Canada General /g/

Hey all

Leaf here. I hate myself, and this shit country.
Post memes about how shit Canada is.

Can I sentence with is? Any grammar natzis ?

I will focus on Canada's "navy" today.

Canada has 1 destroyer. ONE. Commissioned in 1972. It is set to be retired in the current year.

4 submarines. Only one can be deployed in the Atlantic. HMCS Victoria has spent 115 days at sea in 16 years.

12 frigates. 12 coastal defence vessels.

What should we compare this against? How about Australia. Another former colony with LESS people than Cucknada.

Australia has 49 vessels. Their navy has helicopters. Cucknadian navy doesn't have a single aircraft.

Other urls found in this thread:

The sad thing is we used to be know for our navy in the early 20th century. but for some strange reason that I never fully understood we scuttled our fleets and shut down our shipyards.

basically Canada after WW2 had just been a long series of stupid fucking decisions culminating with the stupidest of decisions in electing Trudeau Sr. officially selling our country to the highest bidder and completely destroying our national identity and history.

A major factor that sets Canada apart from the navies of most other rich countries is that it doesn’t have any capability for amphibious operations.

Canada is currently lacking a pretty basic requirement of any navy that fancies itself an overseas player. The Royal Canadian Navy has no supply ships, and thus no way to refuel, rearm or replenish the mess halls of any navy ship at sea.

But, last week, it was reported by the Ottawa Citizen that the 43-year-old Athabaskan was no longer seaworthy and is being sent back to Halifax for extensive repairs.



comic gold.

You're not supposed to end a sentence with a linking verb because it looks sloppy, but in practice this is a bullshit rule that writers break all the time. If you were writing this academically, I'd suggest "Post memes about Canada's shittiness" to tighten it up.

The nation of Canada is in itself a meme

You would think the country with by FAR the longest coastline in the world (202,000 km vs second longest Indonesia's 54,000 km) would take some interest in its navy.

What a fucking joke. Our fisheries collapsed on the east coast in no small part that we weren't able to defend our coastline and BC is starting to get flooded with heroin because we can't run counter smuggling ops on our west coast.

Don't count the arctic coast though….that's just a meme. I don't give a fuck about the Arctic when there's refugees pouring in, and the navy is so shit, they can't even stay AFLOAT.

Shit is burning and breaking down all the time.

I encounter a surprising number of (at least partially) red pilled people every day, but they still keep getting away with ruining my country. How?

Having some capacity to patrol the artic would be good, but having an actual navy is a bigger priority.

Is Trudeau talking about "alternative" facts? LMAO

What a faggot.




Please gib me Murican passport burgers.


What do the canadian kikes gain by having a faggot like this in charge?

Or is Canada so shit, even kikes are disgusted and want nothing to do with it?

Keep your cancer on 4chan or wherever that shit started.

shit slide thread

butt blasted cucknadian here to defend its honor.

What are you trying to achieve my Leaf friend?

meme Canada into total collapse so the U.S.takes over like Putin took over Crimea.

We don't need a military, that's what America is for.

You know what is even worse then being a Canadian? a Dutch Canadian. Atleast the french are fucking represented on the Red Ensign flag of Canada. Anyways, Canada was planned out to be a Marxist Socialist shithole sine the 70's. I have my 10 year passport ready and a working visa for 2 years. My American citizenship application got accepted and it will also take 2 years. (Having a family and clean record goes a long way). As for now, everyday I am on the brink of insanity to just grab my guns, armor up and start purging in my rural town of all the degenerate traitors and non whites. Fuck the leaf.


Boy, that country has really fallen.

Suckstart a 12g you fucking defeatist

Canadians love Canada - you're a jew

Canada are the subsaharan niggers of the western hemisphere. Always leeching off the work of others, demanding gibs, never contributing anything of their own, and riding the coat tails of white nations while they talk about how great THEY are while doing absolutely nothing of value

Hows it feel to know that the whole of canada could vanish over night, and no one here would be upset? Hell, we'd CELEBRATE that we didnt have you literal retards and your god damn substitute drama teacher PM to deal with anymore. The world would be a better place WITHOUT canada and you know it

Now please go back to jerking off your failure of a PM while your elected body keeps trying to mimic and pretend to be the UKs parliament

The Liberal party in general is responsible for a lot of military budget cuts and downsizing as a whole in favour of ineffectual and at worst, destructive social policies.

