New update came out, is anybody else playing it?
Blackbeard OP.
Rainbow Six Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Tacticool Touhou when?
>Tacticool Touhou when?
never ever
Also, patch notes:
That's a shame, but at least I got my muscle waifu.
Also, sauce
Well it actually looks like a completed game now, that's a start. At least i might be able to finally get a ranked match.
They should probably nerf Blackbeard by making his shield break faster.
Valkyrie's a lot of fun, though.
Oh, and also Montagne's buff is fantastic.
They also buffed pump-action shotguns so they're not useless anymore.
Seriously, this. Getting a ranked match takes fucking forever.
Did they fix the hacker problem in Ranked yet?
Post more k-2hus
is anyone playing on the pirated version?
poorfag here
Too bad they're just not as flexible as SMGs for defenders. They're amazing for making killholes but I'd rather be able to shoot from down a hallway and get a cheeky kill from a window or across the building when playing Kanal.
I want to know if they fixed the netcode so you can't find everyones IP and get them kicked out of the match. But a solid anti-cheat would be amazing.
Yeah, MP5 with a ACOG is too good to switch out for a shotgun. However if you play as the bongs then that problem is non-existent.
It's like you want Ubisoft to continue existing.
I'm downloading the update now. How's the new map?
Good shit way better than the last free map it has destruction on par with House
Who the actual devs behind this game
Really big, don't know how much you can destroy but people are saying it's on the level of House. I only played it twice, though.
This is damn good update. How is Ubisoft responsible for this?
And dont forget almost all of that cosmetic shit is for renown now. It might be expensive but fuck this is great I got Sledges blue gas mask and Ash's Beret.
If I had known all this would've been available, I would've held off on buying the ludicrously expensive skins that went for 20k a pop.
I made that same mistake.
Don't get me wrong i like the game but this should have been a thing already and i find it retarded that that need to implement it after release.
This whole update pretty much is the game being released officially. Actual cosmetics that you can grind for, finally paying attention to hackers, and finally ranked isnt complete shit. Did the developers tell Ubi to get fucked or something?
They REALLY want that esport audience
I've found that shotguns are the best counter to Blackbeard, probably why they buffed them so much.
Oh yeah, the game didn't feel too much different compared to the beta at launch.
Favela map confirmed
Update to fucking what OP? Update to fucking what? I want you to say its name you franchise rape enabling bastard.
yeah they are clamoring for dat rrree sports shekels. I watched the tournament they held.
Wasn't bad but my prediction from the games release were true, some operators completely out class the others, so you only were able to see around half of them
I thought it was fucking terrible but I hate esports.
To bad we need esports to get GROM operators
I sympathize, the only time i tune into ESL is when i need something to fall asleep to pro SC2 works wonders btw
Let them tread water and see if they stay as original with their operators
Broken clock is right twice a day.
I am liking the Russians buff
Is this a good game yet?
Yeah, new update made the game a lot better. Fixed a lot of exploits and buffed pump-actions.
I need to play as him more now.
Is it worth money? Do people actually use microphones and shit? Can you enjoy this game with random pubs?
I don't know about $60 bucks. I got the game while it was on sale for $40 and got the season pass later when it was $20. The grind to get the new operators is pretty big, but for the vanilla ones there is hardly any grind.
Most of the time you'll come across pubs with microphones, sometimes you won't but they'll still listen to callouts (most of the time).
If you do get it, headshots are king, and shotguns are god-tier with the recent patch.
Blackbeard is fine. Just dont engage him head-on and don't play in exchange of fire. Flank, lure, C4, gas him.
Valkyrie was OP for first few hours, now that i learned how to spot dem cameras she's just "regular good".
She made IQ a lot more useful.
Anyone wanna play with me?
I have been cheating since day one and can carry you ez.
Leave your steam ID if you want to get carried.
I bought it from G2Play for ~30€ and it has been well worth the money for me. Just under a 90h played already.
Fuck it I guess I'll buy this shit. I swear to god if you faggots are pulling my leg over here.
Can't believe I'm buying a fucking Ubisoft game. Jesus fuck.
I'd be more concerned with installing uPlay.
All of this is fucked up
uPlay is the worst part of this game. Since patch i started to get disconnects from the server. At least thrice since yesterday. Once couldnt reconnect to ranked untill i restarted whole fucking game.
No matter how good their games might be, if it has Uplay. I ain't gonna pay.
When did they add those victory screens at the end, with this update? It's kinda cringy but it made me laugh.
