Haaretz: The Debate in Israel Is Over. Annexation It Is

Haaretz: The Debate in Israel Is Over. Annexation It Is

The occupation has defeated sanity, even that of Reuven Rivlin. The president is calling for the country's annihilation.


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Kikes think they can get away with anything.

I hate Jews

I hope Palestine has a nuclear weapon hidden in its borders so that when Israel finally absorbs them there's no border check between wherever it is now and the capital.

Let's meme it, boys

Pick one, you fucking kikes.

What do they mean by annexation? If they annex the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, won't the Arabs outbreed them?

But ethnic diversity and all the problems that come with it (which you are acknowledging in your own fucking article) is perfectly fine in white countries. The only single cause that will unite ethnicities will be the obliteration of Jewish existence

Kill all Palestinians and Jews

checked, yes


They're trying their hardest to test Trump

But but haaretz is supposed to be some israeli liberal newspaper why are they writing such articles.

My fear is they know this and will thus try to ethnically cleanse read: incite them to become "refugees" in Europe via bombs the Palestineans, big time.

Yes, that's why they only want to annex "part C" of the West Bank, because only 90,000 Arabs live there, and 450,000 Jews.

Sorry, Jews. The future of Israel is multicultural, and it will be much better for it.

You would be correct, but if they have the US bomb the hell out of them and drive them towardsa europe with open borders that problem solves itself. Fucking jews man.

This is probably true, this little shit hole of a country needs to be put in it's place.

Good goy toy.

NO SHIT. Why the fuck do you think we want you dual Israeli cunts out of our country.

"Gentiles are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and gentiles will be resented because of our leading role."


That's the point, there is actually a heated debate among Israelis on this very topic.

Which is why they are leaning toward apartheid.
It's obvious what their plan was; make life as hard and as uncomfortable for Palestinians as possible, and try to force them off their land. Problem is, natural selection has made the remaining Palestinians tough as hell.

make tunnels
get rid of tvs
make more kids

The Jews reap what they sow.

Interesting, thanks. I found another map depicting the different parts A B C.

So as per the map above:

Area A = Palestinean control
Area B = joint Israeli-Palestinean control
Area C = Israeli control

If the kikes annex area C that would be some significant territorial gains.

taking what rightfully belongs to us from over 6000 years ago and
preserving it to our peoples future,palestinians are not even from originally from here they are colonizers just like white people.

even hitler supported a Jewish state you modern natsoc larpers should thoroughly go through what he said instead
of being edgy.

Welcome to Holla Forums

So take it. Do it, faggots.

You'll take your new shitskin citizens and like it, Israel. Drink deep of the poison you poured into Europe and choke on it.

Surely you meant "over 6 million" there?

Hitler thought you could be quarantined and that you'd leave the rest of us alone if you were. The last fifty years have proven that even when you have your own country you seek to weaken our people.


there's that number again hahahahahahah

Dead is a state.


poor form

Fucking newfags I swear

What a burn.

Looks like the kikes haven't been getting what they wanted out of Trump, defeatism shills BTFO. Frankly, let the kikes take Palestine. After 200 years of Arab rape babies, the yids will be the semites they've been LARPing as. Poetic justice I'd say just as long as we can get the rest of them over there. Crank up the anti-semitism and point out that Israel needs every kike it can get to stay even remotely jewish.

The way I see it, it can only shake out three ways:

1) annex land, try to absorb Palestinians, will certainly fail

2) annex land, cleanse Palestinians for whatever reason, possibly succeed

3) Use settlements to push them into the ocean

So far we've been getting decades worth of 3, this seems like 1 but will they attempt 2? Given that they sterilize Africans in going to put it at a solid possibility




Persians will make middle-east great again.

Hezbollah will gas the kikes.


Israeli liberal =/= Liberal

This is an underrated post.

The Palestinians are the rightful owners of those lands. The alternative is establishing Kingdom of Jerusalem and forcefully converting everyone there to Christianity.

You can have Madagascar or the oven

So the star will gorge itself on clay?

What could go wrong?


What did Madagascar ever do to you?



How about we just kill ALL the muzzies *and* ALL the Jews, eh Schlomo? The foreign Semitic faith of Christendom can hop in the oven alongside those who spawned it.

Welcome to Holla Forums.

Over 6000 years ago? What happened to the Canaanites who were there before?

Concentration camps taken to the next level, Schlomo.
Nice 0's.

