From the article:
"Donald Trump's pick for EU ambassador Ted Malloch claimed senior Greek economists are looking into taking on the American banknotes if the country turns its back on the European currency." "'I know some Greek economists who have even gone to leading think tanks in the US to discuss this topic and the question of dollarization,' he said, according to local press.
'Such a topic of course freaks out the Germans because they really don't want to hear such ideas.' The likely candidate for the Brussels envoy job has previously stated he expects the Euro to crash by 2018."

Realistically speaking, this would also force Greece to crack-down on the migrant routes going through the Mediterranean.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking newfag mistake with the redtext, need to ease up on the caffeinated jew.

Archive: archive.fo/b3Lb5

What article nigger? Shitty OP is shit.


Greece moves from one collapsing currency to another. Trump is probably using this idea as a threat to get Merkel in line for another deal. Who knows.

It really would be a two-fold benefit for Greece though: if they change their money to the greenback and leave the EU, their monetary value actually increases, as it will slightly increase the value of the USD. I'm old enough to remember when a euro was worth $1.70; now it is at $1.06. I suspect that with France possibly leaving and now Greece, the Euro will collapse. That in addition to Trump putting pressure on the EU to pony up more money for their contributions to the EU? That's also two-fold: if the EU refuses, that destabilizes the power of NATO by casting doubt on its continued ability to perform (as the international community views Trump as an absolute madman that won't back down from his position). If the EU does cave, that means even higher taxes, which will push more businesses from the region to other areas.

The EU is in for a world of pain in the next four-eight years.

Bumping for interest.

Good, fuck the EU.

Dubs confirm.

Lurk Moar newfag


Looks like Kek has other plans

You could probably fix Greece by pouring in US dollars in exchange for getting rid of its socialist policies.

inb4 pic related suddenly appears on German shores.

Does the Greek state even have any public holdings left at all? I seem to remember China and (((others))) were buying up Greece's ports and telecom infrastructure USSR-style a couple of years ago.

This is a major attack vector on the EU. It's offering smaller countries an alternative to the EU. Previously, it was more or less "join the EU or we'll all cuck you, and you're too small to make it on your own". With this, it gives power to smaller countries to abandon the EU and not have to depend on them.

It also raises the question of why countries like Germany and France are taking care of refugees and foreigners when they're not even taking care of other members of the EU. You would think members of the EU would have a higher priority, but instead the Greeks get shafted by these countries. In fact, they're literally being walked over by the same people who are getting the help that the Greeks need.

I can't wait to see all the globalists flip their shit over them viewing this as some sort of imperialism.

Goldman Sachs was there to create and organize the Greek crisis. During this process the wealth was transferred to the Germany and the "debt" created in this process was repaid by the EU tax payers. So, double win for the bankers. Price of labor and resources went down, austerity measures were forced by the IMF. This is a standard formula for taking over a country. Greece is now in the process of being overtaken by foreign investors.

How Goldman Sachs helped mask Greece's debt

IMF strategy explained here:
Michael Parenti - The Face of Imperialism

Replacing Euro with Dollar would change absolutely nothing. Why? Because if you don't control the amount of currency in the circulation you cannot steer the economy for the benefit of the country. If you have a low GDP and a high-valued currency, it's hard to export products and the price of the workforce is pushed down. The state economy has to find an equilibrium between the value of the currency, the price of labor, amount of exports, etc. This is why the EU is so out of balance. Low GDP Post-Soviet republics in the Eurozone cannot compete with the high-GDP Western countries. The system is not dysfunctional, it behaves as designed.

Great interview where they explain the situtation:
Missing Link to Yanis Varoufakis - KenFM-Interview von Dirk Pohlmann

Multipart interview:
Yanis Varoufakis Explains Greece's Financial Crisis (Pt. 1)

Now all we need is Italy/The Holy Roman Empire to rise again.

Kikes gonna kike.

This is obviously a figure of speech; however, I agree but for different reasons. Greece needs to go back to their shitty drachma currency because their entire economic model is based on nigger-tier tax evasion and theft from the commons. In the past the only thing that kept them from scenarios like they currently are experiencing was control of their currency. You see, each time their leftist gibs and outright tax evasion lifestyle hammerfucked their economy, the greek government said "lel, devaluing the currency now!" and nuked everyone's savings in order to start over. They can't do that if their circulating currency is the euro or USD.