Our navy is truly in a pitiful state, air force is grossly underfunded as well, but the army seems to be the only service branch that gets any funding as meager as it may be.

What's even more criminal is most of our scientific and engineering talent goes to the US or else where since our government and national companies have absolutely no ambitions in those fields what so ever, but is more then willing to take on their human garbage they throw our way.

Well that would only be excusable only if you were some kind of retarded nigger.

Oh I see you are a retarded nigger, my condolences.

If you hate canada you are part of the problem, I may not like canada or what its become but I love my country and if you lack that love of country you are worst then a nigger or a jew


Or Polan

Lmao, i dont think Mattis gives a fuck about your "diverse" contributions, pay up

Buddy I don't think the army is much better. They have some basic operational capability but that's only because it's much easier to run a cheap army than it is to run a cheap navy o airforce.

Virtue signalling idiot thinks he can fix every problem by just repeating the word 'diverse'.

That and scrapping the Avro Arrow. Not just scrapping it, but fucking smelting all prototypes and putting all documentation to the flame. The fucking thing was 20 years ahead of its time.

That was the start of the brazen stupidity with regards to national defense.

If anything, we're going to need to invest in subs, icebreakers and littoral ships to patrol the waters in the north as the ice caps recede and every nation under the sun decides that they will lay claim to the newly opened shipping lanes in our territorial waters because we let people walk all over us. Look at the fucking limpwrist we elected. If you let other nations dominate your sovereign waters, you win.

Why do you need navy? You are our little brother dude. Someone fucks with you it would be exterminatus tier ass fucking coming down on their heads. At some point you quit being an former british colony and became defacto pax american even if neither of us really ment for that to happen, but we all consider you an 51st state. Like Texas but living above the garage instead of in the gimp shed, but nicer peoples even. Besides…. EVERYONE in the world loves you fuckers too. Even without american overwatch you have more friends than anyone else. People whom don't even have navies would be sending people to help you out if you need it because Canadian mate.

But you do need to reign in your liberal side. Its like watching a family member going down the drain due to horrid drugs and degeneracy and not knowing how to help. Sorry, thats one thing america cannot into helping you on, we are trying to fix our own addiction problems on that front and we know trying to help you fix yours would likely only make things worse. Horrible place to be.

Did you know military wise when it comes to soldiers and being bad ass it goes from 'white' american to aussie to canadian compared to the rest of the worlds soldiers? Brits aren't even in the ranking there. So don't feel too bad about your military. When operating the rest of the world looks at our soldiers with envy.

I don't count russia or other slavs cause they are in a whole other world of wtf tier on every level. We use water to put out fires, they use oil, that kinda difference.

Hazeus Christo, Rabbi. Do you have to be so obvious in your D&C tactics?


Can-schluss soon, fellow aryans!

the only saving grace are our tier-1 operators.

ceding the arctic is the opposite of nationalism.

I am proud of my Dutch ancestry x100, I was referring to how I am not proud to be Canadian at all. 40 years of social Marxism spitting in your face gets to a man. Anyways, slide thread is slide thread.

Being pro-American in Canada = social ridicule and ostracism.

Canada will just go along with whatever is popular, sorry about the lag fam

sometimes big brother needs some help tho haha, this isnt the post ww2 where the U.S dominated the globe.

checked, is the reputation correct, that canadian soldiers don't take prisoners and charge into anything?

pizzagate is starting to come around to Canada and the Children's aid society a bit, I've always known our foster care (Ontario, BC, & Manitoba at least) is really fucked up and they steal people's kids then put them in foster care, with an insanely high death rate - there's a looooot that don't make it to 18.

https: //


It comes from hockey/rural culture in Canada. The city kids who don't play lacrosse or hockey are complete pussies. Tons of the Canadian forces are cucks, but the front line guys are very highly trained. Long history of shock troop effectiveness for Canadians.

That's the wrong way to look at Canada, user. They're a thoroughly jew infiltrated society, arguably moreso than the USA, and they're in worse shape than us because they don't have a proper constitution, so all laws and civil rights can be abrogated whenever the (((politicians))) deem fit. h ttps://

Don't forget that martial law is technically unconstitutional h ttps://

i hate the eastern part of my country
but i love my province, and parts of neighboring provinces are okay too

Yea Dieppe was such a success. :D

Canadians have always been convenient patsies and morons.

