8ch Emergency Broadcast

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off, retard.


not after jim got his grubby paws on it. /a/ has a pretty nice bunker though, mark should make a similar backup.


And yet you're still here after 2 years of him owning it.

feels gud man

What should Codemonkey, Jim, Josh & Moderators do?

Which is the best chan?

What OS do you use?

Nah tbh fam

Reposting Mark's post from last thread:

Hey guys, I just wanna point some shit out from the hotpocket side of things.

1) There's a ton of misinformation going around like Codemonkey saying that he'll fix tor, but some people are saying that it's gonna get banned because Jim doesn't like it, despite owning the site since January 2015.

2) we'll try to get in contact with Jim and Codemonkey, I already speak to them over twitter but I invited them to our slack so we can speak about these things in real time and clarify certain things in real time.

3) don't panic yet since Jim has owned the site for a year and has done whatever he's done with it in the past. stay calm until we know a bit more about the situation.

With that said we don't really know much else ourselves, however now is the time for questioning, not for panicking.

Generally, don't believe everything you read. Ask first. A lot of things aren't clear yet right now.


They probably quit because their IRC circlejerk is toothless now.

Who the fuck is Jim???

it's time to dance the night away

holy shit I didn't know there were so many wincucks here. Now 7 I don't really mind, but if you use 8 or 10 you should absolutely kill yourself.

Can a wincuck that uses 8 or 10 please explain to me why they either use a desktop operating system made for touchscreens or bend over and present themselves to the NSA with a gag in their mouth?

You're forgetting that Holla Forums is full of normalfags and redditors.


What if questions are not answered?
Jim is prepping a bull he doesn't want to see


We had such a nice fucking thing going on



Say it ain't so, someone using an OS for games.
Now you're just being a fence-sitting cuck at this point.

Kill yourself, you shitposting piece of shit.



agressive expansion and not enough admin points to core conqured provinces = unrest

NNTP has a potential to become an impenetrable meme fortress. Imageboards are not quite dead yet.

This place started to decline since at least 1 year ago, bud

that's why I can't really fault people for using 7, especially if they're just running it in a VM like I do.

8 and 10 have no good reason to use them since you can just play windows games on 7 anyways without the touchscreen bullshit or spyware.

so dance thread?

There's any other good imageboard? Video game related would be ideal.

So this is nothing, or only an issue on Holla Forums?

Hell, they might be ex-goons like the email guy on Holla Forums who are running now he's been discovered.

Endchan looks fucking retarded

Another shitty Holla Forums meta thread, another chance to roll dubs.



Sitting pretty on that fence.

Shit, gamergate is filtered now? Neat.

if nntpchan worked I'd recommend that, its decentralized so shit like this wouldn't happen

Doesn't Hotwheels still own the site, though?

I thought you were supposed to vote based on how the site worked, and it is the most functional one I've come across despite there being nothing there.

I highly doubt it

Era of the large imageboard is gone. Just find a small niche one they are all over.

What's the deal with 8ch.pl anyway?

What the fuck do we do ;___;

Try Finalchan, not very active but comfy

Prove it. Because I want to take this fence post and ram it straight up your ass for being a cunt.

That's sad.
What about onion imageboards? I mostly find CP in there so I don't go often :^)

Makes sense.

Wave after as all the spastic GG, sjws from Holla Forums all and its assbabies, redditards and 4chins template posting shitter migrate away to some other spastic board or forum and hope they never return.

Where are the posts in OP's image from? I've checked Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /tech and /operate/, but seen nothing about the global volunteers.

Come on, you know Mark will say anything to remain in control of Holla Forums.

8ch.pl is looking like the best alternative IMO.

It's very similar to Holla Forums, has an overboard, and they're one of the guys planning to implement NNTPchan.

You're no better, faggot

Jimbo pls go

Never mind, it's front post of Holla Forums.

We can't be split apart. We had a very big advertisement on Holla Forums when 4chan was on fucking fire. Now Holla Forums is on fucking fire.

We need to stick together. We need the next big fucking utopia to run to. We need one big and new place to go to again.

We can't be split into fucking stupid little websites like finalchan and lastchan.

It's like we are living in a fucking kingdom right now and we are being forced to leave eachother. We need to move out and all move on together to the next place.

I've no idea if 7 or 8 have backdoors but at least they don't constantly send info to MS or have an orwellian TOS unlike 10.

I won't pretend that 7 is a good OS or that it's completely safe from spyware, but it's an entirely different story than 10 to the point where comparing them on that front is a joke.

There is justifiable reason to use 7 over a linux distro, and that is if you require the use of Windows programs that aren't going to fly so good through WINE, and no that isn't just for games.

