Fuck are you talking about
Also, it should be like Power Stone, no more of this Smash Bros. ripoff business, we need a new Power Stone.
Fuck are you talking about
Also, it should be like Power Stone, no more of this Smash Bros. ripoff business, we need a new Power Stone.
It would have to be an fps or a kinect game.
You'll never get MS to admit that they own almost all of everyone's favorite childhood IPs. They're also far too busy selling you out to the NSA to make videogames.
Just make it a Rare all-star fighter. I'd like that more anyways.
they're basically turning killer instinct into that
Yeah, that'd be cool. Just toss in Master Chief and Marcus Fenix for the casuals and you got a solid roster
They're doing such a great job with Conker nowadays after all
The sooner they leave gaming the better.
Nice memes, kids.
They already have one, its called Killer Instinct.
If you want Microsoft to follow Sony's lead after what happened to PSASBR, you are crazy OP.
Yeah, I think they are better off with guest characters in Killer Instinct.
It's a console war-tier fanboy thing. Playstation All-Stars is crap, but it was hilarious how fanboys were all "HURR DURR Sony doesn't have characters!" as if they never heard of Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank or Sly Cooper in their lives.
It's the same with Microsoft. Besides Master Chief, we could have Marcus Fenix, Blinx the Timesweeper, Voodoo Vince, Samson from Fusion Frenzy, Kaim Argonar, Splosion Man, The Gunstringer, Shu, someone from Fable… and that's not even touching on Rare characters.
PSASBR went wrong because it didn't have heart put into it and was lazily made.
That game had an almost non-existent development budget. The devs have even talked about how they couldn't afford to license characters that they wanted to. The way to "kill" players was a last minute, half-assed decision to make it different from Smash.
Ya but just how many of them are iconic enough for a fighter?
Banjo sure but the rest? Not really.
KI is pretty niche, but its got an audience, now imagine kids playing as Banjo or Conker or Marcus Fenix or Masterchief, who would be the audience of that? and what kind of gameplay would it be?
Because I just don't see it, hell, throw in Minecraft's Steve for good measure, and I still don't think they'd care.
Fuck off shill
Here's your counter-sage, bud.
Then you already have it, KI is already has Battletoads and Halo on it, just need a few more noteworthy characters from other franchises, hell get CIA from Quantum Break with his time powers.
What about a cartoony arena TPS inspired by Conker's multiplayer?. Each character would have special abilities and arenas inspired on their franchises. Of course, not blood and keeping the violence T rated.
Does MS own the donut steel kongs from dk64?
No. Case in point, Tiny being in that Mario baseball game on the Wii.
Look, I never grew up with KI (I did play SNES games but it was stuff like Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country and Yoshi's Island), but I have no interest in the series and the newest game looks like just another generic fighter to me. Playing as a bunch of KI characters with a couple of guest fighters isn't even close to being the same. It's like saying Link in Soul Calibur 2 is close enough to a Nintendo fighter (I know it's not quite the same because there is an actual Nintendo fighter to play, but you know what I mean).
They might own Chunky, since he's never appeared since, but Nintendo own Tiny and Lanky.
Holy fuck, you weren't kidding. I need brain bleach.
Found the Sonydrone.
Found the casual.
Casuals not welcome
Can you pirate KI?
good lord.
They could put this faggot in too.
Had to do a search to make sure this was Gears of War, made by Epic and bought, currently running the series into the ground.
Last game came out in 2008, made by Rare and bought then killed.
Last game came out in 2005, made by Rare and bought, currently running it into the ground.
Microsoft has Halo and Minecraft that's it. And even those they bought and ran it into the ground in the case of Halo.
Viva Pinata
'Splosion Man
Killer Instinct
Gears of War
Perfect Dark (old PD)
Voodoo Vince
Get Rare to work on it. Better yet get the Bizarre Creations team back together to make it.
Sega would have a significantly easier time at it than MS. Capcom too for that matter. I'm not saying that MS couldn't, but with the exception of Rare fanboys, few would be excited at the prospect.
I'd sooner drink bleach cut with ammonium crystals then watch Banjo and Conker's rotting corpses exhumed out for yet another poorly thought out venture. Oh, wait, it's already happened.
I wouldn't mind a kart racer but to me fighting games just have more longevity and appeal. You can maximize the amount of source material to pull from each game when the characters are by themselves and aren't in vehicles.
Plus I just really goddamn want a new Power Stone.
How casual are you?
>crap about how dead series don't count but it's okay when Nintendo uses their dead IPs (F-Zero, Mother, Metroid) in Smash
You say that as if Capcom doesn't already have cross-over fighters.
Nice sage faggola.
anything anthro is furbait
Well yes? Yes it is.
I'm saging because fuck degenerates for shoving their fetishes every fucking where.
user i dont know where have you been the last 3 years but Microsoft cant into video games anymore, the only ip they haven't completely destroyed is Gears of war and even that series went to shit after the third installment
You mean Forza?
Because it would have to compete with Smash Bros. And we all know how trying that worked out for Sony when they had better characters to work with. It would be even worse for Microsoft. Sony and Microsoft waited too long to jump on that bandwagon so they're doomed to get fucked by Nintendo in the "all-star fighter" genre until they eventually drop out.
is forza still on? i thought the team behind it was dissolved
Wasnt that Lionhead?
irc before lionhead they dissolved a lot of dev teams under Microsoft
Not only is Killer Instinct fits that description, its also actually a good game.
