What happened? Usually there's so much drama when their plans assplode on their faces.
Also, is "Black Mask Studios" dead? They haven't published anything since this afaik.
They probably have given up on it.
I remember in writer's letter that they admitted not knowing that the Calexit movement was backed by the Russians and they can't have that be public knowledge because leftists also want to glass the whole country for "hacking the US election". Also despite the autistic screeching from the exiters, the vast majority wants to stay in the Union. Not even other leftists want this to happen because if they did, they'd lose all electoral votes and would never win another election.
Is there any non Marvel alternative SJW comics we can make fun off?
so when is the next issue out? i need my cancer dose
Probably severe delays. It's pretty common with American creator owned books. Black Mask is just especially bad about it - first issue of Calexit was about six months late, and Morrison was supposed publish something through them them three years ago, but project keeps getting delayed for some reason.
Kim & Kim and 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank has new issues within last month or so.
Black Mask's site has no useful info on it. Only source I found is previewsworld, and they list it as November 15th release. Site is not very accurate, and records wrong dates (mostly due to disregarding delays) from time to time. Comixology is more accurate, and it doesn't even list the second issue yet.
Oh gosh… I wonder what could have possibly stopped them from producing more comics? I was so sure that shops across the planet would be begging to stock dozens of copies each of this magnum opus of socio-political commentary!
Funny how this shit got 10/10 and A+++ from all bloggers that lean left despite Calexit being more harmful to them than anyone else.
Post-2014 Dynamite and Rat Queens.
I actually liked the first half, and even though its obvious the authors are trying to push secessionist as being the good guys it can be perceived as a gray morality area, in fact I liked the protagonist being totally gray,I thought that was cool.
Now the second half was just cringy and with that fucking death toll trying to protect the Californians ideology is impossible to take them as the good guys, the worst thing has to be the Trump character, not even in their power fantasies is he a dictator, he didn't change the Constitution to keep himself in power nor is he shown promoting any evil policy, at worst he's just a douche which makes this whole fucking thing ridiculous beyond common sense.
Supposedly it's released in November.
>Zora and Jamal Jamil
fine, I'll post it here too
Because it was wstorytimed here.
Wow that's pitiful.
But isn't he a Muslim?
Why are they pussyfooting around it’s a anti-trump book?
Comic about this California Republic when?
Bethesda owns the IP, so hopefully never.
Muh Russia.
Surely they recognise that a political comic is only any good if it persuades the other side to join you? All this shit us doing is make us laugh.
Looks white to me.
That is not how they see it. Comics like these are made as masturbatory escapist fantasy for white privileged leftists who presume their pet minorities will love this stuff and their whole point is to make the other side mad. And that is what is frustrating: political comic can be good if they make a relevant point in a nuanced way that can challenge the person's point of view.
Didn't they show Donald Trump as President in the first issue? They showed him in the background, but he wasn't named.
Anyone still got it saved? It was a great laugh and I'd like to see steve jobs again
Try one of the many fan comics, or better yet, make your own.
http:// readcomiconline.to/Comic/Calexit/Issue-1?id=116936
That's weird
degenerates like you belong on a cross
Just call them "profligates", frumentarius.
Liberals, not leftists.
It's a reference to this 1979 song.
Jerry Brown is governor of California again, thanks to the liberals.
Is Fallout Holla Forums enough?
look up lion forge comics. Everything they publish is ideological cringe. They have a new series of cape comics out and one of the blurbs for why I should read them was "cause I'm a woke black feminist scholar" and that was the whole damned page.
Oh my god, I read their Accel comic and it is such trash. They try to do everything Flash did in 5 issues and absolutely suck at it. The only thing I like is that his powers of 'moving so fast' means that his pain receptors are delayed somewhat. So when he crashes through walls and shit he begins counting down how long it'll take him to complete the assignment because the pain of doing such things will eventually catch up with him and shut his body down.