They didn't spend a lot of time on this huh.
which rainbow six are you fags playing ?
i kind of want to play a new fps game, one that will preferably have a constant playerbase
i really liked rainbow six vegas, i was pretty damn good at it too
I'm going to assume everyone's playing Siege since it just got the new patch.
since you ask, i was headed off the grid for the weekend, so planning on enjoying vegas 2's less than amazing campaign on my ps3.
but hey, atleast the campaign is better than the campaign of seige.
There's a campaign? I didn't see one in the main menu.
The "situations" I'm guessing, which are glorified tutorials except for Article 13.
You played the multiplayer any? Did you enjoy it?
Is the game really worth 60 freaking €uros ?
I dont want to pirate it, the multi looks fun.
It's 40 on Steam. 30 if you want to get it on some russian keysite. Not worth pirating. The singleplayer content is less fun than slicing yourself with a razor.
I just played through the Situations and they were so awful that I had to take a break. Really did not enjoy playing alone against a dozen bots. Game is clearly not made for it and it's appaling that that's the first content they expose you to. I did matchmake into the "Article 5" after I completed the tutorials thing which was 5 v bots and it wasn't much fun either. Barely understood what was going on and the bots seemed to be endless. Guy who had the defuser at the start dropped it at the spawn point which brought back some unwanted counter-strike flashbacks.
Yeah, single-player content is awful, especially the hostage one where enemies spawn by the rescue point. Honestly, I don't know why they included that shit in to begin with.
Multiplayer's superb, in my opinion, and if you don't like it hopefully you don't play more than 2 hours so you can refund it.
I accidentally left the game running in the background so that's gone already. Don't know if I could've gotten a refund anyway since it's tied to Uplay. 2 hours isn't really enough to accurately judge a multiplayer game anyway so I would've probably played over that anyway. I knew going in that the tutorials would suck ass. Really what else could they be other than awful when the game is very clearly a multiplayer game. At least the actual feel of the game didn't immediately put me off so I still have hope for the multiplayer.
Am I remembering shit wrong or did they replace Frost's C4 with barbed wire?
Yeah, they replaced it.
Ah, that sucks.
Still, just a heads up when playing multiplayer is that headshots are one-shot kills no matter what weapon. When attacking, shields are pretty good however they lack maneuverability, only limited to pistols, and are very susceptible to C4. If you do play as them, be aware of defenders with C4 Bong, one Kraut, one Roosky, and that new Burger have one. Use your drone to scout out areas before proceeding, shoot out any camera you see, and always shoot at holes in walls in case someone is looking through there.
Is there any other way to deal with shields other than some sort of explosive? Shooting at the legs worked against the bots with shiels but since it takes so long I assume it wont work against humans.
Just died because of that. I'll most likely use Frost much less now, fuck.
Meleeing shields causes them to get stunned and leaves them open for a headshot or another melee.
Shields can hipfire, but it's incredibly inaccurate, and shooting at a shield will cause his hipfire accuracy to be even worse, although you can still get headshotted even when doing that. In order to get an accurate shot, shields have to aim down their pistol sights which causes their head to be exposed.
If you suck shit but don't want to feel like a burden to teammates defending, pick Rook. His gadget allows him to place additional armor plates that stack on top of the Armor 3 operators. imo one of the best operators as of right now is Smoke; his gadget throws a toxic gas bomb that lasts a few seconds. While not likely to instantly kill someone, it's perfect for area denial and smoke can hide in it without taking damage. Plus he gets the shotgun with the most range in the game and a secondary that can attach an ACOG.
Also, I find that players have a slightly different, but noticeable lighting effect on their player model. I don't know if it's because all my settings are turned down to the lowest or not.
Also when attacking, enemies in the building can peak outside and can shoot you when approaching the objective. They cannot spawn kill you, but be wary of windows.
I'm enjoying this
You forgot:
Now there's a reason to use those shotguns at defense.
Pump Actions got a buff?
I believe the damage is per pellet.
Hot fucking damn.
Melee the shields or use get Smoke to do the thing
Smoke's my new fav because of it.
Only works if you hit him from the sides. Which is hard, because he's the perfect rapelling operator. He can breach a window, flip around, put on his shield and start shooting without having to worry about headshots.
Plus he's the master at peeking. And if he's behind another shield user, it's best to run.
Montagne with his shield deployed + Blackness's peeking from behind is lethal.
It's a walking wall of death.
Yeah, but occasionally I see a dumbass Blackbeard try to waltz in with his shield and I manage to kill him with bodyshots.
I usually go prone and crawl if I do that.
honestly if you plan on doing all of the situations do so in moderation. The constant fuckery that goes on there is out of control.
fucking hell. Multiplayer is pretty good though. Ive only had to deal with one hacker who was banned and some polak called me a nigger. Its comfy.
IQ a qt3.14
Adding to this, the Mac-11 is probably the best sidearm in the game. Because all headshots are instant kills the Mac-11 with suppressor and foregrip is amazing. Sledge also has the Mac-11.
