

Oh my fucking god, they're seriously doing it, they're fucking milking Eddie Brock as their new flagship character, this is the absolute state of Marvel!

Eddie Brock is now a bigger draw than Tony Stark, Wolverine, or even Spider-man! HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

Did Brocktimer meme this shit into existence? Does Marvel lurk this board?

Hotwheels caused the duplicates, tbh.

I don't understand. Why is Venom in an X-Men comic?


Marvel is still alive?

Why the fuck are they pandering to the gays? I thought diversity books weren't selling.

I think you shouldn't read into that too much, OP.

Probably because X-Men Blue is being written by the same guy who wrote Venomverse (Cullen Bunn, who wrote Agent Venom before he was Bendis'd). A crossover with Venom is hardly surprising given that the X-books are still in editorially-mandated nostalgic purgatory (can't give Fox any new and original ideas).

In the near future, all Marvel characters will be either Eddie Brock or Gwen Stacy.

Please don't bring such fate to Brock

Are you ready for Eddie to hand off his Symbiote to astronk independent woman of color (with a great big afro) and telling her to become the next VENOM? I can't fucking wait for it.

cant fucking wait


Ok I'm sold lets go

Possible order:

No, it's an actual miniseries.


What I mean is that Cullen Bunn is a hack and he's going to write the whole thing. Mike Costa, the good writer who's on the actual Venom book, has nothing to do with it.

ANyone else keeping up with the main Venom series?

slightly off-topic, but can anybody explain to me the appeal of these ugly ass hipster hair-beard-piercing-no-meat-on-bones-19th-century styles?

You missed the painted nails.

Sometimes you just want to look like a steampunk character.

There is no appeal. That's why they were tricked into thinking there is an appeal. The hipster is self-defeating by nature because there is no genuine substance beneath the layers of arrogance and irony.

hmmmm, that's a bit problematic, no?


DC would never do something retard event like make every character Batman, would they?

Just make Planet Venom already.

It's the other way around though, they're making Batman every character.

Yeah, you fucking sealed it now.

Why stop there?
>House of venoM
The possibilities are endless!

And they said Holla Forums couldn't into meme magic. Ha!

one more venom?

Wait, is their only gimmick war, secret war, and preparing for war? Jesus christ these SJDUBS are neo cons/libs. lawl.



wait, is venom a good guy now? how long has this been going on?

back in my day, eddie brock would flat out murder people and was definitely a villain. not sure if he could find the atonement to get to this point haha

He did kill some people in cold blood like a cop in his first appearance and I think a hand full of guardsmen when escaping the vault. I don't know the exact number but I do know you can count brocks unjustifiable kills on one hand. A lot of fans chalk those up developmental growing pains and editorial trying to figure out what to do with the character after the initial hook of "black suit is evil now" lost its shock. By his 3rd or 4th appearance in ASM he was vowing to never physically harm aunt may or MJ

Besides that he's always killed, but punisher tier killing, no one who didn't deserve it other than those few.

Sounds like your day was the mid 2000s, and Eddie was Mac Gargan, you tremendous faggot. Eddie was an anti-hero almost immediately. The only comic he was a straight up villain in was his first appearance.

Gwenom incoming

Wasn't he a villain the 90s cartoon?




they aren't but it's long since become clear that the big two are more interested in pumping out left wing propaganda than making good comics

The movies are keeping them afloat, but it looks like that won't last much longer as Disney doesn't seem to keen on hemorrhaging so much money for so long. The Weinstein scandal can also be tied back to them, which could cause them a lot of problems too.

Does anyone have the entire "sins of the father" spiderman episode? I can only find parts of it and many of those have been removed.

The narrator made it seem like Superior Spiderman is a very interesting story-line. Is there any specific issue to start on?

Lol, the narrator has shit taste

I swear to God beards better become the next mullets in ten years

The Superior Spider-Man #1. All you need to know is that Peter used to have a slow fling with a female forensics expert and that he found a job as a researcher/engineer/super-scientist type at Horizon research labs. Then octopus swapped bodies with Parker, and let him die. Oh, and octopus wasn't fat towards the end of his life.

Read it from superior spiderman #1 and then read superior foes of spiderman

Will do and thanks!

At least he started improving himself before the end. From the posted video, I did find it interesting that Otto held Otto back. Even in Peter's body, he still doubted himself and his abilities.

>all these animation errors momentary Venom behind a broken wall
I know it's a bad cartoon from a technical standpoint, but I will never stop loving it.

I'd never look to a kids show for a good depiction of a morally grey character like Brock. Yeah that show had him as a bad guy but ultimately no where as bad as what carnage was.

If the upcoming movie starring the Big Guy 4U does anything for Brock I hope it just shifts public perception away from the "brain eating monster villain" image. He's an anti hero who on his worst day has a massive hate boner for the cuck Parker

Spare me your edgy filth. You're already dead.

>calls someone else edgy

It's true. Brock was morally grey from the get go. Just a super powered dude who was alright aside from hating one fucking guy. The scans are out there look at them before you make yourself out to be an edgy fuckweed

For every occurrence 90s Spidey fucked up on the technical side, it also did a fucking fantastic job on the storytelling side.
It was a great show.

I never thought you could sink lower, brockfag.

As someone who stopped buying marvel a while ago what happened with Flash Thompson? Is he dead or drinking himself to death with no legs?

He's alive and back on Earth, but obviously doesn't have the symbiote anymore. Plus, he's going to show up in an upcoming Amazing Spidey/Venom crossover.

Jews. It's always the jews.

He was, though. Or do you forget how he'd stop fights with Spidey in order to save babies? Or how he killed all those gangsters at the truck stop because they threatened a child?



Holy shit, that's Tony Jay. Still miss the guy.

Gwenom you say?

Yeah, he was in a lot of 90's cartoons. I remember him in Hunchback of Notre Dame and Talespin.

Is it Brock or.the Venom symbiote itself that is the draw? I got latter impression in May when Guardians of the Galaxy did a three parter about guardians / asgardians going full black.

The problem comes from taken a style of going too far with it. The half-shaved head isn't instantly bad. Pic 1 is distinctive, but still attractive, while pic 2 is trying way too hard and makes you look like a retard.

Was that a blessing in disguise, because I would've totally hit on a gloomy girl back then?
making it your goal in life to make her genuinely laugh at least once a day

Mental illness haircut.

That haircut is what happens when a bipolar girl is experiencing a particularly low depressive episode and starts shaving her head because "I DON'T DESERVE TO LOOK PRETTY!" But halfway through shaving she flips into a manic episode and starts to 'really like' the way her new hairstyle looks so she just keeps it.

It's Brock. Without Brock it's just a scifi space monster. Brock adds the interesting element.

Do all the symbiotes give Spider-powers, or just the one that bonded with Peter, and its children, like Carnage?