4 AM Thread

Losing control, Holla Forums?

Play any vidya today?

Got review copies of Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir for my Vita and PS4. Gonna start that shit tomorrow; hope it's good.

Since I conked out early last night, what did you fags think of the new Pokemon announcement Tuesday?

Other urls found in this thread:


Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)


After the music hours you're free to post whatever you want, but we usually have plans to play movies or anime.

A reminder that /4am/ is a thing again, but needs you to give it life. >>>/4am/

Feeling pretty shit as usual, drunk, mom was bitching at me yesterday, overall just in a bad mood. Sometimes I wish I was dead

Just broke 200 hours in MGSV.


Well it sure is a Pokemon game.

Just remembered The Dallas Stars joked this night.

Oh well, 'least I have Tomboys.

Whelp, depression stayed the same
I might be getting meds soon, but I have to go to a slow ass hospital to get them

Anti-depressants are fucking trash from any way you look at it, they make you more depressed if you are depressed, and if you're not depressed but just want to get high, you'd sooner OD on the fucking things.

It doesnt feel like 4am.. or is it just me?

Anti-depressants just made me feel empty in side, which made me want to kill myself even more.

Never going back on that shit again.

Morning everyone~

A couple of my Ritsu figures came in today. Having them staring at me all day is the best feeling in the world!

Don't do it. I was on meds for most of my teenage years, between 13 and 18, and it really fucked up my mental development and maybe even ruined my life. I gained weight, lost motivation, smelled awful, tried to kill myself.

When I dropped my meds a couple years back, things got way better. I lost weight, started attending classes, got a girlfriend, started exercising, actually felt happiness and started to actually feel things again. I have my ups and downs, but at least I'm not in the awful place I was on the various meds of my teen years.

I may've pulled the jewiest shit I've ever jewed tonight.

So I'm playing PoE and one of the guys on the Tidal Island drops a Tabula Rasa, I already know that I can jew lategame players hard with this because they kill eachother over this one for whatever reason, it seems practically useless besides the links and even then you can just craft more.

So I put it up for trade, some fucking lategame Shadow comes up to me with 5 chaos orbs and a half dozen great legendaries I can actually use (Yes I call them that because Diablo) so I got a bunch of leveling gear that's actually useful and some Chaos Orbs out of a shitty item that nobody in their right mind would want.

Same as always, the starters look stupider every generation.


What was your mom bitching about?

I hear they stop your dick from working.

My grades are great compared to last year and i might get into film school once im done here so i can then fulfill my dream of making videogames. But its also 5 am and im still awake.

I smelled fucking terrible. Maybe because I had nearly no motivation to actually clean myself properly. Shit, a lot of days I didn't even put on a shirt. I just threw on a jacket with nothing on underneath, even when I went outside the house.

This too. I am only recently recovering from those effects.

That's troubling. I was prrescribed escitalopram two weeks ago but was afraid to take any. Not sure what i'm gonna tell the doc tomorrow, kindof worried.

Why is the left now pushing for basic income? What the fuck?

That shit "could" only work in white small countries..

Can someone explain to me why basic income is a terrible idea?

Oh I thought happy pills made you smell funky or something

They worked for my mother, I'll give 'em a try and if they don't work I'm dropping them

I'm only popping in to say that I was here

Well, pretty depressed no hope. I guess looking forward to Uncharted 4, I'm meh on everything right now.

How are my fellow negros doing?

I kinda hate myself, missed 2 online assignments from my stats class because I caught got caught up with other shit and forgot to turn them in. Shouldn't lower my grade that much really since I've been doing good on other shit in the class. God damn I never learn my lesson to do shit earlier rather than last minute though.

I like both films and games so why not mash em together on a good way.

Good luck with that.

What does depression feel like?

Sounds mildly creepy honestly.

When I took anti-depressants when I was like 19 I think I shed off like 20 pounds because I wanted to die so much I just didn't eat, I wasn't even remotely fat back then either. Anyways, psych meds are shit don't take them.

I was really drunk last night and ended up not being able to walk so I just sat on the kitchen floor and drank beer until she woke up, then she cried because she thinks I'm an alcoholic which is probably true which made me feel like shit because I'm not worth crying over.

Placebo effect m8, if you have any doubt, they won't work

Fuck off.

