Being a hopeless do-gooder in vidya

When I play vidya with any kind of morality choices, I always pick the "good" option because being "evil" makes me feel uncomfortable.

I know, it's dumb and it locks me out of a lot of good gameplay portions too, but I can't help it. I just have to be the good guy (if I can help it) or else I can't enjoy the game properly.

Does anyone else have this problem?

I wouldn't say a problem. I'd say the immersion is working if it makes you feel uncomfortable. That's good.

I used to play just as good boy all the time, but you know having said yourself that being a good boy cuck all the time locks you out of content, not only that but for some reason it tends to be more interesting/ exciting/ creative to walk on the evil side.
I like to mess with people in games and act innocent, like a malevolent leprechaun, dancing around the towns folk fucking with people but appearing to be too innocent to ever be accused.

If the game gives you an option to be good or bad, then you're not doing yourself a disservice to choose whatever options suits you best, even if it's a "good" one. Anyone who calls you moralfag because it's more immersive for you to be a do-gooder is just an edgy faggot looking for an excuse to act like a nigger.

A good game makes me feel bad for betraying my comrades or making them hate me (usual bad option). A game where I give absolutely no fuck about any characters has failed to immerse me or make me care.

Could never do the bad stuff in KOTOR1/2 always made me feel like shit. Not to mention even the "bad" allies you have in those games don't really care what you do. So its a win/win for not betraying comrades.

Playing the selfless paladin because that's how you want to play is perfectly fine. Playing the selfless paladin because there is an omniscient Good Boy Points system that will penalize you when you break some arbitrary set of rules is not.

It's not about good or bad, it's about justice.
Punching out the reporter in Mass Effect? Justice.
Promoting Aric Jorgan to lieutenant in SWTOR? Justice.
Pissing off the druid as often as possible in NWN2? Justice.

Yeah, so do I. Even if I tell myself I'm going to go on a senseless killing rampage in an RPG of my choice I keep getting hit with the question "what's the point?" until I stop and try to assimilate back to being good. I just can't do it.

You are no friend of justice with taste like that.

There was something that dicksucker said in SAO, but I forgot it because that show was awful.

Suffice to say, I agree with you, typically.
I might have fun, every now and again, but by the by, the majority of the time I will be a nice fellow.

Trooper and Imperial Agent stories are worth it.
The first Mass Effect is the only decent installment.
It's not at all surprising someone trying to dictate what is good taste is using a Simpsons image taken from one of the show's worst ever seasons.

It's not at all surprising to see you're a newfag who hasn't that image used here before.

It doesn't matter how prevalent the image is, it's still from a shit season. I guess I can't really blame you for not knowing that, seeing as how the last time The Simpsons was good was well before you were born.

I used to be like you but the fetch quests (required to stay good) get old really fast now for me.

I cannot help but to be good, but not always as the game intends.

My brother's the exact same way, can't choose any option but the good one or he feels too cruel.

Honestly never thought I'd fine another person on this site who played SWTOR, let alone one who liked the Trooper storyline.

I used to just go for the straight up "good" options whenever presented, but over time, I've gotten more jaded. Yes, I still generally end up on the "good" side of whatever game it is. But I'm still going to do the most horrible fucking things imaginable to anyone who pisses me off, karma meters and shit be dammed.

Some people are just bad people, and bad things should happen to bad people.

I used to go Good Boy at all times in the past, but now I try to do what would suit the character/seems the best to me at that time

I've been playing The Witcher 1 again recently, and when I first played it 7 years ago I went full nonhuman because muh oppressed minority.
So I was doing the first zone and was killing drowners to protect some crates, an elf walks up and wants you to hand them over because they have sick and dying people out in the woods.
When I first played, I gave it to them because I wanted to help the sick people, now I decided to fight them, because Geralt is a businessman, and protecting those crates is part of his contract, thus it would fit better.

When I was a kid and presented with the option I'd usually go evil. As I got older I got more into doing stealth and stealth games in general but it helped transcend my typical role playing experience of evil dude with big ass sword.

