Well I'm pretty sad.
Pythium I thought you'd stick around and had learned from your mistakes I was hoping you'd retreat and come back with some wine skins or something, not go AI.
and Agartha, you're that same guy that always seems to be losing which sucks, I dont want it to damper your spirit.
I bet you thought Cloud Trapeezing your god would make him join your armies there, which probably would had helped out a lot more, but what you did was initiate a magic fight which is a tactical battle that happens before all other battles except assassinations.
I'd also had hoped you'd had learned from our previous fights and bring more mages to the table. Oh well, not a big deal just figure it out for your other games!
Thing is with your god you could had easily done a tonne of damage to me if he sat behind an army and magic dueled the entire time, none of my mages would be able to resist him, well maybe one could but the odds were in your favour in that case.
Consider all of the finer points of Abyssia, first of all you're a race of lava people with high protection so you don't get hit so hard, and people fighting you are going to tire out easily because of your heat auras.
The high protection comes with a draw back of you cannot recruit so many guys at a time because of the resource cost.
there is a spell that can help this out however Riches from Beneath which will provide extra resources in your dominion, this is a spell under enchantment which also has other useful spells you might want like Heat From Hell which makes the entire battlefield swelter with heat further tiring your opponents.
When units gain fatigue and get tired, they lose attack and defense, and as a result become easier to hit, cannot fight as well and more vulnerable to critical hits.
as for getting gud here are some tips,all are equally important.
1. figure out your research goals early on
2. learn your nations weakness
3. learn how to expand with your nation
Learning how to expand is especially important, what I do when I expand is I always set a goal up for myself like 15 provinces by the end of year 1. This is easily doable without an awake pretender, and if I had an awake pretender I'd probably aim for 20 or more, though sometimes it doesn't work out that way if there is a lot of calvary provinces.
And some nations have a harder time expanding than others, like monkey factions they always seem to have a rough time from my experience, except for Lanka and Patala.
Realizing your weaknesses is also really important, in the case of Abyssia anyone you're going to fight has an easy way to reduce your effectiveness if they have water magic.
Rain is a Evocation 2 spell that any w1 mage can cast with 2 water gems; again to offset this
You'll have to figure it out yourself, but heres an easy tactic I can recommend.
Learn what type of unit their mages casting are, some are mounted and some are large monsters, if you can set an army to attack that particular type of unit it will make it easier to deal with them.
This applies in all battles though.
It's all about the mythology for me, since the game is just a clash of various myths from around the world.
The combat system is pretty in depth, and open ended, but what I like best is I can play by email and just come in from work and click in my turns.