Did Holla Forums ever have super religious parents that frowned upon certain video games, or just playing video games in general? I remember my parents would never let me play Doom because it had demons in it. They were, however, fine with me playing Mortal Kombat and letting me rip the spines out of people and sever heads…
Did Holla Forums ever have super religious parents that frowned upon certain video games...
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Oh, and I couldn't play Pokemon because they found out it was about collecting monsters (Pocket Monsters), and I could never play Harry Potter games or watch the movies or read the books because of their ties to witchcraft, etc.
Anything 18+ plus was off bounds.
Only exception for that was Jaws Unleashed due to my father knowing I loved the franchise.
Plus I had to search 50 stores just to find a damned copy, that shit barely reached my country.
No cause I grew up in the civilized world.
This, though my dad would just play the 18+ games and just let me watch.
Lol, don't you mean M for Mature?
Do you not in America or something? What the fug's wrong with you lol?
No. I did get yelled at for playing too many video games though. They were probably right.
Ironically I would be the more sensitive one. I told my mom I was disturbed by some of the monsters in castlevania because they were scary demon things. She told me that we are meant to defeat things like that, so toughen up.
My dad just liked watching me shoot things in the head in FPS games. He got a little too into it.
My parents had to flee Yugoslavia when the civil war broke out, so they were always averse to me playing shooter games.
I could watch Mature movies thought, still remember watching Devils Advocate on TV at 10 years of age.
But I do live in America user, Im from Brazil :^)
I don't think my parents ever had issuesx with my games but Ive heard of your problem before.
That's some heavy shit user. Would you be interested in telling us more?
No, my parents weren't really religious at all. Growing up they had the attitude that I was a well-adjusted kid, and could moderate myself. I'm now 31 years old, never killed anyone. According to Jack Thompson, I can't possibly exist.
Also that doesn't make sense, OP, Mortal Kombat had demons in it. Just because they weren't literal Satan-like demons like Hell Knights doesn't mean that they weren't there.
But didn't the civil war happen in the 1800s?
Also, didn't the civil war happen in America?
My father apparently played Doom with me in his lap.
I wonder if that explains anything.
I suddenly want to see a pic of Simon Belmont telling his mom that the monsters are too scary and her thrusting a whip into his hands and telling him to toughen up because he's meant to defeat things like that.
The level of stupidity is brimming over.
No, being fucked up is on you completely, don't blame it on your dad.
Did it really? All I remember is that one hell-like stage and maybe Shao Khan being kinda devilish. Maybe if I didn't notice it, my parents didn't either.
I was in the opposite position, I was the "cool kid" with secular parents when it came to video games. So I got to meet a lot of kids who were in strange situations.
I had a friend with super religious parents. They wouldn't let him watch Harry Potter because it had witchcraft, and every time he went over to my house his mom called him to make sure he wasn't playing shitty video games. He was incredibly repressed and ended up convincing me to look at porn with him – yeah, I know, weird as fuck, but I was young and I had no idea how to deal with that situation, and he kept insisting. We didn't fap or anything, but my mom caught us and we were both punished. That was fairly amusing.
One kid I knew tried playing Doom on the computer at home once, I believe I was doing something else and we were waiting for something to happen, my parents to arrive or whatever. He described it as "tight," it was evident he had never played or seen it before.
Not your business pisstheist.
My family isn't religious at all, but my mom was very strict about age ratings and my mom's parents basically were afraid of violence in videogames. Dad and his side of the family were chill about it and didn't care.
There's not much to tell, since I wasn't born yet when they fled
Scorpion is a demon, in life he was a Ninja but his wife and child were murdered and then he himself was murdered by Sub-Zero and Quan-Chi brought him back from death as a demon.
All Tarkatans (Mileena, Baraka) are demons, Ashra is a demon, Shang Tsung is a demon, Shiva is a demon…
The list really does go on, but yeah, demons have been part of the series since the beginning.
Shit mang, deepest lore. I guess it might've been because I didn't play it super often. I dunno. And it's not like my parents hovered over me while I played vidya, so I can see how they wouldn't know about that stuff. But they did know about Doom and shit because they had been told about it from other people, along with Pokemon being explained by a televangelist.
Is that a picture of you? You don't look like JC you know.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
if you havent level up by raping womyn, you are a myth in this day and age just like me
I remember a thread where people were trying to explain how Pokemon worked and why the Pokeballs only worked on Pokemon. I believe there was a theory put forth that they were tulpa, and that the pokeball acted as a trap for thought forms, and it was pretty ridiculous. But then again, televangelists are stupid enough to believe that Harry Potter is filled with real magic in a series where they use names like "OCULUS REPAIRO" and "AVADA KEDAVRA" as spells.
No, chew you?
cute snek
Words do have power though, bro. I mean, you SPELL words, right? So words are incantations that can have real effects on the physical realm. How do you think meme magic works bro?
That fucking snake looks really cool with the little top hat, I'll be honest. I'd never be able to hold a snake in my hand though, snakes freak me out. If they weren't poisonous little cocksuckers, a komodo dragon could be a cool pet. But they're simply too dangerous.