Then I eventually started rolling peaceful monks a la Kenshiro, and even did a Christ like Morrowind run.

I usually just pick the most self-serving options. I'll help people if there's a reward in it for me, but I won't hesitate to double cross them if someone else offers better.

I was born 1990 faggot.

I was merely making banter, you don't need to be triggered by an image.

Millennials, everyone.

I understand the mindset. In my experience people tend to experience stories as either an observer or a participant. I tend to be the former, so I can separate myself from a character I'm controlling, their actions, and decisions. If you're the latter though I can understand how those types of things might have more emotional impact.

Honestly most morality systems in video games are incredibly flat I tend to make decisions based more on mechanics than the actual dilemma. Even more the alignment dichotomy tends to be "generous and compassionate" versus "selfish asshole" which is an entirely shallow and pointless representation of morality in most cases. The few times I've been presented with really challenging decisions there wasn't even a clear good or evil option.

I find myself choosing the "good" option usually because it's often either a hamfisted choice between "Save everyone forever" and "Torture everything to death because"

I always play as some benevolent demigod, because it's far to easy to break most recent RPGs over your knee pretty quickly. If I have the powers of a god, why be an ass? No one can defeat me in combat, so by saving lives and reducing misery, I get more shit to experience than I would through razing everything.

That said, California needs to burn.

I like games where they don't have a points system for that and it's more about "if you do this thing, then this will happen to who as a result".

Like say you kill a murderer instead of getting him to prison, and someone innocent gets prosecuted instead. Or having two choices where bad shit is going to happen, so you come up with a third solution instead and solve all that shit with a little common sense instead.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution had a moment like this, where it was apparent that the game was giving you two choices, either arrest a guy and let his hostage die, or save the hostage and let him go.

You can instead pull out your shock pistol thing and just stun the fucker in the face after telling him you won't have his shit, before he can shoot the hostage.

Moments like that are great.

I started watching when I was 5, so around the 5th-6th season, when it was still well into hits golden era. My dad also taped reruns of 1st episodes like Bart the General and Some Enchanted Evening.

Get fucked newfag nigger.

I tend to lean towards neutral or good options, mostly. I chafe against pure law (sometimes it's useful to let the guard get bribed, because he's providing intel on criminal activities) but also against pure chaos (there's a fucking limit to how many guards I'll allow to be bribed). But overall evil=kill errybody and lose because the devs want to punish bad behaviour.

>the game has a system in which you can only either be full good or full bad to be effective fuck you mass effect

Really though, I always play as a do-gooder too, can't change that. Unless the do-gooder decision bites you in the ass, then I don't. i.e. killing lautrec


Fuck the knife-ears

I'm even a moralfag in multiplayer games.

It was great to see new players lose their shit at having a really cool looking, powerful weapon or suit core.

Elves are shit tier, that's why my last playthrough was a female tiefling swashbucker/rouge/duelist

I really dislike games that won't let you do the right thing. What is worse is the game chastising you for it.

I understand locking dialogue options behind skills, but not behind your general alignment.

I used to be like that, but I've since discarded my vidya morality and now just actively fuck with characters, I hope to ruin their fictional lives as much as possible.

To this day, I don't think I've completed a single playthrough where I decided to pick the "bad" options.

At best I can be morally gray.

I partially blame the MGS series, though 3 and PW especially. Ever since I played them I can't even bring myself to kill enemies in games where non-lethal alternatives are available. Although if you do go ahead and go on a killing spree with those options available it has much more of an impact, I find.


I feel like games give you better shit for going the "good" route these days.

im a sucker for good, but if a game is about being evil, like evil genius, dungeon keeper, etc, i go all out.



My problem with HR is how you received a massive XP penalty if you didn't use non-lethal takedowns which rendered pretty much every weapon worthless, and was functionally a gigantic morality tax.

I only pick the good option if it makes sense to do so. Like, if I'm asked to set a slave free or sell him, of course I'll set him free. But if you ask me to go rescue said slave from a lion's den he walked into, fuck that, that's his problem.