Complete emptiness and the urge to kill yourself


How do you plan on doing that?

Theres nothing creepy about love!

Shouldn't do that stuff around your mom. Even when I start getting depressed and drinking everyday I at least hide it the best I can.

Really? I always thought it was just feeling like shit.

What's got you down friend? I've been feeling meh for quite a while, however I don't think I'm really that depressed.

Nobody cares.

How much longer you have in college anyway?

Nah, my smelliness was my own fault.

Well, good luck, user. Be careful. Don't end up like me and jumping from pill to pill just because people want you to.

Nothing. Your emotions are dulled most of the time, you have nearly no motivation, every day is a drawn out chore. The things you used to enjoy and the people you used to love just wash over you like they never even mattered.

Some people would call this "adulthood" as well.

Suicide comes with long-term depression. A very simple metaphor is being in a hole you think you can't climb out of, but you have a gun with you. Your options are to spend the next god knows how long trying to climb out of what seems like an infinite hole, or just face the facts and take the simplest way out.

I care

Well in extreme cases yes (like mine)
But light depression is just feeling like shit

I didn't train today. I did run tho.

Been playing fallout 4 again
My capital settlement is near building maximum tho, which is annoying as I still have a lot more left to build.

Survival is surprisingly fun. I've been having to plan ahead to not die oftentimes, and stealth is now actually useful. The brutal punishment mechanics for food is nice too.

Nah you're right. Day went too fast.

Kills the self preservation instinct necessary to get people to do shit?

Morning faggot.

The days and nights are always the same, and I miss her car crash.

Honestly it just pisses me off because she knows I get fucking smashed but doesn't care until she wakes up with me not being able to crawl in a straight line sitting in her kitchen. I dunno I'm getting to the point where nothing excites me not even my girlfriend and I only kill time mindlessly until the next day comes along and I can do it all over again.

good night

Funny you ask that. I applied for a cal state transfer, however I made a mistake and thought I would get the full 60 credits to transfer. I figured out I won't have 60 credits until another semester, but I got a letter today from the college I applied to saying I was "accepted". However it is just a provisional acceptance, they won't accept me if they look at my final transcripts and find out I don't have enough credits

But for some reason my brother and mom think I already got accepted. I'm pretty sure they will reject me for this semester once they look at my completed credits. I don't mind staying in community for another year anyway, there's still a couple classes I want to take here.

Will power and something else.

Good morning everyone

How was your day/is your morning so far?

Looking forward to anything coming up?

woops, I mean another semester, not another year. I ain't staying for that long shiiieeeet.

Here I though. I was depressed for a long time…still no suicidal thoughts.

Oh, well I guess I am…I think…I don't know anymore.

I know that feeling, I don't drink though. Remember being excited for things?

Sorry for your loss user. Hope you can find some hope soon.

Post her feet.

Yeah probably will save a ton of money staying another year too. Unless you have a ton of financial aids.

Suicidal thoughts aren't a prerequisite for depression. Depression is massively over-diagnosed, anyway.

Just waiting on all my figs to get here. The best ones are yet to come.

How you been yoza?

Honestly sometimes I miss the crippling depression, at least then 4am was all I had and when I posted I felt alright. Now everything is just kind of lame.

sup /4am/, I gave my steam profile a facelift and I was wondering if you guys could tell me how it looks:

also the url ID is probably temporary, some jackass stole 'meowreka' from me as soon as I changed it and hasn't even been online in over a year

Yea. I miss just smiling for no real reason.


Why are you not depressed? How did you do it?

I'll just leave with that.

Forgot to shill >>>/4am/

There are some cool things over there.

The fuck is this?

I've been feeling better too, lately. It's a strange feeling. I mean, I'm not happy or even content, but I don't constantly consider suicide.

don't fall for it, the dude's fucking bipolar

he's just manic right now

I think you gave it to me

Shieeet man. Well try to keep your head up as best as you can, I'm sure she would want that.

at least I got till august to do those exams.

Just go fug your bf

Not like we will know who she is from just feet. Do it!

Your guess is as good as mine. I just sort of stopped feeling depressed for no reason I can discern.


Manic sounds pretty good right now.

Got a job so bye bye long hair, it was a requisite, figured I really needed to take some control by allowing other's to control how I look, so ITT recommend haircuts.