You don't know Greece bro! It's Mexico without the cartel income.

prepare accordingly LOL

Gonna need a non-pozzed Pope for that.



"The Thirty Years' War was a series of wars in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. It was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European history,[16] as well as the deadliest European religious war, resulting in eight million casualties.

The war began when the newly elected Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, tried to impose religious uniformity on his domains, forcing Roman Catholicism on its peoples. The northern Protestant states, angered by the violation of their rights to choose that had been granted in the Peace of Augsburg, banded together to form the Protestant Union. Ferdinand II was a devout Roman Catholic and relatively intolerant when compared to his predecessor, Rudolf II. His policies were considered strongly pro-Catholic.

The war ranks with the worst famines and plagues as the greatest medical catastrophe in modern European history.[73][74] Lacking good census information, historians have extrapolated the experience of well-studied regions.[75] John Theibault agrees with the conclusions in Günther Franz's Der Dreissigjährige Krieg und das Deutsche Volk (1940), that population losses were great but varied regionally (ranging as high as 50%) and says his estimates are the best available.[76] The war killed soldiers and civilians directly, caused famines, destroyed livelihoods, disrupted commerce, postponed marriages and childbirth, and forced large numbers of people to relocate. The reduction of population in the German states was typically 25% to 40%.[77] Some regions were affected much more than others.[78] For example, Württemberg lost three-quarters of its population during the war.[79] In the territory of Brandenburg, the losses had amounted to half, while in some areas, an estimated two-thirds of the population died.[80] The male population of the German states was reduced by almost half.[81]"

Greece isn't quite that bad. In Europe you get taxed like 40% if you try to make a buck so why report any income? Bringing taxes down to a reasonable level and Greece will be fine, as long as they cut benefits accordingly. The ECB wants every nation in debt slavery.

That said I still don't think we should be any European country's financiers as a foreign central bank is each country's primary problem today.

I for one welcome our new debtor…=
…they for sure have a better credit rating than the Greeks

Yeah, sure we are freaked out, at the idea the USA paying Greece debts, to nothing else would this amount. Where do you think would the Greek get Dollars from? Greece doesn't produce anything of value, they have even killed there former tourism industry by flooding the country with mudslimes and niggers.

The German taxpayer would welcome that. Good luck!

Yeah make it happened, open your market and most important your coffers for Europe's low performer.

Are you dumb?
How many hundreds of billions should the German taxpayer waste on those parasites? Money German's working poor, their families, German infrastructure needs.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What wealth? The Greece were dirty poor lazyfags, who suddenly got hold of Germany's credit card, maxing it out, suddenly surprised why that can't go on.

Anything they had and have was stolen from the German taxpayer.


Why would Americans be okay with this? This would essentialy make Greece their problem, instead of Europe's problem.

Do you even tactics faggot?

In awe of the master strategist.

What's next in your plan, annexing Belize?

Should France leave, there will be no more EU in 4 years.
Not so sure about greece. Them leaving could set off a chain reaction that would make all southern members leave, which in turn would also break the EU.
And should that somehow happen, I wouldn't be suprised if the majority of the countries would switch back to their national currencies, with maybe germany keeping the Euro.

You good goyim have an economical understanding equal to that of a 5 year old.

Fuck no, Constantinople you dumbass.

Didn't realize I was in the No Fun Zone.

Dubs confirm Constantinople will be retaken in your lifetime.

The EU needs to die. It is the antithesis of everything that is actually european. It is in fact a great enemy of Europe, european culture and our race.

Since we joined the EU our quality of life has plummeted and our agricultural sector was killed by globalist corporations. Even the fucking stores are foreign and they sell foreign goods ranging from chinese crap to imported food of inferior and even questionable quality. Life was better in all material aspects in 1995, just following a total war, than it is now. Let that fact sink in.

The EU has eviscerated everything we had. EVERYTHING.

t. Croat

A unified Europe can only be unified as an actual Empire in the evolian sense. Everything else is a subversion and cancer.

And that is not by accident considering the EU is an American and the Euro a Canadian creation.



Let's just call it as it is - a globalist prison of nations. Its purpose is to kill european culture, history and its people. That's why it exists and that's what it has been doing all this time.

Wht do eurocucks always blame all of their problems on Americans?

