making a new thread with a new OC webm
old one is autosaging and on page 14
making a new thread with a new OC webm
old one is autosaging and on page 14
Other urls found in this thread:
I said it on /wooo/ and I'll say it here
I heard about that legendary chairshot heard around the world… but hearing it? JESUS Stevie, at least the Blue Meanie looked ok if not bloody
JBL got a concussion for a couple of months because of that stiff chairshot to the head
stevie can man up for his friend if needed be
Scary Movie would have been much better if it weren't for the Nigger brothers.
Yeah, nah, he's being an inconsiderate asshole, pushing his belief on others. At least she's like "no one wants to hear your bullshit cult dogma."
Would adopt/10.
Damn that was a good boss
What the fuck?
I realy need to re-encode that shit with VP9
me likey
I wonder if the shitty art style is intentional or not.
A classic
Doesn't any one else get a turn to kick the can?
Waste of a good CRT
I don't even get why kick the can would be a fun game.
It definitely is. The artist has done tons other music videos for other bands and even a few commercials. Hell, you can even hire the dude to make something for you. his tag is AC部
I ubercharge spies whenever I get a chance
another one of this dude's works
Pick one.
Also, got around to watching LoK the other day
Good God, does Korra suck at fighting.
He has a pretty unique art style
More like "Radioactive Meltdown of the industry.webm"
what game?
Webms like this are one of the reasons why I enjoy the Holla Forums Halo PC thread/games we have some weekends
That looks like risen 3
I love this one so much.
huh… is it any good?
It's look it up yourself
Open the file in mpv or VLC
I'll post some Halo webms just for you, then.
there was somebody who made a remix of the battle theme with AHAHAHAHAHAs. it's since been pulled from where I found it by copyright. Do you have a mirror by any chance?
The moe hole is here. I'm scared if I jump through the moe hole i'll never want to leave
"now look at my skeletons bitch!"
an underrated classic.
What anime is this from? Looked it up and can only find the source of this webm.
What is the fucking point of censorship on animated porn? It's clearly porn, that's what your here for.
Do you not know Touhou?
Because Japan
You need to step up your 2hu game.
It's required by jap law to censor porn.
Also showing lots but not everything is more seductive than showing everything without restraint. The jap censorship thing ticks that box for me sometimes with the black bars in hentai doujins but the pixelation never does it for me..
2015 was the year The Kong reigned over /jp/
now she only has one thread
i was going to ask for some sauce but i retract my would-be statement
What script do you use to encode your webms?
Mine is pretty good and doesn't take terribly long but it struggles the longer files.
cd %userprofile%\desktopffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 800:640 -aspect 5:4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -qmin 14 -qmax 14 -b:v 636k -minrate 635k -maxrate 640k -bufsize 640k -c:a libopus -b:a 80k -crf 14 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -sws_flags bicubic -param0 1/3 -param1 1/3 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 1 -quality good -cpu-used 1 -threads 3 -pass 1 -preset veryfast 1.webmffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 800:640 -aspect 5:4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -qmin 14 -qmax 14 -b:v 636k -minrate 635k -maxrate 640k -bufsize 640k -c:a libopus -b:a 80k -crf 14 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -sws_flags bicubic -param0 1/3 -param1 1/3 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 1 -quality good -cpu-used 1 -threads 3 -pass 2 -preset veryfast output.webm
Any tips?
fucking dubs smh
i use webm for retards
incorrect, these are two different artists.
Galo Sengen is done by the group Policeman and the artist who did the video is also not the same.
Group_inou is the one behind heart and many other videos in their music.
Ah I misread, thought you meant the same musicians not the same artist.
I have made a mistake.
No it didn't have the massive distortion on it. The video started with the laugh unedited then the music kicked in.
I know of it, but a very surface knowledge. I just know it's a bullet hell game that has a lot of types of media associated with it. Is any of it official or all fan labor?
Would super appreciate the name of the anime, unless it's this one:
Okay, I'm no webm savant here, but doesn't limiting min and max bitrate mean that you're going to waste space at simple frames, and sacrifice quality at complex frames? Isn't the entire point of a dynamic bitrate to make those two compliment each other?
What about the uncensored hentai? Is it illegal?
Why not watch that and find out? Or just type "list of touhou fan animes." It's not that hard man.
Appreciate it, fellow user :)
Is this your first day here?
