Daily Reminder that he did nothing wrong
Daily Reminder that he did nothing wrong
Daily reminder Niggers are Still Niggers
I've been to his unfinished resort at Kidepo. We walked around the ruin and then someone thought they saw a leopard in the shadows so we all got the fuck in the car and noped out.
The locals used to say he cannibalized women by cutting their breasts off and eating them. That's about all I know about Idi Amin.
Why should I care? He's still a nignog
He wuz a gud boi and dindu nuffin.
I wouldn't say he did nothing wrong, but I would say he was one of the smartest nigger leader maybe in africa's history, for whatever that's worth. Props for actually attempting to have an organized military and some self-sufficiency. Also he fucked with Israel a fair bit, which is cool.
He was born a nigger
Check out Last King of Scotland. Not sure how much of it was true but it was a pretty good movie and Forrest Whitaker was great as Amin.
From what i've been able to gather, Amin was a local sports hero who got picked by the globalists to be their puppet president in a long line of them. They figured he was just a big dumb oaf who'd follow orders. Turns out Amin was a pretty smart guy, and ballsy too, and he ended up causing the kikes tons of asshurt by going off script and actually trying to make things better for his people.
that is
Being a Nigger is whats wrong with him though.
Of course he didn't! He was the best part of Midnight Run!
Daily Reminder he dindu nuffin!
I've also heard the stories about Idi Amin being a cannibal, but I think those are the same kinds of urban legends as the ones where Hitler was a gay self-hating Jew with one testicle who drank bull semen. Probably not true.
While I respect those dubs, you have to remember he is a nigger.
>muh BASED apes
Is this the laughing negro on a boat guy?
Bumping because I want to know as well.
I always thought that coon was Mugabe tbh
yeah it is
wew, did he really build a statue of hitler? I can't seem to find anything about it.
Daily reminder that faggots like these are not Holla Forumsaks.
Idi Amin has always been an adored hero on Holla Forums. God rest his soul.
Fuck off back to cuckchan you nigger loving piece of shit. h8chan Holla Forums has never adored a nigger, no matter what it accomplished. There are no based niggers.
I have respect for any nigger that chooses to stay in Africa.
He was a nigger. That is the defintion of being wrong.
What's up uncucked fellow frogposter, heil hitler and check my dubs!
Jokes aside, putting Amin on the same level as Mugabe is nigger-tier logic. Trying to destroy niggers like Amin is the reason Africa is mostly Jew+Chink land and a huge nuisance to the rest of the world. They at least deserve our respect and recognition for fighting against the same semitic virus as we do, once again reminding us that this virus is not welcome literally anywhere.
anchored thread, but I'll reply anyway
he was a nigger, and a cannibal
niggers gonna nig
Chilling with Trudeau's dad.
This really.