I have a theory, and I like other anons to give their insight on it

I have a theory, and I like other anons to give their insight on it.

My thesis is most of the serial killers after WW2 were the result of counter culture psyops against white Americans to destroy truth in society between citizens, or with drug cartels using blood rituals, assassinations, etc to hide the real motive behind killings.

Many serial killer attacked small towns and rural areas bring terror and distrust with them. Those kind of serial killers were kind of on the road NOMAD travelers.

Those that did killings in bigger population areas usually murdered mostly prostitutes and didn't have a political motivation behind their killings. They just killed for sexual satisfaction or for convenience to hide crimes. The catch is that sexual motivation and the sexual violence perversion was one of the many symptoms of the counter culture of liberal sexual liberation and porn. Yes, probably there been always serial killers, but after sexualization of American culture opened a Pandora box.

So CIA smuggled drugs to to America and thus helped to build a counter culture and thus were part of building the drug trade and cartels surrounding it.

Many of the drug cartel were funded and trained by CIA. Prisons were places where CIA did their PSYOPS and cartels recruited new men. Drug cartels started to recruit young prisoners. Drugs inside prison were part of CIA's lever to influence prison populations. Thus prisons started to become more politicized. So came more violent crimes then ever before. Prisoners that weren't even part of any prison gangs quickly joined one. Even if joining a gang was formality the psychological influence changed them. So when they got out they though killing, stealing, robbing, and raping was not morally a bad thing.. All those prison rapes, beating and killings made people paranoid, morally degenerate, and thus they lost all the decency they had left.

Also there were just counter cultural serial killers killing white couples because they represented white heteronormativity. Good example was Richard Joseph Gaikowski, aka The Zodiac Killer. By now Gaikowski is the sole suspect. There is so much evidence. Everything matches and new revelations are found everyday about his connections to the murders. Gaikowski was a Jewish Marxist homosexual who was a member (editor and reporter) of an anti-police, pro-violence counterculture newspaper and commune in San Francisco called Good Times.


Here is a book that describes how Hippy culture had connection to serial killers, weird disappearing and unsolved murders. Also it points out that most of the hippy culture figure heads were military men or their families were very influential in US military.


This second book is much closer to this subject. It's done by the same author and it speculates the same ideas, but with more detail. Pedophile rings and drug cartels and powerful government agencies a cross the world are using serial killers as a cover for their assassinations. The book describes how mind control works, and how children are grown into assassins, drug traffickers and prostitutes. It should be specially interesting because the pizzagate and pedophile busts that been happening lately.


Also something that might be worth thinking. There are huge number of disappearances in the woods by experimented hunters and campers.This book is going little off rails by the UFO shit, but I think the disappearances might be more to do with serial killers training and hunting humans in the woods.

Of course we have Jewish ritual killings. There was a massive thread couple of years ago digging Jewish ritual murders though history.

I used to take all the names and list them from murderpedia.org. I tried to check their ethnic identity and find connections to occult, satanism, biker gangs, drug cartels, but it was very big challenge and after I lost my PC I lost all the research I had done on the subject. But what I did discovers was that Jews were highly proportioned in the statistics even thou I wasn't able to go over the whole list. Many blacks also.

Could some anons contribute and help me make a statistic of Muderpedia or any other website that lists serial killers.

Other urls found in this thread:

maamodt.asp.radford.edu/Serial Killer Information Center/Serial Killer Statistics.pdf

just going to chime in and say that the preferred serial killer victims are white females regardless of the race of the killer.
your theory is very far fetched and too many coincidences

Psychopathy vs. Antisocial Personality Disorder

Mental health professionals refer to the (DSM) Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, to help guide in the treatment of their patients.
It describe antisocial personality disorder, or ASPD. This condition describes
many serial killers.

The most obvious indicator of the disorder is a total disregard for laws and
the social norm. People with ASPD usually have a long history of arrests and
are often involved in physical fights. Some are capable of lying so skillfully it's
hard to know when they are telling the truth. They will also act impulsively,
with little care to the safety of themselves or others. Symptoms sometimes
begin to appear in their early teens. Adults with ASPD struggle to stay
employed according to the DSM. The manual also mentions that the disorder
is more common with men than women.

