



Anyone who's playing the new Doom on any platform is measurably, objectively retarded

Isn't notch a confirmed cuck anyway?

isn't he the faggot who came to Holla Forums for ideas then fucked off to reddit?

Wealthy autist telling it like it is.

WASD for shooters is for intelligent human beings. Subhuman trash uses gamepads for shooters.

top pleb

Can't wait for shit to go down so we get these zionist faggots up on the ropes.

Why is Notch so based?

Believing that playing FPS on PC is the objectively superior option is not a shitty opinion, it is a fact.


He used to go to 4/v/ before he became a full-out reddit-jew.
He still has a bit in him

He's not wrong.

I wish I could be a billionaire and spend the rest of my days shitposting.

What a time to be alive.

so this what a man dead inside do all day?


This is why I became a wisard. To be safe from cuckoldry.

I'm not defending console shooters, but he is tipping his /r/ledditpcmustarrace fedora way too hard while talking like a wealthy impossibly rich faggot that doesn't understand why someone could be pkaying on PC.
Oh a console? We use those as toiler paper in my house, why are you playing on them.

*playing on CONSOLES
Sorry, phone grammar.


He's not wrong but what the fuck is he still doing shitposting on twitter? If I was a billionaire I think I'd find other ways to occupy my time.

This guy is a billionaire but acts like a fucking pleb.

If I had his money, I would start my own studio and be an "ideas guy", or at the very least would spend all my time playing games, or watch porn on a ridiculously expensive VR setup or whatever. What happiness does shitposting on social media could possibly bring you, when you have all these fucking resources available with a snap of a finger? Goddammit this is frustrating.

He most likely has autism mate.

You see, that's the difference between poorfag who never tasted lobsters and a person who got all he possibly needs and thus doesn't gives a shit about any of it.

Or rather, between a normalfag - you - and a Holla Forumsirgin.

I know he turned into a cuck
But I like how you can still tell he came from Holla Forums


You know so little.

Pure Pwnage is back baybee!


Dumping porn into every Nudoom thread until you like it.

You can't tell if I'm referring to Notch or OP

He got rich,Then didn't know what to do with his cash, He tried his hand at making other games that didn't sell or didn't attract interest.

Markus Persson isn't a bad guy. The best way to describe his situation is the south park scene when they give a chimpanzee a lot of money then it goes wild trying to fuck all the other chimps.

Yes, spoilered porn will surely deter every thread.


I thought he got cucked because she proposed to him after the money started flowing in and he wasn't smart enough to realize he was being played. She divorced him exactly after the minimum time to get half his money, iirc.

Really? Hm I suppose that makes sense. I thought they were married before he started making dosh. Women sure do love to fuck guys over for dat money.

Notch made a shitty infiniminer clone on Java and made huge success

OP made a shitty thread

dont make me laugh kid

I like how anytime a dev or some website says something that the Holla Forums hivemind can use to shitpost, they suddenly like the person or site in question.

post your face when Notch may actually be one of you faggots posting in this thread right now

I thought he was a NEET codemonkey who got lucky with his random world generator which they still use to this day instead of optimizing to be more interesting.


RDFG is too fucking far from SHIFT and CTRL unless you're fucking giant and can bend your pinky 90 degrees outwards from your hand

they've tweaked that sucker countless times by now to the point where you almost never get cool floating islands unless you use the amplified terrain setting

Notch is pretty good at banter. If only he was as good at game design.

care to explain why? i think most anons here will be playing the sp/co-op over the halo mp.

I agree he's being a douchey rich prick but it's not like PCs are actually more expensive than consoles, that's just a meme, you have to put a bit more effort into getting them to work, sure.

Oy vey

I know this'll be hard but try replying without the usual dumbass vobabulary

Oy Gevalt

Kill yourself OP

Yes how dare this bourgeoisie capitalist pig have taste?

>>>Holla Forums

Notch really has been de-faggotified after he quit trying to be a dev.

off yourself


I'm not even going to bother with your bait.

I love this guy to death but he is such a fucking retard when it comes to gaming.

You know what you must do user.

just grab an emulator and laugh at him, nigga.

nice trips but >ps4 emulator

You can take the shitposter away from Holla Forums, but you cannot take Holla Forums away from the shitposter.

or get a psp, flash it with cfw

You sound salty he's got money really. If you need money that bad go work a street corner.

He has nothing else . No friends. No woman. Nothing to work on. Shitposting is all he has . Honestly he should be getting drunk and high every day while making poor people fight for money.