I can't tell if it's elaborate D&C bait or what but it needs to stop


can't argue with those dubs

Because it was the US that carpet bombed Germany after Germany tried to save us all from Jews and marxism. Even further back you did a similar thing in WW1 when you sacrificed Europe to financial interests.*

Simply put Europe wouldn't be in this mess if you kept to your isolationist policies like your Founding Fathers intended, and when you started to meddle you always meddled for the benefit of Jew capital and liberalism. Even just recently you helped create Kosovo. A bit further back you stopped us and the Serbs from killing islam once and for all in Europe (1991 - 1995 period).

Your 1950s utopia was built atop of dead bodies of white men, women and children.

*Britain took massive loans from you. By 1918 Germany would've won after Russia collapsed and the eastern front closed. France was exhausted and on the verge of surrender. You figured you needed to secure your investment so you joined the war on the side of evil, and due to the fact you were utterly absent from the War you were intact, while Germany put everything on the kaiserschlaht card.

The USA owes a massive karmic debt to Europe. This is not a hateful thing to say. It's a fact and every Holla Forums user worth his salt knows this because he knows his country has been Jew run for a very long time, just like the British empire. Ergo Trump, which only adds to the debt given that folks like me supported him all the way to the presidency despite us being european. This only adds to your debt.

Talk to Churchill you fucking retard.

Nah, he knows that when WW3 hits, Turkey's going to be the mad dog that's gonna turn against its former friends. So he wants to turn Greece into Fortress Europe, and when the muslim hordes really start flooding - and with Turkey arming them - Greece will be the rock they'll break upon.

The alternative is letting Turks and ISIS roam free and enter the Europe, kickstart the new Ottoman Empire, and everyone dying. So Trump is turning Greece into the military base that's going to be loyal to America First, instead of some shitty (((NATO))) coalition which will probably let the Ottomans rape everything.

You'll live to see Constantinople retaken.

Churchill couldn't have done shit without support from the U.S.A

what the fuck are you talking about, Germany also destroyed whites you ingrateful cuckhold.

People like you dont know how war functions, white fight wars of extermination. just because they're the same color doesn't meant the autism shitfights will end with everyone in harmony after seeing everyone's friend be mashed into human paste.

We don't, we only blame America when it is appropriate. Which it is in this case.






What really needs to stop is American involvement in Europe. We can trade, have tourism and be friends and you can even keep your Monroe Doctrine for all I care but anything beyond that must stop. No more troops in Europe, no more CIA involvement in elections, no more State Department colored revolutions, no more Atlanticist lobbies, just leave us alone and we'll be on the best of terms.


In both wars Britain only remained afloat because of US loans and war material.

Basic history.

But it didn't seek to destroy and subvert european culture, or force europeans to breed with niggers, or allowed and encouraged degeneracy.

I lived through a total war as a child and served in the army as an adult. It is you who doesn't understand any of this.

I'm not even sure if you're a Jap or a shill judging from your terrible English.


Because the EU is an US project:

OSS, CIA and European unity: The American committee on United Europe, 1948-60
Richard J. Aldrich University of Nottingham

1960, mostly from US government sources, was central to efforts to drum up mass support for the Schuman Plan, the European Defence Community and a European Assembly with sovereign powers. This covert contribution never formed less than half the European Movement's budget and, after 1952, probably two-thirds.

Greece needs to go back to its own currency.
Then they can devalue it and improve tourism/investment opportunities while ditching consumer debt.

No, that's not how this works. Instead, the country using the currency is beholden to the country that issues the currency. Is Ecuador "our problem"? They use the USD as their currency. If Ecuador gets into shit, they can't simply issue more USD and spend it, unlike the Fed in the USA where (((quantitative easing))) happened during our recession. In fact the quantitative easing in the US likely had an effect on Ecuador's economy.

Tiny tourist nations might benefit from using the USD to attract more visitors from the US, but you don't want to be using another country's currency instead of your own if you are a "real country".

Greece should, but the EU wouldn't allow them to since other countries would follow suit.

A major downside of using someone else's currency is they can crash you any time they wish. Even if the controller's economy takes a hit, since it controls when that happens it's in a much better position. there's nothing Ecuador could do to make it worth the cost of making them crash

Constantinople soon. I will return to my ancestral land to reclaim it. Death to all Turks