And yeah, sadly, I never leveled up when I was younger, it was merely consensual.
It doesn't!
Pfft. Fucking loser.
Nigger, meme magic is real. Don't deny the power of memes nigger, you'll regret it.
I don't see you holding a fucking snake either, man. And until proven, I will continue to deny the power of memes.
Trump nigger. He's the meme candidate. His rise is all because of them dank memes.
Dost thou deny the works of men that which is also the will of God?
>And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
Even the Bible says meme magic is real, bro.
It's no surprise to me that you act like any other bible thumping nut and stretch words to mean whatever the fuck you want. But you can't fool me, even you don't believe in the bible.
Inshallah brother, we are indeed more civilized than those American infidels.
Come the fuck on man, I can't even joke without you getting triggered over religion? Did you honestly believe I was saying the Bible proves meme magic? Come on man, don't ruin the fun nigger.
Are you taking what I'm saying as legitimate? Do I need to put a spoiler going "IT'S JUST A PRANK" and "I'M MEMEING ON YOU BRO"?
Poe's Law. What you posted did seem a lot like what a triggered athiests would post.
nobody can be perfect, i guess, have another snake.
I see you wrote words. I'm pretty wordsy myself.
Das it mane.
snek da best.
Gas chambers a shit. Burning alive is the preferred method of disposal.
She knew damn well it was a snake before she let it in.
No. My parents were cool.
Well, my mum was cool. Dad's a prick but he played vidya with us which is probably the only good thing he did.
I don't know what the fuck you're on about now.
You have to go back.
this nigga knows his shit.
Would Holla Forums fuck a snake girl?
I had a Gamecube in Gen 6. None of the games I wanted were violent enough to give a shit about.
When I had gotten Madworld for Wii, that raised some concern, but I was old enough already.
no they don't eggsist
Why wouldn't I ?
Worst, I had a liberal single mother who believed in anything the news told her.
"Video games cause real life violence so its good the Government is stepping for ratings to stop this."
Meanwhile during that time my dead got into real fights all the time and went to jail. Never played vidja games in his life either…
>snake girl
user, that is degenerate, we dont like your kind here.
Are we talking human body, snake for legs like lamia, or snake for body/head, human for legs like a human?
We're talking quads
Quads were a mistake.
Female torse, snake lower body and snake genetalia. So it's not a human cunt, it's a snake cunt.
Like a mermaid, or more approprate, a naga.
Oh. Then no.
with those digits, it can go both ways.
Come on now, you wouldn't fug a snake pussy? Are you fucking gay or something?
Goodbye thread!
Goodbye horses
my sister didn't let me play worms because i was too little at the time (7)
parents told me not to install demos from game magazines, since they had viruses, nothing beyond that
Yeah my mum was super religious, Jehovah's Witness so we never had birthdays or celebrations like that. My dad was a militant Atheist though, well before it was cool to be. So renting games was always one way or the other depending on who I was with. My Dad was cool with anything, especially horror themed stuff. Castlevania is still my favourite series since as a kid I'd watch all the Hammer Horror films with my dad. My mum was a lot stricter, I ended up formulating tricks like holding my thumb over the rating when showing the case, or saying "they're just robots" for enemies.
I think I got through fine though all things considered.
Just gonna say, there actually did turn out to be a virus in like 1 of those demo discs from a PC magazine once upon a time. But that's 1 among thousands of discs from all the other magazines.
Got a good laugh out of them
Nope, one of the first games I ever played was Mortal Kombat for the SNES. I think they were worried about me playing the copy of GTA3 my dad got but never really made an effort to stop me from playing once I got my hands on it. Ironically I never really liked either and would usually just play games more suited for my age group because the gameplay never really stuck for me.
My mother used to not let me play zombie games, and hated any game that had anything close to zombies. I believe the main reason was that she watched a zombie movie when she was younger, and it scared the absolute shit out of her and she had nightmares for weeks after. She's basically had a phobia of anything undead since then. I suppose her logic was that if they scared her as a kid, they'd scare me too. When I got old enough to buy my own games I bought some anyway. She eventually got over it, but even something like Dark Souls still makes her visibly uncomfortable.
I had cousins that had a single super religious parent.
She fucked up all of their childhoods with her shitty parenting as far as I'm concerned.
Homeschooling, especially in the middle of nowhere is clearly never the way to go.
I stayed over at their house one time.
They had no TV stations because "TV was the devil", was a very Billy Madison situation.
VHS Disney movies.
They had an N64 with only games she approved of which were Mario and WCW vs nWo: World Tour.
All 3 of them have now made terrible life choices and I can not fault them.
Their mom was constantly afraid I'd be a terrible influence on them.
I originally thought they were all retarded until my friends explained that is just what homeschooled kids were like.
No friends or social skills and one very shitty teacher they have to deal with all day long.
Sounds like a raw deal.