Fucking hardcore GTR? or Gt-T
Legitimately, yes. I got over the fact that no matter what I do, someone will call me a fag eventually and wanted to get into imageboard culture.
Even if that sound dumb as fuck, i'm being genuine.
love from /rgg/
Lurk more, thats all I can say
I am impressed. They really took their time making this music video and the result is amazing. Sad to think these triggers are real stories.
Just lurk. It sounds annoying, but it makes picking up things feel more natural and you feel more inclined to look for things yourself. I lurked and instead of asking for sources all the time i could usually find stuff easily. Though make sure not to be a faggot who only uses this site to look hip.
I was thinking about getting a webm for that. Was watching it again just yesterday.
Those gloves.
Every time.
Does someone have this webm where there is a scientist who tries to putacetone in a jar with the movie jar
It's name was wubbly gloves or something
Just so i'm 100%, lurking means just reading threads without posting at all?
Makes it go quicker and doesn't change the quality or size of a clip significantly.
Yeah that's illegal.
You might be getting some poor artist arrested by spreading their uncensored work around.
I can't even remember if this was a joke or not but after what's happening in south korea right now I can't really tell anymore.
As a general rule, lurk for at least 6 months (of daily visits) before posting on any board.
That, or posting when you're sure enough that what you're posting doesn't reek of newfaggotary
And i assume by that point i'll have figured that out? because I have no idea what that means other than the fact that it's insulting people who are new.
About. You'll get to that point when you understand why we spoiler fun
What's going on in South Korea?
Here's a question for you. If you were to plan a trip to mexico, would you just hop in your car and drive to the border, hoping someone will help you, or do you try to look into things first?
Trust me, lurk for a while and you will start to get a better understanding. I didn't post right away and even then it took me longer until I started posting frequently. There is a reason new fags are usually insulted, it's to weed out those who aren't really meant for this site.
So I'd say go back to not posting for a while. Maybe a month or two since you not knowing something as basic as touhou is sad.
Enjoy your cuckchan 2.0 with WebM's that have an 8MB limit with sound
Having watched through Initial D for the first time about a month ago, such webms really do it for me.
I'd rather hear his beliefs than listen to some little shit yelling like a fag and being an annoying cunt
And the fact that she's a girl has no bearing, right?
I'd rather hear neither of them, because they're both equally loud and obnoxious.
I dont even care if it makes me a faggot degenerate. Id watch the shit out of this.
For when one just isn't enough.
I suggest you remove the lower bound, leave only the upper. You will be able to save on file size with virtually no loss in quality and encoding time.
Fuck you. What if it is?
Don't tell me how to raise children.
Oh man, I remember watching this video some time ago. It's part of the Break the Meta series, isn't it?
Every time
Does that thing not realize it's being anally probed?
are you me? I have used in posts maybe 1% of my image folder. I feel like a stamp collector, autisticly collecting every file from a thread. when Holla Forums goes down I just browse through my saved webms and imagine I'm in a thread. I'm a broken man.
I'm a humble and simple user in a world gone mad, what's the source of this song?
who /red skeleton/ here?
post a lewd webm and I'll tell you
That meant to have no audio? Seem to be permanently on mute.
running from the past
You know, I'm sure this is a joke, but who exactly was behind Japan's constitutional censorship? Considering that SEGA was founded by Hawaiian Jews and only subsequently Japanized, the role of Jewish 'reporters' as advisors to Mao's regime, and the role maybe played by Debito Arudou in that Miss Japan mulatto scandal not so far back, I wouldn't be surprised in the least.
whoa, that webm is an impressive degree of cancerous
but user, it's an mp4
Its not censorship you uncultured swine. Japanese people are born that way, the same way american's are cut-fags, the japanese have pixel dicks
Aku no Onna Kanbu
that explains why ahegao is a thing over there
I'm gonna need some HD sauce on this one.
What the fuck?
Holy shit this syncs up perfectly with You're On from Madeon.
Play the older games mate and actually finish them
I don't want to. Why don't you upload some videos of yourself playing through them so I can watch you be an autist and not have to waste my time?
Nah. I don't feel like doing that.
What does the sea cucumber gain from this symbiosis other than anal orgasms ?
please source
Is Final Fantasy X/X-2 remaster worth a buy? Even if it's on steam?
yeah it cuts short
checked halfblood of satan
Stop using that steaming pile of garbage and use Avidemux. More options=better.
