

It looked good until I scrolled down.

Why do these fucking futa people have to ruin everything? I am more offended by them than I am by furries.


you just gotta learn to love the dick

there's nothing weird about it

Futa is gayer than gay porn. Ridiculous obsession of the penis.

what if its futa on female

What's the point of that?

Why not, it looks delicious

You just gotta learn to love feminism, and no anesthesia when getting root canals. Then it's great!

100% gay

Becuase closet homosexuals who like dick but are "not gay I swear I just love dick" and tumblrfags


is there really not a program that automatically filters and deletes all the futa from my hentai collection yet?

Futa is a good, pure fetish.

If it's all tagged as "futa" you could run some sort of sorting program to do it.

Fuck off faggot.

There's always people who don't tag it.

because that artist always draws traps/futa


All fetishes are cancer by default.

You being desensitized to them does not change that.

People so hooked on porn they start to relate dicks with sexy.
Porn artists who can't draw vaginas.

why not just remove the dick?
so that it will only have balls



Is that actually him?


No, it's Lyle McDouchebag. I am pretty sure that Shadman helped on it.

Thanks Mark, you are my greatest ally for allowing threads such as this one.

The more unrealistic your fetish is (girls with dicks, inflation, transformation) the worst your mental state becomes (increased levels of autism)

did you even report it?

This, everyone here just needs to stop worrying and learn to love the dick.


This thread will have 300+ replies.

Does this really warrant a thread?



There's no reason to. Mark and the Hotpockets won't remove it anyways, because it's tangentially video games.


forgot my sage.

Yep, seems about right.

Gee Mark, you really are jewish.

It was bumplocked by our most lenient mod (Lime) instead of being outright deleted.
Funnily enough, if Mark was on he probably would have deleted this thread and banned the OP. He's an autistic fuck, but he follows his own rules the most of every mod on the board.

well, if you look at the board logs it got bump locked. so there you have it

How many of these are you going to have until you find an answer?

This same image was posted in the /a/ COCKS thread. Are you the same user?

He doesn't, but I still feel like he's right.

-M C A!

why live

Shh, that means he is ascending, leaving this plane of mortals for a better place.