My parents didn't give two shits what I played so every other week I enjoyed the fruits of being close to blockbusters and renting shit to my hearts content.
Can't really complain if the choice of parents is crazy bitch or limitless apathy.
The only reason I don't smoke or drink is because I don't like the smell or taste.
Those 3 however would and have just to make their skitzo mom feel like the fuckup she is.
When I was a kid, my mum hated me playing anything with even a hint of sex or violence. I remember she rented Smash Bros for me and my older brother to play because we both liked Nintendo, but she got pissed off when she realised they were beating each other up. I think she wouldn't let me get the Sims either since you can make them have sex.
I still don't know how I convinced her to let me get GTA 4.
What are you talking about?
My mum's a polar opposite
Such is life in 'Straya.
What does it stand for though? Is it a new meme I haven't picked up on?
My mom didn't care if I played games with violence but hated swearing, once she walked in on me playing Halo and saw the word fuck in a server name, and promptly banned me from playing multiplayer.
Later on she was more lenient but was constantly worried that the GameStop employees would judge her for being a bad parent if they saw her buy an M rated game for her son, so my dad had to get those for me.
i know you're just faking it, but people like this exist and will exist
I had no idea what your problem was until I realised you meant re-deads
Malon is my waifu
Nice double dubs bro
I think malon is the cause of many red-head fetishes, user.
It probably won't be long before young people don't recognize any physical media at all.
It happened a few weeks after VII's release in Yuropoor, the game was experimenting a huge boom, including being talked about at news due to the huge number of sales.
Fuck, I just realised autocorrect changed it to redheads. Fuck this gay iPad, why am I even posting on it?
Can you guys stop posting shitty maymays as a response and just tell me what it means?
It's just a tape which plays movies and the acronym stands for "Virtual Holistic Sensation-Media"
please stop
Like a cassette tape? But for movies?
memes, son
The last person who asked this legit got banned for Rule 2 :^)
My parents were stuck circlejerking with senile Silent Generation-ers in their literal christian sect/cult, so I was stuck playing games behind their literal backs.
>anything where you had imaginary/fantasy satanic enemies (ie wizards, skeletons, demons, blobs of lava)
More like a DVD made of plastic with tape inside.
remember this scene user?
I wasn't allowed to play most violent games, but that was more about how violent vidya makes people violent rather than religion. I convinced my parents Melee was a Mario game, because all they saw was the first level. Eventually they decided that it doesn't matter, and I could play whatever I wanted.
Only problem is that they use games as an excuse for me doing anything wrong. If I spend too much time alone it's because I'm playing vidya. If I forget to do something, it's the vidya. I'd rather have them say than then know that I spend all day shitposting on a chinese cartoon imageboard run by a midget cripple.
That's pretty crazy. I knew about those old tape reels they used in the 40s and 50s.
My mother had me return GTA III and got me Sega Soccer Slam instead. It was worth it.
Please. No. My heart can't take it when I'm doing NoFap.hnnnnnnnnnng
Must have been an odd kid.
Athiesm is the decline of the west. Every western nation is inherently better when it adheres to Christian morals and values.
So sorry if it seemed like I was shitting on Christian parents. I actually liked that my parents were trying to look after me. I just think they could've been easier.
>expecting a person to come from an institution of 6 million ruled by 6 old men in a Brooklyn Warwick hotel to not be fucking angry all the time
>expecting me to accept unconditional love, and empty thread from a failed doomsday cult repeating the exact same shit every single week of every year
so you got a fake game and someone added lewds in it?
I didn't play violent games until like 11 when I got broadband and started downloading them myself, my parents also didn't let me watch DBZ because they thought I'd start punching kids in the face at school.
You've seriously never heard of a VHS tape?
Dude, I'm only 19 but even I remember having these things when I was a kid.
Please don't tell me you're one of those kind of athiests. The ones who are converted because they hated being forced to go to Sunday school every week because it bored them?
Please don't be the architypical fedora. At least think for yourself objectively instead of letting your latent childhood hated overrule.
The typo was fate.
Oh, that's what it is. I always just called them tapes.
My 15 year old sister knows what a vhs tape is, that faggot is baiting.
How old are you user? :^)
I don't know what year I was born, so I'm not 100% certain.
fixed just for you
and here's even a little hint for you aswell
To be fair, in my country the term VHS is fairly rare. It is entirely possible didn't know what VHS stood for.
Though in this particular case it was obvious from the start he was just shitposting.
Oh, sorry. I didn't know. Can't really blame you either. Jehova's Witnesses are a very misconstrued and ill-informed sect that doesn't even understand the bible. Forcing your child to be a Jehova's Witness should be considered child abuse.
My parents were not really religious, but the kind of people that pretend to be. The only thing our parents ever took away from us for "religious" reasons was a Scooby Doo DVD.
However, they were incredibly gullible to media scares. They completely gave into "VIDEO GAMES MAKES YOU A SUPER DUPER MURDER MAN" when I gain interest. Despite letting me watch Robo-cop, The Matrix, and Starship Troopers. I couldn't play anything M rated for that reason. That, and my father believed that every game over T was like one of those hyperbolic violent video game parodies you see on TV.