OSX isn't a supremely great OS either (better than windows at least), but you wouldn't fault a musician for buying a macbook because good luck finding any DAW on windows or GNU comparable to Logic.

tell me what's wrong with mint

But those are literally the ones defending the bans

So, you're posting this infograph from the future on every board now, aren't you?

This seems to be the latest fad. I saw a similar one the other week claiming that firetires was dead.

Endchan probably has the most coherent whole, /pl/ is the most similar (for better or for worse) and a lot of other boards have chosen smaller chans.

no user you are the reddits

So is Hotwheels dead?

Just as the site is getting better, another crisis is on our hands. Jim needs to clear this shit out pronto else this site will be fucked to kingdom come if the global admins turn into ban happy kikes like 7chan.


they also kept saying stop giving attention to… whatever those goat faced dykes went to UN to bitch about mean people on internets were called, but can't stop posting about them for three fucking years and still going at it.

Yes. Not literally.

If he was globally banned, how is he posting on Holla Forums? Through a VPN?
Which is a shame because he's a terrible BO.

His IP is banned not his account, that's what I think

All the fucking alternatives site are filled goon/Holla Forums shills, they jumped at .pl and snagged a couple of boards the moment it spawned, the BO of Holla Forums is part of an irc circlejerk for fucks sake.

Even spicchans are safer to compromise than those sites.


What does


stand for?

Body odor?

Busy orphans?

Right, I forgot people require legacy board names or they won't use the site.

Board Owner you nigger

Do goons even still exist besides "muh boogyman" territory? The EVE shit (of all things) sparked a debate about "muh old goons were better" and the fuckers are going at each other "what is real goon culture?".

I mean fuck, those guys always preyed on exceptionally retarded and ended up worse then the ones they picked up on a decade ago.

Newfag please.

could've guessed.

I'm honestly tired of all this bullshit.

The change has been done months ago, and none of you were complaining. Now it's been visible, it's suddenly the end of the world, and we must move to another place full of goons or Holla Forums shills ?


I don't give a shit about what y'all will be doing. My tent is here, and it'll stay here. Until the end.

Jesus the trolls are in strong force recently,…again.
This is like what? The 8th time for them to masturbate in public this year so far?


acronyms scare me

thanks niggers

The migration form cuckchan worked so well ,because we were many.
It didn't matter much that some went to another board, stayed on cuckchan or gave up on it for good.
Now, because we're a way smaller group, it'll become harder to get enough people to migrate to somewhere eöse to get a proper community going.

It's not impossible, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it to happen.

It's fucking 4:40 AM in Buk-Buk land right now.

You're going to have to wait at the very least three hours for a response.

I feel Deja-Vu everytime this shit happens.

I don't care.

Every other so-called "end" of this site turned out okay, why the fuck would it happen now?

Unless it's like the halfchan exodus and the front page of shittons of boards are flooded with threads about this, I'm going to simply pretend nothing is happening.

Why is it bad news again?

Because we "need" to panick and migrate to [insert their imageboard of choice here].

It's not a problem of tech anymore, but of administration at a highest level. Very different from "next doesn't work" and "can't post wew". Once shit gets working, you can go back to normal. When the administration is corrupt and suspect, as was with moot, there's nothing you can do to fix it.

But that's how the exodus happened, and some cuckchanners are still denying it even happened
But that's how things are never done, and that's how cucks came here in the second exodus in late November 2014

Obviously overreacting but right now there's progress on a smoking gun (Jim confirming he was the "fake" Jim trip, thus acting on 2 trips and doing a pedo shoah along with taking down several staff memebers) but the fact we are not moving is due to 2 things, no direct action against us or the biggest group and due to not having a designated shitting imageboard

So these places are also where you secretly post, OP?
changing IPs, spreading panic and being a cancer
>>>Holla Forums584126
>>>Holla Forums331668


When I look at the fallen empire that 4chan is

And how fucking censored it is

I die inside.

A place where I am censored is disgusting. So many of us were permabanned on 4chan.

To fucking think that some of us now are being banned on Holla Forums, how fucking disgusting is that?



It could be a precedent for things to come; global bans for shitposting, censorship, etc.

Nothing's really happened yet though, it could be Jim just had a fit or something and banned people in a way he normally wouldn't. D&C shills just want to jump at any opportunity to kill this community.

Just wait and see, more than likely nothing will change just like the other 5 doomsdays. If something does change, it can't hurt to keep a list of alternate chans in a text file or something.






IRC goons don't belong here

threadly reminder that this is divide & conquer tactics 101

Just read all of d1a3f5's posts. I dare you.