The Canuck buck used to be routinely worth more than the greenback until Pierre "Cuck me at Studio 54" Trudeau started up the debt and opened up the borders. Now Canada is just a sad, Islamized and stinky chinky joke.

Even Justin Trudeau?

Can I get some kind of proof of the death rates? I wanna red pill some people on this.

Alberta is the uppity shithole of Canada, always talking about how based they are yet not even smart enough to plan ahead and get themselves a sovereign fund with their oil money.

Now there's rampant unemployment and it's full of pajeets. It's probably less than 80% white.

Fuck Alberta.

alberta is the only thing worth saving in canada.

No one can escape the pajeets.

How quickly things change.


Not enough redpillers where it matters most: Ontario and Quebec.

Also, may I just say that I will always regret that Rob Ford died before he could become PM?

I assume the reason why Aussie Stralia actually has a military incomparison to Canada is because if Canada actually was ever attacked or invaded then America the biggest military in the world if any of you've forgotten would just step in and deal with it.

While Australia in the mean time had actual threats of being taken by the Nipplandic Empire and could be realistically taken if not practcally already being taken by the Chink Empire. Not that the US military doesnt have military bases in Aussie Stralia (as with every other western part of the world)

You Canuckis are pretty cool. I hope you can uncuck yourselves because I'd hate for the US to have to annex you.

The brits just dumped us onto the beach with absolutely no air or naval support. It was a case study on how not to perform a beach landing, and was vital in the planning for Normandy. Also muh Vimy Ridge.

Our modern military isn't necessarily bad, JTF-2 exists afterall, it's just small as fuck. Not that we really need a large military considering we're right next to the world's largest one.

Why? I'd love that. Tread on us please.

B-baka it's not like we want you to or anything


Check him out blowing out these smug journalist cunts

made this a few weeks ago, still relevant

I'm so fucking sick of them acting like it was the anglo's fault for everything the shit they've pulled wasn't great either.

Just tune them out. Not even the quebecois honestly believe they will ever amount to anything.

i miss ralph.
after the NDP wormed its way in we ended up with the worst economic downturn in 30 years.
i dont think they will ever get in again after their fuckups.
I just hope someone like ralph takes the reigns again

Please, rake us.



It's not funny anymore but I'm checking

Fuck me, this is depressing me.

Remedial humor so that you may continue and then remember Canada.

I don't miss him rectally-gouging our healthcare just because he was on the take.

It will be a long time, at any rate. And they KNOW it, which is why they're moving as much of their commie pinko shit into place as quickly as they can.

Notley's brother is Steven Notley, of Bob the Angry Flower fame. I remember (about two provincial elections ago) how he was on his blog, railing against the stupidity of the electorate for not getting his sister in there. Well, much like the Americans did with Barry, we decided to give it a try to see what would happen. And, just like Barry, it'll be a cold day in hell before the blacks NDP get another crack at it.

Go back to your own faggot country and take your boring stories of how your family rescued 60 jews during the holocaust with you. You are the cancer killing rural Canada and our farmers with your gigantic factory farms (bought and kept afloat by selling tiny houses back in the Netherlands for stupid amounts of money) and kike-tier circlejerks that suck money out of rural communities without contributing anything back to the non-Dutch.

Go suck a kike dick, inbred faggot.
Canada deserves to burn. I am here to watch and laugh.

The important part of that story is that the (((merchants))) arrived with the anglo mercenaries. Canada's first poz load. The country has been disease riddled right from its inception.

wtf were you even fighting about…???

If you ain't Dutch you ain't much, yid.

Well. Melon bread is pretty good.

Can confirm the Dutch in Canada are pricks.

Most are christcucks, to boot.


Gabriel Drop-out



tfw have to wait for the season to be over because when I watch anime I only binge it

Canada? Sure feels like 1984 in here now that Trudeau has gone apeshit on "Islamophobes".

the best thing about Canada may not necessarily be its people. besides hockey, shitty beer and mounties I can't really put my finger on what the fuck Canadian "culture" really is.

fite me irl bitch

There's provincial cultures but not a national culture, partially because everything is so spread out.

Even the provincial cultures are becoming progressively more water downed and less relevant.

Lots of us have been trying to create some kind of pan-Canadian identity for years, but it's never going to happen, Canada is becoming increasingly diverse and because the growth of our population is dependent on immigration I doubt we'll stop being cucked anytime soon

Canada? The same Canada who a couple years ago was talking smack to Russia like they could beat Russia in a war, Canada?

I definitely think us red-pilled Canuks need more organisation by the time the next election rolls around. There is so much potential for political movement, it's a shame we don't cultivate it as much

nah man, lots of 'Canadian beer' is pretty shit.

Molson 'Canadian' is American swill. Labatt is American/Brazillian swill.

True, but those weren't what i was getting uppity about. Some local brews can be a lot better tasting than imports.

Actually seems like a good party. Too bad it's a dozen people in a school gym running a geocities-tier website. But hey, I'll still support them. Everything starts somewhere.

Now you're talking like an American.

I find that almost all Canadians that are white are just drunk little pricks in general. I am fucking done with the people of shit country, even my fellow white man. I am going back to just loving the country and seasons. It is going to be an interesting 8 years with Trump now in.

As for Canadian beer being shit, I only drink stuff from local brews if I have too and its alright. I will never understand how anyone can justify drinking liquid bread.

remember now. if you kill your enemy, he wins…

This might have to do with water quality, BC has some of the best and cleanest water reservoirs on earth and this does effect the brewing process.


Can confirm, west coast Canada has amazing water.


How dare you call that dogpiss Canadian beer.

That shit is for cucked middle aged faggots watching sportsball in bars because they don't wanna go home to the ol' bitch.

Have you heard of Collective Arts brewery? Hamilton, Ontario. The only thing worth saving in this shit province.

Nah bro, gotta drink that Lucky, eh.


Storm brewing in Vancouver has 6 free half glass samples of beer per person, only rule is no repeats. Corner of E Hastings and Commercial Drive, just past the chicken processing plant staffed by gooks.
Awesome homebrewed beer.

no repeats? they take a photo of you and store it somewhere and then run your face against a database when you come back?

I meant for that session of drinking. Come back another day. if you go right before they close at six, there always a big crowd of friendly folks drinking like it's someones garage.

Are you a crack head?

The most reliable data sources show that the ratio of deaths in foster care to deaths in parental care is 5.25 in Arizona, 9.5 in Saskatchewan, 6.9 in Manitoba, 11.9 in Britain and in Ontario 17.1 or 10.2, depending on whose side you take in a controversy.

Fuck em. Too many goddamn freemasons in ontario, that place is crawling with lodges and whatever the "blacks" and "reds" and "orangists" and "purples" are doing I dont give a fuck.

No, that's corner of Wastings and Pain. This is in the nicer industrial district




Fair enough, I haven't been to Vancouver in over 5 years. Being an Islander is the way to go.


mate…you hit it on the head

Why does the faggot Trudea have the nickname "baby doc"?

Does anyone have knowledge about the JTF2? Pic related as to why.


thanks mate.

Dogs are haram in Islam. So another idea is to juxtapose this pic with angry muds and have the caption


Can confirm Island life is lovely. Nanaimo is peaceful enough for me to focus on political studies more

Canadian culture is essentially a "cozy rural winter" version of British culture with a dose of northern USA, just as Australian culture is essentially a "cheerful assholes in the sun" version of British culture.

Not the most eloquent description but you get the idea.

We elected Trudeau because we had to get rid of Harper, his politics were indistinguishable from Jeb Bush's.

There is this perceived idea of Canadian "culture," which is the moose fucking, hockey loving beer drinker who also is aboriginal or some shit because diversity, but everyone knows that isn't actually representative of who Canadians are. In reality there are only a handful of cultures that have originated in Canada but none of those provincial ones are relevant in terms of population to the cities where Canada gets most of it's population from.

And those cities are so multi-national that it feels that no one culture is dominant over the other and no new culture is being formed there, if there is a culture in the cities it feels more wannabe-American tbh

And with Montreal becoming a so-called "sanctuary city" we can kiss that provincial culture goodbye as it becomes flooded with shitty immigrants, but that's OK because that will cause the Frenchies to be red-pilled after they see spikes in Terrorism.

As a Deep South burger whose only exposure to Canadian culture come from SCTV and the Mckenzie brothers, I pray for the day you hosers turn your country around.

May Kek keep your toques forever toasty, and your bottles free of jews.

Le Self-loathing Canuck Meme.

How are things on half chan?





Pan Canadian Identity is a dumb idea anyway. Racial diversity aside how much can somebody from Windsor Ontario have in common with somebody from Timmins? Not much at all.