The only exception to this was third person shooter, which my dad defined as watching someone else play.
Anyway, I eventually convinced my Mom to let me play M-rated games, and my Dad didn't care since he incredibly spineless.
i knew a jehovas witness family that celebrated birthdays and shit, maybe is different in each country?
>Celebrating anything
Sorry to use the "No True Scotsman" fallacy, but they're just that. Maybe cultural Jehova's Witnesses, but not practicing ones.
My Mom didn't give a shit what I played, but my grandma was worried because I also had a great amount of interest in firearms as well.
My grandad also didn't give a fuck either so he let my watch him play Ace Combat.
How did your parents ever get together?
Back in the good old days, religion and belief systems were personal and not a part of your identity. They most likely never talked about it and that's how they got along.
Or at least his dad were one of those decent athiests who thought "I understand and accept you believe God, but that's just not for me, to each his own".
I was only able to play GTA with no sound.
I remember my dead once watching me play Assassin's creed after I got a new pc and saying it's good and then a sex scene comes and he just leaves the room with no word.
You have ghosts who watch you play vidya?
stop bullying you know what I meant to say
You do realize the more common snakes at least in America aren't even poisonous, and in fact would rather run from humans than bite them or suck their cocks
Does it matter?
his mom is cute or his dad is handsome?
No, but I had a friend whose parents bitched my 10 year old self out because I lent him my copy Ocarina of Time which features "a blasphemous interpretation of the creation of reality." Basically the were pissed because the game tells you how Hyrule was formed by the Goddesses, and they thought that this would somehow convert their children from Christianity to Satanism or some shit.
Bubble bubble,
toil and trouble,
I command thee,
to check my doubles!
I did had fundamentalist parents, but they never frowned upon videogames.
We're not arabs.
Well, my mom was religious but my dad removed insurgents for the glory of Christ.
He even volunteered on the falkland wars to fight against the anglican heretics. Good thing he was dicharged tho
My family never cared about what videogames I played. I even played Mortal Kombat when I was 8.
Still they looked at me weird when a teenager killed his parents and retarded sister and blame everything to Final Fantasy 8 and had a ponytail, just the game I bought that chrismass and the hair I was growing as a teenager.
Que te jodan José Rabadán.
Yes holy fucking shit yes.
Might as well start worshiping Satan. Fuck you.
So long as it wasn't sexual anything went in my house.
Your mother is awesome.
I hope you took her words to heart.
source for image
No wait, I remember when Harry Potter came out my family got real weird and anti-that. Considering I played Tekken, with them, with DEVIL-JIN, I really don't get why Harry Potter drove them so nutty.
Only thing my mom ever had a problem with was Grand Theft Auto. And even them it was "don't be having sex with the hooker"
My parents were generally pretty laid back about vidya and certainly not religious but my copy of San Andreas suspiciously went missing and looking back it was right about the time that controversy over the sex mod hit…
Have you seen Johavah's Witnesses? I kid you not, not a single one has never tried to sell me a watchtower.
No, thank god.
I'm fully confident that my post will trigger some christfag looking for a fight.
I had Doom, MK, and Quake growing up, but when I wanted to get Magic the Gathering cards they had to be approved by my priest…
Stop being such a pussy.
You know what you're more likely to encounter in your life, that is just as poisonous as a komodo dragon? a platypus.
Only if you live on Spider Island
I knew other kids with more religious parents who would always restrict what TV/Movies they could watch or games they could play or music they could listen to, but no one gave much of a shit about me seeing fictional violence or hearing profanity. I couldn't watch porn, but some sexual stuff in movies was whatever.
It's weird that the religious right has been usurped by the progressive left as the ultimate buzzkill.
On an unrelated note, Pastor Anderson is pretty funny.
I would call my mom into the room to show her the gore.
Snakes are pretty awesome. I always meant to get one as a pet, but I just don't think I'd be able to handle that much adorableness without a heart attack.
Snake girl as in monster shit? Hell no. Frankly, the newXcom stuff is the farthest down that road I'd go.
Otherwise, you might as well just be dicking a boring-ass human girl.
American education at work right here!.
How are you even able to use a computer with that level of stupidity?.
It's getting kinda hard to tell when 70% of the posts on every thread are bait.
I wasn't allowed to play games where you kill humans for a while. Halo and similar shit was fine, for some reason.
GTA was completely a no-go, even years later.
Well although my parents are Christians, they are also completely sane and pretty fucking cool.
Harry Potter was one of the first movies they let me watch as a kid. It was also one of the very first books that they made me read to get me into reading it worked.
As for violent games, they weren't too keen about it when I was younger, but when I hit 14 or something, they stopped giving a damn, because they came to a conclusion that I'm old enough to differentiate between reality and fiction.
>Recently bought PS3 for exclusives
I actually had a super religious parent that didn't give a shit.
