Survival of the kike

Could someone inform me or educate me on how to survive a liberal college, especially in a sociology class?

My professors makes a comment about God Emperor every day in class, and goes on about the muslim ban (it's not a muslim ban) then talks about the perks of feminism and how Germany has came so far in growth by having a woman leader in the country.

It takes a lot to not just go off and correct her on certain situations, especially when she brings up the kikes.

So if someone could maybe guide me to a link or something that could help the survival in college

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Don't take a (((sociology))) class in the first place.

It's a Jewish "science", you're plain fucked lad.

There's nothing to gain from arguing with liberals when they have a position of authority and the majority of people around will emphatically defend them. Just imagine the crying/smug mast wojak on their face whenever they give another pathetic rant and go on with your life.

Wear earplugs or something. Tune her out when she goes on a rant.

I've had to deal with this kind of stuff before. I get it takes a lot to hold back the anger, but if you need the grade just do what you have to do to pass and don't piss off the prof..

sage for blogposting

Call her out, quit, take up a manly trade and live in the woods preparing for the coming race war.

smug *mask

Back in school, long ago, I lied in every single essay after the first few since many pricks will give you hell if you don't think like they do. Step 1: figure out their position (when in doubt, switch yours) 2: defend it.
Maybe there's some intelligence manual that could help you out with lying all the time, if not build a persona and play it. But never forget that's not you or by god you're fucked.

It's a requirement, a damn fucking shame

Going in for nigger killing 101- Law Enforcement

That would be both ideal and entirely reasonable to be able to do, but most Jewniversities have 'general education requirements' where you have to take worthless meme classes like that to get a degree in anything.

How to Sociology: Pretend to be a retarded liberal follower and manipulate your seat-filling professor with muh feelings arguments and regurgitation of Jewish lies they've been taught.

t. Very successful student doing the above, who had to drop out of his preferred degree because you know, fuck doing that shit - it's poisonous for the Aryan soul.

Thank you for that advice, that's better than just going off on her

1. Don't take a (((sociology))) class in the first place.>>9311407

Yeah, which is why you don't take fucking (((sociology))) and take western literature or history or music appreciation or literally anything else (except for african and gender studies).

Well I fucked up that link formatting. Meant to reply to

Trade school?

What major are you going in that requires a sociology class?
Optionally, you could start recording the times when she's going on one of her liberal rants and make a jewtube channel or some shit dedicated to uploading her rants, followed by debunking her argument within said video. Just don't use your personal info like a faggot or else you're just asking for the repercussions. For that matter, if you use your voice to debunk instead of video editing software to plaster and edit shit, then use a voice changer or something to make it indistinguishable from yours. The next thing too is also changing your seating unless everyone and the teacher is determined to assigned seats.

In college, you're in a marxist liberal dominated place, with many in authority positions there able to fuck you over and end your career climbing if they have a stick up their ass, and nothing much you can do about it. They'll fail you just because they don't like you, hell sure enough if you trigger them, then you'll likely never pass that class again if you have to take it as a mandatory course.

keep and make backups or backup dud youtube accounts for preserving videos and you can use it as fodder for debunking her claims, at the same time proving her insanity.

For the most part, you'll just have to tough it out on that class, and consider it a part of training your patience and using it to control your temperment, because libs do their damnedest to provoke in order to play the victim. Keep your cool and your temperment and in time you'll be able to smugly deal with liberals like the spice man or even Don himself.

I mean, have you considered it*

You can't you literally have to take those to fulfill your ((("diversity requirement"))).

also what fucking universe or timeline did I jump to where temperment is now spelled as temperament?

As part of what? a social sciences or something? I just took psychology and they happily handed me their manual for effectively understanding how the jew successfully manipulates their goyim and the common sense explaining why x behavior is the result of experience/stimulant/etc.

My particular college separates them in an obnoxious fashion that basically requires you to take certain things in various fields - soc is under one header and the other things in that are shit. I mean, soc is shit too, but things like western lit become 'How to view every book ever from the perspective of a bleeding vagina' and history becomes white guilt porn for cucks framed as 'When Whitey Done Showed His Ass Up: Everything Gone to Shit Fam'. Soc was terrible, but there is absolutely no class that isn't specifically vocational or the like you will not be pozzed in, I dropped the fuck out for a reason.

