Sonic Team's making some short comics to promote Sonic Forces.
Sonic Forces comics
Also, sorry about the multiple threads. My computer tends to lag sometimes.
Comic is already better than the game.
Not like this was a difficult feat to begin with, though.
Christ, how can Sega release a game this bad right after Mania.
hey that wasn't a bad comic
the only biggest problem is denuvo.
Further evidence that Sonic fans are autistic.
What's wrong with the game?
It looks like a general boost formula game, nothing too major.
Also speaking of the game, i'm still not a big fan of the huge 'resistance' thing tbh. I preferred the light hearted approach the other games took.
It's not even like a serious-ish sonic storyline is bad, but this one sorta feels off to me and I don't know why
and sega produced that without the help of a publishing company?
er, comic writing company
Yep. They're just short digital comics unrelated to the upcoming IDW comic.
Every day we inch closer to Coldsteel becoming canon.
Pretty good stuff, this.
Everything is canon, user. Aaron said it himself.
This concept is just fucking horrible. In the gameplay footage you have all of Sonics friends talking to him but they're saying fucking COD commmander lines. "5 enemies here take em down" and all that shit.
Thanks OP
Oh god are they still doing that treasure hunter shit? How the fuck can he be the guardian of the master emerald and a treasure hunter? Those 2 things directly contradict each other.
I miss Daddy Issues knuckles
Yeah, thanks for the response. I just saw the space station gameplay and was incredibly disappointing. I also played some of it in an expo. While I think that you might be able to mute the characters in the actual full game. Classic sonic actually feels OK, though I only played him in the Egg Dragoon boss battle. what really bothers me are the OC levels. they feel like they lack finesse. the weapons have too much range and lack skill to use, and he has modern sonic's physics without his moveset so it feels off.
Sonic feels fine though. Also the switch version plays at 30fps
During that casino forest level he looked….wrong. It was better than generations by a long shot but it was still far from perfect. Seconds where he should be in a ball he's awkwardly walking around in. And a lot of times where he makes the rolling sound but is running and when he's in a ball no such sound effect exists.
Classic Sonic will play like ass but not as badly as Generations. Modern Sonic will be fine physics wise but the level design for the 2d sections will be cancer. OC levels will be even worse as they'll be based around the character gimmicks and if they're as overpowered as I'm seeing them the levels will vary wildly between stupid babby tier to complete bullshit with little in between.
The story and cinematic cutscenes will be a treat though and be mad fuel for memes to come. Literally everything they've done so far non gameplay wise has been a meme.
Still, who needs Archie
It was the e3 build. Only egg dragoon boss, a sonic level and oc level in green hill
not muh sonic
written by Ian Flynn. Now wonder the comic is so good! Sega fucked up when they cancelled Archie Sonic.
Can someone storytime the remaining issues?
Eh, why not. Here, have some shit with Shadow and Team Dark.
Incidentally, I believe this comic ends at what is basically the beginning of the 'Episode Shadow' preorder dlc for the game.
And the fourth and final comic in the series is about how Eggman found the Phantom Ruby and recruited Infinite.
I feel like this last bit would have been more coherent and better paced if they'd had a few extra pages to work with. Basically, the jackal who will eventually become Infinite is working for Dr. Eggman because he wants to watch the world burn.
Are those furry animals doing a Naruto run?
We actually found a character even more edgy looking than Shadow, he even has those retarded two colored eyes.
He also looks more stylized, akin to new 10's edgy as opposed to Shadow's 00's edgy
I kinda like this though, ever since adventure all Robotnik ever does is to wake a Lovecraft abomination and wait until it goes out of his control.
I can't be mad, it's impressive how edgy Infinite. I love it.
Also…Eggman just finds the Phantom Ruby sitting outside his base? That's how he got it? At least in Mania he had to actively dig it out of the ground.
I never understood it either. I mean it would've made sense if he was always aware of Tikal, but he didn't even know she existed until Adventures, so not sure who kept an eye on the Emerald while he was out.
Why do they keep using Silver? His first game was shit and his personality is shit.
Plus edgy.
Who cares about the comics when the cartoon is getting infinitely better?
This show ain't gettin' another season.
It is, much like TTG kids enjoy it.
Only because CN never plays anything else.
More like he doesn't want the up-aged loli. A LESSON HAL JORDAN DIDN'T LEARN.
She doesn't behave like a loli, especially compared to Sticks.
Early teens behave like having more age to gain attention, but they haven't learn than a man doesn't listens to a "no more" in the middle of a fuck session.