The hypocrisy of kikes knows no bounds. Though it's not completely correct to call them "hypocrites" because they never cared about shitskins to begin with, they just push this fake egalitarian rhetoric in white countries to convince us to import all of their shitskins. It's over shlomo, and I hope all those jews laughing at the "new Germans" their puppet Merkel shipped in will equally enjoy all the "new Israelis" who wear hijabs and like to blow up kikes.

Just War Theory would allow pre-emptive extermination in the light of facts. A global white alliance could fix this timeline in a single generation.

Looks like you've been proven wrong user

He's posting from TOR, you fucking retard.

I'm really looking forward to Israeli apartheid. Goddamn, get some popcorn. It's going to be great watching them become South Africa, especially after what they did to South Africa.

I'm not entirely sure I know what's going on, other than jews are still being jews.

That's usually a safe bet.

There's a bumper crop of JUSTICE coming for them. Enough to last them forever.

on a side note when was the last time you saw an actual JIDF poster? it's kind of cool, almost like seeing an endangered animal or something

As they begin to feel the warmth of the ovens they always behave in a manner which will cause their demise

True, but I wish I could actually understand what's going on. Is Israel trying to annex someone or what?

They lost to right to that when they became christ denying blasphemers

Israel and Palestine; two states or one. If they annex everything, they'll be outnumbered by Palestinians. So what they're proposing is annexing, and making Palestinians second class citizens. They won't be able to vote or hold office. It's the only way Israel stays Jewish.

am I the only one who sees the moonrunes spell out an "oy vey" of sorts?

This can't actually succeed, right?


It shouldn't be able to. It should blow up in their faces. We'll see I guess.

Sure it can. Israel has the Palestinians heavily outgunned and their soldiers are trained by US forces. Not to mention, Israel also has nukes.

They can do whatever they want to those sandniggers and then cry "anti-semitism!" to anyone who opposes it.

this is happening solely so that israel can be added to the list of countries that have expelled or killed their kikes
God has a sense of humor

even that will fail, because palestinians will still be outbreeding jews, at some point they're going to take over. the only solution would be an actual genocide or mass expulsion, but they can't do that because of the international outcry it would cause

Possibly. If you were to control both finance and media….

if they could actually do that, there wouldn't be any palestinians left

Goddamn I hope so.

The leading candidate to take over after Bibi is proposing making them full citizens however, which is why the article is kvetching so hard.

So, would you say that's a final solution?

A very good article on the issue from Unz.

http: //www.unz.com/ishamir/trump-sets-the-cat-among-the-jewish-pigeons/

Not true. They were useful scapegoats for a long time, and took the focus off of kikes being kikes. But now there is clear infighting in Israel, and the idea of Palestinians seems to be fading with some younger Jews. We'll see how far this leads.

I can read. It also very specifically equate doing that with national suicide.

palestinians being enemies*


for you to join the IDF!!!

There is ABSOLUTLEY, POSITIVELY NOTHING you can do about it!!!

Cry and scream and protest till you foam at the mouth and exhaust yourself in agony on the floor, Israel will be Israel, and will invade and destroy the evil enemy nations around Israel, including the Arab Palestinians. Be all the bleeding-heart liberal that you can be, you will only accomplish NOTHING, and Israel will steamroller on to victory after victory!!!

Just like the Army, and the U.S. Cavalry and the cowboys killing off the savage in this land to allow the expansion and settlement of the White Man in America, Israel will kill off the savage Arabs to allow massive Jewish immigration into the Middle East, and to end up becoming the dominant nation there!!!

You are only trying to stop the thunderstorm with your bare hands, all you will accomplish is total futility and utter frustration.

No, kike. Something very very different is going to happen, and you're not going to like it very much. Don't worry though - you're not going to have to worry about it for very long.

They want to take Palestine, they just want to be able to genocide all the existing people there. Otherwise if they still wanted to be a "democracy", they would have to grant voting rights to the Arab citizens, and they would just form a bloc and demand to be treated as *gasp* equals to the chosen.

They almost always do. The world must unite and change that.

There's still a population of Christians in Palestine - Jews treat them just as bad (if not worse) as they treat the mudslimes.

sure thing

Yid, if Western aid was cut off Israel wouldn't last a month. You're not like the white man, you're just another pack of upjumped desert savages, same as the Saudis. You can barely hold your own against Hezbollah as it is.
You live because we allow it, and you will die because we demand it.

