Hey Holla Forums

Hey Holla Forums

I understand that internet people need hot pockets and holocausts but what about subversive movements?

White males clearly spend half their lives at least defending themselves from being called racist… But since white males are the only ones who can be racist and can never be anything other than racist why dont we just "take it back"

As a friend of mine said earlier "We should start calling one another racist the same way niggers call one another niggers. Call it reappropriating the word".

So why don't we take this to use it in everyday life?

It has literally lost all meaning with the current cash crop of leftist cultism so lets take it even further into the realm of useless wordage

Just a thought my raceys just a thought

"What's up, my racist?"

Lol. I could see this catching on.

"Yeah not much my racist! Just headed to my place of employment."




There is literally nothing wrong with being racist and not wanting violent shitskins anywhere near your country. Go kill yourself.

Awesome! i have been literally looking for a place i can go to watch my wife fuck other men.
Thanks mate


I legitimately used to do this as a kid and a nigger in my class got super pissed off and tried telling on me and the teachers talked to me about it but couldn't do anything because how do you punish a "good goy" even if they're pretending.

I would just call everything and everyone racist as a joke and everyone knew it and most though it was funny, but only niggers got upset about it for some reason.

I never said there was a problem with in group preference it is as natural as a wolf eating a deer.

Doesn't mean that lulz can't be had by further destroying this stupidity

Or let's just start calling niggers niggers again

>>>Holla Forums

go back to cuckchan faggot.

in-group preference does not mean not wanting shitskins anywhere near your country.
This line of thinking will lead to a balkanized USA, nice reddit spacing and kill yourself.

What next cuckchanner? Call each other goyim to raise awareness to kikes?

i already thanked the guy mate why do you need thanks too?

TRShills already do this, PRfags make me sick.


I think it'd be funny to see in a comedy skit, although turning it into the new nigger sounds ridiculous.
This tactic would fail as it did for the niggers, they still get triggered by being called a nigger. Besides, we are rational human beings, we don't want to be engaging in animal behavior.

Pic related is why you shouldn't give a fuck about racism.

Polite sage

This thread, again?

I dont actually care about racism i just thought it may be something to have a laugh with

Don't lie

nice reddit spacing faggot.

thanks mate

should probably hook up huh? you like being fingered too yeah?


ironic faggotry is still faggotry.
Why do you faggots





Who knows man… faggots gonna faggot i guess?
It could have something to do with the retardation of not understanding basic grammar so instead they speak in sentences

Was that better? Does it give your nipples a rest from being pulled so hard because of such inane concepts?


all the linebreaks faggot? and yes slightly better.
Why do you type like that though, are you just fucking retarded and never read anything?
Did you learn to double-space everything in kike-school and never dropped the habit?
Kill yourself

Any thought with "same way niggers" in it can't be good. I think "racist" should be considered a hate word. Why should I be subjected to animosity from jews and niggers for not liking high crime rates?

no line breaks faggot? and yes slightly better. (i don't actually care.
if line breaks really twists your nipples this badly why would i stop?

Why do you not type like that though, are you just fucking retarded and never read anything?

Didn't you learn to double-space everything in kike-school or did you drop the habit?

First thing anyone has said which makes sense in a constructive way.
because all cultures are equal

your posts are fucking incoherent you retarded yid


You really are just low tier aren't you? That was literally the worst bait/obvious sarcasm known to mankind but there you are gobbling it up like a 2 dollar whore in kings cross


Are you even trying cumstain?

By the way just to clarify…. the separation in via spacing wasnt actually to annoy you i really just didn't want my words anywhere near your cum soaked "speech"
I'm stupid enough without being infected by your retardation as well

reported for not understanding that ironic shitposting is still shitposting. kill yourself.

You truly are just a big barrel of cum flavoured lollipops aren't you?

why do you have an obsession with gay sex? are you some kind of faggot?
every post you make i'll just keep reporting, nice reddit spacing.