He got lucky in that they divorced before he sold Minecraft and made his billions so the golddiggjng whore played her cards wrong heh.

oh duh yeah

I'm not salty you are.

post more twitter funposts

It's pretty funny to see that most people who claim to be pc mustard rice typically have shit tier toasters to begin with
at best you generally see them with some shit GPU like the GTX 970

Once the PS4 Neo is released you'll have to spend likely 2X the amount of the console to get a comparable PC in terms of performance, maybe only 1.5X the amount at best assuming you aren't a retard+get some shit on sale+don't actually pay for wingdings

I don't even own a current gen console but the amount of mustard on Holla Forums is vomit-inducing

Once you go Holla Forums you never go back.

After all we're all trapped in the belly of this horrible machine


Only a matter of time until he runs for president

Dear notch,

I demand a $5000 compensation for buying your game in the alpha phase. Games are meant to get better when they're updated. So I can be considered your investor. Please pay up the dividends your swedish autistic piece of shit, yeah abanadon your own country instead of using billions to help out fuck you

kind regards

Hol up!
Wasn't Broussard last name of Fallout 1 designer?

He is such a man

That's a sage and would say unspoilered furry porn dump but the hotpockets are kind of paranoid as of late, so I'll just ask you to check my digits

Oh damn, fuck my memory. Broussard was Duke's creator, not Fallout.

He is absolutely correct, why in the holy hell would you ever play a FPS on a console?
The fact devs have to build in auto aiming cheats into the console versions just to make them playable should tell you something.

fps on console are more challenging and positioning is more important since you cant just snap your view around in a split second. the precision of a mouse is for casuals, who crave instant gratification even if it is more comfortable.


analogies? oh how low weve sunken. cant even defend his control scheme properly

I appreciate the attempt at playing Devil's Advocate, but seriously. Keyboard and mouse are the superior choice for first person shooting, it feels better, plays better, and relies more on player skill than console shooting since the game itself has to compensate and guide the player's aim during combat to make up for the lack of tweaked aiming.

You can tell Markus came from old 4chan.
If only he didn't betray Holla Forums

at least you can talk. it feels better because you arent as restricted, but restrictions arent a bad thing when it comes to video games. ive never heard anyone complain that their battlemech or other vehicle cant keep up with their mouse. you can always turn off assisted aiming if it offends you, its not there out of necessity but because casuals cant handle the more difficult control scheme.

No, but there's no reason to use the objectively poorer control scheme simply because it's more difficult to use. If you really want to stroke your anti casual boner try playing a console FPS with a fucking Guitar Hero guitar, or drum set. Now that's a challenge. You won't though, because it's a pain in the fucking ass and doesn't play well at all.

There's certain things a controller does better than a mouse and keyboard, analog control is great for platformers and action adventure games, but objectively speaking there's literally no reason to use a controller when you can use a mouse and keyboard.

The fact that your only defense for using it is

Just goes to show that only the mentally deficient think otherwise.

*When playing an FPS.

Forgot the second half of that statement there.

it is casual to want to circumvent an entire element of strategy simply because it doesnt feel good to you

Even bigger joke

Why are people so stupid with financial matters? It's like he can't just pay off his bills, stock up on food for the month and only then do retarded shit.

Look at it this way: He left the cesspool that is 4chan even before you did.

Notch is a complete fuckwit

Normally I would agree, but Notch has the innate ability to make himself look like a complete fucking asshole no matter what the topic is. Incredible.

On another note, how long until Notch kills himself? He was on the edge a while ago, wasn't he?

He's a Swede.


Consoles? You mean those things that are more expensive than an equivalent PC and that then gouge users further with paid online, over-priced games and generally 'monetized' walled-garden software?

If he doesn't stockpile his weed and buys for less than $100 at a time, it's very probable that he's spending way more money on weed than he realizes.

Why doesn't notch just buy a space rocket to end his life with already?


nailed it


That all combined is way more than what I got for my pc which is 4 years old. Plus I get to /scurv/ and /dev/ my own shit and it's actually pretty good. If you know anyone with one try it, really. The tracking is very nice and smooth and the controllers are actually THERE unlike the wiimotes where it was just a laser pointer taped to early cellphone gyroscopes

We should get notch here for a question night.

The amount of salt generated from the faggots here and everywhere would be glorious.

We really need that AMA
Didnt he say he was going to?

We've had AMAs with some devs, didn't we? Doug Tennapel, for one.

American Mcgee and others as well


That would imply most people here will play it.
Yeah, you'll get some of the dumb retards who will say "IT'S NOT THAT BAD GUISE", but for the most part most people won't give a shit about it.

Hotwheels shilling on reddit was a mistake.

A billionaire who has the kind of cash assets to singlehandedly fund an uprising in Sweden. This guy could monetarily save his country if he invested it in the right things. If he ever got redpilled he could be a force to be reckoned with.

You mean the Sony New 3DS? It's gonna make it so they can finally do 1080/60 with graphical improvements that are already hitting collosal points of diminishing returns
I feel bad for anyone who got a PS4 at this point. Nogaems and now no future
