say things like 'Some of the things he says are pretty fascist!' and 'We should just destroy the whole country (of Syria to destroy ISIS)'! That's what they all think go-erm, guys!". They even wheeled out some Ivy-League shill to kvetch about Trump being a fascist.
> 'Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victim-hood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion''.
And then you look at who produced this video:
So fucking disingenuous and false. I'm truly starting to hate these people.
Second link is shoad due to account termination for copyright reasons.
we all identify as finns because of their superior culture
"It is forbidden to be a criminal." Haha, I recently saw something on that new version of Brit Top Gear in Germany. They were talking about a conversation between a German and an American. The American asked what happens when you lose your license there. The German replied "you cannot drive." The American kept asking well what happens if you do drive and get caught. But the German didn't follow. He said "no you CANNOT drive." I hope we can help our fellows in Europe, but I do love American spirit. They really do seem to think that their governments are God huh.
As always, projecting what they are doing into their enemy.
This is what they are trying to spin with their "alternative-facts" bullshit. Focus on the facts, which they can selectively showcase and manipulate, or even produce fake or counterfeit statistics just like in this case, to try to frame Trump as liar, while ignoring the rightful political message that is it's content.
The fact that they are willing to openly showcase false statistics about the obvious, impossible to hide, case of Sweden shows how far they are willing to go.
Their ultimate goal is probably to discrediting all facts and impartiality, turning all discussion into politics and all media into advocates. The truth is on our side and if they won't be able to keep lying in the face of it anymore, so now they have to discredit the spread of information.
Since they still have influence over "statistics" (remember fake polls) and even "intelligence", they can even come as far, in some case of attempted coup against Trump, as to provide false documents, something like showing false tax-returns with ties to Russian oligarchs, which would be obviously false but with facts not mattering anymore.
We need to purge the media, keep fighting against them and exposing their blatant falsehoods and agenda when they lie it bare just like with "The Guardian", expose the wikileaks redpills where they openly coordinate with the DNC.They are already very discredited, but the less power they have the better.
Mmm, mmm, yeah… Now, which is more likely:
Should be rather obvious to anyone who is informed as to the context at hand.
Swedish Fox News cops hit out at filmmaker: 'He is a madman'
of course crime goes down when you stop calling it crime.
They call it Grand Tour now. It's bretty gud.
Does anybody have a better quality copy of this scene? This was the only version I could find on jewtube a while ago
Forgot one
Sweden: est 77% of rapes committed by 2% Muslim male population – Crime statistics
Even pozzed vice
Fucking Poo in loos calling out Swedecucks about their rape problem
Muslims from North Africa are 23x more likely to rape swedish women than the general population:
Massive police officer resignations because the pozzed Swedish government won't let them protect women and little girls:
20.6% of social workers and 14,8% of teachers in primary school quit their jobs in 2015.
This comes at a time when Malmo needs thousands more workers to handle the refugee crisis.
In 2013 (before the refugee crisis) 57.5% of the population in Malmo had an immigrant background.
Without the government throwing money at Malmo, the city would have been bankrupt a long time ago.
Former Swedish PM: Sweden belongs to the immigrants - not the Swedes
Muslim populations:
This is the best Swedish police are allowed to do by the way
attacks sweden
Sweden no go zones
Somali immigrant rapes a 12 year old girl in Sweden while yelling "black dick is expensive" and gets 180 hours of community service. What the fuck, Sweden?
Sweden YES!
Sweden had literally ZERO rapes only a few years ago. Now it is the rape capital of the world second only to South Africa. In Norway ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of rapes are committed by foreigners. 27% of rapes are committed by foreigners in the UK, even though they only make up 15% of the population.
It just goes on and on. Violent crimes, rapes, and other fucked up shit are skyrocketing not just in Sweden but across Europe. You would think letting them in they would be nice and thankful. Nope. They are subhumans and I've met thousands of them personally only met one that wasn't always chimping out who was any good and he was a fucking doctor. We shouldn't be letting anyone who isn't skilled in to begin with if at all.
DIY, nigger.
archive isn't working for me right now because kikeflare is being a bitch.
Man, I love that rare dieselpunk aesthetic
Hotpockets should edit the posts then. Going out for a drink. Fuck this pozzed earth.
who has that image of wojak with the small and big brain?
polite sage for off topic
What did President Trump mean by this?
That was a message directed at you. He knows you enjoy penis and wants you to stop it.
edit it into a template yourself bum
I appreciate it, and I intend to.
And yet MSMcuckmedia is saying trrump is a beeg stoopid meanie meanie pants sweden greatest! All they have is literally calling him stupid because he's NOT WRONG. I love this timeline so much!
Umm son are you shitposting or that young?
Will the finns be the first to return to fascism?
Reported And Filtered
Did you even go to High School?
Ackshally that german spider tank ran on petrol.
If you like this type of stuff check out Keith Thompson's art site.
he should tell swedes to break free from their cucksheds
Is this the guy that did a capital ship sized version of Einhander that could also turn into a mecha?
great success
You'd both like Maschinen Krieger if you don't already know about it.
Hello Scott
The Canadian media is as controlled as Swedish media and covers up non-white crime. The fucking government has suppressed racial crime data for almost 3 decades because of what it shows.
I guarantee you that Canada also has Islamic rape gangs and other problems now endemic to everywhere else these people have been let in. Parts of Toronto and other major cities look like fucking Detroit, Chicago, London and other shitholes now.
I'm not autistic, talked to maffia leader in Serbia. We got along well. He ordered a hooker to fuck me for free, I didn't decline. She was hot and I don't care.
test me nigger..
MFW Media and Corporate businesses have usurped nations in power of influence. :(
MFW the Fourth Reich crushes them all with a giant stone in SALEM.
it's both user. they use the new definitions of "rape" to make a plausible excuse for the rising rate to hide the actual factual raping going down. iirc it's also why they gutted lots of their statistics about the race of perpetrators around the same time - they knew this would happen and didn't care.
Dust if you're a fa/tg/uy.
Coincidentally, I am. Thanks.
Oh God, I want to kitbash them with Orks so bad.
I'm imagining what a WW2 themed BF2142 game would be like, and it's giving me an erection.
Leftists really are children.
se on ok, there's /cuteboys/ is for you. Dubs confirm me..
Feels good
I think the women consider a slap on the face a violent crime in Sweden. Their overall stats seem too high even pre-90
Their overall nigger population*
Also Sweden forgot to keep all the blacks in ghettos like we do, so they get forced on the population even more. There's no liberal states to force them into like in the U.S.
I really want to get into that stuff.
trump should really point out all the riots happening in france and compare it to sweden too
when the media goes ape and says its not happening, it'll make le pen win by that much more
After through reading and research, more and more I'm beginning to understand why the majority of white women voted for Trump. Because they know they are the main victims of the shitskin hordes and their overwhelming and real rape culture. Or as I'd like to call, ape culture.
I know more people who didn't vote, but support trump than I know people who voted for either Trump or Hillary. Why didn't they vote? Well they tell me because they don't believe their vote matters and that the entire thing has always been rigged.
But yes, it takes a good look through to see just how detrimental niggers are to society. They even have lower IQs than gorillas.
Satan whispers truths.
A-Are they…./ourgirls/????
Guntanks>spider tanks
The third pic is the best. 1st one looks retarded
Third pic is gay. Second pic is ok.
The pics have little backstory blurbs on the site, the lore is more interesting than the picture usually.
The real difference is that subhumans are concentrated in 3 regions in an extremely vast area, compared to Sweden. Canada also has a shitload more exploitable natural resources that are fucking useful.
