Warriors Of The Ages

Post your most loyal piece of hardware.

He has seen many battles. He drips sweat from every pore and his IPC just can't hold up against those youngins, but nevertheless he still chugs along with the bitter stubbornness of an old man who refuses to quit.

Senpai 965!


10+ years of constant abuse and a 1000+ hours of gaming with it and it still keeps on kicking.

AMD Phenoms were great. I used my X6 1090t Black and 560 ti until a few years ago.

I have the same one here, great controller, but my my most loyal piece of hardware is definitely this.

10 years old and I'm really surprised it still works flawlessly, I mash the buttons and smash the touchscreen like a drunk gorilla

965 BE + 970 GTX is still holding me pretty strong. Occasionally a CPU intensive game sucks, but those are usually indie trash anyway.

My keyboard

Jesus Christ you goddamn nigger, clean that shit.

Get off your lazy ass and clean it.

what the fuck is that yellow crust at the bottom left? Cheeto mold?

Post your PSX Holla Forums!.

Looks like foam, you can see where the leatherette has been pealed off.

Oh, I know that 'yellow mold' all too well, I think I might have the same desk. I'm pretty sure the 'yellow mold' is just where the cheap ass wood on his desk started to wear away, so, wood pulp.


Since September 9th 1999

Honorable mention to the Gamecube beneath it which has been almost as long.

You son of a bitch, your keyboard deserves euthanasia. That shit is beyond cleaning, I wouldn't be surprised if theres a whole biome and ecosystem living under the keys


You lucky fuck, those are expensive as shit now. I'm thinking of just buying a fight-stick for the DC since they are cheaper for some reason.

There is a Japanese retro game import shop near my place, picked up the pads from there, they are fucking sweet, though it is crazy how the price has spiked.

With all the fighting games on the system you really need something because the default controller isn't great for it.

I'm actually pretty big on rare controller collecting, the black wire hanging down in the shot in front of the dreamcast controllers is a Hori Digital Pad for GCN, and I also have two Hori Minipad64s.

How much did you pay for them if you don't mind me asking? I don't know why they're that expensive, I managed to find two fightpads for my newly modded Saturn, cheap too both of them under $20. Its hard to find Saturn shit here in the US, how its cheaper than the Dreamcast I don't know.

The N64 ones great and the NGC ones are god-like though those cost an arm and a leg.

My mouse, I don't even remember when I bought it. It's one stubborn and dirty piece of shit but I love it.

I still use one of those, i bought a X2 555, it unlocked to x4 and oc'ed to 3.5 with some undervolt. Best shit ever.

Now it's hanging with a r9 380 and 16gb of ram i hope it to last 2~4 years more.

So I got both Ascii pads for around $150 together, one was $50 because it was loose and the other was $75 because it was in the box with all the SNK move cards and shit. They still weren't cheap, but it's still like half the price they are now.

Yeah, I love the Minipad64s, great for 3D games, and it lets me and my friends play mario party without me shitting myself about them destroying the analogue stick.

Doesn't seem that bad, thats what it looks like its going to cost if I import them from japanese amazon. Its cheaper to import them from amazon than what the assholes in Jewbay are asking for. I think I'm still going to go the fightpad as I'm a sucker for those though. Managed to get my hands on some pelican guns too for the DC for cheap. Is there really any point to the horipad for the NGC? I mean it doesn't have that many 2D games and it doesn't have that many fighters either.

It was built specifically for use with the Gameboy Player. I'm a sucker for playing GB/GBC/GBA games on a tv and that controller is ideal for it. As you can see it's basically an SNES controller for the Cube.

Oh okay, yeah with the NGC extra thingy that goes on the bottom right? I know I had one of those, god knows what I did with it. Offtopic but have you tried using one pic related? Its cheaper than buying a fightpad for the DC and according to reviews online it should work with my Saturn pads.

I haven't tried it but I have heard that adapters like that are a great way to go. I mean the Saturn pad was perfect for fighting games. Sorry though, no personal experience.

Looks good to me, and it looks like you can even get it from based Play-Asia. I'd get one if I still had my old Saturn stuff. I like how it even has a VMU slot so you don't need to worry about issues there.

Out of curiosity I started looking up Youtube reviews of it. This one is pretty neat. Looks awesome to me.

That looks fucking great, just ordered it from ebay since its the same price as Play-Asia but its shipping in the US so it'll get here earlier.

Hope it works out for you, I might get one too just for a cheap Arcade Joytsick.

My old Packard Bell computer that I used to use (I'd take a picture, but I don't feel like moving a bunch of stuff around in the garage). It was made in either 98 or 99, I got it in 2004, and I used it all the way until the start of 2010 when I finally got a decent computer.

This thing was my best friend throughout my teenage years. It might have been a piece of shit, but that didn't stop me from discovering all sorts of games, websites, porn, and music.

It probably still works today, even though I haven't touched it in like 3 years. Last time I used it was in 2013 when my main PC's motherboard went out.