It was just pronounced as such without much emphasis on the 'a.'

As part of any major at my college.

One of the things I did to get through my Sociology class was bring in a tank of Nitrogen and a mask. Every time the class got a bit too much for me, I'd just take a deep inhale. Works every time.

Basically lie until the end of the semester with this shit?

And possibly record her when she's going on a rant about our God Emperor.

Then try not to fucked by college in the long run

Everyone has to take a "Cultural Diversity" credit in order to graduate undergrad now.

OP, just do what I did: Pretend to be a good goy while constantly bitching about the professor. Take a binder full of paper (You DO keep a binder to write notes in, RIGHT?) and write notes as you would (So you, y'know, don't fail due to not having the garbage you're supposed to know in your brain).

And along the way write down every statement the professor says that is lefty dribble or even slightly racist, along with the date.

You won't be able to out debate them. You won't be able to get them fired. What you will be able to do is ruin their reputation amongst the students which is, realistically, what we should be trying to achieve.

Sure he will, anyone could, they're fucking retarded. On the other hand, they will of course deny having been defeated in that debate.

I think we need to stop surviving and start fighting back verbally.

College professor here. Just do the reading, show up to class, and write coherent assignment responses without spelling or formatting errors. This will put you in front of 90 percent of your peers. Honestly, most of us don't give a fuck what you write, so long as it's coherent and easy to grade, since we're all overworked and fucking hate grading.

Suicide is probably the best answer. As in, follow her to the grocery store and call the police when she's getting ready to get out of her car describe her and the car and tell them she has a gun and is trying to rob the store

Good times

good lord this pic is too true

Wew lad.

keep calm and clap. Pretty much was Europeans are doing since 70 years while being raped and slaughtered. It's not hard. everyone can do it.

Yeah. Underpaid and overworked.
I've had semesters with 150 students where I'm doing all the grading. There's no way of getting through the work without putting in at least 12 hours a day and taking few days off. Unfortunately, large numbers of people want to do work that's intellectually satisfying, so there's a lot of competition for the jobs. This leaves professors vulnerable to labor exploitation – which is the situation just now.

Keep that in mind when you submit a shitty assignment full of typos, non sequiturs, and pepe memes.

Don't do this. This is swallowing the Murti-Bing pill and is the path to madness and psychosis. It's what the Communists did in Latvia and Lithuania and all of the other little "Iron Curtain" countries. Pic related, educate yourself.


The only thing about you being overworked is your passive aggressive little fagboy mouth.

Why are you resisting the urge to call her out?

Bullshit. You probably won't convince them, but that's never the point. It's to convince reasonable people in the audience and show that there is opposition to their madness.


If lefties are pathetic little wretches, what the fuck are you who are so afraid of them that you cower and lie about your views?

Nothing passive about me! I'm calling a spade a spade.
Professors work too many hours and honestly don't give much of a shit about the predictable, naive, barely informed perspectives that are developed in papers written by 18yos. We just want this part of the job to be simple and done. Don't stress about your intellectual position. Just try to write papers that don't read like retarded vomit.

Use the Socratic method. Constantly ask questions that they cant answer. It'll be fun.

It's a Muslim ban? Then why isn't Saudi Arabia effected? Why does it only effect countries Obama bombed?

Trump is a X? Well, I looked up X in the dictionary and it says Y, can you explain how you think Trump fits those criteria?

Don't ever take a position, just ask questions.


They'll throw temper tantrums and refuse to let you ask questions.

At this point file a complaint with administration. Explain that you've paid for these classes and your teachers are not explaining why their positions are full of holes. Hint that you'll sue under the uniform commercial code because the school is failing to provide the service you paid for, but that you don't want to and give them a chance to fix their shit.


The administration isn't your friend either.
College is just a scam to get you both in debt and brainwashed. Drop out.

