What went wrong?
The only game they have to show for this year's E3
Its the only game that will be on the floor. Not the only game shown. I would also prefer a strong NX release opposed to giving anything more to the Wii U.
Don't worry, Holla Forums will suck nintendo dick as usual.
Reggie can show up on stage with a flaming turd in his hands and Holla Forums will still worship the turd as the best thing since sliced bread.
As you can see we not only we have damage control, we have pre-pre damage control already being set up:
What are you on about? Holla Forums is pissed at Nintendo and considers Reggie a traitor.
Everything, the only issue now is how do we get into the reality where everything went right instead, I would prefer that reality.
You imply too much.
Yeah yeah sure, the MOMENT anything nintendo is announced there will be 500000 fucking million threads sucking the N branded cock, every time.
Yes, Holla Forums Holla Forums is less of a nintendrone hive than 4chan Holla Forums, but they crawl out of their dirty little holes in swarms every time, the only difference is that most of them don't stick around here.
Grow the fuck up you whiny little shit stain.
After seeing years of perfectly normal vita discussion destroyed both on Holla Forums and /vg/ by those scumbags for absolutely no reason, i want them off the board.
Ideally, i want them all to kill themselves.
my dad works at nintendo and says they will reveal super mario sunshine 2 at this year's E3
1. E3 2016 hasn't happened yet so there's nothing to look back on as "went wrong".
2. Showing Zelda at E3 has been wildly successful in the past.
Like 90% of Holla Forums shit on Nintendo now and 10% like them, the "NintendoGAF" meme is dead.
The first Wii wasn't advanced enough to run ports of the same games that 360 and PS3 got, but it was a huge market so developers bent over backwards to accomodate it. We got a lot of good experiments like Boom Blox, a lot of games that could have been good if the controls didn't suck, and a lot of interesting attempts to bring "core" franchises like Dead Space and Resident Evil to the system. The Wii gets maligned for having a lot of shovelware, but developers really tried to cash in on it and it gave us some good fun when it worked out.
With Wii U, they got lazy. Their gimmick going in was a console version of something they had already done 8 years prior on the DS. They didn't even ship it with a fucking Wii-mote, meaning that developers couldn't fall back to doing the same sort of crap they did with the original Wii. But most importantly, normalfags had moved on to exploitative social network and phone-based games and real gamers had gotten used to going to Xbox, Playstation and PC for real games. The only reason to get excited for Wii U was the Nintendo exclusives, and even there they dropped the ball.
So now we're four years in and there still isn't much to do on the Wii U and even Nintendo's giving up. As a recovering Nintendrone and former Sega fanboy, I find this to be frightening because the Wii U is looking like Nintendo's equivalent of the Sega Saturan, with the NX possibly being the Dreamcast (as a next-gen system that gets launched way too early as an act of desperation because its predecessor sucks). All they have left is their death grip on the handhold market, and even that exists primarily because their only competitor has somehow managed to be even more incompetent.
Post-N64, the only first-party exclusives Nintendo had that weren't shit were the Zelda games, so obviously they're going to try to put their best foot forward with the NX. Post-64 Mario is shit, Post-64 Starfox is shit, SSB has always been shit. Zelda is all they have that can pull in the core audience they desperately need.
Gotta love how uppity you sonyggers are getting with Unchartaduty 4 now that you have 2gaems :^)
Phones and tablets are the new handheld market, and their profitability dwarfs the fuck out of the 3DS's comparatively niche share of said market.
Nintendo defence force is here
Yeah, you need to be mentally retarded tro still support Jewtendo in any way.
The reason why Nintendo has been garbage lately is a lot of bad planning catching up to them:
2006-2010: Release about 2-4 good Wii games per year; to which the market responds by purchasing Wii's at about the same rate regardless. Glean that this is the result of unique hardware and controllers, and so make that a priority for the next console.
2010-2011: Start preparing for the Wii's EOL, but don't actually begin very many Wii U projects because how confident the Wii's sales trends have made you. Expect that transitioning to development on an HD system will go smoothly, now that polished engines exist for such hardware and that the job market has many people with 360/PS3 development experience.