Nice digits, but just googling those titles enough to see, that it's generic furbait.
the problem with the sony all stars game was that it was just a bad game, not necessarily that it came too late. none of the moves actually mattered or had any significance besides the supers because there was no other way to kill your opponents, so you'd just pick whatever character had the best supers and spammed them until you won. and even with the better roster they decided to rip out characters for dlc and put the same clown from infamous in twice just with a palette swap.
i think op's microsoft all-star fighter game has potential but only if its an actual traditional fighting game or something close to it and doesnt try to copy the gimmicky smash bros formula horribly like sony did.
The reason this is the case is that when those characters were originally added in Smash (except for nostalgia bait like Pit, ROB, and Duck Hunt), they were still relevant to varying degrees. Autists will get angry if characters are removed from a fighting game, so they stuck around.
All that matters in Smash is good/interesting movesets and fun characters to play. "series rep" arguments are the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
All the Fire Emblem characters are good except Lucina.
That's the thing though. If it goes for the actual fighting game, then it wouldn't compete, being something like Marvel vs Capcom or some shit rather than Smash Bros, but All-Stars was doomed from the start. Had it come maybe around the time of Brawl, I feel it might have stood more of a chance, but having waited till long after might have made it a fight Sony never had a chance of winning, leaving out the additional fact that the game was garbage.
As if an all stars shooter wouldn't be the sickest shit.
fuck man i'd buy that
joking aside though i understand what you mean but really playstation all-stars was just an avalanche of bullshit. the timing probably contributed to it failing but in general the whole game kinda a special case of awful and i dont think its really representative of the whole situation with cross-series fightan. just my two cents though.
Sony Smash failed for several reasons, but wasn't simply because it had Smash as competition. It was due to:
I understand what ya mean, I'm just saying that with how successful Smash Bros is now and having gone so long without competition, trying to compete in the same sort of formula is doomed to fail no matter what and I feel All-Stars proved that. If Microsoft ever does go through with OP's dream, then it should be a straight up fighting game or something else entirely. That's just how I see it going down honestly.
They are doing that.
Its Called Killer Instinct
Roy is good. I don't give a shit about Fire Emblem, I've never played one. I don't like turn based, honestly. Or more particularly I don't like fiddle menu based stats management.
But that said, Roy is a good character. Yes he has substantially the same moveset as Marth but because of the altered hitboxes, sweet spots, etc, you have to play him completely differently. Marth plays with spacing, Roy plays with aggression.
I suppose I should clarify that I mean good like…conceptually…not competitively. He's sorta meh tier competitively.
I wasn't referring to tiers. I meant conceptually. Clones/Semi-Clones. Literally no reason why they couldn't have added a customisation option to Marth that changes his hitboxes/attributes to Roy's style.
Also Roy is one of the most unpopular main characters in the Fire Emblem franchise.
As someone who mains Roy, let me tell you he's pretty much only in there because "muh Melee" rather than his popularity in FE. And honestly, I wish they hadn't changed Marth's hitboxes and shit otherwise I wouldn't have to main Roy and ignore Marth.
The thing is that like….competitively speaking, it's better to have them be different characters. Makes it way easier to calculate stats, win rates, as well and picks/bans/etc.
Like I said, I care only about his play style, which is quite different from Marth's. And that difference is why he's a good character. I don't care that he's Roy from FE. I care about the difference in play.
Most of these are more recognized as Nintendo characters, M$ tries to use them and they'll be acused of ripoff
(I think Kameo was on the Xbox, but nobody paied to much atention to her)
These 2 would have most people wondering who the fuck they are, they both had only one game as far as i remember
Why would you care what casuals think? Crossover fighters are done for the fans. Do you really think some people who buy Smash actually know who Mr Game & Watch or ROB is supposed to be?
What about shit like max payne, blue dragon, Alan wake, or phantom dust.
"Fans" would not respect an attempt by Microsoft to use Rare's characters to make a Microsoft-branded Smash Bros clone that would be worse than all-stars without question.
So? Most people were wondering who the fuck Marth was when meele came out, doesn't mean anything.
Yes yes we get it, rare fans will automatically hate anything involving rare because MUH BANJO THREEIE.
I imagine an allstars shooter game would play alot like Overwatch.
Implying he wouldn't be the Master Hand equivalent
Not through lack of trying I assure. Microtransactions and DLC up the ass in the new ones.
You might be thinking of Project Gotham Racing creators Bizarre Creations
Anyways the issue isn't that there aren't series to pull from, it's the fact that for the ones people would recognize you might as well have a regular fighting game with a bunch of guests. And then there's the fact of who's M$ gonna get to make the damn thing, it's not like fighting games are something you can half-ass if you want them to be popular See Playstaton All-stars.
Best bet would be to have Sega VS Rare.
Who the fuck would want an all-star fighter from Microsoft?
Well they do, but we're specifically talking about Power Stone or Smash type games, which Capcom has never attempted
No more Flight Sim or Age of Empires. Oh well, they would be horrible anyway.