Kellogg's hurting, to shut down distribution centers

Yet another company feeling the effects of defying the God Emperor and siding with leftist traitors. You will remember they pulled all their advertising from Breitbart following the election.

Well it seems their sales have taken a nose dive following this. They are set to close 39 of their distribution centers, affecting 1,100 workers.

Moral of the story, do not defy the God Emperor and side with traitorous commies.

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What's a better cereal company to help boost the stocks of?
Have any come out in support of Trump?

I guess Post or General Mills. Kellogg's decided to get political, so they deserve this punishment, the idiots

Gorilla Munch still best cereal.

Are we sure Post is okay? Grapenuts is best cereal.

I dont eat much cereal these days, but when I was a kid, the cereal in the bags on the lower shelves was pretty much as good as the name brand shit.

I dunno, man. It's not just cereal. I can't even make a damn sandwich anymore without it somehow being political.

Apparently that cereal is non-GMO now. Thats a good sign.

Natures Path
Cascadian Farms

We should probably buy as much food as we can directly from the farms. Of course that is much easier said than done, ESPECIALLY if youre stuck in a fuckin city.