I can never get myself to finish that game. I play it for a couple hours and then I'm like "wow I'm really tired of doing things the slowest way possible to maximize XP gains"

havent had the time to play that, play overlord, its fun i liked those damn minions, almost shed a tear when they still join you against their old asshole master

but i still liked Rose more.

Yeah, it's really disappointing because there's a pretty good game hidden under that awful, anti-fun system.

I didn't even know they had Overlord for PC. I'ma have to torrent that shit.


I hate when games try to be morally ambiguous, but fuck it up.

The Witcher series does it well, though. There's no right or wrong, and the consequences of a decision actually make sense and don't feel shoehorned in.

get overlord with the expansion and overlord 2, Overlord: Fellowship of Evil doesnt exist.

While I don't have to play a 100% good guy, I find little joy in playing evil guys. Tried it a few times, never finished a game playing evil.

That said, I do play paladin almost all the time.

There's a moment similar to that in the DLC. Your giving the choice of filling up one chamber full of toxic gas and killing everyone inside, or another chamber. If you don't pick one, they both fill up. But if you explore a bit you can find the container full of toxic gas and disable it. Exploring at that moment doesn't come naturally to the player, either, since the entrance to get to the container has a bunch of guards in it. It's somewhat well hidden, too.


almost dropped the game right there.

I'm getting mixed messages here.

Dumb shit

I never did blow up Megaton
or do a ghoul genocide for Tenpenny
or do any slavers quests.

Daily reminder.


user, stop, i dont want to feel that feel

its late at night, pls no bully!

>kill your past girlfriend because greater good reasons

I usually do that, but for some reason in Mass Effect I immediately picked Renegade. I liked how it was less about being evil and more about being ruthlessly efficient.


InFamous had the opportunity to have Trish completely blow up at you, to say how disappointed she is in what you've become, and how she wants the old Cole back. At which point you could choose to kill her in a fit of autistic rage Basically, the writers had an opportunity, and they fucking blew it.

Hard truth time : Dungeon Keeper was never good to begin with. Every level can be beaten with the same strategy with whatever level-specific gimmick is required. It's extremely boring and repetitive

Modern video game heroes are hollow shit so I'll only go for "good" options when they aren't goody-two-shoes-tier.

user, you're a human. In you is the potential to do HORRIBLE things.

To deny that side of yourself is to deny your very existence.


I mean I'm not saying start murdering people, but for fuck's sake, let yourself go in a god damned video game.

Haven't you ever been curious what kind of power you could gain by being a prick and taking what you want?

No matter how may times I play New Vegas I can never join legion even when I started a playthrough intending to join them. Legion is not just evil they are also very stupid.

Your temptations will not work on me , foul demon!

Don't worry OP your not missing much. I usually like moral choices and being forced to choose between two options that present a difficult moral dilemma. Most videogames these days don't do that though and the choice is so stupid it basically boils down to whether you want blue spells or red spells. Making a moral system and then having the only two options be complete good guy paladin or full evil dickwad is a shitty system.

KOTOR was the perfect example of this shit. You either played it straight as a good guy or went full edgelord and fucked everyone you could over like the biggest dick in the galaxy. It was kinda funny the first time but if you are actually trying to get immersed it's shit.

You are already indulging user.

You didn't kill those bandits to save that women they were raping, you did it because you like killing bandits, because you're playing a game about killing bandits.

that statement is objectively untruthful.
there were levels in DK that required you to mind control a minion and do fpp things to complete the level

>with whatever level-specific gimmick is required

I wonder who's behind this post

Evil routes in vidya are usually copies of the good ones, but with more guilt tripping. Can't blame OP for not putting up with that shit. When a game lets you pick the bad guys from the start, it's often a lot more coherent.
Yet have to see a game provide a morally ambiguous option (or several of them) without making it a choice between shit and shit. Even worse if it guilt trips you after the fact in an attempt to seem mature and clever, that's railroading harder than not providing a choice to begin with.