Many of us came here without being banned once, just because we were tired of shit
It's the same here, some of us are tired of the same low energy bait and shitposting
And like someone said, this is our last stop from the "large chan" format, after this there's only niche boards in niche sites, kinda like 7chan, 4chon and 420chan were. The last stand indeed unless we get a plan and a lot of folks to move somewhere

I remember some rich oldfag offering a fund of 500k bucks when something similar happened (the Josholocaust), he was politely told to wait until shit really hits the fan

HW dindu nuffin, he's far away drinking painkillers with some thai underages cleaning his piss bottles


Is that all you have to do to set everyone into a frenzy and get threads with tons of replies?
Just make a lazy infographic filled with blatant lies and some other shit nobody cares about to make the bullshit seem more important than it is?

Ebin, simply ebin

A community doesn't deserve life when it's about constant war between majority shitposters trolling users who just want to discuss things

Degenerate faggot should hang himself.

u wot goon

Global mods are faggots who don't check their reports, good riddance.


Have a nice day, i loved you h8chan

This has happened many times in the past. Holla Forums is especially vulnerable to that because of the large portion of volatile faggots and idiots in this board.

Nothing of value was lost.

Actually only one global left (one who spent most of his time on Holla Forums anyways), the other two are Holla Forums vols.

lol no

—→ trash


Quit spamming your bullshit lies

Tell your pedo faggots to also kill themselves.

Also /hebe/ is shutting down

T. Ircfags desperate to keep everyone under their control

How the hell are you going to play games on Linux ?

And dont give me that "muh WINE" or "muh VM" nonsense.

Windows allows me to pirate shit at will and play what I want for free.

WAT, i haven't even posted any site, plus i said nobody goes anywhere because no site has been called
And this you are right, it isn't for whatever reason other than OP being a retard, but indeed it happened
Also Holla Forums mod (founding member of the site) being banned, that does appear
Come on now

This is how it all starts actually. First it was the nuking of /new/ which no one gave a shit, came back as Holla Forums, then it was perma bans for talking about Jessi Slaughter on Holla Forums which no one gave a shit, then it was GamerGate. The signs are all here and everything done by one admin.

Linux have more games than PS4

/new/ should have stayed dead.

who is jim

i thought kikewheels owned Holla Forums

what the fuck happened to him?

Are people really this dumb? Jim has owned Holla Forums since January 2015.

You fags are worse than SJWs when it comes to "muh oppression".

Have you been paying attention to anything in the last year?

Wow, it's fucking nothing
Also, BO leaving doesn't make the board shut down

One guy from Holla Forums getting banned for a few weeks doesn't mean the site is dead and we need to jump ship
It may or may not be a big deal, but it's being presented as "oh god it's over you'll have to go back to halfchan now or something I don't care as long as you're outraged about it"

Then why now few volunteers quit?
Why is hebe closing?

I dont know why but shit is going down


Moot gave a shit later on claiming it was a mistake because a good chunk went to 4chon
He founded Holla Forums, which he later killed off
But from /new/ being executed to GG there was somehilarious time span, 4 or 5 years


Wait, which boards did Lowcard, Sirx, and Anna own?

kikewheel is dead and Jim is the successor, prepare for purging

Fuck off.

People should check the Holla Forums sticky.
Jim's answers, or lack of are worth noting.

None, oh, my God.


The point is you retard is that everything was one by a single admin and no gave a flying fuck. I'm not sure how jim will handle shit but I"d rather have codemonkey running this site and having jim to stay the fuck out. It woul only be a matter of time before jims steps his foot in something he doesn't understand.

and what is 2ch?

They were global hotpockets

You serious, mate?

Lads and gentlegoyim, meet your new lord and master, Codemonkey!

Picked, appointed and sanctified by Jim himself!

One of the most visited websites in the world.
According to Alexa, No. 326, to be more accurate.


2ch.net is arguably where imageboards all began. It's a textboard.

Pretty much
If crossboarding shitposters decrease maybe discussions wont be derailed to boring offtopic bullshit


Holla Forums, but only in the "we run this neighborhood" sense

Literal cancer

Holla Forums, the original board for which Holla Forums was founded, and the original lurkers before the exodus
They were huge cunts, but ultimately some of the originals (not all 3), deleting the last traces of the original place along with Cold Tires

When was the last time you saw Hotwheels post, nigger?


so why did hotwheels give the site to them

and who is jim? jim owns 2ch?

Hotwheels got AIDS from his ladyboy friends, and now he's stepping away from 8ch so he can finish the emoji language before he dies.

