Would you feel embarrassment playing a game like this in public?
Would you feel embarrassment playing a game like this in public?
I wouldn't play a game like that in private
Sorry i don't play shovelware.
only a jackass would play it without headphones or dimmed brightness
would I have headphones or something
who in their right mind would play vidya outside? specially with people near by?
I play SK2 on my 3DS when I'm on the train sometimes, I just have headphones on and keep to myself so I think I'll live.
I feel sorry for the lame fuck that has nothing better to do with their time than judge my gaming choices in public…
Wait, am I playing it ironically?
Enjoy your HBO and MTV you dumb shit.
isn't that the rhythm game-ish ine?
Who is this Quentin guy and why is he such a faggot?.
the thread should have ended here
I do whenever I have nothing to do but wait. Everyone's on their phone anyways, playing games isn't much different
no I would not. Already played senran kagura burst on a bus to work.
Better than being a manchild :^)
Playing with handhelds in public follows the same set of rules as flirting.
If you're attractive, it's totally cool and acceptable.
If you're unattractive, it's pathetic and creepy.
You forgot to include an attractive picture for contrast
I shiggy dig diggy
I got you onii-fam.
please never stop posting these, you absolute madman.
SJW's don't feel embarrassed about any of the retarded shit they do, neither should we.
Those are not in public, though
I miss quentin.
I miss a Holla Forums where all we had to deal with were funny trolls like him, tipping the pizza delivery guy, we would set up servers and play video games and have fun.
This isn't even ancient Holla Forums, this is all relatively recent in my mind.
God what the fuck happened to Holla Forums, who are all these edgy no fun allowed tryhard kids, i miss my mates.
Use your imagination, user. 2d lolis playing vidya in public is a highly specific request.
quentin is like, half a decade ago.
all the underage v& that browsed 4chan in 2010 are now adults.
we have had a generation of chans.
I miss him. This was next level shitposting to an artform.
>my 10 year anniversary on FurAffinity is coming up
Hoo boy
It really doesn't feel that old, Quentin for me is still "the new guy".
When i think old Holla Forums i think Manly Tears (wasn't Quentin just MT in disguise anyway? or one of his friends? i forgot), Toxic Jester, Lanced Jack.
Everyone i liked in this shithole either killed themselves or went away forever.
my kongregate profile is 8 years old
I don't know.
Fuck all I can remember is he was a fucking manlet and got destroyed because of it. Good times.
Just kill me now.
Meant to post this instead
Apparently they're different people. They both uploaded YT vids of themselves sometimes, if I remember correctly.
Oh yeah, fuck, it's all coming back to me now.
Quentin actually got arrested or notified to the police or something, i forgot what he did.
He actually WAS this blonde little skinny nerd that acted like a total sperglord IRL and had problems at school getting bullied on a daily basis.
He'd go around reading Ayn Rand acting like a total faggot IRL.
Hell, he'd probably fit in this new Holla Forums just fine i bet.
I'd feel embarrassment for playing a game like that in general.
He was also a teenager when he made most of those comics.
It's true, but actually he didn't make the diamond dogs ones posted here.
By then it was basically a group of anons making fun of his original comics, it was all a big parody.
I wonder if he eventually grew the fuck up or remained a little shit forever mentally, we'll never know.
This cracks me up so much every time. No one has ever taken this stuff seriously, right? It's obviously just a joke.
Serves you right, you chose to play Minori. Now if you would have played Yomi, they would have recognized you as a man of distinction and taste, and things would have turned out quite different.
99.99% of people you'll never meet again and unless you're doing something insanely autistic that someone records you, they're never going to remember you either.
Life's too short to give a shit.
What's so bad about minori, I've only played the first senran kagura for an hour or two but she just looks like a girl with a backpack and a pail
Yomi is one fo the best girls but there's nothing wrong with Minori either.
What's with all the shitran kagayra shilling recently? Is OP an Xseed marketer?
Her tits are molded to her shirt, that's something wrong with her
And she doesn't have a nose
And she's in a shit game
Minori takes all of the immature childish annoying parts of Hibari and then has NONE of the warm, kindhearted, friendly endearing parts. She's a selfish cunt with a developmentally stunted brain.
Furthermore Minori is pretty much the only Senran who gets ZERO character development over the course of the story. She learns nothing, she contributes nothing, she's like a literal child.
user don't delude yourself: there is no character development in shitran kagayra
Fuck off, you've clearly never played the games.
hahahaha manchildren all of you
I wouldn't be surprised if xseed was viral marketing here at all and in fact fully assume they are.
I don't really like Hibari because of the constant doubting of herself being an aggravating character trait among other things, so Minori not having any of that is a positive to me. I will say that she is a somewhat flat (hue) character, but at the same time,
I thought that was the point. Kurokage even flat out says that he wants her to simply stay like she is because she's innocent and childlike, a rare attribute.