Then you weren't depressed you fucking dumb ass, I knew you were just an attention whoring faggot. I still like you though

I don't have any pics anyways

Glad to see things are going well for you Homoko.Anything's better then getting stuck here

Just cut nearly all of it off. Nothing fancy.

Alternatively, a mild short back and sides for the classic look. Not any of this ridiculous homosexual quiff shit, just short back and sides without too much on the top.

I think I might be dropping it soon if the Fun With Friends™ doesn't kick in soon.

Don't. They don't make you happier, they just make you less sad. The idea is so that it gives you the motivation to be able to do something fulfilling but more often than it should results in just enough motivation to actually kill yourself so suicides skyrocket.

It doesn't.
It just results in massive inflation and less work. In countries where everyone is working it is exactly the same as a tax cut so you're better off doing that.
"The left" are just communist subverters now. Every step they take is either towards deliberate destabilization, increasing government power, or increasing of communist/socialist policies. Always, ever time you come across one, laugh in their face and tell them if they want socialism so bad they should go live in soviet russia or zimbabwe if they need the diversity too.

Kettle is about to boil so there's a cup of tea and some timtams with my name on it.

Welcome back, homoko. Glad to hear you're getting better even if your depression was swapped for boredom.

do not fall for the trap

I just had a breakdown, Holla Forums. I tried to kill myself and almost succeeded. they put me on meds Holla Forums. They fucking put me on meds.

You. I know you. Remember me faggot? I'm still judging you :P

Shit happens.

Maybe you need to move on.


Donnie Darko?

r u callin me a tarp

u bith say that 2 my face not online


Are you alright? Why did you do it?

Text that ho up and ask for dem soles dog

Shave it all off.

I know you remember me, baka hentai. You made me addicted to fucking roguelikes from the 80s

I take adderall to study. But I cant sleep for like, 12-16 hours after I do.

Then when I don't take it I don't do anything and fall massively behind in my work.

I've already forfeited about 10% of my final grade in one class, and probably about 20% in another class because I just couldn't make myself start studying without it, but I hate the effects of it so avoided taking it.

I've been playing Gundam Breaker 3, Far Cry 4, and Onechanbara Z2 Chaos and a little Bloodborne.

As for Pokemon, I stopped caring after beating X/Y for the most part, since it was so shit. I never even bothered with ORAS, and glad I didn't.

That owl thing is cute though. It's seemed to have taken the internet by storm. That cat thing looks pretty boring, and the seal looks retarded as fuck.

Nice, which Ritsu figs you order?
got pics?

I've been decent enough. I've been trying/failing to catch up on some sleep the past few nights. Though until tonight I've managed to go to bed either at 3AM CST or no more than 30 minutes after.

I briefly considered fapping to this and then I did
kill me
Not really, I'm too tired to get my rocks off right now

In other news, people are arguing about the new Pokémon and I'm just (pic related)

Sounds like the right decision if you tried to off yourself. What made you decide to do it?

I smoked weed and decided life wasn't worth living after all. So i held my breath. Sisteer found me after i passed out and gave me mouth to mouth. I was dead for a while. It was peaceful. I hate being like this.

That gif is adorable as fuck

Alright, if it wasn't depression than what other word would you use for no motivation to do anything, losing enjoyment of previously fun hobbies, and constant thoughts of suicide? I just kind of woke up shitty one day and stayed that way for a while, then after a while like that I woke up and suddenly really felt like doing shit. I've been told it's possible I have some form of bipolar.

I don't have anything else to move on to.

you should have made a webm of it to derail the thread.

I bought 6 books this month and most of them should be here next week.

I bought Gunhound EX last night and I'm going to give it a try as soon as I configure a controller for it.

I had a good session with my psychologist today and I figured I'd share at least the breakthrough we had.

See I was always a lonely kid, bullied constantly and generally treated like shit, good parents but my mother going through early menopause during early years really didn't help much when I needed help or advice, this continued well into my high school years and I became emotionless, I kind of shut down for awhile.

At some point this cat showed up here and I decided to keep her, she was also pregnant so we made her a little area to have her kitties, it was nice I finally found myself waking up to my emotions more, I had something to genuinely care about at least, I loved those cats, probably to much.