Can you guys stop spoonfeeding this retard until he fucks off?

fam you can set up a VM with GPU passthrough to get insignificant performance losses while your main OS switches to the integrated graphics. And yes, just like you I also pirate shit at will and play what I want for free, whether they be winblows games or not.

aside from that 50% of what I play is natively on GNU, which would be some combination of Mountain Blade, UT4, KOTOR 2, OpenMW, and HL2 mods.

40% isn't natively on windows either because they're console games I emulate, and the last 10% is pretty much just the Souls games and Dragon's Dogma which I do through the VM.

The laptop I have right now has drivers for 8.1 and 10. Given the choice between the two, I installed 8.1, and promptly installed StartIsBack.

I'll try and install GNU+Linux on this again when Slackware revs, but when I tried installing -current a couple months ago, it had a stroke and died, so I'm just using Windows right now. I have the benefit of not having to wrestle with WINE, and I can still play my dank bidyo gaems.


a thread already exists in

He is trying to keep every copies of these threads in page one on every mayor boards to spread the panic everywhere for people to see


finish the what?

what meme imageboard do i go to if this place goes down? only other one i know is 4chan but i dont want to go there

I stopped following any of this drama months ago.

Who the fuck cares, some volunteers fucked off, oh no!

Alright laptops get a free pass here because they're picky about drivers

I wasn't asking why wincucks use windows, I was asking why they use two particular versions of windows over 7. Using windows 7 is perfectly fine, even I use it through a VM for games, but outside of laptop drivers I see no reason to use 8 or 10.

I can't keep up anymore honestly. if someone would make a webm that sums everything that would be cool.

I've been posting so much it looks like i'm stirring this pot up, but this thing is juicy, better than flinging shit at shills
Also it's not free spech if american citizens frown upon it

There must be a reason why they are resigning, also /hebe/ owner is resigning

Something is big happening

Where's the rest of the image?

The "partnership" was under the condition that 2ch provides us servers and 2ch gets the ad revenue from Holla Forums. Hothweels being a lonely poor cripple of course thought that would be a great idea so he wouldn't have to worry about servers, plus the reputation of 2ch would make Holla Forums more popular.

Check the poll in the image in OP, take your pick.

BOs don't have any special access to anywhere except their own board.

I found myself a place that's not well know with a small community that's fun to be in

If you really want to move then I suggest finding your way by searching for websites that you can feel right at home

Since Holla Forums's servers are hosted in the US, yes, they must follow US law.

> Images of child pornography are not protected under First Amendment rights, and are illegal contraband under federal law. Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code, defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (someone under 18 years of age). Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images indistinguishable from an actual minor, and images created, adapted, or modified, but appear to depict an identifiable, actual minor. Undeveloped film, undeveloped videotape, and electronically stored data that can be converted into a visual image of child pornography are also deemed illegal visual depictions under federal law.


No, user, don't you listen?
Something big isn't happening, the site is already dead and you need to go back to halfchan now!

Hotwheels has been working on a language consisting entirely of emojis.

/hebe/ mods are leaving because Jim nuked pedo boards.

He didn't just ban CP. He deleted a lot of the shit off the pedos boards. He censored legal content. Despite what people believe you have a better chance of finding CP on Holla Forums than any of the pedo boards he nuked.

Ok so just a bunch of over sensitive cunts HotPocketing an irrelevant board.

So what if the owner of pol gets banned from /operate/? Or did he get banned from moderating his own board.

The slope is dangerous, and scurv is involved



At this point I will probably just quit imageboards altogether if/when shit completely hits the fan.
All this fretting potential signs of the apocalypse is just too much of a pain in the ass.

None of that was CP though, that must be said.

It's like going to a pool and arresting parents for putting speedos and swimsuits on their kids


Someone actually took the time to make this.

Pretty pathetic tbh fam





/scurv/ links to that shit. It's not hosted on Holla Forums. Jesus fucking Christ. Some of you are being dense on purpose.

Get out with your faggotry, retard.

And to all the following posters, grow a fucking spine, you fearful cucks:

>"lol just go to X imageboard"


Kill yourself pedoscum.

It hosts links to deposits
It counts, yes i agree it's retarded as fuck but that's the reason forums get drowned in bleach and why /rs/ back in Burchan was kicked out

So this is what Holla Forums has become.

No you're not, you pussy ass bitch

We don't do shit until we need to.
So far the place looks the same to me.

It's onme we slid down back on cuckchan and fucking idiots are trying to steer us in the same direction yet again.

Any desktop mobo made recently only has USB3, which makes installing Windows 7 a pain in the cunt for non-ODD-owning plebs. Some people install 8.1 on desktop to take advantage of the fact that the installer has USB3 drivers.

The most egregious thing that I've come to find about anything past 7 is that it doesn't play nice with MIDI devices, which sucks if you want to play games that use MIDI-out but want a decent soundfont. Since most niggers are reviled by the mere idea of MIDI and go out of their way to circumvent it (e.g.: pre-steam FF7's PC version had a patch to restore the PS1 music, because installing a MIDI Server and good soundfont upsets autism), nobody but a select few (like me) are crying over it being cut.

Other than that, it's flat Windows 7 with Metro, and Metro is so trivially dodged using Start Menu replacements that it's not even worth mentioning. I can't comprehend your spergout, unless you're just memespouting for the sake of it. And if it weren't for telemetry and forced updates, I'd say the same about Windows 10.

I'm staying on 8ch.

Shills going into overdrive

Gonna be honest here, neither 4chan nor 8chans system of boards work, there is no perfect system, 4chan is a bunch of faceless nobodies deciding content and Holla Forums has shown how open it is for boards to be ruined and corrupted.

Holla Forums is a good example as that board has been a fucking disaster since the 2nd exodus and its been seeping everywhere else, its less about actual politics and more HHAHHA NIGGERS, SEE? NIGGERS NIGGER NIGGER HAHAHA



I agree with that user. I mostly use Holla Forums at night and at that time is fucking slow.
It get's boring so I leave and do what I'm supposed to, play video games.

Yes, we know, you'll start pissing and moaning like you are right now.

That was the cuckchan mantra as well, and yet here we are.
The only difference is if we ever get to the point of GG again, I just won't muster enough shits to give to go chanhopping again.

No, no, he'll create a number of meta threads on Holla Forums and every single board he can find to bitch about it. For days on end.

I don't see any reason to leave for now but it'd be nice to have a bunker just in case.


There's 2 boards missing now, that's the whole deal along with large secrecy until tech, operate and pol started to spam shit
Jim cattered to pol with "i just banned untermesnch for great justice in the good ol US OF A"
It's crazy, not as bad as some make it out to be but it's getting absurd

Ask Mark to run a bunker

Which boards are missing?

That's a very graphic plant. Where does it grow at?

/hebe/ and /cutegirls/

What boards would those be?

Holy shit

I'm on fire.

……user, those are still on the front page….

They're still there, the mods just quit in protest.


Can you at least shut up long enough to learn what's going on before you freak the fuck out, you goddamn autist?

There doesn't seem to be a perfect system at all.

I've always believed that there's no bad systems, only bad people to manage those systems. And the same applies to anything. I'd rather take a benevolent dictator than a democracy full of useless low IQ idiot voters who want anything the TV tells them to want. But similarly I'd rather take a homogeneous anarchy full of good hearted nationalists than North Korea.


What the fuck?

Oh, would you look at that, it's just about time for me to leave.
Even moot did a better job than this piece of shit kike.

and so he slipped it from his tongue


sleep snug, smug

sleep snug, smug

You know, I wouldn't have looked at this as anything other than board drama if you DIDN'T take the time to make it in the style of a shitty mspaint newspaper.

If it was serious you would have taken it seriously and just posted shit.

sleep snug, smug.

Being completely honest, m00t was very incompetent but at least he didn't piss off people for 3 years, then didn't piss off half the site for another 4 and then he didn't piss off his staff for another 2
He was a decaying man waiting to get cucked, but he endured a long time
Holla Forums wasn't able to withstand its prime, which lasted 3 months, and has seen its first serious incident in less than 2 years

Someone just posted this on Holla Forums. Can it be any more obvious that all of this is goons trying to divide and conquer?



They really are trying to divide and conquer.

It's settled, we stay here and rot together in our piss ;^)

Dubs of truth

thanks degenerm8s, now I feel smug just using 8ch

Come on man

If the worst happens and we need a bunker, 314chan was our refuge last time.

One of the faggots who tried to splinter Holla Forums in the past owns 8ch.pl Holla Forums. Seeing as pretty much all the other alternatives are owned by people that have tried to fuck Holla Forums in the ass in the past, they're not even worth considering.

The pedos keep the normalfags away. I don't like them but they serve a purpose. The only thing that should warrant a ban for them is if they're posting CP or something right on that threshold.

It's so poor it looks like a joke, especially when it posts one gorillion alternatives instead of one
But remember when Holla Forums started a lot of folks were posting those kind of things to shill this place
But come on now

Can these guys go 5 fucking minutes without calling someone a cuck?

Feels good being a 4channer under Hirohito's rule

sleep snug, smug
Why are we spoiling this?

He just can't keep his autism in check

I don't know how to cucking do this cucked talk


I fucking love threads like those, lel

So the FBI can't read it


You know since Holla Forums has been slowly kicking the bucket, it's probably time to play where-should-I-go bingo. I won't leave right away, but if banning becomes regular I'll have to jump ship. I'm not going back to 4chan, that's for sure. That defeats the whole purpose of why I left that shithole, and it's a way of me admiting defeat to the hotpockets also deleting 2.5 gigs of reaction images and webms. 7chan seems really old-school, but comfy. All the other number chans are either dead, or not my taste.
theres always freech :v)

I thought he's one of the guys who are/were helping Holla Forums guys and other people fix vichan? Maybe I mixed some names.

Guess I'll start to fuck off back to the bunkerchans again, just like when Josh started shitting everywhere.
I'll miss those early days we had, but nothing good lasts. You're all faggots.

fuck, where did that first quote come from


I want to fuck that ass

Nah nigga
Nigga nah
I go back periodically to grab shit from /d/, and doing so is like pulling teeth. Half of the threads there devolve into pink-board /lgbt/. Not to mention the /aco/ split which everyone's been pissed off about so much.
I don't even want to think about how bad Holla Forums has gotten by now, I just stick to the porn boards, at my own peril. If 8ch exploded tomorrow, I'd take almost anywhere else over 4ch.


And now he went to post on 4chan of all places


wait you were talking about the Holla Forums BO, not the owner of pl
disregard everything
I'm getting too tired

You got rustled by the jew cronies of Mark
But at the end of the day, even when you want the good posters to migrate somewhere else and leave the shitposters, it counts as splintering a community
There's no denying that, it's your decision what to think of it of course

I will not move until i see a clear house, which is something far-fetched right now

I can't really disagree.

People are shilling their sites all across 8ch, and all of them seem to be shit, or have a cuck mod known for fucking it up here or halfchan.

People here won't move in mass like they did years ago, they like the activity rather than a board where nobody every post.

I don't know where people are going to move, i'm just gonna stay here until this shit dies.

Why do they always gravitate towards /qa/?


Why i'm not surprised

Why do you think people whine so much all the time in the last months

Is your tip included?

at least the first post gets it

It was never easier to spot you Holla Forums

I'm going to sit here until one of 2 things happen;

1. Holla Forums gets fucked for real
2. nntpchan proves to be good and it picks up in popularity, regardless of what happens to Holla Forums

But, the board works, and I don't care about this interboard drama and politics. If the site ends up going down entirely there's 8ch.pl, but why would I go use another site when this one still works?

Only good things from here.

You need that ranch dressing and diet coke, fam.

You have to go back.

Yo, Angelo!

As long as Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums and Holla Forums work just fine, I'm not going anywhere.


here's a tip. suck my cock xD

God this dramafaggotry is pathetic.

No chocolate chips.

Sleep snug, smug

so they finally banned the pedo threads on Holla Forums? Maybe Ill actually go to Holla Forums now

They ARE hosted in the US. NT Tech is based in the Phillippines, the servers are in SJW Francisco, and they're served to a Japanese (and now a global) audience. That was how 2ch got around strict Japanese law regarding websites. That was how Jim got his money hosting porn in the early 00s.


Sleep snug, smug

please use archive.is.com (use archive.is)m/dominos-staff-in-oregon-calls-911-after-pizza-regular-g-1776231522

The /size/ threads on /d/ have benefited from the /aco/ split, honestly. I still wish they would migrate to a non-fucked website with non-retarded rules though.


I've heard he hasnt fucked up as bad as moot yet so who knows, he might actually save the site


This is good news for Holla Forums. It means we're not faggots who allow pedos to post along side of us.

I guess that seems like the best idea. All I want is this shit drama to fucking end for good and start getting more good traffic here. But if anons start leaving in masses, what is there left?

I bet you're one of those faggots who can't play some games because the fanbase of that game is terrible.


what's going to be on please.com?

Can we have snek thread?

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but the splenda will do it for me.

How did the snake make it through law school, user? Where did he get that wig?

It's only down hill from here, you let the censorship start it doesn't stop.

who's Jacob and why is he making my pizza?

Wasn't /s4s/ bad enough as-is? Holy fuck halfchan.

My fetishes have always had slow threads will little new-OC. I've already had to deal with /lgbt/fags spoiling threads for years, but the split has added Holla Forums vs. /vg/-levels of bickering about where to put content, making threads even fucking slower. Doesn't help that /aco/ also serves as /h/ for Holla Forumsckfuckers.

I'd prefer the whole of /d/ move to another site, but I've been wishing that for years now, and after this mess, it's not even worth asking anymore.

Anyone who watches anime should be exiled from society.

You mean like 90% of the internet?

Jesus christ you guys are such normalfags, it's not like the hiding threads and ignoring shit you don't like exist right? I mean, that's what I do with ss13 and fullderp threads, and about 70% of the content on Holla Forums.

now im in the mood for dominos

stop this product placement

stop spamming this shit on every board

sorry brb getting it and then I'll come back to shitpost and then tonight I will fap to anime armpits

You mean, that user, right?

Jacob a nigger and he gonna give those Big Black Olives on your pizza

It's all downhill from here. Back to reddit you go faggot.

The moment you abolish something you don't like is the moment stuff you like will be abolished.

And we're somehow better than 4chan at this moment with fucking retards like you spewing this garbage?

What's going on here? Did the goons get bored after losing in eve online and decide to fuck with Holla Forums more than usual?

I fully expected that to be a dick pic.

Not again. Not this fucking bullshit again.

Jim I gotta assume you're not stupid and you're already aware this is going to scare off the majority of the userbase who came here to begin with as its the SAME FUCKING REASON THEY LEFT 4CHAN. I gotta wonder why. Its not a cash cow for sure, but there is no way it isn't turning at least a mild profit considering upkeep is likely dirt cheap. Why is that not enough?

I want off this fucking ride.

Actually IRCfags are so desperate they quit, see lowcard.

the original board for which Holla Forums was founded, and the original lurkers before the exodus
HW used to own Holla Forums, lowcard just got the board because he was his friend.

8ch.pl Holla Forums is actually owned by a Holla Forums fag friend of the admin, he got the board after asking for it on their IRC. His favorite threads are filename threads.


I've heard law school doesn't require as much memorization as, say, med school. On the other hand the snake probably had to read a lot. He probably has a lot of patience.
You can buy wigs off Amazon, eBay, or specialized sites like chancerywigs.com.

So then it's a 4chan user?

So is endchan Holla Forums our new home?

confirmed shit board

I agree with that thesis, but it doesn't get us anywhere practical. The best realistic check is probably to look at how a system might change its behavior as its constituency changes.

A perfect government is like an unhackable computer: a fiction, limited to theory or very sheltered conditions.

I'm completely confused on what's going on.

What the fuck is being censored? What's the reason for some of the bans? Cause I don't see Loli getting the shaft, nor anything really specifically outrageous.

Codemonkey's gonna come home to a "YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED" moment like the beginning of a JRPG. Poor bastard.

I'd suggest waiting a few days until we have more information. It's becoming quite tedious to wade through the D&C shitposting to find anything right now.

A website run by an even stronger clique of IRCfags with a history of mismanaging every project they work on? No, thank you.


I suspected if anything we should move onto decentralized imageboard software. The best case I don't see happening is Holla Forums being converted or transitioning to peer to peer.

One way or another people will fuck up as admins, regardless of whether it's in their control or not.

Well we need to pick one of them.

Will you people stop scaremongering. Hotwheels has done jackshit for a long time and a few Holla Forums modes quitting is nothing to fuss over. This whole thing smells of D/C faggotry.

I get being concerned about Jim(I am too), but don't go yelling "Holla Forums IS DYING ABANDON SHIP!" when we still have no reason to leave.

I'm a nigger I should have read the thread I thought it was just some freaking out about mods quitting Holla Forums

Yeah, I pick here every fucking time.

CP or dubiously-CP boards are being censored by virtue of Jim instating massive range-bans

I'd listen to

There's a huge clusterfuck of misinfo spreading and every irccircle jerk group of every imageboard using this moment to push their agenda.

Jim is purging the pedo boards and banning the posters there. People are defending it by screaming about shills and whatever the current boogieman of the week is.


Shoudl clear some things up

Not in a million shot due to the possibility of the Holla Forums board owner there could be another autist. Just like when the administrator gave his Holla Forums seat on endchan to a fucking pony fag who had no clue about anything and was
a close friend to the admin in his inner IRC

Jim had an anger fit and threw around global bans for a moment.

It's just your weekly dose of imageboard drama. If something really happens to Holla Forums, you'll know without having to read "OMG Holla Forums IS KILL" threads.


So essentially the Pedo shit is getting a massive purge, Which while technically not illegal is a massive grey area if they don't post actual CP There. I'm guessing they actually did that shit though.

I'm guessing they are getting a bit sick of my global reports of the CP Bots wandering around too.

I dont know what you are all are in a huff about.

This picture seems legit and reasonable reason to leave forever.

All of those alternatives, we'd be repeating the same mistakes when administration goes to shit.

Losing steam, aren't you?

I'm quite sure it's a joke, given there's a Patches image, the most untrustworthy nigger out there.

I go away for two weeks and shit like this goes down. What the fuck.


I just remember him for squatting and selling shit like masks. I forgot that he kicks the Chosen Undead into a pit.

Which board/archive? I'm skeptical of Jim too, but screenshots are easily faked.

tfw this feels like a dream because I love Holla Forums so much

You need some new tactics Holla Forums
You're getting waaay too obvious by now.

Well time to jump ship.
I'm getting off this ride and I'm staying off, fuck every other chan and fuck this bullshit. Good luck to the old anons that decide to stay and I hope I'm simply jumping the gun but I've seen the caps: He's been banning anons that criticize him, and I know where this leads.
Oh well though, not like everyone will leave, cause I present you the new community that exists here.

Welcome to Reddit: Where giant newfags roam.

It's not that hard to lurk ya newfag
>>>Holla Forums5966762

Just check Holla Forums right now

Jim's post is ridiculously Immature there, and he should at least explain this shit instead of aggravating the community further.

You guys sure get cheap cheese pizza

He's an old man who doesn't know what he's doing. He needs to appoint someone who actually does know to be the new admin.


He did all that fluff 12 hours ago, he won't explain nothing, after that post he stopped posting, the range-bans are still on hold and those who were close to the kidpic posters are fried, he also used 3 trips for all the madness
The said diddlers are now gone and some bunker sites are doing contingency plans, /operate/ got shitposted and Holla Forums threads about bunkers are being purged and mass deleted, that's no lie, i swear i just saw some threads get deleted within 2 minutes (when i was refreshing the catalog)
Some shit is going down, Holla Forums doesn't see it due to total apathy and this threads being a good containment for those who dont want drama, and really who can blame those who want to discuss the new AC movie

I'll probably disengage in this bullshit for the day and wait for the teenbros to crash from their sugar highs and for Codemonkey to give an official response. If he can keep Jim in line, or if this is a one-time spergout for him, then we can ride this drama out relatively unscathed.

In the meantime, this was the last bunker we used before and during the Alacrity updates. Ignore the D&C idiots for now and only use this if you have to. I would recommend Mark make a sticky pointing here if things get really intolerable.

I think this song goes nicely with our situation right now.



Tell me, what exactly is sapianza?

I'd say an archaic way of saying knowledge or wiseness

It's like poultry

The fact that this thread hasn't been deleted suggests to me that things aren't as bad as anons are making it seem. However, Jim certainly needs provide actual answers for his recent actions. One of the worst things about him is his lack of transparency. I guess his mind is stuck in the days of mods being secretive little cunts, but that shit's not going to fly anymore.

Isn't that his old trip? The one that got leaked?

Here's the difference between now and then. They appear more often now, and are way more annoying.
Also unrelated but since I know someone will say.
>>>Holla Forums5968894
>>>Holla Forums5968787
Fuck off, these aren't even the original posts but learn to fucking lurk.

Deleting the containment board is rarely a good idea, see /operate/ a day ago
No, it's his new one, but he's also using the old one too

They literally raided us that month, and Mark wasn't even hiding it (he redirected them here and told us in their gook girl CEO exodus), when we moaned hard enough for days he backed his initial welcome line to a "please go to vloat"
Some went away, some stayed, and some others returned but that wasn't announced, even when we could feel the change
What was the ban page again to verify

Really don't know.

I need more information before I do anything. We're waiting for Codemonkey and Jim to join our slack channel to ask them questions

Playing videogames is for kids.

Someone post that screencap where some user quoted a line from the bible about how 'Video games are for kids' means something (I don't remember what it was)

bumping for sticky

where we migrating to Holla Forums?

i think endchan looks good. or at least it will, with a bit of CSS tweaking

fuck off retards

Nowhere. They want to divide and conquere. Until they really start showing their colors, we'll talk later.

I post on endchan, but there isn't an increase at Holla Forums for some reason.

There's things that happened that were no tumblr/goon/SJW overblowing things
I don't think it validates a full migration ASAP at all but it totally validates a discussion about a "what-if" situation, in this case a total discomfort over the site's rules and politics
Yes, like it or not this site's boring politics will interfere with posting animu pics and other shit IF it happens, which we would think it won't, but recent events force us to re-think it could actually happen
It did at 4chan after all, and the reasons are the same, those who don't know their shit or where refugees from other places should not talk that much, it's not their meal compared to those who made this site decent and with enough appeal to attract an audience

So new, he doesn't even know what the fucking bump limit is.

It changes all the fucking time, dude.

The rules page always states what the current bump limit is.


lovely get m8

wew lad

A volunteer just D+ deleted some IPs posting illegal content (deleted all posts from that IP). There's no change in policy. Probably one of them posted a few legal threads and those got wiped too, that's all. The people who posted illegal shit should be more worried about the police rather than about their other posts getting hit by the IP-deletion.

Where's lainchan?