But I have, any character development is just playing character tropes to their logical conclusions. I'm sorry your taste is so shit you can't tell good characterization from generic anime tropes.
not everyone lives in a city though. It's mostly same faces in bus etc. in the backwaters.
user you're retarded.
user, doing anime tropes true may as well be no character development at all.
Why live?
Because better shit than that garbage exists
Like what user?
nice proxy by the way
minori is cute!
With Minori? Yes because her fighting style is so-so, and people would consider me a pleb. I love the girl, she's my favorite, but they need to tune her style. Hikage and Ryoubi are the patrician's choice.
Why would I feel embarrassed?
Of course I would! Senran Kagura is a garbage series fueled by NEETs with shit taste. Anyone should be embarrassed to be caught with it in public, much like the local two dollar whore.
Don't talk about your mother like that user, she provided your education with cheap sex and blowjobs.
I can talk about that slut however I damn well please. And she was paying for her drug habit.
Sometimes I believe that feminist is a myth.
Kill yourself goon.
It boils down to your physical appearance, clothing and insecureness.
If you're a greasy neckbeard looking everywhere nervously, then you'll get picked on. I'm not handsome by any means, but I've played Miracle Girls Festival, Project Diva, Senran Kagura, Dragon's Crown, Atelier games and other weeb games on my Vita while waiting for the plane at the airport, and no one bothers me. Some kids stare at the screen and they've told their moms that X girl looks cute but that's it.
What kind of person is embarrassed by what random-ass nobodies think? You could urinate on the subway floor and walk out of there with your head held high, because none of those fuckers know who you are and you don't know them.
The only people you owe a god damn thing to are your family and friends, OP, and even then you come first.
I see black people playing weeb games and even watching moe faggot anime in the library all the time. How come they get to get away with it?
Go back to reddit, underaged faggot
They only exist in college campus safe-spaces and on the internet. At least half of the ones on the internet are just trolls stirring up shit for a laugh.
because they are down trodden and are trying to get their life together, unlike the white man :^)
You first, goon.
Holy shit, please check your privilege you white male
Fuck off
Black privilege is the best privilege
Jaypeggy artifacts…
id fuck her in public
thats hot as fuck
No because i don't play video games in public, what kind of fucking manchild are you
meanwhile Minori is still the same mentally stunted kid
The only problem is that you give a fuck.
Well, now you reminded me about this hypnoshit.
brb church
What's wrong with me…?
Self-preservation instinct. Deep down you're afraid that someone is going to try to get you arrested for doing something they don't agree with. Get a concealed carry license and pack heat, then you'll feel safe enough to literally make out with your PS Vita on the bus.
So I have to tell them that I'm worried that I'll be shot for playing titty games?
Yes, are you scared to admit that?
I'm just wondering if they'd even believe me.
Then just say you go to high crime areas regularly and want to have a sense of security
dude you're doing it wrong, wear a trump shirt/hat and you'll get all the triggering you need you don't even have to like him.
Noone cares about what videogames you play and noone knows what senran is.
i remember some faggot playing in a big ass tablet, he had a big ass "please beat me up and steal my shit" sign in his face.
at least i'm not a nigger :^)
faggot privilege works too
Only thing I've gotten in trouble for so far is talking about how Islam is a dogshit religion, and a short argument over saying that caring about pronouns is for uppity faggots
you should find our lord and savior jesus christ, user, like right now.
I may be something of a degenerate but at least I'm not a religioncuck
besides I'm not that much of a faggot I wouldn't fuck a dude unless he was also a qt trap
Yeah, no, fuck you, OP. We WILL continue to discuss Senran and all other games like it whether you like it or not.
You wouldn't catch me playing it at all
I'd play just about anything in public. But isn't Senran Kagura a 2D fightan? I'd probably put it away just 'cause I'm shit at those things.
This comic always bugs me. Like it's very common to see someone play on their phone when waiting for or riding to all kinds of shit.Not to mention emulators on phones.
But I guess I'm a man child for not using Quentin's specific poison.
Nope. The 3DS games are 2D side scrolling brawlers like Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, or Final Fight. The Vita games are musou games, like the Dynasty Warriors series.
This guy knows what's up.
Why would I? Its not like I jerk it to Senran.
You'd probably find me laughing with some other people if I played it in public.
Someone emailed his principal saying he wanted to shoot up his school, or something like that.
Because we're born with the jeans that make us look tough and no desire to care.
White people perpetuate their own dweebish stereotype in media while currently having an all time high in candyasses.
Couldn't be any worse than sharing genes with California, UK, Sweden, and current Germany.
Is Hikage kissing the gold standard for Western Senran fans?
Because of faggots like you who are too afraid too.