Certified Letter to be mailed in the morning

The unnamed group referenced in the following letter, in two parts, is unrelated to Holla Forums, but is aware of its existence. Please post comments and criticisms as you see fit.

Dear President Donald J. Trump

Congratulations on winning the Presidential seat! We were reliably apprised of your true character and intent, as well as that of Hillary Clinton, and have been strongly pulling for you with certitude of your Presidency. America is now presented with the possibility of a more peaceful, if contentious, path. Your captaincy is a boon not only for the United States, but for the rest of our world as well.

As President, you are privy to secrets and perspectives that most of us are not, however there may be a few little tidbits of which you have not been made aware. This letter is an example on what relevant topics a certain small non-threatening group of folks (known to the intelligence community) observe and discuss among ourselves. We are all very aware that the war-with-Russia canard is merely a ruse, utterly transparent B.S. from beginning to end, and that Russia has done nothing wrong. As you might have guessed, our Mission is very concerned with maintaining global peace and prosperity, both now and far into the future.

1. Yours is likely America’s last Presidency. A 2nd American civil war is brewing. Increasing riots and conflicts by those whipped into frenzy, driven unconsolably upset over ideology and race, culminates in a bloody revolution in 4 years that results in the breakup of our Nation into 5 regions. The regions go on to fight among themselves, with the result that nearly half the remaining population dies directly from the conflicts, or indirectly from starvation and diseases.We are concerned that a number of people in Washington, in the media, in the corporate/finance circles that run our world, possibly even in your own cabinet, are working for this self-destructive outcome. Should it come about, the civil war exposes our secret shadow government once and for all. For all its atrocities and exposure, this civil war does not have to occur, however if America is to move forward in the long term, it cannot be driven by corrupt coteries anymore.

2. Financially, coincident to the onset of civil war is the probability of the crash in the value of the dollar. A bona fide social safety net and economic stimulus program might help to head this off, no matter that such an initiative may not be the ‘small-government’ Republican ideal. Along the same line of thinking, a working public health care system which services everyone is in our Nation’s best interests.

3. The cancerous Islamic State, installed and backed by the same global powers-that-be who would see America fall in to chaos, can easily find themselves in a position to effectively take over the world. This probable scenario will thrust our entire planet into a new Islamic dark ages for centuries to come, unless they are stopped now. ISIS must be completely destroyed as soon as possible. To be effective, our forces must be use significant numbers of ground troops - at minimum 510,000+, a number corresponding to 3 times the number of ISIS members, although more is better. If you prefer to pass on to your children and grandchildren a modern Western civilization which progresses in the future, the importance of completely wiping out the Islamic State now, ASAP, cannot be over-emphasized.

Other urls found in this thread:


4. Environmentally, our planet faces a number of problems which should not be denied, two of which stand-out: Fukushima is spewing radiation around the globe unchecked, and global climate change is a real process. These are not insurmountable problems, but they do need continued governmental and financial support to be addressed. Our world needs to implement a massive carbon sequestration program in order to reverse an already beginning planetary carbon cascade. Please don’t deny the science which looks into our modern society’s environmental self-destruction, nor defund programs designed to preserve what we inherited. You don’t have to believe in it, but for the sake our planet, do continue funding the science that would investigate and mitigate any problems we have in this arena.

5. 99942Apophis, whose orbital path is completely unaffected by the vociferous denials of NASA, we’ve been repeatedly informed that this asteroid will slam into Northern Europe unless its orbit is altered by us. However, the coming of Apophis also represents an opportunity for converting this doom into a resource for the nascent space industry: if the dangerous asteroid were guided from its current collision course into a very high Earth orbit, effectively becoming a tiny new moon, this would entice companies to reach for its mine-able assets. In terms of cost-benefit analysis, the price for sending a few rockets armed with nukes to divert the asteroid into a useful position is minimal compared to the potential gains for both our country and our world. Whatever we do, it should be done as soon as possible to avert a catastrophe of global magnitude.