2012: By now, Wii U projects have made very little progress, and are proving much more time consuming and costly than predicted. Release the Wii U at the end of the year, expecting Nintendo Land to be a big hit like Wii Sports. Instead, people lose interest in it by the end of the year.
2013: While the Wii U's launch sales may not have been amazing, the 3DS's bounce-back from near discontinuation is reassuring. So, stick to the original release schedule even though it leaves huge gaps between 1st party games. Predict that the competitor's new consoles will be met with the same reception as the Vita. Release Pikmin 3 in summer, and use Wii Fit U as your main Christmas game.
2014: Microsoft/Sony's consoles have already been released by this point, and have better reception than hoped for. This destroys any hope that the system's current line-up can support the system. Ironically, it is now too late to begin new Wii U projects, because they appear to take about 3 years to complete.
2015: Fuck it, just focus on developing the NX now.
2016: ….
At least we got Bayonetta 2 out of it. The fact the NX (supposedly) isn't ready enough for E3 makes it seem like the same pattern will just repeat, but I really hope not.
But they already showed off this Zelda last E3. The TP reveal was the first time anyone seen the game.
You're more correct than you think user.
user… That was two years ago…
Simple. Iwata cut off NOA's balls because glorious Nippon's table scraps are enough for filthy gaijin. Cue no focus or interest on western markets in software and hardware.
Turns out companies and gamers everywhere have different ideas about value, and ninty's death grip on markets isn't as strong as in the 90s.
And while "cheap and lazy" won't cut it and there isn't a drop of blood left in Mario, their egos will never allow them to actually change. then again, kimishima seems dead set on jumping the fast train to cheap cell phone crap, only 6 years too late as always.
worst selling console in Nintendo's history (aside from obscure things like Virtual Boy and Pokémon mini), that's what happened
Scapegoat harder
Zelda is a drop in the bucket compared to top sellers of today, Nintendo has nothing for the core audience and when Zelda fails I hope they go into panic mode and make something worth a shit.
It's definitely going to repeat for another gen, if they fire their executive branch and aim to promote within their ranks maybe they have a chance for the gen after that but their biggest chances have already sailed right past them and fallen off the edge of the world.
Oh come on nigger
I sincerely enjoy watching them do a 180 on everything they bleated about while high on their own farts.
I said worth playing retard, It's a game of no real note that honestly only sony fans can really care about because it's published by Sony, it's the same for a lot of their titles.
And I'm sure you played all of them for having such a strong opinion.
I mean it's not like you're just repeating what you heard here, right?
Don't need to play them all to judge the series as a whole, have they really advanced that much since the first? I doubt it. It was a strong application of canned charm and nothing more. I've owned every Sony system except the PS4 which I am currently borrowing from a friend and I've found only a handful of their first party titles to be of any value, Bloodborne and Ratchet and Clank series being about it.
Ah of course, why play a game when you can judge it from let's plays. Or even better, pictures posted on an anonymous imageboard.
And here's two great examples of games that have changed oh-so-much from the series they're from.
Man you sure are a man of refined taste, you don't sound like a brainwashed retard at all!
I'm not the one trying to be smug over sub par games.
E3 is dying and so is the Wii U
No you aren't, but you are succeeding at sounding like a complete retard that can't form his own opinions and has repeat shit he heard as fact.
No but really, I'm glad you liked Ratchet & Clank, a game that is exactly the same as it was on PS2, but with worse story, much worse written characters, and a tie-in movie, but not Uncharted, a game with likeable characters, a story that has an arc, and perfectly acceptable gameplay.
Like really, do you even see the irony in what you're telling me?
Have imageboards really made you so dumb that you can barely understand your logic and forcing you to do mental gymnastics to hate something because it's been talked about on Holla Forums, but love something you haven't heard anything about?
I mean jeez user, I'm not even sure where to go from here.
Also great job at actually making an argument
I played the first 2 Ratchet and Clank games on PS2 and thought they were great, I always wanted a sequel to Jet for Gemini and that was the closest thing I ever got to it, but you're ignoring the reason why I didn't play Uncharted 2+, I never said I didn't play them because they didn't change, I didn't play them because the first one wasn't good enough to make we want to play more, the first Ratchet and Clank however was.
