Vidya Cringe Thread

Exactly what it says on the can.

Other urls found in this thread:

Talk about kikenitive dissonance.

is this really in the game? wew lad


You just stole from a post in the shit vidya lore thread and made a new thread while the original is still up.

Distasteful, user.


Not posting Al gore is a Assassin fist

Hel-LO NURSE! Is this one of those streamer girls people make a big deal about?

I wouldn't mind streaming her if you catch my drift.


nah m8 she's really old stuff now, that picture must be from 2010 or before

Attention whore from russian reddit. She's fat and her boobs are ugly.

Ladies and gentlemen, the souls audience.

Don't quote me on this but I think she was a legit camwhore from Russia or some other eastern europe craphole.

Don't you love it when you have topical e-celeb cameos in your games?


I just wanted harold.

that's a really good likeness of jim sterling. Honestly Its more cringie that people get super pissed off at it.

user why do you keep doing this for every thread you create?

It still kind of works.


Disturbing, huh?


You show up on this shitty little island and climb a rope, OH, it's not a rope it's some mexican's mustache. When you get to the top go right and into a house, some guy tells you to put on a bra and panties with some makeup then offers you some drugs and you change your name to Sexy Boy or something like that. You then have a psychadelic freakout where you confront some inner demons and then proceed back into reality, change your name back and the guys are if I remember correctly nowhere to be found. However, if you step outside the hut the guy was in there is now a Joy mutant dancing frantically near the mustachio'd man named Jonathan and when you initiate combat with him he moans painfully unlike any other Joy mutant. Jonathan is able to kill party members permanently. After killing Jonathan the island 'quest line' is complete and the island is now devoid of life.

I played it myself. It's all done in good (black) humor.

And, really, it's the most endearing depiction of Jim Sterling I've ever seen: he's got washboard abs and he's depicted as having survived many years into the apocalypse when, in reality, he wouldn't last a week with nothing but a closet full of fetish gloves, ruby red granny shades, and several crates of mallomars.

This again? Why do you post this thing in every thread?

Now when someone actually does make a template thread like this, there's not a single faggot (besides myself) crying "TEMPLATE THREAD"?