Keystone ICE brah


Yeah… sage

For those yet unaware:

htt p://

I want this to be advertised as hard as possible so as many criminals as possible flood into Montreal as quickly as possible. I want the situation to get so bad that within a year, the provincial government is forced to put the city under tutelage.

Macrobrew beer is shit, no exception, no matter the country.

Our Chair Force is filled with Trannies, dykes and faggots.
Emphasis on the Faggots.

Why spend money on defense or anything like that when you can spend money importing, housing, feeding and setting up expensive bureaucracies related to masses of third worlders from the asshole of the world.

If you don't destroy your country and your own people, you lose.

Uncuck yourself.

This shit is getting to close to home.


After all the immigrants OP (95m+ A DAY!!!) there's no money left.


his own lawyer asks for a publication ban during the investigation phase of the trial.

Bissonnette's lawyer: Jean Petit
36, rue Saint-Nicolas Québec QC G1K 6T2

sauce for publication ban being asked by his own lawyer: (french)

unbroken archive link and relevant part:

I hope so too boyo, have a dixie for your trouble.

What is it, mint julups and cordial hospitality down there? Sounds comfy.

But hey, you all know that the culture question is just a thinly veiled D+C thread, canadian edition im sure. But whoever thinks that culture comes from the cities more or less has it ass backwards.

Feels little brother man

What are you even smoking nigger? Don't think us weak because we've been pulling our punches since vietnam. We unleashed a bit of DEUS VULT in DS1 and we reduced the worlds 4th largest military to ashes in a couple of days. Our response to 9/11 was honestly weak and misdirected. Too many backroom entanglements and BS deals. If there was ANY truth to 9/11 being real doing a real operation, and not Jew "by deception we will make war" shit, then the PAKIS should have had hell unleashed on them like saddam did in DS1. SAndbox part deux was a waste of time and resources. The afghanistan shit had potential, but still, too many alliances / deals, too little WE HAVE BIG TANK AND PLANE, YOU FUCKED NOW.


why are you surprised?


I predicted this.

I predicted this court case will be under a publication ban.

the fact that you're surprised or angry tells me you need to lurk 2 years.

sry for being an asshat. But this was fucking obvious from the moment he was taken in custody.

Hi guys, my name is Justin. I like to dress up. I'm going to post some of my outfits. I'm a drama teacher, but my daddy was PM and the people made me one too. I don't know why.

I'm pretty trendy, so I like to keep an ironically casual look at times. Time for more outfits next.


I'm kind of a faggot.

I love all of Trudeaus disguises.
omg I'm so offended, such cultural appropriation. smh tbh fam.


I'm Chinese!

I have a Greek flag, but I'm not Greek lol. Fuck it's confusing as hell, what even is my identity? I have more costumes lol. My name is Justin.


Check out my hats! I just love dressing up.

Can't forget Vietnamese new year!

Here's me from last summer. I like to ironically photobomb peoples photos. That's me with the surfboard.

Sometimes I dress up in camo, but it doesn't suit me as much as it does my daddy – my real one!

Thank you for viewing my photos! I'll dress up in more outfits very soon!


I couldn't believe how many I could find. Literally google images Trudeau + culture/costume/nationality.

I was pretty amazed. For a second I thought you actually had just a folder of Trudeau pictures.

Don't give anyone ideas… we don't need a new variant of the Rach poster.


wow you predicted this you badass man

i'm more surprised by the lack of reaction to the news than the publication ban itself frankly, didn't think i'd have to get out of lurkmode to post the news anywhere, but at least now i know how to redtext.
been talking about it around but looks like nobody gives a shit or they know deep down and don't want to talk about it.

btw i'm not clear at this point if the publication ban applies to the trial or just the bail investigation, every article words it differently, shit's pozzed regardless i guess

so before i go back to lurkmode, since you got a head start on this, what do you propose we do it?

about it

As cucked as Trudeau is, he still managed to find a reasonably attractive wife who bore him three children. Hopefully Justin can keep a better grip on his wife than 'father' was able to, with his mother.

you are the worst cuck

Take your meds.

get a job in the U.S., get a green card and become naturalized. It will be worth it.

100% serious. Hopefully I can wrap up some of my personal affairs right when the President Trump makes america great again.

If they truly deport all the illegals, there will be a surge in demand for legal, skilled workers.

