In a starving Venezuela, buying too much food can get one arrested

He has been in jail for three months, awaiting a hearing.

Is this because Hugo Chavez is gone?

Other urls found in this thread:

Chavez died too soon

Can someone explain to me why Venezuela doesn't count as socialism?

You had a socialist president who in an attempt to bring control over the means of production to the working class established labor unions.

I mean obviously their problems relate more to the international (oil prices dropped, hard to get trade etc.) but im talking about why is this not considered at least an attempt at socialism?

except he really didn't try to bring the means of production to the working class.
I admire Chavez for his successful anti-poverty and literacy programs, but he never handed control of the means of production over to the workers. Nationalization does not make a country socialist. There are still bourgeoisie in Venezuela.

this didn't happen

It's not classless
The workers don't own the means of production
It isn't transitioning to a moneyless economy
Because you're a princess puffing poofter

got u covered

Venezuela collapsed because the white elite has been gradually leaving for twenty years.

Literally propaganda. All he did was buy people shit and subsidize prices with oil money. He was a populist, populism in South America = anti-US, anti-US = socialism, so he called himself the magic S-word.

No different from Americans calling themselves lovers of freedom while paradoxically supporting social authority the moment they feel a little scared or disgusted.


Obligatory reading:

Chavez was a legitimate socialist. Yes, he failed. But he tried nonetheless.

That son of a bitch came when the oil price shot up to $100/barrel and died before it crashed.

What did he do then?

How does a country successfully transition then?
I'm on your side nigger I just don't know a lot about the situation

That makes sense, but what about the supposed worker's unions?

The fuck are you talking about?

People left in the 00s decade because of shit that made them know that they couldn't stay for long and "wait and see" (exchange controls, expropriations and retarded laws driving companies out, middle class' quality of life slowly worsening over time)

Before the '98 elections, Chávez said something like "I am not socialist, I believe in something that goes beyond the current socialism and capitalism, I am a humanist"

I think it was after the coup that he started yelling about socialism.



I know, but see here



Venezuela is still in the grip of powerful billionaires, the socialism is just a dog and pony show the rich allow the west to see because it benefits them in the long run.

A system with no hierarchy is biologically impossible due to human evolutionary psychology. Plus not to mention democracy never works in a large society. There has never been a Democratic society that had a land area greater than 100000mi^2 and lasted for over 500 years.

Democracy is not a power-up granting invulnerability. A democracy can be just as susceptible to conquest and upheaval by outside or global forces as any other state.

Nigga did a purge, son.
Got rid of the bros who ran the oil, son.
Production dropped, son.
Shitty tactics, son.

Oil prices dropped when the USA took control of international production.

How do you anons respond to this post?


That's not the point. Democracies are the zenith of inefficiency, unless you grant voting rights only to people with IQs of 130 or above you're fucked.

Holla Forumsyp detected.
People with a high IQ, can and often do believe retarded things

Or maybe you just don't understand them. Have you ever tired to discuss anything with someone with an IQ below 90?

Also exceptions to the rule do not make the rule. People with exceptional cognitive ability make better decisions 9/10 times.

Efficiency is a spook

Last time I checked the US and French revolutions didn't happen that long ago

Stirner was a pretty spooked guy.

This. Fracking was massively overdone to weaken the russians, had the side effect of destroying venezuela.

Venezuela's economy started dying when Maduro took over, before the oil crash.

Why does this not surprise me?

Why does this not surprise me?

This shit.

The autodestruction had nothing to do with oil prices.


Full interview: