What the fuck were they thinking?

What the fuck were they thinking?

Razzies are controlled op tbh

The Shining was pretty shit tbh famalamadingdong

Your gay tbh familamabomdiddybomdadadangdadangdangbluemoonBLUUUEEEMOON

lol butthurt


ayy lmao

Kubrick died calling (((them))) out on their behavior. Duvall fucked her own life up with heroin and then, when (((they))) came asking, blamed Kubrick for it

Every Kubrick movie on release is called shit and is only appreciated as being great years later. Same applied for The Shining. The Shining was criticized more than the general ones though, maybe it's because Stephen King had his autistic meltdown because the movie differed so much from his book, maybe that influenced people's opinions too. That year was also the first year of the Razzie awards by the way.



Awards mean nothing

Should say back to nu/pol/ tbh


For the love of all that is holy and decent - spoiler that shit.

Half of the people who vote on these movies don't even watch them. The whole thing's a joke.

Definitely the elite awards shows but do critics not watch the movies now? I know it seems like they dont when their reviews are usually tipping themselves over something any trying to sound like a uber smart man as opposed to an honest critique

There have been leaked emails from these people saying things along the line of "I just voted for the one with the dog, because I don't have the time to watch all of these".

When have critics ever watched movies?
Video game “journalists” and “critics” rarely play the games they rate for longer than 30 mins. You can tell by what they write. The same applies to movie “critics”. You know those fucks either don’t care or are biased in some way which is reflected in their reviews.

Fuck them.

any or most respecting critics at least watched the movies for free that their job entailed up until probably like 2012-2014

Critics are just jealous hacks.

None of them are respectable. They just tell you what you “should” watch after getting paid for those opinions. Now it’s just more obvious than it was.

she's retained her good looks I see