Let's go Max. March 28th last day to register, just do it now so you don't forget.


really, what is canada besides a bunch of anglos and frogs in the woods?

When he makes israel great again you mean

Thanks you. May kek shine light on you to guide you through the darkness of our day.


I should have worded that better.

Deporting all the illegals will create a large labor vacuum, that will likely be filled by automation in many areas

Deporting all the illegals implies USA is uncucking itself, leading to rising wages, and increased investment in U.S. domestic industrial capacity, again requiring automation

remains to be seen. If he attacks Russia, i'll be on here celebrating every American death, and using meme magic to collapse their ZOG empire.

Or Iran for that matter.

So the retard helper monkey stuff? Apu Apastaja the military?

tfw Canadian too and want a total collapse

There is only one thing left in Canada to love; the land itself. Everything else is fucked. The population is demoralized, drugged, obese, sickly, on pyshiatric kike drugs, or it's all shitskins. We need to siege every Canadian city until all the degenerates drop dead and become part of America. Rural Canadians will repopulate.

Yeah the whole world is pouring into our nation and taking over. They love that we are cucks that work all day and have 0-1 children while throwing freebies of every sort to every shitskin that arrives.

They are pozzed civic nationalists.

I'd fight you, you'd be easy to beat up, you stupid drunk.

This is not true at all.

I never say any of this shit. I am a fucking American and want to be recognized as such, as are all Canadians.

How do I register for the liberal party? I want to run for the liberals so I can be like Trudeau but 10 times worse and literally ban the birth of white children and do a ton of other things to absolutely piss off the white race. This way I will cause a revolution. I am redpilled af but I will sacrifice my life like some dark knight in order to make the frog jump from the boiling water.

We have automation and so on, why the fuck should we even bother to create new jobs, if it's not going to our children? We don't need new jobs if all our jobs are just going to go to foreigners.


Why do the 4 soldiers behind him look like they are sub-nigger IQ? Retards?


Ask the next-door neighbour of Trudeau's personal bodyguard anything btw.

Fuck culture, race is all that matters, the only culture Canada needs is Holla Forums culture.

Prove it faggot

Why? I don't want the RCMP to come out to my cabin and raid me.

don't be a whore. share interesting stories or fuck off.

What's there to say? I live next to him and I could assassinate Trudeau if I wanted to but I'd rather have HIM in power than some other cuck who every cuckservative votes for because muh lesser of evils. It's like, if you're going to have ZOG in power, lets at least make it a nigger (Obama)! It's a miracle in fact that Trudeau is still alive, he's such an easy fucking target, but nobody wants to kill him. The big problem is the people not its leader, we got the leader our cucked-collective deserves, the people in general need to wake the fuck up.

The vancouver police department is a pack of cucks, cowards and women. Prove me wrong!

Some of them are probably redpilled by this kind of shit and just secretly holding their real beliefs inside.

I have a book titled "No Ordinary Men: Special Operations Forces Missions in Afghanistan" by Colonel Bernd Horn. Haven't read it yet, but it's about JTF2. On a side note, how do you guys get yourselves to read?

Did anyone else hear about "Asylum seekers" just walking over our border and being let in through a loop hole?
Apparently the loop hole is called "Safe Third Country Agreement"

Anything west of Ontario is basically either commie country (BC's coast), farmlands or oil based economies. Ontario itself is a shithole, balanced between "multicultural paradise" Toronto and failing rural communities.

Now that the oil prices have fallen and that western economies aren't artificially propped up by it, guess who leads Canada in job creation? In production? In business? Almost all of Canada's biggest corporations (and not Canadian branches of American businesses or fucking banks, actual Canadian businesses) originated in Quebec. Hell, a large portion of those were created in the last fifty years in answer to the Montreal anglos trying to sabotage Quebec's economy to try and keep it submissive.

Lots of people surprised that Quebec receives so much. I love talking equalization. Here's a few things that explains this situation:

To those saying Quebec needs to be cut off:

Quebec receives lots, but, because of its population, also contributes lots. Essentially, every province put money in a pot, that Otawa divides according to its own rules. This is why when people say "Alberta pays for Quebec", it is simply false. Alberta pays into the pot, Ottawa then divides.

A few interesting facts:

I mean it's hilarious watching you guys shit on the MSM just to chug the Kool-Aid they serve you concerning Quebec by the gallons.

Sorry but they're only for Elisha Cuthbert.