What is gay about cum tasting lollipops? And a kings cross hooker i never mentioned the gender, but for the record i meant a woman as 99% of kings cross pros are females, i'll give you leeway there because clearly you arent from this country. O and i called you a cum stain- who is to say that cum stain wasn't from intercourse between a loving husband and his with for the purpose of procreation?
So really if you think about it there is maybe 2 gay jokes up above (i will go check in a second)? I guess the real question is why are the insults that i am using being turned into "gay jokes" rather than exactly what they are? Are you some kind of faggot?

reported again, you are the kind of poster that ruined 4cucks. leave this site.

also stop using words invented by kike-psychiatrists.

had a quick look there was 1 gay joke

well 2 if you count that last post where i asked why you were implying my hetero jokes were gay jokes… but technically i didnt call you a faggot i merely asked your question back to you. So i think i will stand on 1

nice reddit spacing you braindead cuckchanner

c. 1300, "kind, sort, class," from Old French gendre, genre "kind, species; character; gender" (12c., Modern French genre), from stem of Latin genus (genitive generis) "race, stock, family; kind, rank, order; species," also "(male or female) sex," from PIE root *gene- (see genus). Also used in Latin to translate Aristotle's Greek grammatical term genos. The grammatical sense is attested in English from late 14c. The -d- is a phonetic accretion in Old French (compare sound (n.1)).

The "male-or-female sex" sense is attested in English from early 15c. As sex (n.) took on erotic qualities in 20c., gender came to be the usual English word for "sex of a human being," in which use it was at first regarded as colloquial or humorous. Later often in feminist writing with reference to social attributes as much as biological qualities; this sense first attested 1963. Gender-bender is from 1977, popularized from 1980, with reference to pop star David Bowie.

(Latin plural genera), 1550s as a term of logic, "kind or class of things" (biological sense dates from c. 1600), from Latin genus (genitive generis) "race, stock, kind; family, birth, descent, origin," from PIE root *gene- "to produce, give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to family and tribal groups.
Cognates in this highly productive word group include Sanskrit janati "begets, bears," janah "race," janman- "birth, origin," jatah "born;" Avestan zizanenti "they bear;" Greek gignesthai "to become, happen," genos "race, kind," gonos "birth, offspring, stock;" Latin gignere "to beget," gnasci "to be born," genius "procreative divinity, inborn tutelary spirit, innate quality," ingenium "inborn character," possibly germen "shoot, bud, embryo, germ;" Lithuanian gentis "kinsmen;" Gothic kuni "race;" Old English cennan "beget, create," gecynd "kind, nature, race;" Old High German kind "child;" Old Irish ro-genar "I was born;" Welsh geni "to be born;" Armenian chanim "I bear, I am born").

fuck those latin speaking kikes amiright!


Who said that? Besides you of course
but let's move away from that
I merely stated that you are

because you implied that a kike psychiatrist who died in 1939 came up gender in it's current usage, which isn't true, since "gender" was being used in that manner since 15c. Please refer to

he did. nobody used that term before he did.

You really shit the bed with that one didn't you?

you're really a fresh off the boat cuckchanner aren't you?
let's talk about this over reddit PM, what's your /u/?

k then bud he was totally a trendsetter amiright! totally 4 centuries after it's known usage in the aforementioned way, kike psych made it popular?
This is your persoanl little zeitgeist isn't it "kike psych"

fuck cunt just go to bed hahaha
a chronological account of the birth and development of a particular word or element of a word, often delineating its spread from one language to another and its evolving changes in form and meaning. Synonyms: word history, word lore, historical development.

haha sorry bud i don't actually have one, but that is strange that you do? Just go there ironically do we?

fucking yes, did you watch the webbum?
goddamn idiot cuckchan.

You are right. But this is exactly why the left has now replaced the word "racist" with "nazi"
And when the word nazi no longer is effective they will make up something else.

Dude you're a moron go to bed… you are like the 10 year old white kid who hangs around mondays swearing at passersby believing he is some how "protected"

You should literally have been drowned birth mate hahaha

at birth*

Are you even white?

That's true can't fault the logic

your entire idea is fucking retarded, you know nothing, and you act like an obvious outsider.
How did you find this place?