At one point one of them was poisoned, another was attacked and torn apart by dogs that some asshole let loose, I kinda went a bit apeshit after that in trying to protect the rest, I also became a bit to obsessed with them, ultimately I put to much of well being into them and it cost me, I lost my spark for a lot of things, I couldn't really enjoy much of anything purely because of just how much I put myself into those animals.

Caring for pets is all well and good but when that's all you focus on, well you turn that into your sole reason for living, well its hard to muster up the energy to do much of anything when they die, I often wondered why I would sometimes play games and feel depressed, after today I wonder no more, I just don't have that spark in me anymore because of the tragedies I've endured.

Perhaps after now after learning of this I can begin to heal in some capacity.

Why share this hear? Because I want you guys to be careful, don't put of yourself into something that while you might love, is all to fleeting, because eventually you'll be left without it and you'll more empty than usual, a tragedy is bad enough, a tragedy and feeling like nothing matters? Even worse.

Damn you weren't kidding when you said you were depressed. You just decided not to breath anymore.

the worst part is i survived. I fail so hard I failed at failing to live.

Oh that's okay.

Neither do I.

Adderall is a fucking bitch. Hope you aren't addicted.

I'm gonna take a big picture when all 7 of them are here so wait on that.

Well I fap to overweight mutated flies so who am I to judge

It's like 5:30 for one, also no.

Normalfag depression, real depression is realizing that even if you have motivation to do stuff, and want to live, it's all shit and death is almost 100% preferable to life.

You are gonna save your town but you will die.

dude I swooned over nethack for YEARS to EVERYBODY

it was my personal fucking mission to get people to play a roguelike so they could understand video games on a deeper level

I mean yeah I'm glad you saw the light, but it's not like you're my pupil or a special friend or anything

you're just another fuckin dude that I talked about nethack with

Apart from the death bit that's about how I feel now.

Morning anons. I just wanted to say goodbye. Thanks for listening to my troubles in the past. You helped me when I was at my lowest. I've started volunteering again. It feels good. l also been going to temple every sunday as well as regular church. I think I am going to be alright.

Bye everyone. Try to be happy.


not addicted. I hate taking it.

Whatever, faggot. Go cry into your body pillow

I want the cat to use blood beam. Its face is the brimstone pickup

I know right?

You just want to see me naked you scoundrel
> derailing this thread
a lot of implying for a hired gun

As long as they have tiddy

Be good, user.

I'd prefer a large plush to a pillow with a graphic on it

Sounds gay, just go out of your way to die not miserable, for me it's booze and pills, I don't know what the fuck it is for you, probably a giant gay AIDS fuckfest.

Seems more like you should avoid weed rather than worry about failing suicide. Besides, failure in that seems like the one decent fail moment. Like failing to get fucked in the ass by an aids winning trap. Sometimes failing is winning.

Should move on to…
>>>/4am/ !
They got webm threads

Later bud, gluck.

Cya user~

Glad you are regaining control! If you find yourself awake one night drop in and let us know how you are doing!

Thats why you pour your love into a waifu. They never die or leave or anything.

No fun.


Damn son, that sounds expensive
and blissful

Whatsit now?

Congrats on gaining control user are you the feels/wojak guy?…

Best of luck to you in the future, but if you ever are up late one night or something, we'll all (probably) be right here like always.

Best of luck to you in life user, may your endeavors be fruitful.

I know, Boss. I'm already there.

Yeah. I was on anti psychotics for a week after the incident and not allowed near the computer.

Be careful then, it doesn't take much to get hooked to those fuckers.

Nah. Bandai did a ton of great adorable k-on figs so those are cheap. Only semi expensive ones were a figma and another that was like 60 or so.

I will keep that in mind, thanks.

I need new music, what you anons listening to tonight?

Don't worry, im just using you as the vehicle for shilling.

Ouch. Last time I couldnt use my pc I was having withdrawal issues. I feel your pain.

I got a quiz in the morning, almost done with vector statics homework, and got a lot of solidworks drawings due in the afternoon. It's going to take all night, but once I'm done I should be back on track to gaining control in my life.

Binding of Isaac
it looks like the alchemy symbol for sulfur, and it makes you fire a beam of blood instead of tears
it's the best

This because it's doing what it's intended to do, make me feel closer to death

Oh okay.