The US and Canada have practically a sibling relationship in a dysfunctional family too, thanks to proximity and history. The US is the brash rebel big bro with a high position in the underworld. He will kick ass and do whatever the fuck he wants before asking questions. Cucknadia is the introverted drug addicted whore of a little sister with a heart of gold. She knows her brother's friends and does what others want to be liked and recognized. Murrica does intervene often so his lost sister doesn't stray too far because deep down he still cares about the few remaining family he has, yet he'd wish his sister would get her shit together (Not to mention the resources are worth keeping close). Meanwhile Sweden is seen as a tranny third cousin.
We're all refugees of the Hyperwar, user.
If you refuse to prep the bull, it is probably considered violence in Sweden.
Fuck that, if you want a total globalization of white mystery meat, go with that argument. I know though that every single European ethnicity is different to others, at the very least culturally. The "white nationalism" bullshit only can work in mongrel nations like the new World but in no way should it ever be favorable in Europe. Europe needs a temporary truce and unity to remove outsiders, just like in the crusades, it certainly doesn't need to mix with eachother. White isn't an ethnicity, it's simply a race.
Post Hyperwar wiki entry
Tbh, Europe is already lost. Head for Slavland and hope you'll live long enough for Reconquista.
Being in burgerstan I agree white nationalism is probably the only way to go since so many different white ethnicities are mixed here. I'll be in favor of coming up with the term Anglo-American to refer to people of European origin in general here.
Low energy bait
Tbh, you're already a fag and should be put in to a oven for the crime of defeatism.
F-friendo, I…
I'll agree for the most part. Sweden just needs to have all the white folk evacuated before it gets glassed though.
I'm already in the snow dunes of northern Canadia. At least here winters are so rough that browns only tolerate to live 2 hours south of here, they hate cold and snow. The only problem is the price of things, housing's reasonable but food is way over expensive.
I consider Anglos to be crypto-Jews ever since the 1800s. the US is majority German and Irish, Anglos aren't in the top 3.
The difference is the huge ocean compared to the smallish Mediterranean sea.
1. Deep breath
2. Lean into microphone
3. "WRONG"
You don't seem to understand. We rather die than give up are land. I will not die under the lgbtbq flag So my war will be guerilla war, I don't expect any support.
I get the majority of whites are German and Irish and the Anglo blood has been diluted. I also do understand how Anglos can fuck stuff up for nationalists.
I was just more or less referring to Anglo-American as a potential term to describe European Americans (e.g. My family is three quarters German and one quarter Anglo and one of those families had some Iberian blood too).
There's something about calling whites non-Hispanic whites that is degrading.
I don't want to refer to my race by saying what I'm not, I want to say what I am. And I think Anglo-American works unless you can think of a better term.
Fuck off mate
Yeah I thought that metaphor was much too kind. Canadians are clearly much stupider and mean spirited than even the memes make them out to be. Heart of decaying leaves maybe since your country is in it's Autumn/Winter years.
Call them Western European descendants. Euro-descents seem sadly misleading ever since traitors consider Turkroackes and gypsies part of Europe.
It turned that way since Trudeau Sr. , buddy. I'm sorry but sadly it became our fate. My province tried to bomb the shit of things in rebellion (although later we learned it was financially backed by the CIA and aimed towards a commie revolution) but Martial Law got declared on us and my ancestors got wrongfully arrested. Prove to me Canada really went against US policy since the late 60s.
White women usually vote Republican, this is not an aberration. Trump got a lower number of white women than Romney both in terms of percent and raw number.
The women in my family voted for Trump because "he'll keep us safe and Clinton is corrupt." I think it's a common theme.
pic unrelated
Until you get rid of Common core and Blind allegiance to a flag that lost to Vietnam and Snadniggers, you have no place to talk about Intelligence. The smartest people, who were born after 1960, in the US are those who were educated in Europe.
Well it's clearly meant for air combat, whereas the others are for ground combat
I really don't get why western mech fags always shit the bed so hard when they see a humanoid mecha
polite sage for not politics
Get out.
You, get the fuck out. Giving allegiance to tehe flag means acceptiong Obongo, Wilson creating the Fed, FDR and accepting JFK's assasination. Fuck off, slave.
You gave yourself away with "Anglos are crypto-Jews", Learningkike.
Jesus christ that fucking stings.
When you graduate primary school let me know, maybe then we have a discussion about politics. Until that day pay more attention in English.
Learning chode's aim was to make Germans not white, he was pro-Anglo. Hang yourself, kike lover.
You fucking D&C Kike.
They sure don't train goons like they used to.
Cool revisionist history. His aim was to divide us over anything and everything, it didn't even matter what. He started the "Greeks are not white" meme too, but I suspect you already know that.
Honestly at that point, would you just be more related to another white person than those nogs?
Why, why can't we just get rid of the damn nomadic theives?
Yes. Despite the claims by marxists that whites are magically more diverse within their own ingroup that any outgroup. His racial kin could be any random white person as they would have a closer genetic bond.
The graphic designer who came up with that final logo has no idea how based he is.
Whites are just more gullible. Once they actually have mixed kids they realize they will never look like him and that they have destroyed the possibility of producing any white progeny for multiple generations, if ever.
To be fair, Greeks are the least-white Europeans by far, and their culture has clearly degenerated.
That whole video is a great example of leftist memes backfiring in the most spectacular fashion possible. Every attempt to make Trump look like HITLER :O just makes him look better.
Swedish crime drops because swedes are too scared to leave home. Immigrant crime is another story :^)
I wouldn't say it was westen mech fags cause we got the Atlas, it's more of tank fags who shit the bed when ever anything that's not a tank is talked about when it comes to military equipment with "muh realism".
Are gypsies a pre-Jewish Khazarian remnant? I refuse to believe they were North Indian for any meaningful period of time.
some say they were egyptians
Except we're 9% of the world, so maybe get over it a little bit?
I saw a blonde man at the zoo a couple days ago with a nigress and kids indistinguishable from run of the mill race mixed mud babies. Sad.
the white nations must unify as a single people, regional cultures can still exists.
stand united to take earth
Nazi by 2019…… why so long?
Should be in months not years…
He was right, I am proud of my president.
is this what leafs actually believe?
Free world by August. Sieg Viktoria!
no like I said fuck right off.
Canada isn't some European Utopia gone bad Demolition Man 1984 style and it's certainly not some crack whore of a country like Germany before Hitler came along.
The prime cuck in chief may be a traitor, we may smoke pot and they may have turned Canadian nationalism into a goddamn meme with syrup and beavers and virtue signalling about "Hey look at us we're not mean like the U.S.!"
But we're a big fucking country like the US that isn't some homogeneous liberal shithole. There are redeeming people among us and people realize that the CBC and other news channels are biased if not fabricated. Here in BC we talk about Americans alot because they fucking matter and you know what, people you talk to on the street aren't liberal zombies like you see on tv.
We don't fucking hang our heads and go quiet like some cuck German when someone mentions how fucked Canada is because we know you can salvage the situation. We actually do have opposition in the form of alternative media here and more and more people are turning to the right every day.
The red flag of Canada can be rolled over to the right but not by defeated minds like yours, and the ironic part is that it would be easy. People often say Canadians follow US trends and that is true in part, it's already happening. If you'd just hammer the right people in Canada and actually get to some fucking work you can crack the left and the people would follow you.
Canada is soon to be ripe for the taking and you'd leave a good deal on the table.