Experts describe psychopathy as a severe form of ASPD. The difference is,
psychopaths have the antisocial behaviors mentioned, but also have
additional traits such as lack of remorse or guilt for their actions. They also
tend to be highly paranoid, and suspicious.

There is a diagnostic tool for psychopathy. The tool is a check list of sorts, of
20 criteria that measure a person's antisocial behavior, and other factors.
The highest score is 40, but even at 30 point someone is considered a
psychopath. The average score is 4. That means psychopathy is a
continuum, the way many disorders are. It also means most psychopaths are
not violent or destined to commit murder. A few, however, are at the far end
of the scale and are violent. This group may include serial killers.

Organized vs. Disorganized Killers

The FBI, in 1974, formed the Behavioral Science Unit (BSU). One of the first
tasks of the BSU, was to interview 36 serial murderers in an effort to
understand their motivation and psychology. After these interviews it was
determined that serial killers could be classified into three groups:

1. Organized: Organized killers plan their attacks methodically, where the
planning process itself becomes part of a consuming mental fantasy. They
choose their victims carefully and may stalk them for extended periods of
time. They carry, weapons and restraints with them and very rarely kill at the
scene where they encounter the victim. Instead, they transport their victims
to another location, commit the murder, and then dispose of the body in a
third location. This makes it difficult for investigators to collect evidence. After
a killing, they often follow the investigation in the media.

2. Disorganized: Disorganized serial killers plan nothing and often attack
suddenly, without notice. Their victims hold no symbolic value and have the
misfortune of being in the "wrong place at the wrong time." They don't bring
a weapon to the crime scene, instead use a weapon they find. i.e.: rock,
rope, metal pipe. They don't dispose of bodies, although they often take
"souvenirs." Their disorganized behavior makes it easier for law enforcement
to track and find them.

3. Mixed: Some serial killers defy classification. Perhaps they kill occasionally
while intoxicated or on drugs. Or, perhaps they fall in with other criminals
who are quick to kill. Whatever the circumstances, the FBI created a third
catch-all category for serial killers who can't be classified neatly as either
organized or disorganized.

Using this system, the psychology of serial killers becomes a bit more
muddled. Organized killers, for example, are classic psychopaths and
meticulously plan their crime and usually kill in a cold-blooded fashion.
Disorganized and mixed-category killers can be psychopathic, but can also be
psychotic. People who are psychotic lose contact with reality and may have
hallucinations or delusions.

The Holmes and Holmes Serial Murder Typology

A lot of professionals in the field of criminal psychology argue that the BSU's
three tiered scheme has many limitations. Ronald M. and T. Holmes, authors
on numerous serial killer and violent crime books, proposed a new serial
murder typology, which organizes killers into 4 main categories:

1. Visionary killers: feel the need to murder because of visions or messages
they receive from angels, demons, Satan or God. Their victims are not related
and have no connection.

2. Missionary killers: murder strictly a particular group, class, or race of
people in an effort to eliminate them.

3. Hedonistic killers: get intense sexual gratification from their acts. These
hedonistic killers can be further divided into two categories: lust killers, who
derive pleasure before and after the victim is dead, and thrill killers, whose
excitement fades as soon as the victim is dead.

4. Power or Control killers: who desire to master and control their victims
completely, including when and how they die.

Several researcher professionals have analyzed the Holmes and Holmes Serial
Murder Typology and questioned whether it is valid or not. For example,
British scientists at the University of Liverpool did an empirical study of the
typology and found that the attributes of power/control killers actually
applied to all of the other listed types of killers. According to these
researchers, in other words, the power/control category should be removed
completely. Still, the Holmes typology remains a very useful tool in helping to
understand the motivations and psychological processes of serial killers.