Look whose whore feelings are hurt now.

Have you got to the point of taking screenshots of your waifu yet?

I've got end sems in three days and a semester worth of Automata theory and math to cover

I can't do that on PS3 with this game.

you know I would do just about anything to become a cute girl irl if it were possible in any meaningful capacity

If you like songs that get you feeling closer to death you should check out The Dreaming.

I bought 6 books this month and most of them should be here next week.

I bought Gunhound EX last night and I'm going to give it a try as soon as I configure a controller for it.

Yes you can. You just need to order one of those things people use to stream with.

You fucking cheeky cunt



Cut off your legs at the shins for the shortened height. Cute girls are tiny. You can walk on the stumps, i've seen it done.

Oh and estrogen. Lots of estrogen.

Alternatively you can just use a hdmi cable to connect your console to your tv and take screenshots with an actual pc app.

I'm gonna die from being bored. I need a comfy MMO where I can make my way just crafting shit and chilling. How's ToS?

Thanks user

Good for you, do you like being called Ritsu? figured Ritsu-fag would be more appropriate, since, you aren't trying to be your waifu are you?

I'm not that brave, but appreciate it, think my head it's too egg shaped for it to work, or the shook could kill me dunno.

Meh, I dunno, sounds more like a bro weed lmao moment than a serious attempt, but.

Keep making progress and thanks for the tip, at this point I'm doing stuff for the learning experience without a clear goal, and am kinda terrified of rejection, hence why I tend to isolate from others, caring not to be too close to anyone, I'm trying to open up more anyhow.


Embed related goes with fifth reply

*sixth reply

Mikasa a qt. And i'd fuck you, faggot. Even if you wouldn't remember me.
*crying noises*

Well in anything 4am related I go by Soritsu so.

Its pretty obvious when someone means me or the character either way so I don't mind Ritsu.

never stick your dick in crazy

Ah I gotcha.
Nice nice dubs

Figmas are probably the most-tolerable posable figures. Nendoroids, on the other hand, come straight from the depths of hell.

Just listening to some Offspring, embed-related

Ah okay, so Litten is supposed to be some sort of Hell cat-thing? That's cool as long as its final form is Fire and Dark/Ghost/Psychic.

Ayy dat double post tho

I've heard that's pretty nifty. I have it in my Steam library, but I never actually played it.

That sounds pretty nice.

I've been told it's shit, but never been told why, so I've been leery about picking it up. Looks pretty damned comfy though.

The thing is, it was my second attempt. The first time i got off light with psych counseling. This time they put me on meds which made me a drooling retard when i wasn't sleeping.

Well tough it out for us.

Hey, I'm finally looking for the waifu like I said a few days ago. Only started out though, don't really wish to say I have one until I know it is the one. Still thinking on that heated pillow idea, I don't really know what good it could be used for other than a waifu pillow. Warm waifu pillows are nice, but to go only for that niche audience won't really sell that many. Maybe I'll make one for camping, since nights get cold.

I hear a bullet to the head will turn you into a cute girl.

I got it because it was cheap and I heard the devs made it to be like Assault Suit Leynos. Turns out they also made the Leynos remake for the PS4.

Figmas drive me crazy. So many tiny parts to lose, always feel like I'm going to break something when I pose them or switch parts. At least nendos have a couple of simple poses and tend to have bigger parts. Although figmas are way cuter, that chibi style makes nendos too samey.

Cunk On Shakespeare is actually alright, lads.

Didn't know he invented GoT

Cunk On Shakespeare is actually alright, lads.

Didn't know he invented GoT

Just market it as a heated pillow, and make sure its the right size for dakis. That way normalfags buy it just as a pillow and weebs can feel the warmth of their waifu.

What shows you watching looking for a waifu?

Oh shit, a posting error

I could do it on PS4 though.

Oh, I'm not that tech savvy really.

Wow, Zimzams selling the gun he used to shoot traytray

This won't work

I had an interview today for a position as a PHP/javascript guy. It could have gone better. There's reallly no correct answer for "what have you been doing" when you've been unemployed for a year, is there?

Do you own a ps4?

Hey, look


It was a gift for Christmas.