It's okay to be new here. We all have been new at some point.
The first rule of being new anywhere is:
The only two things you learn by just starting are games and swimming. If you want to learn something new you observe other people doing it first. Speaking, walking, writing, reading, drawing, and all the other things.
Shits pretty fun
Don't lie to yourself, and don't apologize for them. These people pushed them and now for that kind of video game to be banned entirely.
The problem is people argued, heavily (and rightly) against that shit. And instead compromised by properly enforcing content rating.
Here is filthy frank with the le ear rape meme applied to it for your spamming pleasure.
Use it as you may. I honestly don't give a fuck.
What's funny is that you can easily unleash a defamation lawsuit in civil court against people that do these op-ed pieces
you should be free to adopt, she clearly doesn't have parents
I really wish Konami would just let their artists pump out CDs. Trip Machine and Brilliant2U are just 2gud
I'm so tired of this sort of shit
If i could go back in time, I'd finish my lunch before watching that.
I thought m67s would cause more damage
Holy christ the compression on that audio is so fucking awful.
Holy shit this is fucking old. I remember this from at least 5 years ago on 4/v/
So, somebody made a food version of Argosax the Chaos?
he must have had tough booties
what OVA is this?
holy shit youre a triggered little mad fuck aint ya user
ALL the m&m games had scifi under the hood you fucking underage gaylord
Did that dude's fucking LEG come off?
is it his voice that's funny?
I've never played tf2 so i don't get it
The Medic was healing a disguised enemy and getting mad at him for not attacking the capture point with him.
No clue about the music track though, so if anyone could source that it'd be much appreciated.
Kek. The quality on that video is shit. It's a short from an anime compilation called Neo Tokyo. You can find it on Nyaa. If you like it also check out one called Memories.
what game is this?
Its in the title, Go Rotten by kanoguti
oops I didn't see, my bad
What movie is this?
I lost all my bird webms. Can you guys give me some?
I've read that manga
What the hell happened to the thumbnail?
Probably that the thumbnail link was malformed when it was made, so the server took the next available picture and resized it appropriately.
That crow deserves to be mauled; annoying little shit.
It's just a prank, bro
Anybody have the one with the black guy explaining "Games as art" using a light switch on top of stairs?
It is. There's a hell of a lot of work put into it and the fact that this motherfucker is changing styles of animation in pretty much every video he does.
Took me a while to find it, forgot what I called it
Wow, what a pretentious faggot. And that's not even true of art anyway, because if it were, drawing nude little girls would be legal. But it's not. There's an artist who faced prison time for his comic who can prove that art is not protected from objection and introspection.
But all the same, declaring that "calling video games art means you can no longer tell video games that they need to change" is all the better reason to go with the Smithsonian's assessment that video games are art. Because then Anita and her master have no choice but to fuck off, because now they're oppressing and stifling an art form.
The post-modernism movement has been doing that for decades despite that.
May as well post this
Just because laws in certain regions forbid something does not remove somethings status as art, user. Legality holds no bearing on anything other than legality, politics have indeed tried to censor, burn, and change art before, but that does not mean the things they targeted are no longer art just because they are now deemed illegal or seen as bad in the eyes of politicians/society.
This person is speaking to critics and hecklers not politicians, saying that you can't fault a game just because it offends you, it's art it doesn't have to conform to your arbitrary desires, it doesn't have to fulfil some kind of cookie cutter template, it's not a product that can be reasoned about objectively, it's all in the eyes of the observer and their personal preferences (subjective), what one person finds offensive is not what we all find offensive. Art should only ever take the shape that the creator desired, not appeal to the masses. Personally I feel that when someone makes a game to appeal to the masses instead of to themselves it seems like a worse product, spread too thin or made too general, when someone tries to get a creator to change the game to suite their own preferences I think that's stupid and selfish, instead of calling for censorship, banishment, or change of any kind you should instead look for something else that appeals to you instead of trying to warp something you don't like into something you might.
That all being said arguing over what is and isn't art is stupid and a waste of time. I'm going to go against myself here to and say artistic intention shouldn't hold anyone back from making modifications to something for the better.