Initially this Zelda was meant for Wii U, but now it's delayed until the NX release.
Hopefully, work between each version has been streamlined & they have been using this time to add more content.
Yes because as we all know games should be judged by their predecessors that came out almost 10 years ago.
That's why Deus Ex Invisible War is a great game, because the first one is amazing. Or that's why people liked Human Revolution after Invisible War.
But I am talking to someone that thinks that the new Ratchet and Clank holds up to the first two games, so I should probably not expect a brilliant mind.
Flawless logic there anyways.
Also you're still a retard that spouts other people's opinions. That is more than enough.
So the first Uncharted was of no note so I didn't play more, that sounds like pretty standard logic to me, I never implied the later Ratchet and Clank games were worth playing, I implied that the series was one of the very very few Sony published series with games worth playing.
Did you decide that or did you read it on Holla Forums?
At this point I think it's worth asking
If enough people tell you that uncharted 1 is good, will you like it?
You couldn't project any harder.
Can you respond to any of the points I bring up or do you feel forced to change the discussion because you're ashamed of how much of a 12 year old you are?
No really, you barely responded to anything I asked you.
You make points first then I respond.
I did.
and finally here
Haven't responded to anything.
Quit replying to bait
Game is canned charm and nothing more.
Now I will
Yeah, you still sound like a faggot that can't form his own opinions.
I've literally never seen anyone say anything like that about Uncharted, in fact the common sentiment is that it's a move watch it on youtube, it's a game where they layer on canned charm to hide boring unfocused gameplay to make you feel like a hero without actually requiring you show any qualities of a hero, you don't have to master mechanics, you don't have to understand strategy, you don't have to think about the "puzzles" you just have to progress the story.
Welp, you fucking children managed to sink another thread.
Could you dumber than this
you don't like forming your own opinions, do you
There's Bannerlord
Iwata died. I'm now convinced that Iwata was the only man holding Nintendo to any kind of standard. Miyamoto is old and senile. Reggie is nothing but a stockholder mouthpiece.
Iwata got sick and they snuck Amiibo through while he wasn't watching. As soon as he died everything just fell apart.
Holla Forums has been damage controlling Star Fox Zero rabbidly
Nice bait
Iwata died too soon.
Miyamoto lived too long.
Comgrats, you just told the thread how retarded you were. Iwata was part of the problem, you dumb shit.
Thanks user, was about to post that and forgot.
You realize everything in the image has already been proven wrong, right?
Please kill yourself, redditfag
Everything in that image is a fact.
The only thing up for debate is whether you think all those details make a game bad or not.
At this point, the question is what went right because I want Nintendo to die.
Nothing in that image is fact, you dumb shit. You never even played the game. How about you spam your equally autistic Metroid image too?
Definitely a damage controller.
Nah, I'm sure they'd be circlejerking about how "it's just like muh 64!".
Holy shit.
Not to mention the logic about the amiibo unlocks is fucking stupid
What went wrong?
In fact here, the thing someone else posted about this autistic shit:
Whoever made these has no fucking idea what they are talking about.
Like, this is some of the most bizarre, nitpicky shit.
for fucks sake the retard who did the starfox one seriously complained about the game being too short.
its commonly reported at 6 fucking hours, making it the second longest game, only beat out by starfox assault which…well, its starfox assault, that cringey anime shit took up alot of time, apparently.
Those lists are failing to point out any of the actual design flaws of either game and just relying on "this isnt what i wanted/what i expected/what the other ones did, so its shit!"
Does it suck that medals barely do anything? yes. Does that make a game bad? no, what the fuck.
And for fucks sake
Oh look it's
What do you fags actually achieve in defending this crap? Ensuring the next Star Fox game will be another 64 rehash?
Except I'm not that guy, you dumb shit, I said I quoted him.
And how is Zero a 64 rehash if you fags keep complaining it's too different?
The plot is 64, the characters are 64, the gameplay's pretty much 64 but with with SF2's walkers added.
Congrats, you just proved you've never even touched the game because the plot and story progression is totally different from 64 and they didn't just add walkers from Starfox 2. The only thing in common is characters, which, duh, it wouldn't be a Starfox game if they didn't have Starfox characters.