The Psychology of serial killers
There are many different levels of criminal psychology. There are some criminal, or forensic, psychologist that focus mainly their research on serial killers. A serial killer is an
individual who has murdered three or more people over a period of more than a month, usually with significant time (a cooling-off period) between the murders. This time
between the murders often makes the killings not seem connected. Depending of course, on the method used to murder the victim. In most cases the serial killer's victim
don't personally know the killer. This implies that a serial killer's motive is more psychological than material.
Studying the Brain of Serial Killers:

As research continues in the field, it is more commonly believed that the symptoms manifested by serial killers - regardless of their classification - are the result of brain
abnormalities. For instance, using medical imaging techniques, neuroscientists have discovered that the brains of psychopaths have noticeably thinner tissue in key subcortical

These regions span what doctors call the limbic system. It also spans other structures, such as the orbitofrontal cortex and the temporal pole, that are adjacent to the limbic
system. These regions of the brain are collectively known as the paralimbic system, and believe it may hold the key to understanding psychopaths. This is because the paralimbic
system controls basic emotions such as fear, pleasure, anger — and handles decision making, reasoning and impulse control. If this tissue is damaged or underdeveloped, then
that person may have a decreased ability to register feelings or assign emotional value to experiences. It explains a great deal about the behavior of psychopaths, who have
great difficulty feeling emotions.

Freud, a more classic form of psychoanalytic theory, described the id as the part of the mind that regulates instinctive impulses and primary processes. The ego, Freud said,
mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for a sense of someones personal identity. And the superego acts as a self-critical conscience, reflecting
the social norms learned from parents, teachers and other authority figures. In psychopaths, an abnormal paralimbic system could weaken the ego, which would allow the id to
direct behavior, leading to the need for immediate gratification. Other abnormal brain functions could also compromise the superego, allowing an individual to harm others in their
pursuit of self gratification without experiencing feelings of guilt or remorse.

Op you are not off. The thing is it is Jewish ritual murder. There is just a little nuance. The kikes enabled themselves to continue the blood libel through their goyim sects. Freemasonry as it where is the controlled act of violence without repercussion. The dismemberment check. The throat slitting check. The disembowelment check. There are serial killers that claimed to have been a part of luciferian secret societies. Son of Sam was one. All serial murder is masonic. That is the craft. It is how to hurt people efficiantly. That is what it is all about. There are no serial killers they all hide jewish blood libel through freemasonry. You can call it spurrious. You can call it clandestine. It is masonic and that is all there is to it. Jack the ripper was a jewish freemason. Ok this is not some reddit novelty thing masons kill people daily.

The Serial Killer Environment:

Everything we need to know about serial killers can't simply be explained by biology. Data shows that information hardwired in DNA only accounts for 50 percent of the variability
among people who exhibit adult antisocial traits. Basically, genetics can only account for so much. A persons environment has equal importance in shaping how a person

Many, but not all, serial killers suffered some kind of trauma in their childhood. Childhood trauma played a key role in the lives of numerous serial killers. John Wayne Gacy, who
murdered 33 young boys, suffered greatly at the hands of his abusive father. Gacy was brutally beaten and saw his beloved dog shot while he watched. Aside from physical
abuse, he withstood verbal assaults, listening as his father called him "sissy" and "worthless."

Albert DeSalvo, who was implicated in the strangulation deaths of 11 Boston women, also survived a horrible childhood. His father was cruel to the entire family, beating him with
a pipe and breaking his mother's fingers as the boy watched. Some accounts say his father sold the children to a farmer in Maine. Although they were rescued by their mother,
the trama they shared from the incident must have been significant.

Sometimes, the abuse isn't so obvious. Jeffrey Dahmer, murdered 17 people in the late 1980s and early 1990s, seemed to have a normal childhood. He was described as happy
and bubbly, although court records state that Dahmer was a withdrawn child who was fascinated with dead animals. Something happened to turn Dahmer into a sadistic killer.
Reports say he may have been sexually molested by a neighbor boy in 1968. He also may have also been traumatized, at age 4, by an operation for a hernia.

Most children can endure such abuses without suffering long-term psychological damage, others can't. Those who can't, often fail to develop an appropriate "attachment" to
their caregiver. Without that connection, children may never learn to trust the people around them. Instead, they turn inward, creating a fantasy world that becomes their
source of gratification. Usually when challenged, they react violently and never feel sympathy or remorse for the harm they cause.
The FBI conducted a three-year study of 36 sexually motivated killers, including 29 serial killers, the following statistics were reported:

69 percent of killers studied reported family histories with alcohol abuse.
53 percent listed relatives with psychiatric problems.
46 percent admitted family sexual problems.
33 percent described histories of familial drug abuse.