I think he just made a thread and forgot to take that out of the field

also he put it in the wrong field

p.s. check my nine

I've only heard bad things sadly. Shame too with how excited anons were for it.

Alice in chains is pretty good. Good workout music for when you're feelin down.

Offspring is pretty good. I've always hated how they're either great songs or absolute shit. No medium. That ones in SR2 IIRC too

Prolly not worth the effort then. Taking pics with phone works too imo.

The estrogen or the shins part?
You gotta be specific.


my math checks out trust me

DOA5 isn't on mobile, Boss. You dumbass.


i sware if im off by 1 one more time im going to SLIT MY WRISTS

I feel great. I'm glad I stuck with it instead of dropping the class. It was the hardest class I've taken so far.

I meant point your phone at the tv and take a picture mr smartymouth.

Have I lost control of my life if I don't like SMT 3?

Hey if it was free.

Nice congrats user!

Going for vidya. I looking into overlooked girls so it isn't likely I share a waifu with anyone. Doesn't meant bad girl, just that there are a lot of other girls that take attention away from her. I don't really watch enough anime compared to playing video games that make me warrant having an anime waifu. It wouldn't feel right having her be not part of my main hobby.



Well, so you aren't sealing the deal, and the alternative is either losing time with a psych or being reduced to a numb state in which you aren't physically capable of offing yourself off not that you are capable either way lol so user, you said that happened when you weren't sleeping, did you dreamed? what are your dreams? what are you hoping to achieve? life is shit, meaningless in the great scheme of things, but hell, I wouldn't like to sign off without at least gain some independence, the freedom of living by myself, for myself, and then maybe offing myself in the privacity of my own ground, without meddling sisters to blow me back to life, what I'm trying to say is don't do it, try to find meaning somewhere.

Hobby stuff, if your hobby is also your career commits to projects and your own projects and portfolio can get you a long way, or so I've heard, I got lucky on my interview they were starved for help, wish you the best user.

Happy for you.

If thats nocturne it just means you have fucking garbage taste.

Who you thinking about? Or what game at least?

Oh, is ASL good? I'm looking for some PS4 games to import/add to my collection

I find them more bearable. Rather, the Asuna ALO ver. one was fairly bearable. Getting her onto the stand was a bitch, but after the the rest fell into place. Pic-related, shitty lighting is shitty.

And I would display my Leafa-Swimsuit figure, but like I've said before, I live with puritans. I'm surprised I haven't been given grief over my MH4U Guildmarm figure with how short her shorts are.


Yeah, there's only about 10 of their songs I like. Days Gone By is probably one of my favorites though. but I also really like Come Out and Play & You're Gonna Go Far Kid.

Asuna is pretty terrible imo.

I'm terrified of my family going in my room and seeing all the Ritsus on my desk now. Probably going to always lock my door behind me. Glad I put a lock with key on there last year

thanks dudes

Why do people like nocturne? The story is possibly the worst story I've ever seen. There's no real motivation to do anything except for everyone's dead and I'm a demon so I might as well. It tells you the entire plot the second you become a demon. You're going to choose how the world gets remade.

I have only played the original Sega Mega Drive version, but from what I have seen the remake is looking pretty good.

I learned a new word some days back

master race here?

Nightcore You're Gonna Go Far Kid is fucking awesome

Google search frenetic. One of my favorites.


Right now Mars from pokemon platinum. I know the girls from the pokemon games are overdone a lot, but I remember her clicking with me when I first played that didn't really happen with other video game characters. Plus people usually look at dawn, cynthia, the various walking companions, or the gym leaders when playing this game, so she isn't really looked at.

Going to sleep, guys. Have a good night!

All right guys, I'm off to bed
Probably won't be back again until Saturday night/Sunday morning

Sleep tight everyone, catch you on the flipside~

I know, but I don't actually hate Asuna, and it was on sale for $36 compared to the previous price of about $60.

They'd probably be a bit weirded out
Mine were too at first. But then again, I don't have more than 1 figure of the same character either.

But at least I can display my smaller figures with my vidya now, while my larger ones are on display off by the Gundams.

> nightcore
Shit taste, smh tbqh oniifam

Nice. The Team Galactic girls were pretty good.

Sleep well. Make sure you check out Leynos if you are looking for a retro style game for the PS4.

Nice trips.

gotta listen to that, I fucking love me a good cover, later though.

later to you.