I'm gonna cap this post and then spam the shit out of it when you're forced to accept millions of sandniggers into your little holy land

Kinda jelly Whites aren't allowed to talk like this in public anymore, just bluntly talking about colonialism, spreading their culture and removing savages.

I fully support making the Mediterranean White again, too bad jews are stupid inbred Semite LARPing mutts that suck Saudi cock and are the biggest welfare queens on the planet. Charlemagne should of never given jews the privilege to practice usury, turned them into genocidal materialist brats.

Now on to the next issue - how much to raise taxes in Israel so their new neighbors can have free rent, food stamps, and free health care for aaaaall the adorable, little, retarded bums on the way.


What's wrong with Palestinians? My neighbors are Palestinian Christians, they have 3 kids and work hard

Whatever you say Schlomo.

Pay no attention to shills, they simply want us to adopt the position that we want to gas everyone so that the rise of fascism stops.

Charlemagne actually issued a Capitulary for the Jews expressly prohibiting them from working in finances at all; they just did it anyway.

That's nice. They still have to go back.

To add to this, Schlomo and his friends are scared shitless because currently fascism and NatSoc is being normalized and people are finally realizing that the Nazis didn't try to harm anyone except it's enemies.

I bet you think Trump's a Christian too.


No you fucking kike, we shouldn't gas anyone. We should execute our enemies and deport non-whites but that's it. All that we really need is a branch of National Socialism to take root, from there we can go to the stars.

Hitler was wrong on many things, and not right enough on others. Like hell, if I'm gonna swear off meat and not be an antisemite, because he was both of those things. You've got to go one step beyond.

That's what i just said.

Who the fuck said anything about Hitlerism? This is another kike method, whenever you show the christbashing "national socialists" that Hitler in fact embraced Christianity as a cultural cornerstone in our society, they start yelling about esoteric hitlerism.

Palestinians living on the other side of the world are not our enemies. Only people(tribes) that actively work to destroy and degenerate our societies are our enemies. There are plenty of people to hang already, don't go picking a fight with the entire world if you want National Socialism to be embraced by anyone.

Where did i mention anything about gassing Palestinians? As you can see here i recommended they go and stay go, not death. Kikes on the other hand, well, that's a different story.

This was discussed in a few threads a few months ago. Basically there has been major international and internal pressure over what to do with the Palestinians in land "occupied" by, but not actually part of, Israel. They can't wipe them out or exile them, but at the same time Israel wants the land. Israel cannot annex it without giving them citizenship or it's apartheid. So therewas a debate over whether to withdraw and allow a second state to form, or annex it and grant citizenship to nationless Palestinians.
Seems they have decided to annex. This means that these Arabs, with four wives and a dozen kids each, will be allowed to vote. They will outbreed the Jews, whom they hate, and take thr country over.
This is what Israel deserves.

Hitler was absolutely an anti-semite. Read Mein Kampf. There were a handful of Jews he considered honourable and did not deport or incarcerate, but he still put 99% of them in camps to be sent to Madagascar after the war.

Who doesn't?

Under rated comment. This is kind of like doubling down.

Jews are a special kind of animal, I was just reacting to the 'Kill all muzzies'. Wasn't you, I see that now.

I was also just trying to trigger Schlomo with the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the fact is that there is nothing that Jews hate more than Christ and therefor it's a good tool to use especially since so many people already follow it.

We just need to turn back the clock in the Catholic church to pre-1950. That's when Jews became accepted and the church stopped talking about the Jewish debt because they killed Christ.

The core essence of Christianity is that Kikes are satanists and Christ tried to tell them to stop, therefor they killed him. It's the biggest counter-religion to Judaism there is.

Most Jews would rather die than to embrace Christ, they really believe this shit even if I don't. I just believe it's a cornerstone of European Civilization and that we should keep it around.

I'm not saying it's perfect.

Wow, the spacing. Here, sorry.

Let Hezbollah leave not one yid alive.

maybe you shouldn't have pushed that diversity so hard on your host nations, eh?


Perhaps some "sneaky" sterilization is in order.

It's time for Israel to get enriched like never before. Destroy that wall and accept more diversity.


Holy shit those are some ugly women.


I see no problem

Greater Israel is real. Clip is 100% serious and not satirical.




No. Go back to your oven, youre breaking the law by breathing, you jew.

How long until even jews are so sick of jews that they try to shoah all the jews?



Post yfw Israel grudgingly agrees to non-apartheid binationalism. Post yfw Palestinian shitskins take advantage of their citizenship to move literally 6 million Syrians into the country. Post yfw the 111th country to expel Jews is Israel.