These numbers don't explain everything. But if you combine severe childhood abuse and isolation with certain neurobiological defects, it becomes much more clear how a
child could grow up to become a vicious and heartless killer.

I wouldn't say all are "masonic".

Most serial killers kill because of impulse, sex, or for conviniance.

Now you could make a case like I did that the mentality in which murders are committed is being spread around society to creat murder and mayhem. Just propaganda and social engineering.

Now I do believe there is also organized groups maybe not linked directly in anyway that do use murder for initiation.

Ok see this is what I am talking about. You can write a wikipedia rough draft on this you can not convince me something that is a natural fact. Look at that photo dammit it is jack the ripper. This is not some casual encounter. The local sect of kikelings plot to murder undesirable citizens. What you are neglecting is the obedience of law enforcement. Cases are thrown out. They come in and pour detergent to get rid of the forensic evidence. These cryptokikes will tell you everything is fine while putting you on the bad goy list for not beleiving your friend was suicidal.

This has festered for so long that we now have a very real possibility of being culled in marital law by these freaks. We might be publicly beheaded because these masons want you to know they love stabbing people. The man in canada that was set free for being a head cutter. You can talk about their environment all day the second you talk about the real serial killers you are no longer in kansas. Alright this is not a safe thing to talk about. We are not safe because of the complicity of these people.

All of these re-enactments are a lie. These people worship violence.

Homosexuality among Serial Killers: Statistics PART 1/2

Source, "over 43%": "Homosexual Rape and Murder of Children", published in Journal of the Family Research Institute, Vol. 18 No. 1, Feb 2003.
Technically, 69% of the serial killers in this study were homosexuals (i.e., people who were self-described homosexuals or people who had engaged in homosexual behavior immediately prior to, during, or after committing their murders). The lower statistic of 43% cited above is the proportion who were homosexual among people who molested or raped and then murdered children: 43% of these perpetrators were homosexuals. This lower figure, however, includes people who killed only a single person, and are thus not classified as serial killers. The lower figure is used in the article above (as "over 43%") because it comes from a larger sample size. Presumably, if the sample size were expanded to include a wider range of years, the proportion of serial killers who are homosexuals would remain between the proportion in this study who are serial killers (69% homosexuals versus 31% heterosexuals) and the proportion of all killers in this study (43% homosexual versus 57% heterosexual). Also note the approximately 50% of murders committed by homosexuals reported by Warren with regards to murders of adults. See also: Gemert, F. van, "Chicken kills hawk: gay murders during the eighties in Amsterdam", published in Journal of Homosexuality. 26(4), 149-174 (1994).

Excerpts, including methodology:

Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, an on-line search service, scans the whole text of over 50 English regional and national newspapers, largely in the U.S., but also including major papers in Australia, England, Canada, and New Zealand (e.g., the Baltimore Sun, Boston Globe, Independent [London], Ottawa Citizen, etc.). For 1989 through 2002 inclusive, every news story that included "child molestation" was examined – a total of 6,444 stories which, after eliminating repeat stories about the same cases, reduced to 1,914 unique child molestation events. The 6,444 story database was double-checked by running "murder" and "killed" against it. Only news stories were tallied, not editorials or opinion pieces, so these were stories of fairly recent events.

One hundred and three news stories involved the rape and/or murder of children: 90 involved the molestation and murder of a child or children, 11 stories involved only the abduction and rape of children, and two the rape and mutilation, but not the murder, of the children involved. Of the 90 news stories where the child was raped and murdered (0.47% of the unique child molestation stories), 40% involved homosexual molestation.

In the most unusual case, an "educated and relatively wealthy" leader recruited two other men and a boy. This team raped and murdered precisely 100 boys 1. The leader had had prior arrests for suspicion of sodomizing boys…

Of the 95 perpetrators in these 90 stories, at least 43% engaged in homosexuality… Of the 217 victims, at least 68% were victimized by homosexual perpetrators, and at least 67% were boys… Furthermore, both multiple perpetrators and multiple victims were associated with homosexuality. In the three stories where two or more killers were implicated, the rapes were homosexual. In 69% of the 13 stories involving more than one victim, the perpetrator engaged in homosexuality. Another 11 stories involved a charge of attempted murder. In 64% of those cases, the perpetrator engaged in homosexuality.