And you.

And later to everyone, signing off too.

Nightcore is awesome. Much better than that shitty ass eurobeat shit at least.

The atmosphere and world/demon design.

Besides I'd rather have a minimalist story over most jrpgs shoving PLOT PLOT PLOT down your throat every 5 seconds.

What do you like about her?

Cya guys~

Fuck it, im gonna go too. Might as well play catch up on yesterday.

Bye then

Even though she is a bad guy for most of the game you kind of sense the good in her. She wants the world to be a better place, even if her actions of doing it are a bit misguided. She got jealous when you were tag teaming with dawn, and cared for cryus even after he was stuck in the distortion world. She seems loyal and has a good mindset, but is just unsure of her place in the world. It's the wanting her to be in a better place feeling that really gets me.

I still don't really feel ready to say she is my waifu, because I'm worried that I may one day lose the pull of her as a waifu and I dont want to tarnish what is so good about her.

Nightcore is just fucking alvin and the chipmunks on meth.

Yeah best not to rush things. You'll know if she really is your waifu if she causes you to have butterflies in your stomach and feel that skip in your heart like Ritsu does to me

I've had that happen before, but how do I determine its love and not just a fluster of the heart?

You wait.

He is right you know.

Even if he posted enya

I want her voice to cover me like a blanket so I can sleep forever.

What's wrong with Enya?

weird night tbh

Guess I'll just keep going and see how things end up

I am not going to listen to that, she looks like a modern singer. And I've listen to enough "good" modern music to not trust any of it.

lmao fampai have some dank plainsong then

Good point, I think it's just that I'm running on no sleep and I start making weird judgement calls. I don't know why I said that looks modern.

still not going to click it. I just usually like to find my own music, and don't usually like people's recommendations. That just makes me assume I'm not really going to like it from the get-go. Not a good thing to do, but it just happens subconsciously I may click on the second one though for being an idiot about the first one

Right now we are watching Cutie Honey. Later on I will play more Gundam Zeta if there is enough people present.

Oh, it's that song. Holy shit I must be tired if I can't recognize that. I'm fucking off before I embarrass myself further.

Learn to let go oniifam and just listen. Listen to what other people like and think about why they like it. Check out the /mu/ wiki's charts.

Morning fellas.

Yesterday was pretty funny. My dad and I were out meeting up with a mechanic. Then out of nowhere this dude comes out and claims that my dad hit his precious new car and wanted to exchange insurance for the "damage". You could hardly see anything, plus there was no way he could prove it was us and not road wear.

The man then called the cops and we waited for about an hour and a half over a tiny fucking speck on his bumper. The cops showed up, then they laughed at him explaining that they couldn't see anything. The officer then went on to explain that it's most definitely road wear. We were then let off the hook and laughed our asses off when we got home.

Sorry for the long story, guys. Just be careful out there. A lot of welfare idiots and con artists will try anything for a quick buck. If something like this happens to you, let them call the police and don't give him shit till the cops show up.

I'm about to start using dash cams for this kind of stuff. Been in a handful of wrecks and luckily its always been obvious it was the other guys fault but better safe than sorry.

That's the best way to do it. These people expect you to make a scene so they can skin your alive in court.

Ive lost control. I haven't turned in an assignment in weeks, I stay up until 7 and sleep until 2. I miss all my classes and am down to 1 meal a day. I fucking hate this but I just can't bring myself to work. People would kill to have the opportunities that I've been given but Im just blowing it.

So apparently the administration is compromised and Jim cannot be trusted.

Where do you guys hang out other than in these threads? I remember there being a IRCirclejerk.

Might want to hop in some time if this site does go tits up.

Its 4amgeneral on Rizon user

Cytube and the Discord room. The IRC is filled with faggots.





I'll bully you

These threads are great. If you scroll down on full speed you see a kind or retarded flip-page animation. So many of the images are the same.
On topic though: I have had the most time-sensitive, stress-inducing, shit of a work week for this year.

Who in modern era thinks that delays on imports is the fault of the one who makes the order? Fuck the retards, who gives them money?

Holy shit

How's it going guys?

Guys, let us wait until 4 AM to continue the feelposting, otherwise this will develop into cancer.


D-don't fuck the rabbit