At least matchmaking in this game is fast. Takes me seconds to find a game and it's pretty sweet.
So, what are your theories on what the next operators are gonna have?
I'm hoping for more drone related shenanigans
Played 3 games, went 0-3 in all of them, lost one won two. I have fuck all idea what is going on and I can't see people for shit or I see them for half a second and die.
Should I play at 60 FoV? I cranked it to 90 because that's where I normally like it but I feel like the kill cams and shit are zoomed in A LOT closer and figure it's the FoV.
When you're dead do people see/hear your chat? I assume they at least see what you mark on the cameras.
When you mark someone do they get a notification or something? I marked some guy and he turned around, walked to the camera and shot it. Seemed a little weird.
Are you supposed to sit on the objective when defending? If not, how far and how much should you fan out? Do you set up traps on other floors for example.
What to do when people on your team don't say a word or try to coordinate in any way in chat? Is there some sort of quick chat like the BF commo rose? I notice you can put a little marker in the world with Z or something but that's fucking worthless.
Is there a way to know which gadgets around the map are friendly?
I had a game where white lines appeared on the floor towards my character. Was it a graphical glitch or some operator skill?
Why are the end of the round replays such garbage? Though I admit it was pretty funny seeing the replay be just 6 seconds of guy laying on the floor holding his wound.
Is there any use for the sniper character?
I can't believe that the Situations are considered the tutorials. It's so fucking long but it does such a fucking bad job at what tit's supposed to. Why the fuck wouldn't they make it so that there's a separate tutorial matchmaking where timers like the setup timer are a little longer letting people get to know the map and find shit to place. That's a massive problem for me at least and that's why I played Rook exclusively when defending since you can just blob down the armor and be worth at least something.
Atleast 2 people roam and 3 defend on objective
Do the situations and watch tutorials for ez cash you can unlock the base operators fast like this. I play at max FOV
The last 4 we knew what they looked like for a while.
The only shit people found for the next operators is one is called Dart.
Though its still gonna be a male+female since the base game had 3 females on attack so the BR DLC or jap DLC will have 2 guys.
The BR one better fucking be 2 dudes
The learning curve is just fucking brutal, just get used to dying first a whole lot and watch what your teammates and opponents are doing and then copy what they do in later rounds. Teammates do see what you type and hear what you say while you're dead and marking enemies does give them a notification, plus cameras glow bright red while they're in use and most people know exactly where they all are and will shoot them as soon as they enter the room.
On defense it's generally wise to sit in the same room or one room away from the objective, roaming as a beginner will mostly just result in finding yourself isolated and not knowing how to get back to the objective while the enemy team secures it or stumbling into the enemy team unaware and getting reamed. On offense pick a teammate who seems to know what they're doing and just follow them around, shield guys are good for this since you can use them as cover and opponents will get preoccupied trying to deal with the shield and give you some much needed wiggle room. Traps you just have to know the individual operators to know what's friendly and what's enemy. Glaz is pretty good on a lot of the levels but you get a lot of shitters who pick him because they want to be 1337 snipers.
Put an ACOG on all your guns, it makes figuring out what's an enemy and what's just debris a lot easier.
You can, however if your weapon can equip an ACOG equip it.
Yes, your teammates can
Also yes, it's better to tell your teammates where an enemy is at instead of marking
Depends on your playstyle and operator; you can either cover separate rooms on the same floor of the objective, roam on a second floor and flank the enemies when they come in, or you can hide on a different floor, shoot out a peephole from the floor/ceiling, and watch the objective from there.
Drones are exclusive to attackers, you'll learn the more you play.
Yes, the sniper can watch windows and easily take out defenders peeking. In addition to his rifle being a two-shot body, he can shoot through the windows on the plane map and defender's deployable shields. While being a sniper, he's exceptional when entering a building because of that high damage.
If you want, you can go to multiplayer > custom > local and make a playlist with all the maps to learn the map.
Just be sure to click "add match" after setting one up.
If the BR has a lady with a giant ass I'll be okay with it.
I ran through all of them and that was more than enough. No way will I go back and try to complete those fucking goals or whatever.
Two of the most important things you need to learn are positioning and patience, there's no need to be a twitch-shooter god if your crosshairs are already positioned right where OP4's precious little head is going to be. Find a good spot with a decent sight-line and wait for an enemy to walk into it. It sounds like camping, because it basically is, but if you're on defense or fighting an aggressive opponent, knowing when and where to wait is important.
Additionally, players like to do "peeking" where they strafe back and forth behind cover and shooting where your face should be when they pop back out. This works well for about one or two times, however if they still didn't get ya you can just spray at where their face should pop out from and kill them. They might wait behind cover
Always equip the foregrip, there's no reason not to.
