Rank his works

Rank his works

Kino Tier
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Minority Report
Jurassic Park

Pretty good for a jew
War Horse
Artificial Intelligence
Saving Private Ryan

The Lost World
War of the Worlds
Catch Me If You Can
Empire of the Sun
Bridge of Spies

Jurassic Park is still the best kino.



Duel is kino, except for the details in the ending

Kino Tier
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (not great in a vacuum but paved the way for better sci-fi)

Ruined cinema forever thrice but still pretty good tier
J.A.W.S (First summer blockbuster)
Jurassic Park (Special effects extravaganza)
Indiana Jones Trilogy (Capeshit precursor)

Okay if nothing else is on I guess Tier
Bridge of Spies
Minority Report
War Horse
Saving Private Ryan
War of the Worlds
Catch Me If You Can

Trash Tier
Jurassic Park: The Lost World
Artificial Intelligence
Empire of the Sun
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull



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Have fun with your wife's son and Jamal.

So I shouldn't marry a whore? Thanks. This doing opposite of what Holla Forums says is already paying dividends.

Eh? Holla Forums says you shouldn't be a cuck. So why aren't you lapping up nigger cum from your wife's ass?

Check will not lap up nigger cum like wants me to.

Are you a nigger shitskin yourself?

I'm not Holla Forums you retard. I'm just saying that doing the opposite of what Holla Forums says results in pic related.

Being a man of principles who doesn't want to be co-opted into a snafu but ultimately succumbs to his rotten offspring who was manipulated by the man?

J.A.W.S was the first big summer blockbuster and is indirectly responsible for all the trash big budget blockbusters coming out now including capeshit

Jurassic Park was a really good demonstration of what could be done with CGI and now we have films that aren't even about anything, they are just big CGI showcases

It's not an insult to a film itself to say that it set in motion trends which are currently creating a sterile and uncreative film environment

Why are you so fucking vulgar all the time? Besides, Holla Forums are the biggest cucks around, imagine having to institute an authoritarian system of government just to not be a loser

What's cucked about having a strong government?

CGI had been used extensively long before JP. Terminator 2 is the trailblazer of CGI. Plus, JP has a shit ton of practical effects. It's not JP's fault, the shift to CGI is inevitable.

That is you.

Individual success doesn't mean shit if the collective is fucked. So those big corps gave you a paycheck and you got laid? Okay, but they also drained your nation's natural resources, lined their own pockets with the profits and flooded your nation with human garbage. I don't need a strong government to look out for my individual interests, I need it to lookout for those interests individuals can't.

People are but parts of larger bodies. Kikes are despised because they act as parasites on these bodies.

Kino Tier:

Pretty good for a jew:

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Everything else.

Nobody mentioned getting laid, that's just your sex obsessed "degenerate" mind at work again. And if helping the needy is really on your mind (and not just minority killing power fantasies), are you donating to charity? Are you helping out your community? Are you doing things for your own family members? Charity begins at home.

Also reminder that humans evolved to interact with around 12 people total in their entire life, scolding people for not caring about every tom dick and harry that shares their borders/genes/continent is idiotic

pick one

Shit tier:
All of them.

The guy is a hack.