Won't happen until 2019 because the leadup to Trump's second term will be the Memenarok. Cuckifornia will breach the wall to try and create a spic army to overthrow the Trump administration, which will lead to the forceful annexation of Mexico and the establishment of a North American Reich. Constantinople we be claimed by Russia in 2022, so the window for Nazification is somewhere inbetween.
They are believed to be the most grotesque lowest kind from India that even the stinkiest of pakis couldn't bear to be near them.
Now they are Europeans misfortune
Really jogs the noggin.
Yup they look very jewish and they are saying retarded things to make Trump "seem bad" ( to leftists and normies) although I don't give a flying fuck if Trump tortures the crap out of muslim, illegal immigrant invaders, terrorists, seditious leftists or jews they deserve it.
People of English origin in America now consider themselves american. This has changed the census records to show a greater Germanic ethnic proportion. English blood is no more diluted. Their culture just became dominant and developed a separate identity. I think there is a conceited effort to divide (and therefore weaken) the anglosphere happening here, stop falling for it. Jews will attempt to parasitically control the strongest nation, its not that Anglo's are inherently flawed.
Canada used to be a well meaning, smaller, virtually completely white country renown for its good hunting and hospitality. People used to not even lock their doors there. If you were homeless someone would let you use their shower, and possibly feed you.
That's the kind of comradeship and friendliness a small local white country leads to. Now it's dead.
He's facing enough unlawful seditious and treasonous opposition from government officials, judges, foreign groups,etc.
He should seize power NOW.
I want to believe.
Nigger what? Expand up, not down, fuckface. Annex Canada.
i hope the media attacks him on that so we can see an actual discussion on sweden.
wow so surprising!
sweeden refugee crime archives
RT (archived a year ago)
Spesia (archived now)
Independentsentinel (archived 15h ago) (15h ago)
pj media (archived now)
wikipedia (13h ago)
svt (6months ago)
gatestoneinstitute (13h ago)
wikipedia again (2months ago)
RT (2months ago)
RT (1year ago)
vesselnews (archived now)
newobserveronline (1year ago)
thelocal (1 year ago)
10news (1 year ago)
snopes (7months ago)
spectator (6months ago)
baka (archive didnt work)
zerohedge (archived now)
jihadwatch (1day agao)
I have a dentist appointment so i couldnt grab them all. reminder that it only takes a couple seconds each and there's no excuse not to archive.
It's monday. Kek had a nice weekend so he's ready to work.
Warning? No, Kek gives us the nudge to lock & load.
It was actually stolen off from here. We came up with it in early 2015.
What the fuck, I love the Berenstain Bears universe.
Canada will be annexed pracefully at their request within the next two years. Having a wall is nice, but having ocean on all sides is better; California will serve as a temporary reserve for the nationless while we ship them South/wait for the San Andreas fault.
Why did such a qt have to partake in narcotics?
Canada is American-Austria.
I have to wonder what, aside from the sheer and overwhelming amount of brainwashing, is stopping the Swede police officer from doing something about the violent and horrible lawbreakers that have occupied his country.
Do they track bullets? Fail to dispense truncheons to the men? Are they required to wear bodycams and ID in plain sight? Does the idea of corruption and cooperation between officers for unlawful intent not exist there? Is there not a Swedish version of Boondock Saints there?
What's the deal here?
was it really that old? I thought fall 2015, fuck I don't remember. I've been seeing it all over lefty shit as well. glorious
Check out this faggot …
Yea, yea, I know … not your personal army. But just LOOK at this faggot.
[one-sentence summary of my opponent's position] … NOT
What a beauty. Only one with divine authority can breathe new life into a gradeschool meme. I'm sure this will trigger lefties to genderless Uranus and back.
Women in the military is always a bad choice, and that's just disrespectful. She should be at home whilst someone competent does her job, and she can cook for him when he comes home and she'll probably not do drugs in that timeline.
This image pains me to no end. It's just further proof that even when they seem like an angel, they're still just a woman.
I'm going to have to ask you to pick only one, bjorn
Well, I guess fall applies because it was around a month since his announcement for president candidacy.
are we sure it's her???
Well he's not lying. If you want your society's men to be men and not cucks, then you need to get them fucking something as early as possible. In the 'developed' world we keep boys castrated until they turn what, 18-22? Anything below that is viewed as abuse, degenerate or even criminal. And we wonder why so many men turn out crazy or cucked. If they start fucking early, society tells them they're wrong or bad or evil. Abstain for 10 years past puberty and you're cucked for life.
Got a link to this in the memory hole thread (>>9168218 ), if there was only ONE THING you had to read from this list, it's fucking this, because it is the most striking and shocking thing I've seen all year, and it's only february.
Otherwise user, thanks for that great list, I was precisely searching for tons of information on refugee events in Sweden, you saved me a couple hours of research and I love you, your reward is attached.
Quality anime tiddies. Saved.
There needs to be a speedy & efficient way of dispatching this frequent irritant of leftist argument:, that mass immigration and/or white demographic decline is already a foregone conclusion if not an irreversible reality.
It's a difficult one to detangle because you have to get them to define terms, just to make any sense of it. At what point did it become a done deal? How so?
They often don't say this explicitly but nonetheless they wish to imply that mass immigration and white demographic decline occurred as some sort of natural phenomenon, rather than a result of (semi-recent) legislation and legal actions that could be easily reversed.
It's an argument that one must kill before it gains wings with audiences, since people on the fence will hear it and think, "Welp, he's right; there's nothing we can do about it now. Best learn to live with it."
Look at her shoulders. She increased in rank in between that gif and that picture.
means paranoia. it means turning ever molehill into a mountain. it means holy shit can we not just have a conversation without everything devolving into 'but what abouts'
no, but I have this.
my point is… are we sure it's her, and not a look-a-like in a fake uniform?
Back to reddit and quit derailing.
What big work? Since when? This isn't funny.
how is wanting to know the difference between a QT3.14 that became meme tier, and a coke whore, plebbit tier???
Go fuck yourself with a cactus.
During his rally in Florida, he said the big work starts next week, meaning this week.
I don't know if you're aware of this, but she did in fact suffer a gang attack some time ago that left her damaged and unable to control some parts of her face. I'm not familiar with the scope of it, but it's referenced in this news story.
I invite others with greater Russian-speaking proficiency to verify at their leisure, as has been done here,
Grenade attacks ?! WTF. how many grenade attacks are there in the US ??
oh and save that link, in case the swedish SJWs try to rewrite history:
What did he mean though? The suspense is killing me! I need to know!
That's perfectly valid question you fucking nigger. The girl in the pic is turned at quite an angle
fuck off, we're full
Somebody sure is triggered.
lel even the people holding the sign are real multicultural with 2 arabs and a blonde.
wait, George Washington isn't slave owning evil white guy suddenly?
Fuck's sake if this is real, it's enraging. Explains the drug use too.
He meant the BIG work.
There's one thing that Trump said since he assumed presidency that really stuck to me, and that's that things are far worse than he thought.
This worries me greatly and I think about it everyday.
Back to reddit and quit derailing.
Leftards are forcing that has nothing wrong with Sweden.
I'm gonna need a citation on that simply because I don't remember him saying it. Otherwise, do what said,
Ukrainians are better anyway.
We dont allow your defeatist kind here go back to reddit.
Nigger, ol' George "Devourer of Villages" Washington would've have sent your monkey ass into the fields if you were lucky. This is a white country.
The things I'd let her do to me.
The rally he was talking about in Florida.
Fucks sake.
Man, I drink the 60% stuff. This photo just proves the weak stuff is for women.
Try some good ol' American moonshine.
He's talking about this video, which was pretty iconic.
Watch it all the way through.