Couldn't have said it better myself, and with the jew loving evangelicals becoming an increasingly small minority nobody will care.

Nevermind the fact that every Arab country left would immediately declare war on Israel over that.

Didn't think of it that way.

They are here because leaders are weak and succumb to foreign interest easily. This doesn't mean that Israel itself can't get similarly weak leadership as well that would suck up to the EU and create a hippie multicultural state just like Sweden that will be plunged into a civil war a few years down the road.

What do you mean with bombarded with porn? Did Israel really broadcast only porn to specific areas? That's hilarious, not very effective though I would assume.

Asking the Palestinians to sterilize, be moved or shot would solve the issue indeed. However it wouldn't solve the international backlash Israel would get especially not with the hippie that is the EU around. They can however convince the US of almost anything at this point.

USA could've benefitted for their own country much more in the middle east if they played the countries and abused their stupidity to get diplomatical and economical advantages. A divide and conquer strategy would've been perfect throughout 1995- present. They could handpick their allies and use war as a tool of gaining economical advantage rather than being a goal itself (Iraq war).

Woah, what's the deal on kushner now? Partisans for whom vs whom?

More realistic scenario:
All Arab countries declare war on Israel for illegally annexing Palestine.
Good goy US starts up the draft again and sends our boys over there to defend "our greatest ally."
Russia backs Syria and sends troops starting a Korean War style escalation.
We get the WW3 that the kikes have been pushing for regardless of the fact we elected Trump and not Hillary.

The US did this pretty succesfully against Europe in the second world war.

Ah, bullshit. Trump knows better than to throw American lives away because some kikes want him to. Even if he doesn't know it, he WILL know that fighting Israel's next war is a bad idea when he sees the satellite imagery of William Kristol's erection at the thought of it.

I'm just looking forward to the glorious day Trump ushers the Chief Kike Rabbi into a room at Camp David, pours him a drink and sits down, and then tells him he has to answer for the USS Liberty – Godfather-style.

This is good. Let no one here be as stupid as to think Israel expanding it's borders is bad for us. It guarantees Jews becoming a minority in Israel, thus guaranteeing their destruction.

Dubs confirm: Perish Judah.

If there actually is a worldwide conspiracy for the advancement of the Jews, there is no fucking way they would allow that to happen


It's going to be hilarious.

Once a Semite always a Semit

Oy vey, having to choose is antisemitic!

Congress declares war, user. They don't even need the President's signature to do it.

I think it's going to be funnier than that. Just a gut instinct.

jews don't have to be the majority to control a country

Why would they do that when they could just vote themselves into power? All it will take is to bring a few walls down and poof, flooded with shitskins and jews wiped out.

Just a reminder that Trump told Israel not to do anything unilaterally.

I have yet to see Holla Forums provide any compelling evidence that a Jewish conspiracy exists. Sure, there are a lot of Jews involved in leftist movements, but there are a lot of whites as well. I also haven't seen Holla Forums put forth any tangible benefit the Jews would receive by exterminating the white race. After all, the billionaire jews make their money off of white economies.

Looks like cuckchan is still down.

Jesus christ, spoiler that shit

Yeah, implying that the kikes aren't deliberately trying to destroy the west in every way possible at every level. They're even trying to destroy any forum that whites use. They've already co-opted the moderation on here. Pic related.
The problem is that most normies agree with that statement. Fucking bluepilled faggots.

nice cop out response. Why don't you explain instead of participating in the cancerous new "UR A FUCKIN SHILLLLL" horseshit that took over Holla Forums in 2015

Perhaps you could lurk more instead of asking retarded questions that everyone already knows. "Prove to me the sky is blue."

Here, have a big-boy bite.


There's a reason why 'lurk for two years' is a rule.

There is not one Jewish conspiracy in the sense that a council of Jews sits round a table and discusses how to destroy the goyim. Not that such groups don't exist, but they are secondary to the true nature of the Jewish attack on western civilization.
Jews, even isolated will ALWAYS try to undermine and parasite off any and all non-Jews. This is because their religion, their Talmud, demands it. Even "convert" and "atheist" Jews will usually maintain this behavior. You know how Muslims will always try and push toward Sharia Law? It's the same principle.

Still not an argument

You've shown me some isolated incidents of Jewish tribalism and hypocrisy. That would be similar to taking lots of quotes from KKK members and white nationalists and trying to pass it off as the beliefs of the entire white race (or highly influential whites, as that is a more applicable comparison). I see no evidence of any sort of organization on the part of the kikes.