When all other cases of child molestation from the Lexis-Nexis search are added to these stories, there were 2,181 perpetrators in the 1,914 distinct events whose sexual proclivities could be characterized by the sex of their victim: 41% engaged in sex with their own sex, the remaining 59% with the opposite sex (another 118 perpetrators violated at least 190 children whose sex was not given). Of the 5,630 underage victims of these molestations, 61% were victimized by individuals who engaged in homosexuality. And those who performed homosexual seductions were quite one-sided: 3,386 of their victims were boys, only 60 were girls.

Homosexuality among Serial Killers: Statistics PART 2/2

Overall, there was a slightly higher rate of homosexuality among perpetrators who raped and killed than among those who "merely" raped or molested (43% vs. 41%). In addition, the proportion of victims attributed to homosexual perpetrators who raped and murdered was higher than the proportion attributed to homosexuals who only raped or molested (68% vs. 61%). All of the cases involving eating or torturing the victim were committed by homosexual practitioners…

Murder and child molestation combine[ed]… are also independently associated with those who engage in homosexuality. Blanchard, Barbaree, Bogaert, Dicky, Klassen, Kuban, and Zucker, working with male offenders, concluded in 2000 that 2 the "best epidemiological evidence indicates that only 2-4% of men attracted to adults prefer men; in contrast, around 25-40% of men attracted to children prefer boys…. Thus the rate of homosexual attraction is 6-20 times higher among pedophiles [those who have sex with children under the age of 12 yr.]" (p. 464).

Likewise, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual III-R (DSM III-R, 1987) 3 of the American Psychiatric Association, summarizing the clinical material about men, states that "Attraction to girls [aged 13 yr. or younger] is apparently twice as common as attraction to boys" and notes that the "course is usually chronic, especially in those attracted to boys…. The recidivism rate for people with Pedophilia involving a preference for the same sex is roughly twice that of those who prefer the opposite sex" (pp. 284-5).

Both of these sources estimated that about a third of child molesters engage in homosexuality – similar to the 41% of male perpetrators who 'only' raped the underage in the newspaper database. In other studies 4, it has also been found that male perpetrators who engage in homosexuality claim larger numbers of rape victims than non-homosexual rapists. For instance, 84% of the 28,574 children under the age of 14 who were raped in Abel, et al. were victimized by homosexuals. Also, the higher rates of recidivism by homosexuals noted in the DSM would imply more victims too.

In line with these reports, of the 217 victims in the 90 murder and rape stories, at least 68% were victimized by homosexual perpetrators. This 68% falls between the estimate that "roughly equal numbers of girls and boys, each year fall victim to some form of sexual exploitation" cited in a recent National Association of Social Workers review of a large set of studies of child molestation 5 and the 84% reported by Abel, et al.

Murder also appears to be disproportionately associated with homosexuality. Jim Warren did the intake interview for almost all younger murderers (i.e., those under age 36) at the Washington State Corrections Center from 1971-82. In an interview in 1994… Warren said that he was struck with how frequently homosexuality turned up in the cases…: Although the motive listed in the report was often robbery or theft, he said that "about 50% of the time" it was associated with homosexuality…

…a group [homosexuals] constituting perhaps 1% to 5% of men (1.3% in the 1996 National Household Survey of Drug Abuse; higher in Black, et al. 7, Anderson and Stall 8, and Cameron and Cameron 9) generated 43% of those who were recorded in the most recent 14 years of news stories as having raped and killed children. [The minority of the population that is homosexual] also accounts for around a third of child molesters, commits between a third to two-thirds of child rapes, and may be involved in up to half of all murders…