When I was 11, my mother bought me the Diablo 2 battlechest. She knew what was in the game, and trusted that I wouldn't be fucked over by it. She also used to let us rent games like Turok 64 and Quake 64 from Blockbuster, and me and the siblings would play the shit out of them over the weekend.
my mum didn't let me play GTA.
A series I never bought the right console for.
I bought Resident Evil 4 when I was 15. She was apprehensive but my dad liked it
based mom
No im not from america or the middle east.
I remember not seeing rated R movies not because my parents didn't want me to but because I personally didn't want to see a guy get his head blown off or a slut getting fucked.
I heard Jack Thompson took that stance back once evidence to the contrary was presented.
It had Viktor Antonov. The review was probably from Zenimax paying "journalists" to shit-talk anything that came from an Arkane employee before they got shackled to the new EA.
My mother is religious, but she never frowned upon any games, she just once looked at "Suffering" box, read game description and said, "what a dumbasses make these games".
She would once come to see us playing Silent hill and then ask, aren't you afraid of that?(we were, very much)
Never had any problem with the games, they were never ever considered anything close to be of any significance.
Played all shit out of classic RE series.
Don't worry user, the vast vast majority of snakes on this planet are not poisonous.
There are plenty of venomous ones though :^)
The gamecube was a pagan arab shrine? I guess you learn something new everyday. no wonder it didn't sell well. What was the PS2 and Xbox?
I'm pretty sure that's normal with most parents
They have venomous spurs on their back legs user, and there's no known cure or treatment. They are the only venomous mammal and they are one of only two egg laying mammals (the other being the Australian echidna & Knuckles).
Source: Used to work at the Sydney Aquarium and Wildlife Whatever next door.
Thankfully I don't live in Australia or within 10,000 miles of it. That fucking place is like the world where the Empire's Guard from Dune is trained, 99% of the wildlife want to kill you, 60% of the population want to kill you, your survival is not guaranteed in any way shape or form.
The true dark continent.
not only that but their venom doesn't kill you, it leaves you in agony for weeks.
What if the Platypus was an actual chimera, like an old experiment or some shit.
Funny you should mention that, people thought the platypus really was an experiment once upon a time, when they found a corpse of one, they thought some asshole had sewn together the corpses of a bunch of animals to make it, it was only later that they realized such an unusual mammal exists.
Much like the Gympi Gympi plant.
Yes, the plants in Australia are deadly. Not because they kill you, but because they make you want to kill yourself.
My mom didn't like Harry Potter and though Ed, Edd n Eddy would make me gay. She also didn't let me play Final Fantasy.
Didn't have a problem with Pokemon or Yugioh, though.
nah grew up in the 80/90's with chinese parents.
videogames were for delinquents and gangsters, parents wouldn't let me play any vidya. my experience was occasionally at the arcades and when i was a teenager playing RO or SCBW on PC and emulated SNES/Arcade games.
Why do Christians feel the need to blatantly lie about shit like this?
Some cunty Christian old hag is a cashier at the Target I work at and says the same kind of bullshit. I remember some other cashiers my age were talking about the Minions for whatever reason while stuff was slow, and she comes over and tries to tell us all about how 'I used to like the Minions too, until I learned that they're actually SATAN'S MINIONS'
Check out my documentary, goy..
Some kid who was the son of Jehovah's Witnesses who were friends my parents asked to borrow Resident Evil 2 from me. I figured okay they are friends of the family and all that so surely it must be safe to let him borrow it.
Never saw it again.
I don't know why people fucking pull this shit. It's bad to let media raise your kid, but you're equally fucked up if you're that terrified of it. For religious reasons or not.
I get triggered every time I hear that fucking Louis C(uc)K bit where he claims that he doesn't let his kids watch TV because 'they go WHA? when I turn it off, that means it must be bad!' as if they wouldn't react the same goddamn way if you just walked up to a kid and grabbed their toy away from them in the middle of play.
My parents didn't let me watch Ed Edd n Eddy as a kid.
I remember my stepdad being especially against that show and Captain Underpants.
still surprised I got away with watching billy and mandy.
anyways what's funny is that my stepdad would then go one drunk rants about how I would outgrow and get bored vidya by age 20 or something. he was half right
I remember that my parents didn't allow me to watch some animes like one with a fat kid mc and samurai champloo or whatever.
My mom thought Captain Underpants was the funniest shit when I showed it to her. I don't know why she made the distinction between them, she might have just heard someone else say something and copied their opinion.
I remember liking Billy and Mandy, but I never watched it at home. I can't remember if she didn't let me, or if I just happened to always missed it. Same thing with Courage the Cowardly Dog.
Eustace was the first person I hated, fictional or otherwise.
I had a friend who had parents that flipped the fuck out and banned StarCraft from their house because they saw it was from the makers of Diablo on the box. No fucking joke.
Then again, that father worked those kids like slaves and generally seemed to disapprove of his kids playing any games or having fun in general at that time. World was always about to end and everything was Satan.
World is about to end so you better fix this door asap or Satan is gonna come and get your ass.
Yes. My mom set a rule that no one in the house could play first person shooters or games with blood in them. There were a few exceptions, as my dad and my brothers played Red Alert since this rule was put in place. When I was almost done with middle school, she eventually caved in.
no wolfenstein because there was a swastika on the floppy disc.
Household had pretty strong pacifist values. Shooters like Doom were okay, but Red Alert was frowned upon. I think it wasn't as much about ideologies or violence, but the idea of using people's lives low-value resources.
that's the most reasonable restriction i think i've ever heard
In a way not being able to play them as a kid was useful, because I know that I wasn't blinded by nostalgia goggles. This is something that keeps happening to. I keep playing old games that I never had the opportunity to as a kid, and they keep turning out to be so much better than modern shit.
But it also makes me sad because I know that the video game industry is dying. It's not "consoles" or "PC" or "handhelds" that are dying though.
It's the games themselves. The games are dying.
Just cause you don't like it doesn't mean that it's dying. The only thing dying is you, because you've become so jaded that you think poorly of everything.
When I was younger my parents wouldn't let me play anything M-rated, though that restriction obviously dwindled over the years.
No Pokemon because of that one stupid article about Pokemon being "demonic" that kept getting circulated that was full of false information.
When I was -very- young they didn't let me play any games with "magic" in it, specifically sorcery, under whatever weird fucking definition they used for 'sorcery'. Funny story with this one, my sister ended up snitching to my parents that Spyro 2 had magic basically fucking everywhere in it, so they ended up taking it back. Spyro 1 was, somehow, okay in their eyes. I was about halfway done with Spyro 2 when they took it, and I wasn't allowed to get the third one.
**As revenge I told my parents about my sister's music collection, which had a bunch of songs with swear words in it. They took her entire music collection.*
most likely did not care, my dad did catch a concerning issue like "sexual themes" on the rating system, but other than that.
smooth sailings.
Nope, thankfully I`m europoor and not an american.
My mom wanted me to play kid games, but she never knew that my dad was letting me play m-rated games as young as 8 years old.
No, even my my best friends dad, who was a cop, was cool and played GTA with us.
if the average JW is anything like I know in my local shithole, they're likely to be obese post-menopausal geriatric whos hair grayed out three decades beforehand.
entire speculations here, but I suspect either of these situations happened
My parents let me play everything except RE4
don't know why that was off limits when shit like Dead Space and Doom 3 were fine
My dad let me play silent hill and resident evil but wouldn't let me go near anything dealing with the simpsons.
i'd say you dodged the bullet there.
i say this as a vested pure magicfag in gamesexcept darksouls3 cause magic is shit right nowstill did my first run as a pure int char just for some extra challenge, a real life student of the occult, and former fan of the books.
it's liberal brainwashing trash and should be burned along with its author.
this just ruined it m8
I had super religious parents, they let me play videogames because "It was healthier to fight fake demons than to accept real ones"
They're right, godless people a shit
They did say they would disown me if I became a game designer though
My parents were very strict about the ESRB like they probably should've been. I was able to play Melee at 10 years old until they found out it was rated T and had to confiscate it. They became lax, though. I was able to get Twilight Princess at 11 and then by the time I was 13 they didn't care.
Though after that I remember my mother telling me never to play GTA until well into my 20s or she would freak out. Which is ironic considering that she got my violent 15 year old brother GTA5 just because he was doing OK.
Pokemon was forbidden because of evolutions and psychic types.
My dad actually took all of my brothers' and my cards and burned them in the backyard.
Every time. I'll be over here enjoying my backlog of games I've never played or heard of when I was young but can still recognize the quality compared to modern titles. Maybe one day you'll acquire taste.
But not today.
im kinda just collecting and storing all the good games for after the collapse, i'd like to be able to play them but i have a feeling i'll be too busy trying to survive.
You cant justify this your mom a fucking asshole
I would always sneak in to play GTA 3 at my cousins house in the basement. I would Always say "HA TAKE THAT PEDISTRIANS. I thought Pedestrians were called gang members
But I was always addicted to my Gamecube. Mario Sunshine, mario Golf, Mario kart Double dash
fucking grand old Saturdays. I was the unbeatable child at video games in my family and to this day I still cant be beaten at Mario kart
growing up in a pretty lax household stories like this blow my fucking mind
Years later I realized she did it because she's at that age where you begin to believe everything you see on TV.
I played Halo CE on pc when I was in 6th grade and when my dad saw swear words in the multiplayer chat, he banned me from the internet and playing halo.
I was mad at the time, but looking back on it now, I'm thankful for him doing so. He stopped me from having shit taste since I stayed away from multiplayer and shooters ever since.
Didn't have parents. Learned to play vidya on the streetz, nigga. The streetz.
I was allowed to play pretty much anything that i wanted, even Resident Evil 3 and GTA 3/VC on my computer but i wasn't interested on those kinds of games anyways, mostly platformers and racing games would catch my eye. For years CTR was my go to game.
