
Why are (((libertarians))) afraid to compete in the "free market of ideas?"

I guess the Dickster thought all lolbergs liked him because he's so accepted by TRS.

Because libertarians are SJWs that don't like taxes.

I dont like spencer but its hilarious how he seems set in fucking with the washington dinner party elite

Literally "literally who?"

Big in left libertarian circles.

"Not having open borders and protecting your people's nation violates the NAP!"

"Get out of my conference, Nazi! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Thought you were talking about pic related for a sec.

The only lolberg i tolerate is Cantwell and even then, i would gas him.

Sage for "literally who" only known around ancap circles. Take it to >>>/liberty/ to rustle them.

So a nobody?

Cantwell's fine. We don't all have to agree on economics as long as the basic principle of making America white again is understood.

well he did say Elizabeth Warren would of beat Trump a few weeks ago.

He's a race-mixer that's soft on the jews. He's not fine at all.

Give me a break

Nah, he's getting gassed, as are you :^) I still think he's funny, although i haven't watched his show since his spic gf started banning us in the chat.

See, this shit right here is what irks me more than anything.
"This person isn't a 100% perfect example of what a WN should be in my head cannon so we have to send him to the camps!"
As long as you're on the right side of WN and awake to the JQ I'm fine with you.

Even though he fucks spics?

While adhering to a jewish ideology?

Just call me a "purity spiraler", you know you want to.

Cantwell doesn't give a shit about WN, he is just smart enough to realize his ideology could only possibly work in a white society.

Is he a closet gay?
He's supposed to have a wife but his voice triggers all my gaydar sensors.

Property rights duh. Did you really need that explained?

This faggot has all, but killed the libertarian movement. Leftist faggotry is what that movement is about now. This faggot is a shekel seeking shill out turn libertarianism into another Marxist den of shit.

No he's a fucking creep who uses his position to try and fuck young girls.

Does he have children with them? No? Then I don't give a shit.
So you believe Christians can't be WNs? Because that's a Jewish religion.

That's the same thing. He wants an all white society. So do you. Why ostracize a potential ally over economic disagreements that can be settled with reasonable debate among white people? You know, the way this country was supposed to work.

Now you're starting to get it :^)

And see, this is how to break a libertarian. Who owns the US border? The US Government. And who owns the Government? The citizens of the country. So how do you settle disputes with joint ownership? You vote.

Like i said, because of his ideology. Our people MUST come first.

See, this is exactly what i mean. Fellate a shotgun, you aut-right faggot, i have nothing else to say to you.

So now miscegenation is only a problem if there's offspring which there would have been had Cantwell's spiccette not had an abortion? Let me guess, you don't think Kike Eunuch did anything wrong either, right?

No, he consorted with an active Jew and hid it. That's different. Also, Cantwell has evolved his positions over time. You can't expect someone in this society to be 100% WN from the get go. We've all evolved politically. You change your opinions as you learn more about the world. Yop're probably one of these autists who thinks Spencer is a traitor to the white race because he doesn't publicly advocate for the restoration of the NSDAP exactly as constituted in Germany in 1933. Frankly, in this fight, I'll take allies wherever I can get them. Be they Cantwell or Spencer or Trump.

never heard of him

His mongrel spawn was only prematurely sent to Hell a few months ago, I doubt he's evolved much since then.

AnCapism is the most severe form of autism ever discovered, death is the only cure.

Or, you know, because he's constantly defending jews/Zionism and saying the Holohoax was real.

Because all markets follow the natural law: The strong shall flourish, the weak shall flounder.

Weak ideas perish, strong ideas prosper.

Ancapism is for kids who haven't woken up to race realism or the JQ yet. It's the logical end point of listening to "we're all equal" and "individual liberty." It's transferring concepts created by whites for whites onto other races. Once you realize the reality of evolution and race, you understand libertarian principles can only work in an all white society. Modern ancapism is a distortion of the original ideas of the enlightenment in order for the Jews to take advantage of a high trust society by filling it with low trust people, and then speculating on the resulting chaos. D&C is the oldest trick in the Jew book. Their entire culture is based on it.

I agree that Holla Forums is too quick to attack fellow white nationalists when that anger would be better re-directed towards jews and marxists. There were people on here cheering the antifa thug punching Dicky Spencer, which is shameful.

With that said we have to have standards and race-mixing is a pretty blatant violation. I actually consider myself pretty moderate because though I oppose these things, I don't really see fags or drug-users as our biggest issue right now. Miscegenation is a major taboo however and a debasement of the white race which cannot be tolerated.

Everyone over 30 has shit they've done that, looking back on it, knowing what they know now, they wish they hadn't. I used to fuck asians all the time when I was in the Navy. Because, at the time, I didn't know any better. People aren't born red pilled.



some talks at the conference include
and actually

Strange how he always seems to be welcome in these places, it causes one to ponder…

TRS-memeing has made him soft, as do any open cunts in the vicinity, but at least he has made it clear it's because he's trying to not be hypocritical on the racemixing thing. I would be fine with the guy, and certainly am on economics, if he had ANY standards he wouldn't abandon when he 'muh dick's

but spencer's a fag

how is that an argument against ancap? Only white people will follow those principles, so any libertarians who learn about race must be for an all white society or give up libertarianism. This is why the right and left are splitting, and that's a good thing.

is that what happened? I never understood it and was wondering why one comment telling him the bitches ruin his show got deleted