Man, this game was fun. Why isnt anyone talking about it? If it were on PC, Holla Forums wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.
Honestly, I really liked how they finally nailed the Exploration aspect, and its so fucking beautiful.
Man, this game was fun. Why isnt anyone talking about it? If it were on PC, Holla Forums wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.
Honestly, I really liked how they finally nailed the Exploration aspect, and its so fucking beautiful.
What's new that wasn't already in the previous three games?
What was new in the previous two games that wasn't in the first game, besides the "stealth"?
People aren't talking about it because uncharted is a terrible fucking series. Everything wrong with overly scripted 'cinematic' games in one package.
Even the shitty knock-off of Tomb Raider 2013 was superior if only for fapping to.
Vertical fighting, the grapple hook, ALOT more exploration and the "linear" funnel is much wider and less obvious than in previous games. LOTS of extra pathways this time.
This is a poor way to start your thread.
OP, I recommend deleting your thread and trying again with a less superior tone, as this thread in its current state is likely to attract shitposters and people who think you're a fucking idiot.
Check out this Screenshot!
I very, very rarely say this, but you stink of shill.
idk how to prove I'm not. You can't say anything good about a game without people calling you a shill tbh.
then again, this is Holla Forums. wouldnt a shill be on halfchan?
Shill, shit taste, the difference doesn't matter to me.
Fuck off.
I got FEZ for (technically) free on humble bundle, back when you could choose not to donate to devs. my brothers play it.
Also, Facebook is for Contract Wars.
Its like youre trying to get called a faggot.
It is on pc. Pc can play all Youtube games.
Hey, its in preparation for Escape from Tarkov. they're from the same devs and take place in the same universe.
Uncharted 4 is actually the least Movie Game of the series tbh. keep bein a fag
Some questionable taste there user but to each their own.
Get to work on the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games though. Great fun all around. Force Unleashed 1 is fun in the same way a McDonalds burger is good food. You won't be praising it as a classic but it's enjoyable. 2 is fucking terrible, short and has a story that puts Sonic fanfiction to shame. You have been warned.
Stop being a shill and get out.
I've already beaten the unleashed games, and on my old comp, I couldnt get Jedi Knight to run on anything above 1000 pixels. and I've beaten Dark Forces. This is just a new comp and I'm moving all my files to my external right now
That isn't what your backlog says user. Why isn't it autistically organised like a normal one?
Try pcgamingwiki or wsgf for Jedi Knight. Dark Forces/Jedi Knight is probably one of the few series that got better with each entry.
Did I really just run into someone on Holla Forums who plays fucking facebook games?
its coming to steam ya kno
yeah, its on the backlog for my bros, but I doubt they'll ever play it. Will check the wiki tho
ALSO, Digi Foundry just posted a new vid
Willingly playing microtransaction ridden facebook games on steam.
it's a pain in the ass too, cause one of my contracts is to get 100 kills with a gun you NEED to pay for. fuck that, but now I cant get new contracts…
Stop, just stop. Why are you doing this to yourself. Why are you playing the shittiest games imaginable? Why cant you, or most normalfags, just play good games?
Why are you even fucking here?
Why are YOU here?
Because this is the only place to talk about games where people dont fellate bethesda's and every other modern game publisher's dick.
To yell at people like you who play shitty video games.
Maybe no one with a functional brain would buy a ps4 in its current state.
Probably just new to the job and has to learn proper shilling as of yet.
Well, it actually has a better game than any PC title that was released this year.
but it is fun. What fun games are YOU playing?
Demons souls
Serious sam
GOOD games
dude, not a single one of those was more fun than Uncharted 4.
Now i know this is just straight bait.
Uncharted fucking sucks, it doesn't matter what platform you fucking play it on.
Bloodborne is top tier, fam
too bad it's the Bloodbornebox's only game
Maybe at some point, when the ps4 doesnt have just 1 good game, i might get a bloodborne box. But id rather just emulate old games on an android handheld.
that's entirely fair, the system will have one more game soonish (NieR 2) but given how Sony has been handling their first party funded "exclusives" recently, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets ported anyways, meaning you might as well just wait a decade and emulate BB when PS4 emulators work.
Yeah, and besides, i wouldnt have the money for a BBBox any time soon. i just spent all the spare money i had on an android handheld from china, cant wait to emulate all the ds games i missed
Ghost Trick, 999, Rhythm Heaven, Cooking Mama, Elite Beat Agents, and Pokemon Platinum to start you off (in that order too, IMO).
Thanks user.