Thanks for all the answers. I'm gonna go to bed, wake up, watch the movie S.W.A.T. for some inspiration and then try some more.
Sleep tight, user.
According to ubisoft profit Siege is doing pretty good
Another US unit because burgers have alot of shit for reasons
Some Norwegian fucks
Another Asian CTU possibly SK or China
So once this thread dies, I'll make another one.
What links should I have in the OP?
I dont really know rainbow six siege general?
Shit tier
Can monster girl operators come too?
I will post what I have from my /military/anime directory, it's not much and not all good but here it is.
I'm okay with that.
And that's all of mine, I will add the other posts in this thread to my own collection now. Thanks for sharing, I like them.
I'll dump my folder. Not too big.
Those fucking jap operators better have a chick for some sick art.
Third and Forth are fucking retarded.
Thank you, user. I'm going to play video games now but I have this thread auto downloading images.
Wew this thread took a turn.
You could think about maybe making it a Tacticool general rather than a R6 general so that it would be a little more livelier. I personally wouldn't mind a place where I could talk and get some games of Project Reality/Squad, SWAT4, R6Siege or others like that. Most of these kinds of games aren't popular enough to warrant their own threads and they're easy to miss by themselves.
I despise this game with a passion. As someone who played the living fuck out of Raven Shield and Vegas 2. This game needs to be redesigned from the ground up.
My gripes
If you like getting killed around corners this is your game
Sig556xi is automatic
Sig 553 has no burst mode
Ak has a fire rate of 900 hundred etc
5min to launch+5min to find game+5min to choose Op and pre round set up
3min matches where you will most likely die in the first 30 secs unless you are camping away from the objective
This could have been such a nice game but this isnt a Rainbowsix game. It some like a counterstrike mixed with bad company 2 on a valium.
The funniest shit is that ubi is shilling this to be somekinda E-sport game. Its whole thought ludicrous at best
Is this something that gets worse over time? The games I've found have been under 30 seconds of matchmaking and then however long for the setup shit but it's nowhere near 5 minutes and can't be longer so I guess you're just exaggerating. Launching takes also something like a minute tops if connecting to the server takes a little longer.
Holy shit, nice catch.
Describes how I feel about the game quite accurately
I admit I did exaggerate a bit, but the part about waiting is still true. You spend disproportionately too much time in downtime not actively playing the game. Everytime my friends want to play, I have to have to come up with some shit to do in the background as I most of our time im not actually playing
For those on the fence for this game Bestbuy has it for $29.99
Fuck off.
What a slow snake.
What the fuck, are you joking?
Silly, goyim, nobody gets full games anymore.
You do get them though. You just need to unlock them.
God dammit, I fucking hate Castle.
I bought it used for $30 and unlocked 10 in my first day.
One mercy bump
How long have you played it total? 30 minutes?
The game is far from perfect, but those sounds like complaints of 12 year old who just died few times and threw mouse in tantrum
That still sounds like horseshit.
Bullet Girls?
Girls Frontline is a mobile game coming out in the near future.
No thanks. Closest we can get is likely with mods.
Never send a loli to do a christmas cake's job.
Fallout 3 modders were really inspirational in this term.
Are you really this retarded?
The old RS games gave you a roster of people along with every weapon under the sun and you had to fight it out. If you lost an operator he was gone for good.
This game is Call of Battlefield: Rainbow edition and you faggots gobble it up because you like dicks.
Explain to me why you should have to unlock any of them to begin with.
Why do you have to unlock characters in Smash Bros? Why do you have to unlock characters in Musou games?
Because the majority of people like them because it gives them some goal to work towards outside of just playing the game or getting good. It also quarantees that you always get something when playing since the unlock system comes with either a currency or an experience system and it gives a visible indicator of your progress.
Like it or not it makes sense and is just a part of modern game design because it sells games. It'd be nice if we could get a new game with everything unlocked, free patches with maps and other content, dedicated communities and servers ran by said communities but that isn't how the world works right now onii-fam and you can be grumpy about it and whine or you can try to find some enjoyment in it because let's face it things aren't going to change because the majority still wants all this shit.
I don't think R6S is the game to whine about anyway. At least in it all the content is easily unlockable and it gets all content as free updates so as to not fragment the community unlike something like CoD which takes some hundred hours to unlock everything and you still need to fork over 20 or whatever bucks for maps. Out of all the shit it's definitely the least smelliest when it comes to this stuff.
I mean they did make those new cosmetic items free aswell….
This game pisses me off with how much waiting you have to do in multiplayer. A load screen every time a new round starts? Seriously?