Oh shit I forgot about that. Inb4 he knew exactly how bad it is and he's just saying this so he can seem just a bit less of a chess player to throw his enemies off.
It will be NatSol by the end of this year. Libs/Jews in Fema Camps. Forever.
Reminder that Twitter blocks flagged "right wingers" from comments on Donald Trumps twitter. So it all looks negative, on kikebook he is almost only getting postive reactions, but that will probably change to when Zuckerkikes AI is done.
This. It was confirmed today too Twitter is "ghost deleting" tweets that it deems "too offensive." Just a matter of time before Kikebook becomes the eternal echo chamber too.
has been for years
And reminder that "hate speech" can be anything. People are getting flagged that don't cater to the liberal/communist agenda, Trumps account is deliberately fucked up so that any positive shit gets pushed down and will not be seen.
Again this is just to make people think that Trump is hated so much and use fucked up polls to cater to that idea.
He's loved by so many people you have no idea.
I've got bathtub vodka that is around that percentage, nothing like sleeping an entire day off.
Not on the level like Twitter is now. But yes it is just normalfags repeating normalfags because they are afraid of losing their jobs or social status for the most part.
Nearly a decade ago the disregard for security or privacy led to that. I meant stricter censorship.
No shit it has, but I'm saying it's about to be Twitter levels of echo chamber.
That's some seriously delicious salt from nobodies with nothing better to do than slander the man that's going to save them from killing their own country
Do you seek to better understand, for example, the protester scum at Trump rallies? This will help. Hearty, non-ethnomasochist whites will also enjoy all of the following:
Diversity Is Our Destruction
On those disguised liberals known as neoconservatives:
Thinking About Neoconservatism
The Neoconservative Mind
Why So Much Jewish Fear And Loathing Of Donald Trump?
On those pitiful puppets of neocons, those unconscious liberals now known as cuckservatives:
Cuckservatism: The Cuckoo In The Conservative Movement’s Nest
An Open Letter to Cuckservatives
Read that one a thousand times.
The Cuckservative Phenomenon
Unmasking the Cucks
Yes Virginia [Dare], There Is A “Cultural Marxism”
Is America A “Proposition Nation”?
Memorializing…Guess What?
Swedefag here,
This is a nice save by him, he mentioned Sweden in a context of terrorist attacks and talked about "just yesterday", implying that there was some kind of terrorist attack. Nothing happened, nothing unusual.
The sad thing is that "nothing unusual" means plenty of rape by immigrants, thuggery, politicians hiding their heads in the sand etc. I live in Stockholm. You guys have no idea how insanely hard it is to have right-wing ideas here. Even my friends who are on the right or are conspiratorial or maybe even Holohoaxers are extremely anti-Trump.
Sweden is fucked. Seriously, all those meme graphs aside, you have no idea how bad it is, how brainwashed the populace is. If I could get a greencard and become an American, I would do so in a heartbeat. I almost have more proud in your country in current year + 1 than I have with my own country. Oh well. #SD2020
This is cuck country
I do, I had to come out forcefully, more forcefully than the left wing nutsjobs in my support for Trump prior to the elections held here on Nov 8. I decided to abandon the "Go Along, To Get Along" mentality. Speak your mind, and speak it forcefully, red pill everyone you know, by doing this your convince others. They are waiting for you, hust like you are waiting for someone else to be a leader.
Purely Cucktholic preconceptions, a pentagram is a geometrical figure, a sacred one at that, Pythagoras and his followers considered the pentagram sacred.
Reversed doesn't automatically mean evil, that's not how a pentagram works anyway.
This fucker and his double dubs get it. I bet people here actually think the Star of David is a Jewish symbol.
This. I adopted the stance that "the more something is said the more it is heard and then the more it is repeated and the more it is heard.. and so on" and I decided that if no one is saying what needs to be said… well then it will have to start with me. And I started that 5 years ago. 5 years of me not censoring myself, not giving a shit about muh pr… 5 years worth of me reinforcing shit only to be ostracized. But I kept going. I didnt let it dissuade me. And ya know what? All of the people that I focused on the most.. they are now either /ourguy/ or as close as possible to be /ourguy/.
The reason this marxist bullshit has been so widely propagated is that good men were afraid of tarnishing their image in the minds of these very same cucks. The desire to blend in with the crowd is a strong instinct. But with much thought put into it it isnt that hard to come to the realization that blending in with this crowd does nothing but insure that "your crowd" will not be there in the future. And if a bunch of cucks think me to be a racist bigot x,y, and z so fucking be it I could give a shit less if people actively participating in ensuring that my offspring have no future think highly of me. If they wont wake up they are my enemy, not the other way around.
www .
One of the most known muslim problem zones in sweden is being torched by the 'youths', again.
Rev up them twitter accounts lads. Hashtag is still #SwedenIncident right?
Daily reminder that Yulia Tymoshenko is the worst kind of Jewess.
This has potential to redpill alot of normies.
dubs for torturing of ((them))
warms my old heart
heil fucken hitler
We need to spread this shit asap.
I'm sure every police agency does that. If you fire your gun you have to write a report.
Couldn't go a whole weekend without proving Trump right.
Trump saying bad things about sweden made them do this :^)
does she have that many piercing in her ears? does she wear the smae rings?
what anime is that? looks sick
That's not her. Wrong rank and too much jewellery (rings on fingers and ears).
That's a meme-worthy hashtag.
Helsing ultimate I think.
christ what a mess of a language
Malmö police ask for help to stop violence
"Malmö has experienced thirty explosions this year, so worried local police have asked for assistance from the national police for help in staunching the wave of violence. Just this week, there have been three hand grenade incidents. "
That place sounds worse than Chicago
not precisely terrorist attacks but general attacks by migrants, he mentioned Germany and then Sweden
"My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden."
I'm pretty sure it was Chelsea Clinton who started this whole shitstorm on Twitter when she implied he was talking specifically about a terrorist attack.
He literally gave us (a now well recognized) tag to post the facts on every time there is an uproar. Happy.
Nice honeypot faggot I ain't clicking that shit.
Love the paranoia and not trusting anything, been on my favorites bar since gamergoy. It works, if you don't want to trust it thats fine, but there is no excuse for not archiving faggot. might have to disable the popup for the site if its blocked but when clicked, will run through the whole process of archiving by itself.
Oh i see, never mind. Seems legit,
K. Last time I try and help you faggots when you complain about not archiving shit.
Trump is fighting for Western civilization. There would be no other reason for him to bring up Sweden. He wants to change the entire Western policy of white racial displacement. America first, Europe second, everyone else last.
Most American shitlibs actually believe that Sweden is 100% white, has no crime, is extremely successful, etc. They have no clue.
Their crime is down because police have given up on even enforcing the law in many areas (and doing so would be racist).
We already have a way of archiving. I'm a firm believer of if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Not going to argue that, but there is nothing wrong with providing options to people more lazy than you.
The classic Borat humor.
good old sweden.
Fuck that. People oughta work for their bread.
it's all over facekike and twatter.
we are getting into clairvoyant tier chess from Trump.
There was actually a thread (I don't see it in the catalogue though) just a few days ago about some rape gang out east (I think). I'd be shocked if there weren't rape gangs though. We already have enough here in Ontario. I don't live in Toronto but I occasionally put on CTV when I'm feeling extra masochistic and there is constant news of shootings and whatnot. Of course the problem is "guns lolololol" though.
This graph is using a broad question from a survey as a control, but what constitutes exposure to a sexual offence? And more importantly, what % of the survey respondants were talking about rape? A drop in something more common could completely wash out the increase in rape.
