Olivia Wilde kisses her son on the lips — and stirs up social media controversy


So her child is just an accessory ?


are you the same guy who thinks its gay that Kenny Omega and Cody kissed?

How is two grown men kissing each other on the lips not gay? Especially when one of them is confirmed to be a faggot

there's this thing called context. it reveals that their kiss was strictly platonic, a sign of respect between two friends.

Is getting fucked in the ass a sign of friendship?

No it's called getting attention from psychopath fan girls and SJWs. I feel bad for guys like Fale and Tonga who are forever linked to those attention whores



People praise her for kissing her son on the lips and here I am being blacksheeped from my own family for kissing my niece on her lips……vaginal lips……twice…..



Lol. This isn't news, these losers have always existed. It's just easier for them to vent their bitter impotent hatred in the Internet age.

They were two of the founding members. The elite faggots came later.


holy fuck why do the boys of so many celebs look so goddamn feminine? Same case with Liev Schreiber's kids.

Groomed to fit pedowoods type.

I'm aware of this. doesn't change the fact that they're boring

Because they haven't reached puberty yet and they have long hair. Their diets probably don't help either.


All men look feminine now. Blame the fluoride and female hormones in the water supply and the large amount of soy injected into our food.


Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!


Deny him his dopamine rush until he actually posts something funny you trigger nigger.

That's going to be never.
Some people can't wait that long.

Notice anything about her earrings? I think you should watch "Her" again, with leading jews as cast and producers, with pedophilia symbols and "forbidden" love of AI. Pure jewishness.

Is Mel Gibson the only person in Hollywood that doesn't fuck children?

Anyone who considers this sexual is a depraved pervert. Note down the names. They are certain to have some skeletons of their own.

So like don't reply lol close your eyes haha

What about saber tooth and his boy? that's like 10x worse


Doesn't seem sexual at all to me, and I say this as someone who doesn't like Wilde or her manjaw.




It's just a godamn peck in the lips. Meanwhile (((Liev Schreiber))) French kisses his son and no one bats an eye. I wonder (((why)))?

What is this bullshit


To be fair, Wilde did not stick her tongue down her daughter's throat while fingering her pussy. That is unacceptable in this progressive day and age.


Then get a gf.

Indeed. To be a real progressive, you must stick pebbles up your little sister's vagina.

i used sand, she's a feminist now

This reminds me of an episode of Rick and Morty.

I think you know exactly what this is. Starts with J, ends in ew.

No words

In what reality?

It's a little boy, you utter faggot.


nobody has even talked about this

Wait, is that considered weird? my mom and i used to do it all the time when i was a kid

Hollywood is full of pedos so they have to project their sick urges on everybody else constantly.


I is that the same lips she used with harvey weinstein's penis?


I had a buddy years ago that him & his mom kissed on the lips. When we were in elementary school, it didn't register as anything odd. When were in our 20s, however, it stood out as an abnormality.

Is there a bigger example of pure nothingness than these three words? Literally all it takes to make one is log into Twitter and write "I don't like [this]". That's it, controversy.
Unless there's some critical mass of idiots that's required, that's all it takes for some dumbass on today.com to earn her shekels.
The internet has become a very shallow place. Content aggregators scrape everything into a big stinking pile and whatever makes "controversy" is feasted upon by the vultures at Huffpo, Drudge, etc.

Nigger intellect.