If I ever play Skyrim again, I'll try an evil character because of how uninterested I'm in saving anyone there.

Bethesda plays lip service to moral ambiguity.
Slip in that one line that implied that the Enclave aren't totally evil.

Made a civil war that no one gave a fuck about that is completely inconsequential to the main quest.

Removed Karma.
You can join bad guys to get slightly different lines in the ending.

People who defend the Enclave haven't played Fallout 2.

I play games as if I were the character making decisions.

Don't blame me that all the choices are "easy thoughtful action" vs. "rape his entire family while laughing"

I WONDER which I would do in real life.

I just ran up and slapped the fucker into next week. I was genuinely surprised that the game would even allow me to do that.

Fallout 3 is a great game to just be a dick in.

In a world that fucking stupid how could you not fuck people over?

The only time I could even stomach a moralfag playthrough of that was when I was a kid.

repetitive yes, boring? nigga you crazy.

Dude, the elf druid was stalking you. For most of your fucking life.

I dunno 'bout you, but that kind of shit is just unacceptable. Just like not being able to give the tiefling the D.

You really do have terrible taste.

its easier to be nice in video games because you arent really at risk, and its less likely youll be betrayed over some dumb shit

In addition, being nice in vidya doesn't cost you anything. Being nice in real life costs time, money, etc. People would be more selfless you could do so without losing anything. It's also the reason why so many people justify piracy, but would never justify physical theft.

Something like that happened in the original Deus Ex too. On the 747 where you can follow orders and kill Lebedev, refuse to and let Anna do it, or double-refuse to by killing Anna and getting more info from Lebedev.


I just looked into this.
Does it still feel like early access? Is it worth a pirate?

kill yourself

I blew up Megaton, but I felt bad for it. Still, way better house.

I let the ghouls move in to Tenpenny. They killed everyone. I killed them all back.
Apparently that was 'evil'.

piratefags take any opportunity they can to justify themselves

nice post number

What game does that?
Every game with moralitiy choices I know of gives you better rewards in the ned if you're a good guy instead of the evil one.

Which is in my opinion one of the biggest falws qwith those sysdtems.
It should be more rewarding being as dic, and to force the player to actually think about the desicion. Should he be the morally good guy but get a lesser reward, or a selffish asshole and gain from it.

I usually am a good guy or neutral at best. I think the problem is most games today don't really offer much for good/bad choices other than some arbitrary score.

All things considered, evil should be easy mode. You take shortcuts, bribes, just beat and kill people for answers, blackmail and so on. A good character will usually have to play by the rules, so it involves jumping through lots of hoops. An evil character can just walk up to the guy who has the information, refuse his shitty little quest and start taking kneecapping him for the information.

That's what the incentive to evil should always be. The easy way, with more money, loot and power.

The "evil" choices are usually retarded over the top edgyness anyway.

Elanee falls in love with you after being tasked with observing you by her council. The way it was written, she was a real sweetheart, not an obsessive stalker. Also, Avellone straight up said he deliberately chose not to have Neeshka be a romance option as he felt it was stupid to have every NPC in an RPG lusting after the main character, and that romances in general were negatively impacting the story and characterization in RPGs.

I'd say its because no evil paths reward you appropriately. Most evil paths reward you with money and/or power, but a game can be completed without going down the evil path, so why not get the wider array of options from going the good path? The only reason to go evil is for the alternatives in story and combat (if the creator put them in).

If a game gave you a reason to be evil, like the villain is a greater evil and killing innocent people will destabilize his power base, or your waifu will join you if you do evil, then you might feel obliged, but only if those options are presented as a logical alternative to the good path and not just 'evil is the easy way'.

I don't play games with moral choices, unless you consider the choice between using the shotgun or the super shotgun a battle between good and evil.

I loved Dishonored pacific target
They were worse than death

Grey choices>binary ones though

Dishonored would have been great, had it not been so damn easy.

>ywn never marry, have sex in the misionary position to procreate with the candles out

You see she's getting assfucked right?

the pic with lewds are so low that i cant be picky about it.