A fake number example of how this could be cocked up: If you have 10,000 survey respondents harassed at work and 100 were raped, and then next year you have 8,500 survey respondents were victims of harassment and 1000 were raped. Well shit, we have 10k one year and 9.5k the next, i guess there's nothing going on.
I have seen this argument used before, but I've never seen it backed by anything resembling real science.
kek'd for mandela effect reference
4 more years of the Echo Chamber continues.
You can't see the utility in this tweet? This is a gateway to force feed some normies some redpill facts about Sweden's harikari.
how could you be swayed away from kek and from hell…
man im not sure
you won't care that i say so, as you're likely an atheist, but pentagrams are not sacred, and are quite heavily associated with hell
8 more years of your butthurt.
I have asscancer and even I'm not as analpained as you are.
wew, fucking checked
shadilay brothers
You can lie to us, but you can't lie to yourself. But, hey - if it helps you sleep at night…
Kill yourself.
Who are you even redpilling though? All twitter is used for is faggots crying back and forth about who is right. You really think ANYONE who uses twitter is going to be "Oh man, these tweets sure are changing my mind on world/political issues". You realize no one with a fucking sane mind uses Twitter. Fucking inbreds. Go circle jerk your Caesarism mind bullshit though. Anyways, have a nice day, children.
it's pic related
This is your brain on kike economics.
The narrative makes no sense.
"The problem is guns which are already illegal, goyim. We need more strict gun control laws and gun-free zones that the criminal brown people won't pay attention to. It's for your safety, goy."
Get your ultra-faggotry out of this board shill. If it gets even ONE person to start on the path to the truth, it's fucking worth it you enormous jackass.
You dumb nigger
a) many, many people use twitter, primarily to rim their favourite celebrities, but we can hijak hashtags, spam things on celebrity posts etc etc.
b) the medium of communication doesn't have to be restricted to twitter.
The entire thing is just broken windows fallacy muh GDP increase (raw GDP doesn't tell you much of anything when jews print money or push you into TRILLIONS of debt) while pretending debt doesn't matter and you can just bring in 83 IQ mohammeds forever and put them on welfare and everything will Just Work.
It's obvious bullshit. So is the idea that 2nd+ generation are just like you, goy. It's the opposite in every country in terms of crime, unemployment, etc. Yes, they're even worse than their largely illiterate parents that didn't get to go through our school systems.
I can taste the kike fear through the internet schlomo.
It just really concerns me that kikes are going to dumb down Fascism and National Socialism with letting the kike run media betraying him as that. When he really is just a Capitalist with a touch of Nationalism to get votes and support. Stop being a spaz.
his is a simple argument to counter. ask him to define wealth creation and productivity. without actual wealth creation, spending is just passing currency ever decreasing in value around.
So you don't want kikes to control the narrative as far as fascism and natsoc is concerned but you still shill demoralization faggotry as far as any of our attempts to hijack that narrative or start meme warfare is concerned? Kill yourself, you can't regurgitate demoralization bullshit and then complain when kikes win the information war you fucking faggot, just get the fuck out.
Nice digits, You are a christian aren't you?
The assimilation argument has been demonstrated false. Blacks have been in America for 400 years or so, and they've never assimilated. They've remained essentially a completely different people with a different culture, different moral standards and almost even their own dialects of English that Whites barely understand. The idea that Muhammad Muhammad from Waziristan can have 5 kids in Sweden, who go to what are practically madrassas in the Muslims ghettos where the schools have no infidel children at all, and somehow their towelheaded offspring are just as Swedish as Sven who knows all his ancestors going back to the Viking clans is a disgusting attempt to smear and muddy the concept of national identity itself.
Our government and MSM is working overtime trying to save face by saying Sweden is a paradise
It's so blatantly obvious bullshit propaganda that even my bluepilled friends are calling it ridiculous
What like make brown eyed kike babies?
End yourself immediately, turbofaggot. Deadweight like you has no place in the memewar.
If you really think shitposting on a dead imageboard really got a president in to cabinet, you are a fucking retarded child.
In part it did or you wouldn't see so much whining about internet nazis in the jew media
Kek, move along peasant.
Kek isn't real, pure coincidence is a kike tactic which meme magic embodies. Fucking inbred.
Jews arguing about Nazis on their media platforms? to hell you say. Anyways, this place is dead, I wont ever meet you faggots in RL cause you never leave your moms basement. Have a nice day.
Project much?
Bye faggot and stay bye
bye faggot
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the Hillary suicide club is two blocks down.
every day, our numbers grow larger
im ok with this
Would it really be called a gasoline tank if it was meant for petroleum?
This is why Top Gear is and forever will be the best show to come from that god-awful network.
All these social media kikes have absolutely zero integrity. In what world is manipulating free speech not just objectively evil?
Well, it's useless to call the police (takes 40-50 minutes until they are at the scene) and they probably mixed in basic shoplifting compared to fucking grenade-attacks, firing assault-rifles at public-buildings and rape.
Most importantly to mention, these firms that does these kind of statistics and the whole courtsystem is filled to the brim with kikes. Along with a kike-owned media filled to the brim with communist-journalists.
oh so thats why whenever I see the twitter responses it's all horribly unfunny snarky cunts going "Ummm sweetie you are racist :)"
Maybe the berenstain timeline was memed into being as it was the only timeline that came close to Biff Tannen's vision of a great America. One where Trump makes everything great again.
Just kill yourself immediately.
pathetic attempts at demoralization from a kike-faggot.
Realistically speaking, tanks will never be used in another large scale war thanks to depleted uranium :^)
Just like Holla Forums
Dare I say it…
Perhaps Trump isn't Hitler but will become better?
Sort of like the leader of the Third Reich was much better than the Second one.
this hasn't happened yet
I told someone just the other day that Sweden was now the rape capital of the world and was called an alt-right liar just trying to fear monger. These idiots just completely ignore facts if they don't further their narrative.
Damn it mods meme responsibly.
I didn't realize that I was gonna get banned for my opinion on a political discussion board. My bad.
Even Hitler wasn't Hitler… at least not the one we want.
But Trump is the Hitler we deserve!
*Swedish* crime has gone down, mudslimes aren't Swedish.
Fourth Wave.
Hitler had two great flaws:
1) He was honest about his intentions.
2) He didn't want to kill all Jews.
Why didn't Hitler kill the Jews? I mean, he knew their intent.
The thing about dogs is that they're very easily trained.
But the trick is knowing who is training who.
Something about letting some live so the world could see how evil they are.
He just wanted to deport them to Madagascar.
too soft, tbh.
Chronic altruism. The plan was just to get them out of Germany, and even knowing Jews are fucked in the head, it'd been a while since the world was reminded -how- fucked in the head. They planned to leave the Jews alone when it was over, so why wouldn't the Jews return the same?
It's reason why the Jews latch onto white people. Without white people, they don't function.
I have been reading through all the literature and can't really find much on why the Third Reich basically let them have a pass to some degree. Do you think they didn't know how Global the kike the really was by then?
race mixing pictures aren't reasonable arguments.
back then, they were smaller than now.
Henry Ford only published the protocols some years earlier.
It's quite possible honestly.
Put it this way, people don't just extinguish threats, they either overpower or build defenses or even manipulate them. I'm guessing they thought there was room for improvement.
Instead they sank to lower levels and pedophilia. They've twisted our minds permanently.
Their whole goal was to destroy the mind and morals for profit. Manipulate the herd into useful lifestock.
Then they introduced wolves thinking it would make us even more useful.
Instead they unleashed our own wolf-like wrath. Dogs are only tamed wolves.
