Please attempt to keep it vaguely video games and don't post Mongolian moving pictures with out subtitles; that would be appreciated.
Webm Thread: I got this edtion
Other urls found in this thread:
":^)" indeed.
Is he training for the next John Wick movie?
Video Games
Wow what a shitlord
do we need to call people pedos, so they can go out and unite and fight for pedos?
They already do that, remember? Pedos, I remind you, are not [TRUE LOLICON].
feel the Bern 2016
Quick question, cutting boards or milk bags? Boatsluts and 2hu are videogame
Those faggots really do want to just play the same damn game every year don't they?
why not both?
While not a bad choice, it doesn't answer the question.
maybe they got triggered with the qt robot companion hand holding
My new favorite webm. Thanks /cow/
Poor Ben just can't catch a break. What a shoah.
Yeah, poor little Benji.
If someones first televised appearance is playing the theme from Schindler's list while wearing a kippah, you know you can't trust him.
A shitshoah, if you will
What is the name of this fine piece of animation user?
sauce my good man?
upload a webm and i might tell you.
You both managed to sound like total faggots while asking, so I won't tell you.
did he at least stick his dick on her mouth to shut her up later?
Seriously, "Sauce my good man?", did you stumble in from reddit yesterday? If I told you, would you have called me "a gentleman and a scholar"? Die.
The nerve of some anons, being this rude against a comrade, for shame!
what should I say something stupid and angry.
like you are a giant flying fuckface give me the source on that webm
Akarin-chan better watch out, or I'll bully her with my penis.
You would have found it by now, if you looked.
It's Sakura Taisen so probably not
Harem Time
I was kidding, Akari is my waifu.
No joke, pick related is my daki of her
I don't even know anymore.
pics or it didnt happen, with a stamp and your penis loving it
I forgot those things existed.
And for good reason. They just disgust me every time.
It was a joke. Since I didn't post an image? Otherwise I would definitely send you pictures of my penis, sorry.
TFW you can find torrents for Harem Time but no Harem Time Feast
you get hit on the feels?
god I want to fuck kuro
Me too, bro. Me too.
but, what is the difference between Harem Time and Harem Time Feast? isnt the same thing?
I love it
but i think its the same thing, harem time its also called harem time animation feast.
can't find it ya nigger
Fine, I'll tell you once I'm done fapping, since you got trips.
You're welcome mein neger.
to tell you the truth, that looked pretty bad.
Sauce now faggot.
you are just messing with me right user? just pretending right? RIGHT?!
There's Harem Time, which is about a guy inheriting his father's estate and having to pick a waifu to make a babby.
If I put that in StartPage, it also shows me screenshots from the webm with the mother and daughter and it's labeled "Harem Time The Animation Feast".
So I have no idea. And nothing in the synopsis for either said anything about cucks.
Yeah, it only has 2 episodes, all vanilla and an uncensored comic with some stories not in the cartoon.
NVM I'm retarded, both seem to be the same thing but with two separate storylines or something and IDK WTF is going on.
pls don't call them sluts they are good girls and fight hard for a loser gaijin admiral like me
the sexual relief is just a bonus I tell you
Tell me your secretary ship. So I can NTR you.
It has a main story of the MC with his harem, and some small stories about other characters and their sex life.
I love Filename Humor
You ever find that there is a limit to how much degeneracy you can take at certain times
I'm finding myself disgusted by this thread. And it's relatively tame
you fuckers gotta work the tags harder
You hate cow udders that much? A DFC aficionado then.
This was awful, aside from the typical JAV noises of cats locked in a damp room with no lights, what the actual fuck was claw thing supposed to be? I don't think any amount of lubrication would have prevented that thing from twisting the fucking skin off, or even made it feel remotely pleasurable.
Every single fucking time
Holy shit whoever made that webm is clueless.
Also Video Games
A while ago someone posted a webm about what's wrong with how all supermarkets and shit keep tracking you, featuring some Australian (I think) woman. Anyone got it?
If you weren't such an insecure manbaby, you wouldn't feel the need to oppress your wife with your disgusting, toxic patriarchal concepts like "loyalty" or "faithfulness" or "monogamy".
Artificially limiting a woman's ability to have sex with as many men as she wants is fucking disgusting, and only a cishet manbaby misogynist nazi would partake in that oppression. For fucks sake, it's 2016. If a woman wants to bring another man into her bed, her husband can sleep on the fucking couch for the night. It's not a big deal, so you goobergater manbabies need to stop making such a big fucking deal about it. It's TWENTY FUCKING SIXTEEN.
w-wew there
Fun fact; the Flash version of that Skeletor loop is slightly out of sync, so if you let it play for few hours, the audio track will be completely off.
fucking sauce plz
what the fuck did I just watch?