You'd think there'd be much much more porn of DnD.


I usually try to help people in games but not if I'm going to put myself into serious risk. How can I save others if I can't save myself?


I don't think that's even a DnD goblin.

Of all the fucking genres to be a bad dude in, I pick the one who's sole purpose to NOT BE THE BAD DUDE. FUCK.

But how will I know I did good if I'm not there to see what happens?

I usually don't pick powerups if they've got plot baggage like harvesting little sisters, but games that are made to be gay from start to finish I'm not even dumb enough to play.

I kind of drifted not towards the "eviL" side but towards being an eccentric jew who doesn't care about good or evil, just money fame or power. I will always bring this example up but singularity's third ending when you shoot both is the best.

But i sometimes i like to go full kano.

I used to, then I played undertale. genocide route all the way, baby.

I love playing the good guy and doing all of the good things to help as many people as I can.

Hang yourself, post-haste.


Figures Pathfinder porn would be filled with homo sex.

I only go good if I doing a sort of don quixote type character, and then he has to be super naive in his justice. Most of the time when I play an RPG i'm not really "evil" so much as a self serving. Like is KOTOR2 I helped the space druid guys out rather than the planet killing corporation but I did it in the most asshole way I could and mostly so they would give me more force powers not because I cared much about the planet or anyone on it other than the striper who gives me money.

is there a game were if you do goods things it will give you good shit in short term, but in the long term it will fuck up everything? so you needed to do bad things all along

does she has 3 mouths or 3 eyes?

I do whatever I feel like doing. There are some days where you just feel like burning an orphanage with molotov-puppies, and there are some days where you're gonna get some teeth pulled out by an asshole with a pair pliers to try and keep your friends safe.


I often play myself unless I know I'll get a good item/story path then I'll metagame


whatever you say


I have that issue in FNV. I can't bring myself to side with the legion. I've helped every faction apart from them. They're just crazy.

I like honorable manly man do-gooder types, not the faultless saint type of do gooder who is never ever wrong and if he is it's not his fault.

Think Tom Selleck in Blue Bloods compared to any Superman incarnation

Yeah, what a pillar of goodness.

What is that BUT evil?

At least, the civil war actually felt important unlike in Skyrim.

I moralfag it in games because the moralfags who make games either punish me or withhold items if I pick non-moralfag choices.

Play Age of Decadence faggot.


>I raised it

There should be a game that plays like being the classic Holla Forums boogeyman. False flags, backstabbing and goyim manipulation.

And that's how I went from Lawful Good to Leader Of The Thieves' Guild in less than a week.

All those usually are pretty good Merchant material, especially the first two. Dominions in particular has no diplomacy features, so all the agreements and deals are purely non-binding and made by talking to other players, needless to say in a 20 player match this turns Machiavellian real quick.

Shit like Rust is also very good if you want to be the backstabbing Jew, but the game themselves are shit. MMOs are good for auction house Jewry (buy low, resell high), but some bastard goy developers actually ban you for that.

There's also EvE, but if you're gonna put that much time and effort into it, I think you might as well put that into real life.

If the game lets me actually have options, I do enjoy being a huge moralfag and the belittling characters that mock me for it. That was the one thing Dragon Age: Origins did right, letting me bully Morgan every time I was nice.

but why does it generate buckets of fun for me whenever I touch it?

I'm always a moralfag because I like to self insert in most games that offer the choice, though I like games that are well written enough that there isn't always one clear moralfag choice

Though when parts of the game aren't very well written, it can almost be worse, feeling like you're being railroaded into doing shit you don't agree with to get a favorable result when there are clearly other ways to do it

I don't really care for reasons, it's just it still looks to me that Neeshka romance was cut out solely because of time constraints. And I liked her character far more than that stuck-up Elanee.

Also, playing a "good" character is too often more efficient than an evil one in pure min-maxing terms. It's not often like in the Mask of the Betrayer where the evil option gives you a huge leg-up in terms of unique equipment.

What's wrong with her hips? Acquire better taste, m8.