1. Popham, P. (2000) Child killer sentenced to be throttled, cut up and immersed in an acid bath. Independent [London, England] 3/17/00.
2. Blanchard, R., Barbaree, H. E., Bogaert, A. F., Dicky, R., Klassen, P., Kuban, M. E., Zucker, K. J. (2000) Fraternal birth order and sexual orientation in pedophiles. Archives of Sexual Behavior 29, 463-478.
3. American Psychiatric Association. (1987) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual III-R. Washington, D.C.
4. Abel, G. G., Becker, J. V., Mittelman, M., Cunningham-Rathner, J., Bouleau, J. L., and Murphy, W. D. (1987) Self-reported sex crimes of nonincarcerated paraphiliacs. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2 (1), 3-25.
5. Houston Chronicle (9/26/01) Define child sex abuse to combat problem. Editorial.
7. Black, D., Gates, G., Sanders, S. and Taylor, L. (2000) Demographics of the gay and lesbian population in the United States: evidence from available systematic data sources. Demography. 37, 139-154.
8. Anderson, J. E. and Stall, R. (2002) Increased reporting of male-to-male sexual activity in a national survey. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 29, 643-646.
9. Cameron, P. and Cameron, K. (2002) What proportion of heterosexuals is ex-homosexual? Psychological Reports 91, 1087-1097.

This is not something that is ever discussed but the fact you can understand the muder-initiation means you are on your way to realizing the terrible reality. It not always is masonic. but whoever is hacking away is being protected by these people. For whatever reason these people can allow these things to be done and in some cases act these things out. You might have heard of a lot of bodies being found in water. That is a part of the oaths. They swear that they will be sliced up and thrown where the tide ebbs and flows twice daily.

When we think of gays we think of faggy hipsters, but that wasn't always the case.

For example. Gays and pedophiles were hugely involved in counter culture movement of the 60's. Back in the day gays were not some faggy LBGT larpers, but actually violent sexual predators. Back in the day gay people got sex trough outdoors rapes, pedophilia, or going to a gay bars where other masculine gay bears were hanging around and it wasn't fun for them. They wanted younger more feminine men to fuck, and that's why they were also involved and eventually became pedophiles themselves.

The thing is gay bars back in the day were for social activist and sexual predators. They used to lure kids there and the whole bar would take turn raping kids. One of the reasons why police made raids in gaybars. Ironically Pride march was formed in memory of Stone Wall riots, and in Stone Wall was this gay bar where MAMBA used to reqruit people and they had lured kids there many times. When police made raids into the bar the fags attacked the police. The stone wall riots were even possible because the gay community back in the day were masculine and predatory and not faggy like they are today. Todays LBGT people couldn't bring violence like those people did.

So my idea was maybe gay bars were also a place where counter culture and idea of going out and serial raping people spreaded around. Of course after the rapes many would kill their victims because they didn't want to leave witnessess.


Jack The Ripper
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah
Ed Gein
Joel Rifkin
Harold Shipman
Rodney Alcala
Herb Baumeister
Harvey Glatman
David Berkowitz
John Wayne Gacy
Albert DeSalvo
Charles Cohen
Jeffrey Dahmer
Peter Kudzinowski
Tillie Klimek
Henry Lee Lucas
Charles Schmid
Robert Shulman
Efren Saldivar
Leopold and Loeb
Randall Woodfield
Louis Fine
George Sack
Alfred Leonard Cline
Louis Neu
Ralph Jerome Selz
Edward Simon Wein
Harvey Murray Glatman
Robert Zarinsky
James Koedatich
Ralph Nuss
Gloria Tannenbaum
Milton Niport
Bertram Greenberg
Joseph Kallinger
William Rothstein
Joseph Fischer
Brian Kevin Rosenfeld
Robert Durst
Steven Oken
Nathan Trupp
Charles Mark Cohen
Jeffrey Feltner
Philip Carl Jablonski
Edward Isadore Savitz
Robert Shulman
Eyal Shachar
Salomon Rosenbloom
Norman Parker
James Eric Gottfried
Andrei Chikatilo

There was a biography of (((Victor Neuberg))) I read once where the writer mentions that Jack The Ripper's murders were actually an occult rite.

A lady, Cremers, who was a "witch" occultists was alleged to have been the one to put Jack The Ripper down. At the very least, she was claimed to have known who he was.