Because I hate fags like this
his example is dumb too, it's a digital product it's nothing like changing a physical product where you must destroy the original in the process of change. I'm gonna stop typing because nobody cares and it's hot in here and I'm tired. a bloo bloo bloo
shit that was good
say what?
Regardless of what I think of your argument, I'm going to say (since you linked it), Richard Stallman is a fucking retard. If you don't like proprietary libraries and proprietary code, don't use it, it's that simple. People want proprietary because they want the freedom to make money without empowering their competitors to make more money using their own code. Should computing boil down to a game of "who can fuck who harder?" No.
If he wants to fucking protest and shit on something, shit on software patents. The GPL is the greatest form of cancer that was ever introduced to software, and it literally does act like a cancer, using GPL code in your software makes your software automatically GPL even if you rewrite that GPL code and completely remove it, even if 99.99% of the code in something is yours, and only 0.01% is GPL, once the GPL is attached to something you made, it's fucked.
The GPL is the very opposite of competitive, it's anti-competitive where it reduces even the most braindead of retards able to compete and steal your business simply on the basis that you are obligated to give out your source code to anyone who wants it. Sure your competitor must do the same, but by then it's too late.
Just like Stallman wants to steal Torvald's OS and rename it "GNU+LINUX" because he has an ego and thinks that it's all kosher to steal someone else's intellectual property and rename it as he sees fit. Meanwhile they try to write their own Kernel that will never be useful because it can't even run notepad without crashing.
Stallman makes it a point of pride that he doesn't know how to write software and doesn't know how to install an operating system. He's like Steve Jobs to Wozniak, knows absolutely fuck all, but he wants all the credit and all the money.
And yeah, I know your intention wasn't Stallmanu the great retarded whale, but the clip is primarily about him. The world of software has two different types of ways that we control software, one is called a STANDARD which is what Stallman actually wants to be free and open. But instead he thinks that the very act of making a dollar off of software you write is amoral, and that instead all software engineers should ebeg like he does.
Meanwhile he continues to patent mug the software giants and then continues to spout bullshit about how software patents are no good. Oh they're no good, unless it pays for your next fucking meal, is that right Richard?
And then once software patents are a thing of the past, what's he going to do, reneg on his own bullshit and talk about how "you should pay moral companies for their software, just not amoral ones?" Cause he runs a real amoral operation.
I agree. I like the idea of open source software and sharing and all that but the critical thing is I do not support forced freedom. The GPL is a pox that I cannot stand behind even if I like the intention and end goal, I don't like the means.
I also have nothing against proprietary software even if I personally prefer open source, I am a practical man and I will use whatever holds the most merit, I understand some people have different political views or even financial situations, it is what it is, reality. I can't be mad at someone for not sharing my ideological view or actually placing value in their self/their work.
You're cool with me, man. Also thanks for the clip. Sadly I have nothing of value to give in return, except maybe these.
That can't be Iris, her tits aren't big enough.
webm version pls, i am trash at everything i do
The fuck is wrong with idiots on the internet, only a 12 year old would find this funny.
well excuse me lord of all humor, maybe this is more suited to your tastes
What game is this?
You ain't fucking up my youtube history mate.
Devil Daggers
Or maybe it's just that everyone else was shit, and then you strengthened them up and they came back and kicked your ass.
I meant that post for the Pokémon thread.
Eh, either way. You beat everyone til they got gud, but while they were getting gud, you had nowhere to go because you were already gud. So they surpassed you.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that.
Oh god, I just realized…
This is my last re-encode, not going to try and scrape together to hit a little closer to the file size limit, I didn't even know that fucking XMR changed the video resolution back to the original, but it managed to make the whole thing at perfect framerate in 1080p. Now I'm deleting this bullshit from my hard drive.
Song is "Raw Power" by Perturbator.
nice b8
Ever heard of a PVM?
checked you bitch
What the fuck did you expect? It's a grenade. It's made to KILL people. He was lucky that it was only his leg that came off.
fuck that meme needs to die.
The guy is actually fine, his boot and armor protected him from the majority of the blast, what you see flying is his boot, his leg and shit suffered shrapnel wounds and his leg and foot got broken, by the blast, but he still has his leg and at most he lost a few toes. The guy is a badass.
Someone post the Squillium E3 webm that was made a few hours ago. Had the tab open but the thread 404'd before I got to see it.
Do it fagget
I remember this video being featured by LOLtaku, I think it was a commercial…