Because you don't want to see it. It would be incredibly inconvenient for the guys paying you if you acknowledged that you did.

A lie will still remain a lie.

Technically you're contradicting yourself here. If I would be to prove that Jewish conspiracy exists I would only have to find a single article proving Jewish involvement in civil movements to conspire against someone or something. There are countless examples of this.

You probably want to say: I have yet to see Holla Forums prove that Jews are succesfully manipulating the world in a way that they can decide the policy that happens everywhere. Or I have yet to see Holla Forums prove that the majority of Jews are conspiring together to exterminate the white race.

You're a fucking idiot. Try and find ten jews that celebrate the white race. I've shown you examples of plenty of powerful and influential Jews who actively are working to destroy the white race and you didn't even check it out before replying.
The holohoax is the most damning evidence that they're trying to destroy the white race. They keep bringing it up every time a white expresses love for his own people and we all know that gassings are fucking bullshit. Yet this is being taught in schools everywhere and you don't think that's enough evidence that the Jews run most of the world?
You're either a fucking idiot or a shill, I don't care which. You need to check out the redpill threads and archives if you truly want to know.

Behavior is an expression of genetics. Every single jew is a George Soros in miniature, undermining and subverting its host like the parasite it is.

Another note: This is why when some jew says "well do you hate Saul the kosher deli owner down the road? he hasn't done anything to you, he's a good jew" I say yes, of course I hate him, because he will be (and if not he himself, his children will be) always more loyal to the synagogue of satan than anything else. That's why Mossad doesn't even bother maintaining large agent networks in countries with Jewish populations - they can convince regular Jews like Saul the deli owner to spy for them.

You're blaming us for your own ignorance. Our solution is lurk more.

If you want an actual thorough argument you could start with 'Culture of Critique' by Kevin McDonald. It's in the pol reading list PDF dump. I'm sure you can find it. It is at least a start, and is a well researched academic argument.

From there, pol has an entire reading list dedicated to the topic that you can find if you lurk. If you want anything more than a few 'isolated incidents' as you call them, you're looking for us to write you a book on the topic and nobody is about to do that. The books already exist, they're on the pol reading list. If you haven't read them, your ignorance isn't our fault.

Do Jewish holy books count, then?
How about terrorism ordered by Israeli leaders?

Just a few quick things:
2. Vid related explains it in a normie friendly format. Pay attention. It's worth a few minutes of your time.


I was wondering why I got banned fora week

Now I know….

I was not the poster that was asking for proof.

The issue with proving is that you need evidence to support your hypothesis. But then it depends on what the hypothesis is. Are you able to prove that a few Jews in the EU, US and individual countries are trying to stirr events into a direction against white people? Sure you can. Are you able to prove that a lot of these Jews are connected through some religious sect and are actively planning a complete takeover? Probably not.

It's embarassing to say lurk more if you're not even aware that Holla Forums has ID's.

Then disregard. Hard to keep track of the 87 IDs currently in this thread. I tend to respond to individual posts instead of checking all the IDs in a given thread.

Alright, I provided you a place to find evidence. Go look. The gist of it isn't that some conspiracy involving all Jews are trying to subvert western nations. The general idea of it is that they almost all do it because it is in their nature and in their best interests to do so. There probably isnt some massive organization to coordinate them all because there doesn't need to be. They will act this way without being directed to do so. The Jewish community of a nation will always have conflicting interests to that of the host nation, and this drives them to subvert the culture and politic of that nation. It's not that there's some Jew puppetmaster controlling them all, it's that this is fundamentally who they are as a people.

Interested ? Want evidence ? I linked the book, read it.

Not interested ? Don't care ? Then you're not worth our time.

Anti-semitism is a worldwide phenomenon buddy.

Wow you're one of those idiots who gets their knowledge of the holy books from fucking reddit. It does not say that, nor does it forbid the eating of shellfish.
Then perhaps the fact that Jews have been repeatedly and independently found to have been conspiring against the crown and the governance of western and European nations for the past few thousands years and have over 100 examples of them being banished from those lands for the very thing you're claiming you don't see with an unbiased view should give others reason to think that "unbiased" just means "with a different bias".
What you are doing is not "unbiased" but you are simply refusing to look at group dynamics and miniaturizing everything to the individual. Even as someone points out that their holy texts - the central focus on which what makes a Jew a Jew is based upon - support the conspiracy that they seek to destroy whites (as gentiles) you ignore it, because you DO NOT WANT TO SEE IT.