I have a feeling that people who prefer DFC actually never touched real, nice boobs.
Fucking hell, I know there was a reason I stopped coming into these. This is Holla Forums for video games at its finest.
join the league user
build the wall
save Holla Forums
Fuck off retard.
jesus christ, Holla Forums.
damn this looks great
Lolwut, is this a parody?
What song is this. what the fuck. I tried googling some of the lyrics but can't find shit.
So her only skill is spinning a sword around impractically for ages?
Can she apply that to chop veggies or something at least?
Here's a vidya webm for you
Is this… horse girl racing?
Yes, yes it is.
That place has flipped so far left it's almost out-cucking tumblr at this point. Who the fuck is this faggot?
it's Holla Forums for Holla Forums tbqh
video games
Stay salty
I understand that she's overweight and that's more than likely why this is being posted but she seems sweet and not all together ignorant in the kitchen.
report all the non video game webms
maybe the kike will do something.
My god, they're utilizing the power of anime.
The corps have already won…
It would make sense to make a clip of an interesting part but to re-encode the entire thing is pointless. You could just download it and upload the untouched file to a file server.
Not when you have to fit it under 8mb.
So beautiful it brings a tear to my eye.
>>>Holla Forums
no u
Right so the endless amount of hitler speech and lolicon in this thread doesnt bug you but a seagull dance crosses the line?
I love kookaburras.
They're cheeky gits.
Where do you think we are?
user, you have a great taste in birds.
Falling Down
why would you think that?
this thread is utter shit because of all the morons spamming non vidya.
What a cute burd!
welcome to every webm thread since a afew weeks after exodus
its even better tat theres no enforcement of any kind so it just keeps getting worse
IIRC, the first few weeks of exodus were filled with ALLAHU ACKBAR webms. Which was hilarious.
The obvious answer would be to post Vidya webms, but then all that would happen is you would post the same webms that you have over and over again.
Dunno what you expect. The webm threads have always been a mix of vidya and non vidya since they were created. I remember the 18 trillion times that dancing stripper with the body paint was posted.
They have literally always been like this. Ever since the alt right went more natsoc they have gotten more Holla Forums ish though
Best way would be to post whatever vidya webm faggots want to post instead of complaining what others do. Lead with an example, if you will.
I expect video games.
Then you came to a wrong thread.
>>>Holla Forums
Then post them you fucking faggot.
Does anyone have sauce on this song it's remixing?
That's a nice wasted trips. You'd be more accurate to say nobody gives a fuck about your shitty webm if it goes unseen.
because that totally doesn't already happen with the not vidya webms
its almost like i am in /a/
There is some though. just post more of it if you want more in the thread.
Ironically your doing exactly what your complaining about. Last time i checked complaining was not video games
make Holla Forums video games again
wont happen as long as we have an incompetent autistic jew in charge
less than 10% of the posts in this thread are video games.
why is this thread on Holla Forums?
Maybe post some fucking video games then you god damn cuckolds.
Making a webm is not rocket science
What's this song from?
It's an RPG isn't it.
Just like 4chan all over again. Are we being raided?
Wasn't there vidya only webm threads for a while? Guess they died off because no one gave a shit.
"muh Holla Forums culture" i believe is the official reason
its literally in the video
Hey faggot, out of 16 posts of yours only 3 were video games, 1 post was animemes. Why don't you gas yourself you mental retard?
isnt this recipe wrong somewhere? cause i want to make beef strogonof and i dont want to mess up
So whens are the vidya webms gonna get upoaded?
The only bit it's really wrong is that it's not beef stroganoff if you don't use beef. Just check whatever recipe site you use if you want to be 100% sure.
They were spamming nasheeds on day one
Ice sculpting is nice and all, but tons of people do it, is it really that impressive (not that I'm implying I can do it)?
Also, missed the chance to use Shine on You Crazy Diamond as background music.
That game looks neat. What is it?
It's like he want to lose it
Am I the only one that prefers something in between? I like average-to-small (think C-cup and under, emphasis on under), but not flat, and DEFINITELY not large (E+)
I'd rather enjoy the craftsmanship as is rather than put a tacky as fuck music in there.
Could someone webm this? I would but I am retarded and can't into compression
While cutting toward yourself is not often recommended, it is a valid technique due to how much control it offers. You just need to know the material, how much you're whittling off and your knife.
It's written in caps
God i really dislike that video
I remember they were spamming this one a lot
Ice cutting is impressive and all but i don't understand it. To make a work of art out of such a temporary material seems foolish.The whole point is to create something permanent in this everchanging world.
At least from my perspective
Craftsmanship isn't art. Art is something anyone can fart out, but craftsmanship requires hard work, training and dedication.