Tell us why you're going to a liberal college. What degree are you taking ? Why are you taking sociology ? What do you plan to do with your degree ? Why didn't you go to a community college or trade school ?

Professors don't work at all, they'd have to start in order to be overworked. They should certainly be so overworked, but I will give you that they should not be underpaid. They should be paid precisely what they are worth, which is absolutely nothing.

In my experience while they are not your friend, they are total cowards. They'll tell the teachers to cut it out rather than face a lawsuit.

This. But if you're going to upload them, be smart about it and wait until you have your grade first. That way they don't have leverage against you to force you to take it down.

Dude, your writing sucks. You begin with a comma splice. You don't support your assertions with anything like evidence and what you say is patently wrong and idiotic. There's a lack of sequence in your thoughts. You write like a primary school kid.

Obviously we're contracted to teach a certain number of classes with a certain level and quantity of content in order to grant credit to students who enroll. This involves class prep (usually about four hours of prep for one hour of contact), grading (usually about five mins per page of writing), office hours (usually at least one hour per class per week), some meetings, writing letters of recommendation, and responding to retarded emails about how the cat ate your assignment and you can't attend an exam because of a cosplay convention or some similar shit. Do the sums for when I have 12 hours of teaching per week, 150 students, and 25 pages of writing per student per class.

And that's before even considering research, keeping up with a complex field, and contributing original knowledge to that field.

We don't give a fuck about your insecurities about your emergent political affiliations.

You definitely piss away a lot of your life on academic bullshit, but it's not productive. I'll call it work when it's doing something useful beyond the bubble you exist in and will not likely be able to exist in for much longer. It's not my insecurities you have to give a fuck about, it's your job's insecurity that should trouble you. I don't even go to college, and you would have realized that and quit making Reddit-tier comments premised on me being a student if you would tone down the seeing red and start fucking reading. This isn't your safe space, you don't get to pretend to be valuable here.


>when school is all about teaching you what to think instead of how to think

oven yourself you fucking commie retard

I studied at a 4.0 until I dropped out because I was tired of having to limit myself for worthless nu-males and blacked feminists.

That's a good one, dude. The bubble's going to pop quicker than the vein in your forehead over being told off on the internet.

I'm going to REALLY laugh when the student loan bubble pops and this dipshit is out of work.

12x4= 48 hrs prep.
12 hours of class.
60 hrs so far..
150 students times 25 pages= 3750 pages 3750 times 5 minutes each is 18750 minutes of grading.
Divided by 60 minutes per hour is 312.5

That means 372.5 Hours of work per week
7 days times 24hrs= 168 hrs in a week.

Which means not only do you do more work than is humanly possible but you are also a lying piece of shit libtard that probably believes his/her/zer own inane ranting.

Sure. Know your enemy.

You fail, user.

The grading is across the whole semester. Please be less dumb.

Also, I just got banned. Enjoy your sheltered little house for retards protected by censorship. Group hug / circle jerk!!!

You mean a university?

*backpedals furiously*
I-I-I d-din't say e-e-very week!


Read again, user. But I think I'm deleted. Adieu!

Thank you, I'll try to find a copy of it, see if /pdf/ has it

I can't even read, duh.

Only the enlightened Professor class can interpret written language…

Need to attend this university in order to attend the police academy

Sociology is part of the general education requirements

Studying abroad opens the network wider in order to establish a connection into some sort of stability within LE

As infuriating as it is, the best way to survive (while achieving non-SJW-penalized grades) is to bullshit your way through the class as dictated by the teacher's own positions until you can fucking leave for the last time. Definitely do not expose yourself if you don't have to, simply because it gives the chance for these power-tripping cunts to make your life harder. If you're not at college for the fun of triggering others and coasting, but actually there to achieve a wanted degree or as a stepping stone for another, it's best to adopt a mask.

Sadly, this is advice I originally got from my parents, which goes to show the state of education for several decades now….

Since when does one need a college degree to become a cop? Find another line of work ffs.

Headphones maybe? haha. Have citations for everything I guess and keep your head down.