How does this guy not realize he is justifying the hatred of Jews?

Almost all the leadership in the Russian revolution and sparticist revolution in germany was jewish

Easy dude's a Jude. Juden have no morals so they cannot look back in time and decide upon
Why do they persecute me so?


No, that is precisely the point. This is just what they do. If it were some conspirational movement then it would be as simple as finding the leaders and killing them, or just undermining them and waiting for them to die off. Instead, this is just how this group of people fundamentally behaves. I'll say it again, read and then come back. You're not going to find all the answers you want on an imageboard because the question you're asking is too big to be answered paragraph at a time.

How can anyone live with being so fucking two-faced?

huh they're a bit full of themselves hey

not to mention the entire thing was pure autism anyway

A wrong example. An example that is well-known for it being used by people who want to sound like they know shit when they don't. You were not only wrong, but you were cliche wrong. And it being an example doesn't make you any less of a fuckwit.

What is more likely, that 109 different groups of people all independently fabricated stories about the machinations of the Jews and expelled them for no reason, or that Jews by nature destroy and subvert? You're not being "unbiased" anymore, you're being excusive.
We did. We did so in >>9312509 and . You dismissed it as "isolated incidents" which is just a handwaving codeword for "I want proof but I want you to be unable to provide it". We could point you to the Dancing Israelis, the bombing of the USS Liberty, Israel funding of ISIS, the greater Israel plan, the Holodomor/Holocaust comparison, and many more, but you'd not accept it. Because this isn't your game, your game is to drone until you can feign victory to your superiors.

Just filter and report, user. Refresh the thread if you haven't already.

Read Culture of Critique you faggot. They are involved in every major landmark movement.


Bittenfeld is Love,

Bittenfeld is Life.




Rolling for nuclear dubs magic.

If this isn't a great article to showcase Jewish arrogance and intent to dominate others, I don't kmow what is.

Jesus fuck. That isn't an "annexation zone", that's a battle map with isolated pockets of resistance remaining to be mopped up. Like every other proposed Israel/Palestinian territorial division, this is a completely untenable concept. The rule is that if you can't even make a gerrymandered congressional district out of the territory then it's not a feasible partition. God damn, they may as well just annex individual houses. They should just declare war and get it over with, rather than wasting everyone's motherfucking time with this retardation.

Someone post the molyneux video.

Looked up Andrew Kavlan. He pulled the old "Born jew, went atheist, then converted to Christianity and started telling all the Christians how awesome the Jews are and how America has to help Israel win the Middle East" routine. Now he's pretending to be a libertarian.

It is all a game for the jews. They just have agents spitting every possible ideology, especially whatever happens to be popular with the kiddos. They use their media machines to invent their own jewish spokesmen for every ideology, then those spokesmen try to steer every ideology to defending Zionism.

Meanwhile of course, none of these jews have any allegiance to any of the various ideologies they pretend to profess. Their only purpose is to Pied-Piper every ideology towards Zionism.

Why not just storm in and bulldoze the entire settlement? Makes things easier, but won't be very PR friendly for the image of Israel, of course.

Dubs for truth.

I'm white and care about white countries being white and getting rid of the muds in our midst. I don't care if Russia annexes Crimea, or if China annexes Tibet, or anything else that doesn't concern me. And I most certainly don't care if Israel annexes some land away from some moronic sand niggers. I say, Good.


Israelis can't fight a war to save their lives. They don't have the numbers or the stomach for it. They are goo at dying though.

What's the chances of annexation sparking World War 3?

In the Latin alphabet?

They are Malay jungle niggers.

Didn't they aid South Africa?

Couldn't the President just deploy no troops overseas "for national security reasons"?

The more I look at 6th from the left, the funnier she looks.

This is some Mehmet My Son fodder if I've ever seen it.

zero chance
Syria has been destroyed as planned.

A local war at best

Now, Israel can:
1.)Take in millions of pissed off muslims
2.) Expel a bunch of pissed off muslims (Muh humans rights!)
3.)holocaust a bunch of muslim and forever end any public support they had in the west.

Lying Jew.

Israel is the New Poland.

RIP sides.

We are onto you fucks

wtf is this hair? is their head shaped like that?

Explain yourselves.

They do when they don't have any white people to scapegoat for their problems.