WOW there is no hope for you inbred gullible racist idiots… it is easy to point at specific crimes for a whole nation, but facts are fact.
Jesus fucking Christ there are thousands of misleading articles written by fake extremists who dream of sucking Trump's tiny cock out there.
Get real comparable statistics and think outside the box for a fucking second…
Frankly I come here for payback for what they turned me into. I climbed a mountain just to fix myself to this degree and frankly it is still not enough.
Did your shift just start, Moshe?
Said the gullible cuck trying to legitimize his cuckery through spamming more bullshit.
You're a big fat pussy.
I mean, they were definitely aware of the kikery going on in other nations, but the Third Reich was never about eradicating the Jews, or even deporting them. The main focus was always a resurrection of the Western spirit, to extricate Germany from the international system, reclaim their lands, and rise to the challenge laid out in their dreams. Getting rid of Jews was necessary to that, but they didn't have a longterm plan for them, no.
I guess it's also worth noting that this is on the back of World War I, where other nations across Europe had just royally fucked Germany in the ass, not to mention millennia of warfare besides. It's possible they didn't give much of a fuck about the Jew problem in those other nations, so long as Germany didn't have to deal with them.
also kek
>but look at the increase in rape stats
Doesn't this confirm that sweden has a rape problem?
Wait it gets worse!
Sweden still has guns around. So even the lack of guns couldn't explain the rape stats
I sometimes like to blow the fuck out of bait, it's quite self satisfying to clarify that I'm on the right side.
Right, non whites are a huge problem for crime in the US too. No one here denies that.
True, but I'd like to see that graph towards 2017.
Also this is sweden, the Police literally cover up rapes now. That means some are reported, but not disclosed to the public.
That's how fucked this is now. They are covering up the crime to fit the narrative. They continue this and they'll push us into war.
Just as they planned. Either full control or war.
yeah they have the koran memorized
It took me the better part of a year to finally understand how Scandinavia ended up being a place that was happy to see their ancestral heritage genocided. But it finally struck me thatas all that was left in Scandinavia were the cowards who never went viking. All the non-cucks went to England, Normandy and then out to the United States.
a simple search in google bruh, that's all it takes… to complicated for you? =/
some of us got more important shit to do with our lives than waste time with the trumpflakes
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, reported.
"right side" just review your ideology a little bit further please. take some philosophy or critical thinking classes.
here you too, read
oh and… "Police literally cover up rapes now"? dafuq? who told you that kid.
He can't because he's jerking off in a cuckshed or killed by a peaceful immigrant.
This was 12 years ago, and they recategorized things that were already a sex crime as a different type of sex crime. It wouldn't have affected the overall volume of sex crimes because it was a change within that category. And the effect would have been an instant spike in 05 were this the reason.
We don't see the instant spike, we do see a rise in sex crime overall, meaning this argument is rubbish.
That article even goes on to point out that there is in fact a sizeable gap between the crime rates of refugees and natives with similar income and location.
Haha when you shills are after Assange you faggots were totally "Yah Assange raped that girl in Sweden and he has to face justice for it."
When Todd Akin made a comment about 'legitimate rape' sjws lost what little was left of their collective minds.
Now you're trying to pretend that there aren't real legitimate rapes by economic migrants occurring in Sweden. This is just too laughable.
Go rape yourself. Reiterating:
fuck off shill
top kek sad but true
It's not just one non-mainstream media site, it's many. This is nuts, the MSM is now giving a totally incorrect narrative.
This goes to you as well my friend:
not that hard to understand.
Pics of raped and violated people how nice.
3rd pic "thanks to Third World immigration" right…
Multiculturalism will happen in the future whether you like it or not. Unless of course you wall up your country apart from banning any in-flights.
seriously? is there anyone here not autistic or
“Suspected perpetrators: Ali Mohamad, Mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed, Ali, again, again, again, Christoffer … what, is it true? Yes, a Swedish name sneaked its way in on the fringes of a drug-related crime, Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again.
“Countries which represent all of the week’s crimes: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown country, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can’t be sure because they don’t have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they’re lying about [their] nationality and identity,” he added.
Hello, Mr. Brainwashed,
Here are but only a tiny few of news the Swedish government, in collusion with the (((Media))) and Leftist Organizations hide from the Swedish public:
And today, a riot happened. Must be nice living in your bubble world of dreams, but it's time to wake up and face reality. Sweden is going to be exterminated and become a third world country within the next years and decades if nothing changes.
Don't think there's such a thing as infinite money for welfare, it comes from somewhere and the state will bleed the population dry, all the while the invaders will not change their cultures, will conquer cities for themselves, such as Malmo, and will break up your society, laws, values, government one by one.
Multiculturalism isn't inviting a bunch of third world idiots in it's sharinglike what happened to Africa Europeans shared their technology with Africa and hoped to enrich their lives and it got shat on by the locals.
Woops, forgot to break the fucking links.
The funny shit is that this keeps being framed in the timeframe of the "refugee crisis" when really this has been an issue for Sweden for over a decade. Here's something from 2005. I even remember this being an issue earlier than that even, but so much has been memory holed since Google has grown in size.
obligatory kalergi plan and swedcuckistan grenade attacks
It's like you ignored any of the links posted here.
Shills tend to do that.
Sweden has been a leader in pozzing for years, they took in shitloads of iraqis in the 90s and again in the early 2000s.
current riots in sweden. is trump really a time traveler? i heard that he has the machine stored at mar-a-lago
People need to post source and archives on their images. I know it's a hassle, but this way any shills attack can be defeated with a sourced image.
Furthermore, use more than one source. The more the better.
There hasn't been some good ole fashion racism in the west for more than a century. Schuks even the blasted KKK in its heyday weren't that much racist, they would merely dole out punishment on niggers who wouldn't understand otherwise in any civil language.
You might ask someday why did you deserve our full attention? Well its because you asked for it, you couldn't leave us the fuck alone. FUCK YOU!
daily reminder every mosque is a weapons cache
Wut? My link is about Muslim crimes from 05 and earlier. Learn 2 read fag
I don't trust zero hedge.
Notice how it's a white woman surrounded by brown men, while a white cuck looks on in sadness.
Then why are you here?
this gets better
they have very stickt laws re guns.
So all this shit is from illegal guns.
who would have guessed, the pozzed disarm, but the criminals still manage to break the law and get a gun?
hmmmm... what could that mean?
ooooooooh, you must have missed it the intro-class, moishe.
you are not suppose to promote cultural marxism on Holla Forums
enjoy your hell hole
Arigatou. That said
We need a bit better user. Infowars is iffy and wikipedia has manipulation issues. Anyhow, good work.
You realize they only repost news from other sites, right? Many, if not all of them are from mainstream media ones.
its wikipedia you fucktard normies dig it and they orwellian censorship so the fact the even allow that page is pretty incredible
as far as the filterking goes I can give you bunch of white supremacists sites that talk about it, but they turn off normies so then again I suppose that their is no victory to be had with you and no source would satisfy you.
tl:dr get over yourself
I guess, but AJ has a reputation for over exaggeration.
Guys we need better memes than this, we need to do what we did with the wikileaks images and putting the archives in the pics - that way the normies can't just throw it off as mere propaganda.
Mr. Vendel added.
"They are just confused at what is happening, and possibly sexually frustrated. I think that letting them have a few nights with my daughter would cheer them up. Afterwards I would apologize for threatening them with my looks. I didn't mean to offend, I am not a racist."
Cool story babe. Now make me a sandwich.
gets me everytime
France's Muslim Demographic Future
What emails were those?
archive use (((cloudflare))) you massive faggot
It's better to browser website without (((cloudfare))) bullshit anti-tor protection than with it.