6. Overpopulation and immigration, both regional and global, exacerbate most of Earth's problems. Our planet has certain definite limits, non-theoretical, one of which is it's human carrying capacity. That number is approximately 1 billion people at the very utmost. Enforcing borders and maintaining social order will be made ever more difficult in the future as Earth's population continues to grow. Europe especially will be overtaken by imported people essentially of the Islamic persuasion. But more than that, human overpopulation is contributing to all sorts of intractable problems that only grow more and more difficult as time goes on. Inevitably, draconian population reduction programs will ultimately have to be enforced at some point in the future; starting now would help to stem the tide.

Between the coming civil war and the need to wipe out ISIS ASAP, time is running short to ensure the safety of our world for future generations. There are a large number of other topics which we have not broached in this letter, some of which you already know about. If your office wants to contact me, I can provide further information, contacts, and suggestions geared to avoiding foreseeable pitfalls and maintaining a peaceful Nation, and a better world. Together we can help to build a fair and balanced perspective that is palatable to mainstream America, which is not something that can be duplicated by biased or secretly subversive intelligence offices, and personally I would jump at the opportunity to work with you in developing and implementing programs designed to make our Nation shine.

Thank you for your time and attention, and most of all for your service, Mr. President. I hope this letter finds you well, and in charge of our government.

Sincerely yours in altruism,

2004 is calling.

so is 2029/2036

Good we need to break up


Pick a year, you can't say that it will and will not go through the keyhole at the same time.
Regardless, it's been ruled out until at least '68.


Ruled out by whom?
Apophis is one of the topics our group keeps close tabs on.

what did they mean by this? is it a dog whistle for neo-natsocs?

Sure, there's civil unrest, but c'mon, brink of civil war?

delet this cuckchan thread


You don't keep track of jack shit.

Wow so peoc illumknti xd
Kill yourself.

This jewish bullshit again.
End foreign aid to shit countries and overpopulation ceases to be an issue.

guys this is a certified letter show some respect

Kill niggers,poos and chinks then overpopulation is no longer a threat.

You forgot mudslimes and jews. Ending aid and trade to shit countries solves everything else.

Holy shit.

Just shit.

Seinfled is a great show.

Yeah them too. I was only saying those since there is like a at least a billion of the subhumans each.


kill yourself.

Seinfeld is a great show lol.

underrated post

No. The left overplayed their hand. We have bought another 20 years of soft conservatism before the real death of American society happens. As long as the economy grows and good jobs for white men continue to be available you're not going to see anything major happen in America.

Wait on the radical Democrats to have another 8 years at-bat. That's when shit is going to hit the fan.

Yeah I want to believe we dodged a bullet on this one. The author of the certified letter seems to be a defeatist jew. Respectfully it is well-written for sure. We'll see…

Not that I'm making accusations, but this kind of shit always reads like intentionally planted D&C. Climate change is certainly not something I am ready to agree on with whoever the fuck this guy is sending his "certified letter" to the President's doorstep to be tossed in a pile and maybe read by an aide at some point. Actually, I'm pretty sure high carbon dioxide is an entirely non-issue (there are benefits to higher carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, benefits that will help whites in higher latitudes. Who gives a fuck if a bunch of brown people in fucking Africa and Ching Chongistan have to die in a fucking desert?)

Anyway, it's written alright but when some nigga starts going off on 99942 Apophis and shit you can rest assured that will never be taken seriously by the President or anybody else in the White House. With respect =]

wew, reported.

Your right, although I believe it to be accurate, that statement may be a abit strong. Thanks.

There will be Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo, but you are imagining it wrong.

Agreed user, the climate change pill doesnt go down easily. There's doesn't seem to be that much data to confirm it for one. And the overpopulation bit is inconclusive as africa is a wasteland we keep dumping money into for breeding more shitskins. If we really worried about population just cut off aide to african countries and let them die off on thier own. The flying space rock shit does hit a level of "ok just toss this letter to the trash" and it begs the reader to consider the nutcase writing it to be some prophet. Re-write needed, lose tinfoil hat. President isnt redpilled as much as we like to think.

I think OP might be a homosexual

That or he wants to spread his bullshit defeatist cancer to earth's greatest champion. I wont allow it.