
You know what to do.

Moved to Albuquerque, NM.

First day, already getting triggered. Communist La Raza lowriders looking for fights. Someone already almost shot earlier in the day. People threatening violence to anyone who supports Trump. They are even almost fighting each other.

Fuck off to your shit board with your "based nigger" worship.

the new spot is crawling with antifa, let people dox these faggots including the so called "based nigger worshipping" you're referencing.

get ICE to park nearby and arrest every single one of them.

don't be against fun, just don't bow down to shitskins, i'm sure you can do that quite easily, go call ICE instead of being fucking worthless.

So just because something has a board makes the entirety of the post not relevant?

So if I made /polkikes/ that means that all discussion of jews would have to be removed from here? Sounds like too much splintering.


any 3rd party streams? It's not the same without the bantz



Oh shit, they are covering the camera. About to have violence.

Oh great more camfag worship faggotry to shit up the catalog like the last ~200 threads weren't enough


Look, this shit was funny for the first few weeks but this has to stop.

HWNDU should make its own community and post there.


Look at liberals attack freedom of speech. Of course women coined that shit and are now shouting it to drown out arguments

I dislike beanniggers

Fight happening now




You're worse than invading migrants at this point.

Black Muslim in da houz

Mexican Muslim challenging everyone.





this nigger is about to hit him

Sounds like you support hate speech is not free speech

Fuck off to >>>/rulefag/


Just ignore the thread if you dont like it kike jesus christ not everybody who posts about it is some 4cuck refugee if you actually lurked before posting you would know that






Wasnt melting pot created by some non us person to describe the us in some globalist term.



I'm telling HWNDU posters to gtfo, faggots

yes, a jew


Fuck I forgot to sage and neither did you.
Who's the real kike, here?

Created by Jew Israel Zangwill (sp?) in his gay Jew plays. He was not American.



the one that is on his computer instead of executing a race war, gas yourself kike.




I really have to take a shit right now

Oh good, then do you love the white race? Do you love Nazis? Do you love Adolf Hitler?





I'm sure you've lynched sooo many niggers

Take this shit to >>>/hwndu/, this shit has nothing to do with Holla Forums anymore.


It fucking slides thread after thread because you fuckers make 20+ of them you dumbass.

Oh yeah, and your memes are so deadly that it can murder a nigger in seconds.

woooooooooooow epiiic for the win my man.

TRULY, AN EPIC MEMESTER, making a difference!