And what happens when the non archived original source gets shoah'd, and there's no backup? Then what, torfag?
Then we don't have any reference to it, which is the entire point faggot.
Oh god, this couldn't have come at a better time. Make sure to rub it in every smug leftcuck's face.
Not sure if the footage isn't from 2013, but there's actually been unrest in the last few hours.
Well, obviously Trump's hateful rhetoric riled up those oppressed people! If he didn't point it out our utopia would've come true.
t. Libshit
3rd pic
D O T R ?
1st email:
2nd email:
Protip, just search for keywords on the website.
Bunker fuel bruh.
One of these does not belong.
1/2 the muslim children in pic inbred.
No it isn't, user. Youjo Senki (what's in your pic) is WW1; those other images are from WW2 and probably involve that Rip van Winkle arc from Hellsing.
The left's version of critical thinking is only critical of the West.
When it rains it pours…
God damn,Trump
Every once in a while I think you are being to soft, but then you go and do this. Well done
truly Satan is with us.
Someone shop a bomb vest onto the kid, then retweet it.
Is that a fucking mustache?
Shameful that no one is checking these dubs.
quads* I'm a little retarded
You have no idea, I actually checked up on Holla Forums, saw they were espousing stuff relating to the MSM only to have them chimp "err but we don't care about the MSM or listen to it"
Seriously they are like our fucking jester. I can't even have fun there.
I actually believe it could be him, in which case: hello cristina, too. XD
Not just a river in egypt!
oh god thats disgusting
Trump has denounced Sweden!
So why is it so high compared to Norway?
Or Denmark or Finland or Iceland?
Well if I remember correctly, several nations did the same, including Norway.
Which doesn't explain enough.
Fixed your image brah
Are Nige bringing the heat too
Get the fuck out of here nigger, you're not welcome if you call your white brothers jewish slurs.
Lurk more.
No faggot, calling yourself a goy is a TRS thing, it's obvious that user isn't from here like the rest of the shitposter influx.
"It would appear the mainstream media (along with several celebrities and Swedish politicians) is going to be apologizing to President Trump once again.
Having spent the entire new cycle trying to ignore the immigrant crisis facing Sweden, and pin the ignorant tail on Trump, both Dagbladet and Expressen reports riots breaking out in the highly immigrant concentrated Stockholdm borough of Rinkeby, Sweden with police firing warning shots as 100s of young people throw stones and burn cars.
During the evening hundreds of young people gathered in the center of Rinkeby, well known for its high concentration of immigrants and people with immigrant ancestry."
This happened last night btw.
Like that Tupac song, Only God can judge me
And they say it's the White man I should fear
But it's my own kind doin' all the killin' here
Recollect your thoughts, don't get caught up in the mix
‘Cause the media is full of dirty tricks
Trump is woke af and is making sure everybody else is too. Can't trust the media at all.
please do not fuck the mecha
The plural for goy is goyim. The only group that calls each other goys is TRS
Wow it is illegal for you to have these images I called the cops on you right now
Swedish authorities hiding rapefugees crimes
Festival case in English:
Festival case in Swedish:
Swedish Police hiding rapefugees crime databases:
I fucking hope so!
Also mention when Merkel and Cameron said that multiculturalism has failed
How can you get dubs on twitter?
know where i can find those logh trump memes? very comfy
I have one that's named in a way that I can find.
Went through the actual statistics not the public opinion survey and the number of crimes seems to level off in the 1990-2006 period and then begin to climb quite steadily. This seems to match with the period of hyper immigration as seen in the graph.
Ever hear of France?
goon detected
Trump pities France, but he just laughs at Sweden, as we all do.
I hear she has leprosy.
many thanks
Swedes aren't allies. They are officially neutral. Not in Nato.
Also, they started it with their little "we're not white men" (troll) pic.
They cherrypick statistics and years to prove their lie. Between 2005 and 2015 according to NTU(Nationella Trygghetsundersökningen) rape jumped by 100%, they often compare 2015 with 2014 because there is a small decrease between those two years.
NTU also has several problems, among other things 40% wont answer the survey, this is up from 22% in 2005. The people who refuse to answer are also the groups that are the most prone to be victims of crime like drug addicts, immigrants and so on. 56% of immigrants asked in the survey did not answer.
While it is true that the statistics show a slight decrease in total number of crime these years it is very likely that is due to the fewer number of respondents.
What do? I like my beard. Altough i trim the edges to make it look more shapely
infact considering how slight the "decrease" is, and how big the jump in people not responding is, it is likely crime has gone up significantly.
NTU also weirdly does not correspond with actual statistics on crimes that are reported to the police. According to NTU for example there is just a 13% overrepresentation in "crime ridden neighbourhoods"(immigrant suburbs), but when you look at actual charges pressed it is 98% more likely and this despite respondents trusting police less and therefore reporting crime less often. Deadly shootings occur at an average 400-480% more then national average in these neighbourhoods. Keep in mind that shootings are more often reported to police since many people hear them and leads to hospital treatment which leads to more of them actually being reported.
If you're not a twig or fat it works most of the time
According to NTU for example there is just a 13% overrepresentation in "crime ridden neighbourhoods"(immigrant suburbs) when you look at violent crimes*
Thank god then.
Im a bit overweight but thankfully my frame makes me look strong instead
Get out of this thread with your irrelevant BS, I am trying to help our twitter warriors redpill people.
Time to apprehend Rape Ape. He's the only one who could have done this!
BRÅ-study "Det dödliga våldet i Sverige 1990-2014" shows that despite making up only about 5% of the population metropolitan areas, crime ridden immigrant suburbs are where 40% of the deadly violence is commited.
According to statistics from BRÅ on the people who are treated for gun-related wounds in hospitals has increased steadily from 30 people in 1997 to 60 people each year 2013.
Vandalism and assault are on a table in pic related. As you can see there has been a significant increase in the number of crimes.
Also I wrote a mistake before, the number of crimes are not about the same as 2005, the number of total victims is the same, but actual crimes has jumped up by 22% when taken into consideration the increase in population, without it the number is 33%.
underrated post user
Sorry, forgot pic.
Swede here.
The Press is hard at work, cutting any associations with the unfortunate riots & the statement made by USA's president.
Even the more respectable outlets of news are utilizing sliding, pushing the riots down a notch and instead choose to parade non-news.
Social media is ablaze and the lefties are confused and upset. When they are riled up like this, that's when they produce the finest, most concentrated & deranged content.
You're redpilling your friends and family, yes? It's the only way to make sure your blood won't get raped.
Finland here, this was my news feed today. Just have to say I can't recall when was the last time police had to actually shoot rioters with real live ammo instead of rubberbullets or such.
Shadilay to you user thine dub are a sign Kek smiles on your post
Hi TB.
Woah there, pal.
Let's take it easy, yeah?
I'm not "red-pilling" anyone, In due time they'll know what's up. It is, in my opinion, only a matter of time.
What a pussy attitude you have to be proactive, I redpilled my entire family. Nowadays when we have family gatherings we all start ranting about immigrants.
t. also svärje
When you get attacked in an ambush 30 to 2.
It's Cucks like you that let this happen. Fucking grow a pair and fight for your legacy
Well swedebro if you gibs me lots of shekles we could get hitched. On paper…. for money…. nohomo.
Skåne here, people here are based, majority is redpilled. Nuke Stockholm, problem solved.