This Cremers lady was somehow blood-related to the Rothschild's from memory.

Didn't a dna test verify JTR to have been Jewish suspect.

That is another nuance. They are juwes. Not jews. Some of them are kikes. But they are all juwes.

In jack the rippers scandal there was graffiti. "The juwes will not be blamed for nothing."

That was freemasonry framing the kikes. I know how outrageous that sounds but when it comes to defending the kike that is what the craft was made for. The knights templar where the poor old knights of the temple of solomon. They protected kikery and masonry protected the templars secrets when they where burnt at the stake on friday the 13th.

The kikes where in power during jack the ripper that is precisely why they misspelled jews to juwes. When it comes to serial killing it divides a neighborhood. There are kikes in charge make no mistake however there are cops that look the other way. There are fake ass townspeople that rattle on about pleasent things and pretend they did not shove a sock in the childs mouth. Its this nuance that is the deadliest thing on the planet. The kikelings are the most valuable tool of the kike that is why they will even go out of their way to hide it because there is so many degrees of separation to the point the kike does not get his hand dirty.

I am specifically referring to Jack the Ripper. This is not a rule by any means. However the very first serial killer was in fact multiple people acting as a secret society.

No, it was the jew Aaron Kosminski.


A British newspaper claims that ground-breaking DNA testing proves beyond doubt that the enigmatic Victorian serial killer was Polish-born hairdresser Aaron Kosminski. The forensic techniques that led to the breakthrough were developed and carried out by Finnish scientist Dr Jari Louhelainen. However fellow scientists and Jack the Ripper experts have come forward to question the validity of the methods behind the discovery.

A Finnish scientist has used revolutionary forensic techniques to prove the identity of Jack the Ripper, a British newspaper claimed on Sunday.

Dr Jari Louhelainen, an expert in analysing historical genetic evidence from crime scenes, was approached by self-proclaimed “armchair detective” Russell Edwards to help solve a murder mystery that has baffled criminologists for over 100 years.

Louhelainen and Edwards claim that DNA testing now proves beyond reasonable doubt that Jack the Ripper, accused of a string of brutal murders in Victorian east London, was Polish-born hairdresser Aaron Kosminski.

The DNA breakthrough, which was revealed in UK newspaper the Daily Mail and will be set out in a forthcoming book, was made on the basis of samples taken from a blood-stained shawl believed to belong to one of the Ripper’s victims, Catherine Eddowes.

Edwards, 48, bought the shawl at auction and took it to Louhelainen, a senior lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University, who agreed to conduct the forensic tests in his spare time.

“When Russell Edwards first approached me in 2011, I wasn’t aware of the massive levels of interest in the Ripper case, as I’m a scientist originally from Finland,” the Daily Mail reports Louhelainen as saying. “But by early this year, when I realised we were on the verge of making a big discovery, working on the shawl had taken over my life, occupying me from early in the morning until late at night.”
Perfect match

Using cutting-edge techniques he developed himself, Louhelainen was able to extract 126-year-old DNA from the fabric of the shawl and compare it to DNA from living relatives of Eddowes and Kosminski. The result showed a perfect match.

Louhelainen told the Mail he is satisfied that the tests – the technology for which was not available even five years ago – prove “as far as we possibly can” that Kosminski was the murderer. He added that he is excited and proud of the achievement.

maamodt.asp.radford.edu/Serial Killer Information Center/Serial Killer Statistics.pdf

Here are some good statistics on serial killers.



the DSM is not legitimate in any regard, and is pure disease-by-committee jewry that exists to sell you treatments instead of cures. polite sage because I'm still reading. I hope your entire theory is not based on modern disease-by-committee psychiatry.

Just copypasted an article on the psychology of sereial killers. Has nothing to do with my theory other then give insight on the mind of serial killers.

My theory is based on books

I read this a while ago and while I did learn quite a bit from it, it was a bit of a disappointment and the author seemed a bit naive. There was another book that looked a lot better about the same subject but I cannot remember the name. Does anyone know what book this could have been? There can't be too many books on the subject. Sorry if this seems off-topic but I'll bump anyway because it's a good thread.