What would they be?
Well, for me:
- No HP inflation on level gain. Only by increasing constitution or feats.
- weapons can deal multiple damage types (a pommel strike would be blunt, and most swords would be able to deal all 3 depending on how they are used. A warhammer with a spike could deal piercing, etc..)
- weapons have utility attacks defined by their forms - for example, you could try to trip/hook someone with a halberd, or disarm someone if your sword has a ricasso
- fighting would be automated. The game would have a databse of stances and possible offensive/defensive moves and counters. Depending on your characters experience and skill with a weapon, more moves would be unlocked and the AI would be better at selecting more effective ones. Thus, as you gain levels, your characters would visibly fight better and more efficient. Like RL mastery, your reportoire widens making you more flexible, rather than giving you +10000 damage
- damage system more similar to DF, but a bit more forgiving. Damage is localized. You character can be crippled, maimed. Broken bones and cut tendons will seriously affect your character (loss use of an arm, etc..)
- blunt weapons have increase chance of breaking bones or stunning/disorienting
- cutting weapons have an increase chance of bleeding and are more painful in general
- piercing weapon have an increase chance of organ damage (for torso hits)
- armor actually does what it's supposed to do
- no in-battle healing, but spells that prevent the worst - you can stop the bleeding temporarily, or numb the pain from a wound so you can continue fighting. Healing would be done outside of battle and would be VERY limited.
- time would flow and quests could fail, making chain-resting to regain full battle readiness impossible
- enemies wouldn't idiots, and since battles would be hard, avoiding battles would be preferable to fighting. Especially when infiltrating castles/camps, given that an alarm would bring half the map bearing on you.
- you wouldn't be able to defeat a dragon in a normal fight, unless you have ABSURD luck with critical rolls. It wouldn't be stupid to stand and fight if it can fly and fry you from the air.
- magic would have complex rituals that can do some crazy shit, BUT require rare resources and lots of preparation. They would be like nukes that you have to set up in advance.