Although my parents did were more strict about what i could watch on TV, DBZ and Inuyasha were banned for a while but i was so obsessed with that shit that they eventually had to give up.
what was their reasoning behind those getting banned, considering how tame they are in comparison the the games you were playin'
my old man fucking hated DBZ and toonami shit, but he loved samurai jack and big O
Shits rough fam. My cousins mom threw away Hercs Adventures and Crash Bandicoot. My mom wouldn't let me play Pokemon.
My dad installed a bunch of Does and freeware games on the family toaster. That's what I grew up with. Eventually we got a GBA, then a Wii, then a DS some dumpass left on the plane in a flight before ours. I remember when I was 12 my mom didn't let me get Dragon Quest IX because it had sords on the cover and she thought Zelda 3D was medieval GTA or something.
It's too late now but I meant to turn my trip off
My mom once forbid Diablo 2, and she's not super religious, my grandma is (Orthodox Christian). Of course, I told her that I deleted the game, but just made the folder hidden always minimized it if she entered the room.
I'd sooner off myself than become senile enough to believe the news.
I got messages from some dude I went to church with to never play Black Ops because when you make a car explode, and then look at it, you can see a "demon" where the car is charred. It's like looking at an ink blot and telling yourself that you see something specific.
I think these people are fucking schizoid or something. I remember someone told my mom Pokemon actually stood for "Pocket Demons" and she bought it wholesale.
As if demonic elements would even be a particularly bad thing, seeing a demon on a car isn't going to make kids go "hey I should summon Asmodeus"
When I was little, an older kid showed me his Pokemon collection. I got my ass beat for even looking at them.
I wasn't allowed to have games until I was about 11 and the DSi was out.
But I didn't get a DSi. A friend of my parents gave me an old black & white Gameboy with Tetris.
My dad didn't know, but when he found out, he was mad. He didn't beat me, nor did he confiscate it like he had done with the Star Wars lego set my uncle gave me for Christmas two years before.
So I played the everloving fuck out of tetris.
Over time, as I grew older and more independent, I slowly amassed more games and systems.
Now I have a Genesis, N64, Wii, 360, PS2, 3DS and a gaming rig. I play anything I want and nobody gives me shit for it.
I also get to watch whatever I want. It's hard to believe I was ever so deprived when looking at my ever growing collection now.
That's harsh. We suffer together.
like this
might as well add more onto my retarded time as a JW because why not
According to him
man that's some wild shit, i can barely fathom it
My parents were only restrictive about more violent stuff like Quake and Soldier Of Fortune.
Once I turned twelve or thirteen though I was allowed to play pretty much whatever I want.
Do most Christians believe in things like magic and witchcraft, or do they tend to throw them out as just being superstitions that were believed when their scriptures were written?
I remember growing up it was weird cause my family was half-religious and never quite sure what should or shouldn't be allowed. My mom raised us and was too tired or down to earth to really care much about our video games, even though there were some things we watched or played where she'd rant about how bad it was, she didn't really force us not to play or watch them. We played Doom, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, whatever, as long as it wasn't straight up porn, my mom or too grotesque she didn't really care. She was too worried about paying the bills.
Really, religion and video games are more of an issue for me now that I'm older. I sometimes don't have the same interests that I used to and part of me is a little uncomfortable with certain things because I tend to worry whether or not playing this or that game while considering myself part of a certain faith makes me a hypocrite. I can also see why some parents, not mine, probably should have been a little concerned about the games their kids played when I consider how myself or some of my friends were probably affected negatively by too much games, anime and comics. With my younger brother, who's 14, I'm kind of the one telling my mom "he probably shouldn't be playing that, you know." Don't get me wrong, I probably have less a problem with sex and violence in video games than I do in normal movies, but I just think of myself and how a lack of parental guidance in a dysfunctional single parent household, excessive escapism coupled with a hobby of playing games which may or may not have had any positive moral or intellectual influence on me may have made things harder for me to adjust to ordinary social and academic life. I guess a part of me sort of wishes that my mom was just a little more puritanical back then. And it feels like I'm the only one in the family that feels a sense of discomfort at violence and sexuality in the games I play and play more games that are rated E or T, while my little brother plays more M games than me because I just can't as much pleasure in them anymore.
Educated ones don't and are just regular gullible fucks that still buy into dumb narratives like
instead of being complete loons. Look at him giving a shit about ordinary social life like normalfags have any merit.
My ex's mom was a religious nutjob. Ex once made a vaguely D&D-themed joke, and both of her parents nearly started interrogating her, asking if she's ever played it, because it's "satanic."
Similar thing happened when me and a friend showed up with Pokemon cards. Holy shit was she nuts.
It was no shooters, but only in the house I could play Halo all I wanted at friends' houses.
All I played at home was Age of Mythology and pokemon, though after the divorce it was anything goes which turned out very poorly because I started playing what my friends played, which was COD and Halo.
Though I suppose everyone was a retard in middle school anyways.
