Weinstein Witch Hunt Turns Against Trump


>>>Holla Forums10762808

Other urls found in this thread:


>*This just in the Weinstein scandal has broken and numerous women are claiming he raped them.*
>*This just in the Weinstein scandal has taken a new turn and Donald Trump has been accused of harassment as well*
Right Wing SJW rural retards, I tell you man, they're something else.

nu-Holla Forums should be happy. I thought this is what they wanted.


i don't a fuck about any of this tbh

You know what to do.


LOL… always love when Drumpfcucks throw a hissyfit over Cheeto in Chief. I wish Rick and Morty would do an episode on these idiots, it would be so hilarious.

Rollan for a slime, a mini girl, or Alice



still less gay than this thread.

wow. it's almost like anyone who isn't a rural or suburban retard could see this coming.

honeybee looks cute


Best girl right here.

looks like a loli skinwalker

Go back and stay back there nigger

It pretty much is.





Implying that other than MG posters that there's more than one person in this thread.

Gimmie harpy

Donald Trump lost the popular vote, there is no reason he should be president.

Wasn't there an user here who said wait till they start accusing conservatives and nu-Holla Forums will do a 360 and start crying? He was right. Holla Forums spent the weekend banning everyone who pointing out their retardation.


good thing i got a reroll




Does this count as furfaggotry?





rolling for bewbs

make it stop

I haven't seen Holla Forums this triggered since Amnesty Don said he'd give all those real Americans amnesty.

You really are just a faggot dude.

Despite the animal parts? It's just the face that matters?

If there’s a snout, it’s out.

Them’s the rules.

Its just more of nothing.

t. woman hater

nu/pol/ gets triggered by the word 'hook' what did you expect? >>>Holla Forums10750360

>All the top boards are owned by jews/goons except for Holla Forums. >>>Holla Forums10753326

There is literally nothing wrong with kemono.

this kills the sudocuck

Rosties aren't human, user.

what the fuck am I reading? I know Holla Forums went off the deep end a long time ago, but it's still hard to watch.


Holla Forums mods are the jewiest of jews.


Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

>>>Holla Forums
Go back and stay back there nigger

Rolin' for Roper

Go back to sucking cock and loving feminism now.

You almost caught me. Also you forgot to call us cumskins and/or meatcucks.

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

do you feel in charge?



Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

Post more monstergirls.

that second one doesn't look like a girl tbh

There are many monstergirls but this monstergirl is mine.


Drumpflovers will defend this.


Honest question. Why is Holla Forums triggered so easily? They're like SJWs

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

Honest question, what was the last time you made a sincere post and not template bait posts and threads?

Look @ how triggered it is!

have a lewd of her

Why not?

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

Because they're rural & suburban retards. It's a result of low IQ and no RN.

Enjoy your mandatory AIDS contraction. Calfornian.



>>>Holla Forums
Keep Holla Forums on Holla Forums


Is that 4th one a mimic?

I'm surprised the Maisefag is nowhere to be found in this thread…

bump for delicious polcuck tears

WTF Holla Forums loved feminism now?

G'night Alt-Right

The 'alt-right' died some time ago, do try to keep up, user.


So, kikes get arrested because of their own laws, Holla Forums celebrates and discusses whether or not this is a good thing and Holla Forums shits their pants because "OMG THEY DONT ALL AGREE WITH EACHOTHER EPIC TROLL".
Sorry you guys don't have big enough of a board to actually have differing opinions.


Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!

Lel, still don't invoke the munterfaggots.

Holla Forums go home, your credibility is nil and your ideology is fraudulent.

Nothing wrong with munters

I think it's more of "what if the Thing was a loli."


Sure thing, buddy.

bumping for Big Harv's redemption


Reminder for Nationalistcucks

wew lad! i better haul my sorry arse off the burn ward asap after that sick burn!





i..is this the end of drumpf?

Time to release all sex offender and remove the registry.

End this "Witch Hunt" Now!

wow that really triggered the cumskins


LOL Drumpf's been D.O.A. SINCE DAY FUCKING 1. Took you cucks this long just to realize he'd go down in flames…


The main thing that bothers me is that its okay to destroy someone over rape accusations if you dont like them but if you do its innocent untill proven guilty. Shouldnt the law work that way for everyone? People from both the left and right are guilty of supporting what is essentially a lynching.


Daily reminder that my skin creates future generations, while yours at best serves as mulch.

Wew this shilling. I almost feel offended. Do you really think Holla Forums is that retarded?

Yeah, that's what getting btfo looks like friendo.


not an argument, kike.

this I agree with a lot that Holla Forums says but they're still a bunch of uneducated fucking retards that fall for every bait and can't think on their own.

What retarded enough to believe in due process? Yeah I thought you were.

Toppest of keks.

You need to go back. I think you know where to.

inb4 faggot janitors lock thread

Just as bad as an sjw

Just remember that if a finger can be pointed at them and destroy them without conviction that the same can happen to you. Is that the environment you want? Pussy whipped culture like south america?

You're done here, viper. Slither back into your hole and prepare for the oven. Your days are numbered.

No, wait. I was wrong. Surely this is the toppest of keks.


Oh no its all over for Drumpf now.


See thing?
What did he mean by that?

Let's let everyone else be the judge of that kay sweety? ;')


women's rights will bring down the man who won by literally preaching sexism and used the patriarchy to defeat the most qualified candidate who happened to be a woman, pretty poetic 😏

what did he mean by this?

I don't get it.


Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!


Daily reminder that the "Alt-Right" is controlled opposition to prevent actual, effective Right-Wing politics to manifest.
Let alone Third Position people to sally forth.

Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

Who am I taking tonight, magic number sheet?

Something small and cute, please.



The right is feminist cancer now. Who cares tbh fam?