Ah yes, the same plot as 64 except Andross was obsessed with teleporters instead of bioweapons.
I bet you think NSMB2 isn't a rehash because they compressed the beach and jungle into a single world and did the same with mountain and cloud.
I'm done replying to you. You don't even play the games you complain about. Cancer.
I doubt it will be the only game they have to show at E3. They're probably gonna show more of the new Zelda than anything else.
What I hate is how they are putting in weird shit for the sake of weird shit. I mean, the last major zelda that wasn't a remake forced you to use motion controls when people were passing them off as the gimmick it is.
Not to mention star fox zero forcing you to use both screens and waving the gamepad around like a chimp.
If I have to march to your tune Nintendo, at least don't make me crab walk while somehow spreading crunchy peanut butter on my johnson and nipples.
So you didn't play the game either? You only ever have to tilt your wrists.
Leave it to some retard who doesn't give a shit about Nintendo to spout "amiibos" over and over as if that's the worst thing Nintendo has done.
Amiibos were passable when they unlocked only cosmetic stuff, but now Nintendo is pushing them to unlock gameplay mechanics, and that's when they got unacceptable.
But that's not even the part that is making Nintendo absolute fucking cancer, and neither is the mobile shit. It's the fact that they are actively ruining all of their franchises.
Translations and localizations forcing in memes and removing content, games from series that used to be amazing now reduced to shambling corpses, devoid of content AND heart.
In the end you can ignore DLC, Amiibos and mobile shit, but Nintendo has grown rotten at it's very core. I cannot fucking imagine that Zelda will be anything even above mediocre, and I don't know how anyone can have any positive expectations for the NX, regardless of what idea they pull out of their ass this time.
The only cancer here is the nostalgiafags this game pandered to.
Every Nintendo Thread is just going to be shit posting from now on, isnt it?
So is this going to be aonumas last zelda?
They were never acceptable. Cosmetics are just as bad as any other dlc. It's shit that should be in the game when you buy it but is kept out to nickle and dime people. Low effort jewery. Locking that stuff behind shitty little figures with artificial rarity is just pathetic.
I agree on your other point though.
How is advising people not to support the cancer killing video games shitposting?
You fucking deserve to be bullied, apologist faggot.
user you're fucking retarded
What the fuck is non-artificial rarity? When somebody has no choice but to make something rare?
All rarity in a product is artificial. All video game rarity is artificial. All video game difficulty is artificial.
Stop using the word "artificial" to mean "I don't like it".
Reminder that saging is artificial downvote
With an attitude like that, and other examples in this thread such as
Coupled with
With a sprinkling of
I think this thread is pretty evident that some people here are a little sore about the past. Thats fine, you are free to be a cunt.
That being said, you are not going to be able to stop anons from talking about the old games either, no matter how hard you try to. If people can still talk about Morrowind Regardless of the Companies current state, then we can talk about Nintendo games of the past, regardless of its current state.
Yes I'm fucking retarded, but I'm referring to "rare" amiibos. Nintendo could easily just make more of the hard to find ones, but they don't. So you get a situation where not only are they releasing physical dlc, but some of them are not going to be able to be enjoyed by people who would want them because fuck you. At least when other companies release their shit dlc it is digital and can be gotten easily by anyone for as long as the online store is up.
But go ahead, latch on to a single phrase from the post and ignore the bigger issue.
Simple, they are suffering from the Bioware curse. They would rather surround themselves with drones that eat the shit the put out than actually listen to the unhappy part of their former fanbase.
Cornera being attached, progressing through sectors, same planets (if only a fraction if 64 Ines because that would be work), Arena fight with Bill, following katt, floating head andross…
The only reason they didn't just rehash everything is that they gave platinum a budget of about an office coffee maker and hastily threw some barely-there filler stages on the map once people complained they had basically no content.
Pretty much, unless for some reason they start giving a shit again and make decent games like they used to.
I just hope for Bayonetta 3
I don't get it.
Maybe they like complaining
I'm calling it now, they will have a trailer for a fucking amiibo.
Just you watch.