Talk about buying into dumb narratives. Anyone who spouts the normalfag meme is buying into a narrative themselves, mostly concocted by people who can't admit the reason they don't have a balanced life and haven't gotten laid lately is mostly because they're shitty, immature people.
Anyway, while a lot of parents are unreasonable in their regulation, I kinda envy people who actually had parents around to give a shit. All I had was a divorcee mom who was hardly home, a dad who was never really around at all, and older brothers hopped up on methamphetamine all the time. And the only escape really was a fantasy world of bug eyed cartoon girls and pixelated violence & magic (assuming my brothers didn't sell them to buy speed). "Normalfags" with functioning family units, healthy social development and academic success usually can have the best of both worlds if the want. There are worse things than having some fuddy duddy religious parents and one of those things is being a kid forced to fend for yourself while surrounded by psychopaths splattering each other's blood on the walls. A smaller game library due to a parent always demanding justification for their purchases on your behalf on a moral or financial level is a small price to pay for maybe some stability in the home is all I'm saying.
When it comes to my own moral or religious values these days, mostly all I worry about is having integrity, but I tend to be more open than my now clean but "born-again" brothers. My one brother lets his kids play Call of Duty, but anything involving the "occult" or "magic" or "demons" would be a no-no. For me, I'm usually more uncomfortable with the latest dude-bro military advertisement FPS where you kill the ebil enemies of the home of the burger or a QTE gore kill fest with more blood and FMV's than gameplay than I am with the average fantasy packed RPG or platformer. But one thing I've noticed that strong religious conservatives and social justice warrior bloggers also have in common is their inability to understand both context and nuance and their tendency to favor things that depict violent or aggressive reactions directed towards political strawmen and their demands for tighter censorship of entertainment that doesn't.
My parents were A1 all the way
My mom wouldn't let me play the Devil May Cry series because "Devil" was in the name.
I come from a long line of fucking nerds. Like, proper dorks. I'm an electrical engineer, my dad was an electrical engineer, his dad was a historian, his dad was a mathematician, and after that it gets muddy.
Anyway, my dad got me into gaming when he bought a C64. He stopped really playing new video games around 2000, the only ones he tried were the newer Valve games because he loved Half-Life. Last one he played was Portal 2.
I didn't. My parents were alright with video games.
My mother used to play Sonic Spinball. She got close to beating it. Then she lost fine motion in her hands when she got MS. Her meds gave her motion headaches and her eyesight got worse and worse, so she stopped playing altogether.
Fuck off normalfag.
get a life, tryhard
Fuck off normalfag.
get a life, tryhard
One Pound Gospel
Freshly Baked!! Japan
Go back to Wizchan, it's the place where you need to stay.
Holy shit you're new.
I'm 30, in the 90's I wasn't allowed to play anything with blood and I wasn't allowed to play shooters. My parents weren't religious I also couldn't watch "rude" television like South Park and Beavis and Butthead
So, no Mortal Kombat and no Goldeneye is mostly what that amounted too.
The PC we had in the 90's ran Windows 3.1 so there wasn't much option to play Doom and Wolfenstein but they would've been banned.
one Christmas my uncle got me the baulder's gate expansion. I didn't have the first baulder's gate. I had no idea what the hell was happening. What a retarded gift.
I could always play at my friends houses. Though. Goldeneye parties at every opportunity ironically, she allowed me to play Perfect Dark. Maybe because Elvis the Alien was so weird it made it seem childish.
I have a waifu because I can't deal with real women who don't conform to my high standards or who just require real responsibility. I'm an introvert because I'm too self-conscious and navigating through real social situations is harder than virtual relationships and hardship brings pain & anxiety, which I can't handle as well as most people. I play as many video games as I do because I like to live vicariously through fictional characters and because I have too much free time from lack of work or school, which I avoid because I'm scared of real consequences and I have no desirable skills anyway. I don't know how to balance things in my life, so I just retreat to the one extreme in which I feel safe. My mother is too soft-hearted to throw me out despite my being a complete mooch.
I understand or accept that the real problem is that I'm either a narcissist, a coward or just plain dumb . I don't have to make up some myth of an evil,vaguely defined yet overwhelmingly homogenous group of "normalfags" who just aren't privy to the secret of life that I am.
I had a stepmother who was religious, but didn't ever go to church or know anything about the bible other than a few platitudes and feel good phrases.
There were a few times that she would try to cut down heavily on the amounts I played, or get mad that I played her sons' games who both only really played FIFA and had a bunch they never touched.
I expect she would never outright prevent me from playing them so that she had something to use against me as proof that I wasn't good enough, she'd bring up the whole violence thing, but would fall flat because I wasn't as violent as my dad wanted me to be
I was the younger brother of the family.
Bro had white card, I was able to play some of his games con PS2 as long they weren't 18+ (M).
Mom was worried when I played games like GTA, but she let it slide as long as I was with bro.
The weirdest part was I was able to play Serious Sam or Max Payne without problems back in the day, but then again, censoring blood and gore really helped.
Today, mom can even go as far as semi-memeing when the news talk shit about vidya. She's so sweet.