Thank you for contributing with that image, a direct association like that would not be possible in Swedish news. From experience, I have to say that most news-channels from other Scandinavian countries are immensely more respectable than our own. On any major event (enough for other countries media to report on) that happens here, I tend to read the Danish, Norwegian & Finish coverage in addition to any interior.
I'm continuously surprised to see the vast difference in tone. For an instant, it feels so refreshing to read an article written to inform, not to (subtly) push an political agenda.
I read swedish-speaking finnish press and it was as bad if not worse then here.
Hey man I do think they were completely justified. Fucking declare all the no-go-zones as enemy held territory and send your tiny cuck-army in or invite ours in.
this was very very funny to me
Well it's not like our ((medias)) are that different but ours can be a tiny bit more objective since they don't have to produce home-front propaganda when talking about your grenade attacks and such.
wouldn't be the first time we need to save swede asses, you know
You've got a way to go
This is absolute deconstructionist kikery of the highest order. Incredible.
It's quite illuminating once you become aware of the Jewish trick of trying to change the definitions of words to mean something other than what they actually mean. You don't even have to know that the people doing it are the Jews, just that it's something that happens, and you're already on the way to the truth.
The left is already working at a 2nd grade level. Troll is the new one, but mostly it's just less complicated versions of "I know you are but what am I" and "I am rubber and you are glue".
Mock them for it, and salt does indeed flow.
my God… that is special…
I love how just the way that he types sets the liberal subhumans off.
Nige is going all put, the absolute madman!
All out*
Time to get better allies, I guess…>>9315019
What can a pollack do?
- Continue bringing to light Fake News tactics
- Continue to spread the censorship of Paris and Sweden Happenings
- Start spreading CIA , ISIS Connections
- Continue to MAGA.
Remember that the globalists are on the edge of defeat, they showed their hand and the terms "deepstate" and "shadow government" are now being thrown around in the open without looking like a tinfoil asshat.
Fortunately there are still some good men inside the CIA just like ex-CIA Michael Schemer who loves and is loyal to America and won't let the USA be a slave to Saudisrael, any attempt to overthrow Trump will end in failure, especially with the entire Military backing Trump, JSOC will not let it happen.
The enemy is desperate, the light is at the end of the tunnel.
CIA "He will die in jail"
Spies Plotting Against Trump
FBI Dismisses Flynn
CIA Withholding Info
Soros Probing
Milo on Pedophiles
Russian Ambassadors kiled
Their OWN media is doing it which is even more amazing.
By the way, I still can't get over how ridiculous it is that Trump didn't mention Jews in his Holocaust remembrance Day statement. He said all the 11 million victims deserved to remembered equally regardless of whether they were jews, slavs, gays, or gypsies.
This lead to multiple Jewish news agencies and Holocaust Museums to say the Nazi hunter (((Simon Wiesenthal))) made it up the number 5 million non-jews dead in the holocaust because he thought it would help advance a Jewish agenda. Make the number of dead goyim almost 6,000,000 but not quite 6,000,000 in order to garner sympathy from non-Jews.
So essentially, Trump, talk what was supposed to be a boilerplate statement about the Holocaust that the president releases every year, and because of what he did he got a bunch of Jews on their own media platforms to admit the Jews lied about the number a victims killed in the Holocaust in order to advance their own Jewish interests.
I usually think of the 4D chess meme is the exaggeration but now I am not so sure. How many people what are even think to do this or be able to get all of these media kikes to admit they lie about the holocaust using a simple press release?
http : //
Trump has a genius level IQ and has spent the last 50 years manipulating the richest people in the world to sell his products and real estate. Everything he says and does can be assumed to be a step in manipulating the beast.
despite things like MS tech comes from improvement over machines originally built for moving cargo and mining asteroids. They equate humanoid robots like the shit you see in Super Sentai.
Try harder, foreigner
I come from a heavily, almost dogmatic, liberal family. They watch CNN every night, hate trump, wanted a "woman in the white house" agree with almost everything on tv and voted our current pm cuckdeau into office.
However even they are starting to realize Trump isn't as bad as the media is claiming and are starting to get sick of all the nonsense criticism they are throwing at him. Even their own kind are waking up to the fact they're being lied to about Trump. The media is getting desperate and it's obvious.
I'm in a similar situation but my family aren't waking up. The bluepill is terminal. I even asked them once why the hell they watch television. They told me it's to keep informed about the world. I told them they're being lied to and brought up several instances in the past when the news media outright lied.
I tried to show them stuff online and they brush it aside 'you can't believe the stuff you see on the internet'. I asked them why they believe the stuff they see on TV and they respond that journalists are professionals and aren't allowed to lie.
She then posts shit all over normiebook about the #resist movement and how "we're" going to "start a revolution", "just like we did in the 60s" (funny how its we since we're not even American). I tried to tell her that her whole movement is just a corporate front group and her eyes gloss over.
Every time I go home to visit or they come up to visit it's the same fucking bullshit. I love my mom but she's honestly like a child. It's like their whole generation just refused to grow up. Her entire worldview is just based completely on feels.
I love her, but I can't take being around the terminally bluepilled. I don't want this country to be doomed, but it just feels so hopeless.
Your parents sound like fucking idiots user. I'm in the same boat. My mother flat out denies our German heritage and has convinced herself she's Jewish and of the tribe of David. It fucking hurts.
humanoid forms wouldnt be optimal for larger scale machines, human bodies are built for a certain scale range. With mecha you have the freedom to engineer whatever form you want, so why limit yourself to human forms with human vulnerabilities.
The UP in michigan is full of Finns. As long as you don't mind that half of them belong to a cult-ish church, but they are pro white and have lots of white children. I don't know why you'd really move there since nobody has any shekels though.
Look what happened now
Are you even trying?
I swear, the only way the chess could be this could is if he turns out to be
Johnald Titor
This was a woman (if you can believe that) on the NYC subway tonight. Take notice of the man and other woman standing while the nigress usurps two seats.
She got the seats by jumping in front of an old man who was moving toward the seat. She stepped right in his way, blocking him from sitting down, and originally sat in the middle of the two seats before lying down across both seats. Everybody on that side of the car saw her do it, and a woman got up and gave the old man her seat instead.
The cunt doesn't even seem mentally ill or homeless or anything. She's just a nigger.
Aw shit, wrong thread. Please disregard. I'd delete it if I could. Modfags, feel free to remove the post
Nothing personal to your parents, I would say this about mine as well, but, they are on the way out. There's is a generation that has gotten too old and too used to the establishment. They will give way to new generations who can see what's up, by virtue of being raised with a disdain for the media.
It's certainly one of the few ways of making sarcasm in text clear.
Good work lad.
I really wanted to see the second link.
Trump really is one of the good guys, isn't he?
Thank you Lord Jesus for President Trump.
You think the media his a Swedish terror attack to make trump look baf
Those ones are even worse
Its like you think Jews are better than Niggers
a nigger will rob you on the street but a jew will rob you everywhere else. both horrible but in their own unique ways
It's orders from the top, Megasatan. Police chief says "Don't act on on the invaders", and they don't. If somebody steps out of line, he gets shoa'd.
Simpsons is so fucking shit now.
trump-dog gif.
I'd post a webm with a nigger scalding a cat but I've lost it. Have a (((you))). Also have a webm with two guys setting a cat on fire.
Where does the money come from?
Is that supposed to be offensive? Atleast post the shovel-dog next time, but I guess you can't handle having that on your computer.
Well the best mecha is VOTOMS and that's a FACT.
Good read here
It was too humane because they used too much gasoline. fucken white ppl
It's just a script to archive whatever page you're currently on. Jesus you guys are fucking dense.
t. Holla Forums