Dude your "witticisms" & "retorts" are those of, at best, a 17 year old
You should really head on back to bed or the sandbox. Now i meant GTA, not a literal sandbox filled with childre… hmmmmm

Nawwwwww my idea has keep you in this thread rather than polluting the wider reaching Holla Forums with your inability to socialise normally

I'm going to go out on a huge limb here and imply so much implications (haha fuck i know i'm right too).
You don't say fuck all in life, ie real life, do you? You are very quiet and reserved and angry. You have no ability to express yourself in a positive way to better the white race which is why you try to allude to the fact everyone around you is inferior/not white, possibly austist, but i can't really be sure because i know you are definitely young.. probably 16-18.


My verdict – Bant level: Belgium

Because I'm not trying to engage you, you fucking retarded cuckchan faggot. And I've got you typing out walls of text trying to defend your idiocy because

kill yourself.

literally 2 of us in hear… and that's why you think i'm still here. fuck you give stupid a bad name hahaha
You know it's true mate it is all there in your messages.
Just because a message board is user doesn't mean you don't know the people you are talking to. Tone is portrayed as is self.
You are a salty little shit who is aggressive, which means you have little to no power in real life or such an inane post wouldn't have kept you here for so long with such obvious baits… which also means you have something to prove.
But again adds to the fact that i know you are young or you wouldn't try to put forward the idea that an user board is user

wanna know how I know you're not from around here? Keep using typical leftist shaming tactics in a poor attempt at discrediting me, though.
Go back to cuckchan.

discrediting you on what you havent ever said anything bahaha this is literally 3 hours of wasted life you dumb shit hahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahah
O fuck man

yeah guys dont listen to this guy he totally doesnt even say anything anyway bahahahahahahahaa

Fuck man cheers so much for that laugh i am cakking hard, full laughter of the gods

just go back to cuckchan you absolute fucking mong.

then hahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahah must have made me the coolest Billy Madison style cool

>he doesn't even know what CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL means
reported. again.

Actually it means that the entirety of a message would be in caps lock you moron

Not -

nope, only kikes and redditors use that kind of retarded emotionally-charged conversation style.

But you are correct that i didnt rememnber some shit that i haven't heard in like a decade revamped for the new generation


Must be why it is literally everywhere huh mate? Yeah you totally understand humanity brah

^ you seem to know a great deal about reddit and i'm not talking outside looking in
you literally know a lot of shit

>reddit spacing

and you l*terally speak, and conduct yourself like a redditor.

I've never actually seen a sjw

(pic unrelated of doodle I did with nazi subliminal messaging)

also: do you see any of it here? maybe you should have lurked a couple more years. braindead cuckchanner.

Why lie? It is obvious as fuck.. which is so delicious that the guy so adamant about redditors being degenerates (i don't disagree) literally is one hahaha.
Made any interacial porn lately Cucky Mc cuck fuck? hahaha

Nar coulddn't find that style of typing anywhere mate.. definitely not on the first page.. in a pinned post… farrkkkk

Pic is not related do NOT look at it at all okay!

ignore the pic it isnt anything

Probably should actually add the pic for you to ignore huh?


come on m8, just admit you blew in from cuckchan
What is this faggotry?

that's also some obvious cuckchanner that needs to go back. this board is full of you faggots right now.

make your mind up is is cuckchan or redditor?

Dude what is your fascination with faggots??? HUH?!

I don't want them on my board, you are one, leave.

Again, what is this 'nar and 'ya faggotry?

this is what killed 4cucks, leave anytime faggot.

implying you don't know point by point every difference
You frequent them don't lie… i literally had to look up /u/ hahaha fucking closest redditor on here hey? man obviously dont let that get out haha
I you lack the "intelligonce"to figurte it out not even the Lord can save you mate

Like you would even know what kill 4cucks haha youre literally 17

wew lad, gas yourself anytime.
I have only used imageboards, you should know that knowing your enemy does not make one the enemy themselves.
And you're conducting yourself as the enemy does - what does that say about you?


You're a special kind of cool arent you? The type that tells everyone how cool they are

Actually i am conducting myself in a manner benefiting my adversary
You weren't half wrong when you posted this

shhhh no one cares

It's not good that I don't branch out to other websites, I avoid effectively all web2.0-style sites because I'm fucking retarded and still use winXP and they break my browser being a luddite in this very internet-heavy climate isn't good. God you are fucking retarded, some kind of wannabe-purist or somethign?