And there still is no good R34 of DreadOut
You can argue semantics but im talking about sculptures. Why carve an angel out of ice when you could make it out of wood or glass or anything that lasts so you can appreciate it longer
This is a great kind of autism.
The guy is genuinely informative.
Mike David - Summer gun jam
One of mans many sins.
Because ice as a material is beautiful and challenging. It requires different set of tools and skills to use than wood, glass or stone, and it's the fact that it can only exist in one place for that one time is part of the charm. It's like a fleeting moment in anyone's life, something that can be appreciated only once. You never get your first day in school back, you can only have one first kiss and so on. Nothing's permanent, and maybe a sculpture of ice should remind us of that fact and push us to move onwards rather than stagnate.
anybody got source of these?
petshop horrors or something
thnx m8
Well shit mod, you have to be working overtime since 95% of vids posted here are not vidya related
Don't go half sperg on us mods, we all deserve bans then
Considering I just got a 30 minute ban, looks like cuckchan mods are now running Holla Forums
This is how it starts……
I got bad news for you user, cuckchan mods are now here……
Nice quads tho
What the fuck is going on in that webm?
Took me a while to understand why the medic died.
I just watched kiki's again recently.
It's still good
What happened exactly?
Haven't played TF2 in a ages and have no clue.
He got bodyshot by a sniper for 146 damage just before he jumped off the cliff. Bodyshots do up to 150 damage at full charge, so it was literally a fringe situation. The fall damage is what finished him off.
Should just remake all the best flash loops in WEBMs since SWF files don't even open on Holla Forums but instead have to downloaded then opened + SWFs don't have thumbnails on here either.
Weird. Holla Forums just ate my file & most of the thread vanished. Refreshing didn't fix it. I had to close/reopen the thread before all the posts came back. Hope that doesn't happen again.
wasn't that company bought by Google but now Google can't even sell those bots to the army because the robots were too noisy?
tl;dr: fuck Google
One of the best episodes in the whole series.
Yes please.
I don't know what it is, but I saved that song back on 4/wsg/ and I still have it in my main playlist.
It is just so damned catchy.
Fine, I will do it for you.
oh shit I remember this. It is also a VN if I remember by the name of Eroge! ~H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai~ especially remember this route. She starts off hating you then becomes a nympho that loves you after you dress up as a robber and pretend rape her.
That drink is ruined by bacardi.
What are we, In high school?
Robit fucking wrecks her and she has no fucking idea.
She just tries to laugh it off.
accidental reply
who the fuck do you think you are, posting a .png in i .webmd thread like that you cuck
is this a soundlewss webmd, go back to cuckchan you summerfag cuckold
you kinda fucking sounds like a faggot to me you nigger
Uh… you sure? I'm pretty sure Eroge!'s animation was a one-shot.
Its such a perfect song for this trailer, in every respect.
the fuck, this actually looks good.
casuals fucking hate anything that isn't the EXACT same fucking game they had last year.
This… isn't what I expected.
What a crazy time, huh.
I like your taste.
For some reason people seem to forget how damn good this movie is.
>no horsepussy
>they don't even have hooves
He's a big guy with a big hammer
Music to my ears
Why are bird so great?
Truth be told, the greatest info comes from the rare autist who can actually explain their obsession in a way that isn't completely fucking stupid. You can bet someone who autistically obsessed on a game/subject would have found exploits that no one would even come close to thinking about.
It's all due to the fact that no one has any concept of such a movie. of a load of small plots with top tier animation roped together with a very loose concept, powered by a fucking incredible soundtrack.
I'm awaiting the day someone makes a webm of the B-17 sequence when the bodies get up, but I'm also looking for the Stern sequence where Hanoverfist hulks out, yells STERN, and then tears the space station apart while fucking incredible music plays.
Ahaha, fuck.
Waaahh i got banned for posting not not vidya webms on Holla Forums so that means halfchan is here
It's a video showcasing the ice cutting, not drink mixing.
It's fine if you're careful. The fuckers probably in his late 60's, I'm sure he's been doing it forever and has popper technique.
That or it's just fucking ice. It's not like it's a scarce resource. Bartenders keep their table's clean I'm sure the ice is moved/cleaned up later.
So? The ice cutting probably isn't the focus of the bar and if you can cut the ice in less than a few minutes I don't see the problem
germaphobe pls go. His hands are clean. You wouldn't get much grip with gloves anyhow.
Go read up on wabi sabi you fucking pleb. The cherry blossom is beautiful because it is not there forever
Who the fuck cares if its not vidya, these threads for about a year have contained a lot of vidya and not vidya. Just let the people post whatever, vidya always ends up getting a fair bit of posts on these threads anyways.
What council is this?