Updated OC. How else can we fight M-103?

Nope. From interacting with them daily, theres no actual men left, just dead eyed cucks..
Hell they hired antifa to start the hockey riot soley to get their funding increased.
One the commies in black were at the front lines smashing up the Blend Coffeeshop next to the Bull Statue, and two, the Police herded the mob into granville street (with all the shops) by charging at it whenever it tried to go anywhere else. They also have a fucking Gook for a Chief.

Pretty much this. Canadians are Putin-bot tier insufferable. Quebec is the only place I really like up there. But they should get their independence.

What did you just say to me you little bitch?

Ottawa and Federal goverment which lives in fear of quebec because of it can only be bad pr.

Which is just another example of Quebecs special treatment, because the feds live in fear of tackling the french question.

A drip that you have no hope of plugging is still a leak that will capsize a boat, not to mention that you're comparing a YEARLY deficit with DECADES of regular spending.


And go fuck yerselfs right in your Anglohole

Ohh baby, I want to cum all over that dude's huge forehead. No homo.

why would you care about Canada's military why serve a country that is selling you out hard.
you have no free speech and you have no rights under Trudeau. go date a white american and leave the sinking ship that is socialist shit hole Canada.

Clearly Quebec's fault. By the time Quebec becomes English, you'll be a Chinese colony anyway.

Fuck off you race traitor cuckold.

actually these days it is very easy to prove USA is better to Canadians. Most whites outside downtown Toronto will acknowledge things like improved gun rights, restricted immigration and way higher wages. Especially in tech, tech is super cucked over here.

It's fun demoralizing them, despite being a trapped leaf anyway.

Yeah but Canadians need to mature before anything. If we allow them grants to the US, they will just take the Canada inside of them here to America. Like we need more liberals who hate America with pathological childishness. At least the Mexicans work hard.

Don't get me wrong, I kind of like massed immigration like we had pre-Civil War, but only from certain countries. If a horde of Norwegians, Ukrainians and Swedes arrived, I'd turn a blind eye.

But can you imagine people like her here? We've already got a Hillary Clinton.

That's the beauty though. People like her won't move because they think Trump is Hitler. The only ones I know who want to move are Americans born slightly too north of the border to be US citizens. There are tons of good people up here. When you deport the mexishits and start on that darker coloured problem you have you are gonna need all the help you can get.

One million Quebeckers emigrated to the Northeast in the 1900s, mainly to Maine and New Hampshire.

When's the last time you complained about all that influx?

We integrate almost immediately.

a based crack addicted retard is still a crack addicted retard

Why is no one talking about the massive redpilling that went on in Canada during an interview with an economic expert on CBC in a segment on "immigration on economy?"

There was an expert on economics that went on and BTFO the host by telling him straight up that it costs Canadian 30 billion per year on immigration since immigrants pay half the taxes that Canadians do.

Has anyone saved the clip?

Yeah, we need more squarehead libtard fucks here. Look how great Minnesota and the Pacific Northwest turned out.
Please go hang yourself.

Yeah Quebeckers, not English "I'm much better than Americans cuz I iz Canadian shitposter" Canadians.

Quebec is not the problem to me. I tolerate the French and think they should be given independence. Canada on the other hand is that liberal progressive family who lives next to two police stations, never gets mugged, and always complains to the cops how black lives matter.

Did you even read my fucking post you asshat?

I need that video in my life. I could summon the finest salt pillars with it.

Have any of you Canadian bros met someone more red pilled then you? I move to a small rural town of all whites and its a blessing x1000000.

I don't get it. It's called Dixie Gondola and it's a video playing the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

People on reddit want

Michael Chong

to win the conservative leadership race.

A fucking Liberal who pretends to be conservative, and calls a carbon tax "free market economics".


You must be from Onterrible, you sound like a complete cuck holy shit.

Vote for Maxime Bernier.

Believe what you want, it doesn't matter.

I agree. The main issues are that there really isn't a good candidate to piggy-back onto like Trump, and a lot of the people that would agree with any form of nationalism live in rural areas, making any coordinated movement difficult.

hate us for our freedom :DD

IKTF. The same thing happened with our TSR2 except 2 airframes were rescued and it got immortalised in anime.

MAD MAX 2017
I'm so tired of being defeatist. We have good people here and I don't want to go out without a fight. My fellow leafs better register conservative, meme our guy, and fucking vote while we can.