No bragging is bragging

K then bud haha

I do this shit all the time, have been for years. Always in a mocking sarcastic tone like the classic Tyrone's "Dats raycis" fashion. Not sure why people are getting triggered by the idea of why the thread got anchored? Looks like they lack any sort of reading comprehension and imagined you saying "racism is bad" and proceeded to shit themselves. It's legitimately a good idea. Destroy all meaning the word has. Call everything racist, especially when its clearly not in any way to make people associate the accusation of racism with humor, make people unable to see it as anything but a joke. Jews have used similar tactics to mock and belittle everything pure and wholesome, why can't we use their own tactics against them? Fucking short-sighted normies infesting my Holla Forums need to fuck off.

top lel.
wanna know how I know you're not from around here?

Yeah i use "Raycist" or "Ray's cist" in much the same fashion… thought this might be a fun game to push out into the world.. clearly not hahaha
I got no idea either, but it's been a fun ride out autisting autists nevertheless hahaha

There was a decent point about the left moving onto using nazi >racist but racist is still used a lot especially in mainstream media where they kind of move away from using nazi in favour of anti semite instead
Dat would make us impure!! Better to lose the and die in the war honorably than to win dishonorably!!! or something

an exchange of diverging or opposite views

I'm telling you to fuck off lad, it's pretty one-sided.

It took you 10mins to think up that? fucking jesus cunt i just posted 4 eggs waiting for that gem hahaha

*poached hahaha

Racism is a Jewish concept

Props for sounding exactly like a cuckchanner in real life.

Dubs confirm niggers are hereby to be described as only niggers.




fucking this, this is why I am getting so autistic ITT

That is because you are a retard

pic related

I like this idea, mighty white of you. But it sounds like cuckchans thing. not as gay as googles and skypes forced memes though.

Or we can just help make it cool for the kiddos to be blatantly racist.

already is

then why are you trying to get us to adopt a jewish concept in our day to day vernacular?

Just thought it another avenue of laughter

But the retard patrol was out in force today

fuck you are a retard ay, like literally the dumbest cunt ever. And i once worked on a conveyor belt sorting shit with literal retards when i was travelling.

Don't breed man, the white race can do without your progeny

tbh you deserve it

Why are you m8? Have you never learned from our past mistakes, or gamergates?
Get fucked cuckchan.

well i have never been on there unlike someone in this chat, so i have nor idea what reddit spacing is and nor do i care.
If something as simple as spacing can fuck someone up so bad they transcend austism and head straight into down syndrome mode then they really arent going to add much legitimacy to a conversation now are they

wasnt joking mate, don't breed

Long day, surrounded by autism to boot. There is a sentence there just read between the lines hahaha

I expect nothing less of you

thos are a pair of double pluggers mate fucking good footwear them.
The beer is horsepiss granted but ya can't expect a man in a fine pair of double pluggers to be a complete saint now can ya

you conduct like a faggot

Sorry mate we have hit our autism quota but thanks for applying.

If you check back in next time i'm sure we can find a spot for you show the rest how they should conduct

That right there, stop doing that. You're not being smarmy or witty or 'winning'. You're just invoking potent faggotry and shitting up the catalog.

Page 6
k then mate what ever you have to say… You could have said fuck all since this had died but you couldn't help yourself. So i simply addressed your autism with more autism

So in you own words ^That right there, stop doing that. You're just invoking potent faggotry and shitting up the catalog.

What the fuck are you talking about? We're racist and that's a good thing. I've never denied it, never defended it, but I have called hundreds of people spics, niggers and kikes.

Racist was a word invented by Trotsky in 1927 to cause exactly the social problems you're seeing. Stop being a useful idiot for commies.

Yes dickhead because societal norms tell them that they care

Gods above… look cunts i don't give a fuck i just thought it might be a humorous trend to initiate. To take power away from a word in normal day to day society much the same as "hitler did nothing wrong" has

Do you actually believe that some cunt with a 9 to 5 really gives a shit about Trotsky cunt? ffs you are arguing logic with illogical people they don't give a shit about anything but what is "the norm"