Are you guys even excited for this game? Thoughts on what to expect?
Are you guys even excited for this game? Thoughts on what to expect?
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It could be the game that finally breaks the Zelda formula, shakes things up, and delivers an open-world fantasy RPG experience that isn't total garbage.
It could be total garbage that fucks everything up in a colossal trainwreck of trying too hard to do new things without the skill to back it up.
Or it could be a typical Zelda but dolled-up to look different.
As long as I can pirate it on Wii U it doesn't really mater if it''s good or bad because I am spending no money thus taking no risk.
memes and shiet
With all these delays it better be good
i don't get excited for things any more, that way if they happen to be good it's a pleasant surprise
i haven't been excited for a game since dark souls
All I want is something that plays as close to the NES original as possible.
Very little to no exposition, open ended world structure, baddies that can and will kick your shit in if you're in way over your head and items and techniques you'll need all throughout the game and not just as lock and key.
SEGA Bethesda does what Nintendon't
You mite b wasting time and bandwidth tho
Its Nintendo… Come on.. You know they aren't going to do any of this. Its gonna hold your hand the entire way through the game.
Nintendo has been on a losing streak for about a year now. My expectations for their products are rock bottom and I anticipate this game to be a trainwreck.
I want Skyrim but you don't need mods to make it fun
I know people want more info about the game, but what? They don't have anything else to show? I'm not THAT interested in it.
i expect nothing, zelda is shit.
I think he meant "I want what Skyrim was promised to be."
The idea of Skyrim, rather than the reality of Skyrim.
Skyrim's meme, you could say.
they have Sticker Star 2
Like I've said before. This game has to be the best Zelda thus far or else Nintendo's done
I dread this
I expect Holla Forums to hate it and start liking Skyward Sword. Holla Forums's dumb that way.
The entire Zelda fan base is that way
Todd's lie, you mean.
Fair point.
fuck you, skyward was always shit. this game wont change that.
The very first reveal had me interested in it but I don't care about any N 1st parties anymore. They're purposely driving them all into the ground.
That's precisely what I want
Little bit
Worst case scenario, Skyrim.
Best case scenario, Skyrim but good.
not even that, Nintendo only uses a few select IPs from their massive catalog. we'll never see a new F-Zero or Custom Robo because Nintendo is a bunch of dumb apes
Twilight Princess was shit too, but everyone started liking it when Skyward Sword came out. Same thing happened with Wind Waker.
Don't get salty at me cause I'm right.
I'm glad for that. My favorite was Star Fox and now I get to watch it die an even bigger laughing stock than it was already.
Miyamoto would insist on making F-Zero slower and less weapons in Custom Robo.
no one buys those games
It'll be the same retard-easy cutscene-fest as every Zelda since Ocarina of Time.
are you retarded? what makes you think the people who hated Twilight Princess years ago are the same people praising it now?
Cause I'm right.
C'mon faggot, we're going dress shopping.
Only faggots go dress shopping though. I mean, if you do it that's fine, but I don't know why you want everyone to be gay with you. Fags sure are insufferable.
No. I feel like there's going to be cut content out the asshole, and the game's going to be fucking retarded.
I pray I'm wrong.
Which is why you're coming with me. You're a huge faggot and need a dress to match it.
I hope it gets shitposted and horribly recieved
Fuck NOA and fuck the treehouse.
Oh shit, NOA.
I forgot about those cunts. Nope, no hope.
Why do you need people to wear dresses with you?
There is only 2 things Nintendo could do to excite me at this point.
Sorry folks
yes they do
thats actually a pretty good idea, would anyone be against spamming sanic hentai and poor quality sanic fan art in their twitch chat?
That could be fun. I'm all for it.
perhaps your right, maybe this is for the best.
I don't have a wiiu I don't think I'm going to get one. I'll wait for it to get emulated on my fucking awesome pc which I will upgrade with a 1080 or whatever the fuck amd has to show for the next month.
Exactly this. It should be fairly obvious which one after the first couple minutes of honest gameplay. I'm guessing it'll be a trainwreck.
Spitting in vomit won't make it much more unpleasant, you know.
Not to us, but it'll make the vomit sad.
I don't even drink and I've got the booze ready.
Aonuma said he was checking out Skyrim, so I'm expecting an "open" world with as much content as Wind Waker at the most. Add Skyward Sword's low points (hand holding, shit partner, bad combat) and an even bigger way to fuck up ALBW's item rentals and that's what I expect Zelda U to be.
It'll also have memes, censorship, a completely pozzed line mentioning social justice or GG, and an exclusive limited edition gold triforce amiibo to add insult to injury.
pick only one
Oh lord, let it not have levels please. Zelda games have been the only ACTUAL action adventure games without fucking rpg elements.
Fuck. The worst thing the new Zelda could possibly do is beef up the RPG elements, like SS tried to do with item upgrades and shit. Open world is already a really tough sale for me, so I'm really bracing myself for whatever gets announced.
Is it a joke at the expense of OoT fans or something? Do they frequently say things this retarded?
If you've gone through the original NES Zelda, making a good open world is possible. You just have to make the areas that are supposed to be late game very fucking hard, where enemies can one shot you in a basic tunic w/ 3 hearts. It would give more replay value, but it would also mean they'd have to give up their awful story, which would never happen.
I think what people mean by getting a true followup to OoT a game that actually tries to surpass it in quality, rather than meander around gimmicks (that's not an attack on MM). Newer Zelda games don't try to be better sequels to previous titles, but end up feeling like experiments that went on for too long and had to be rushed out to recoup the extremely long dev time. SS shouldn't have taken almost half a decade.
You mean like every zelda?
My bad. It's easy to forget that those had stories at all. Zelda 2 is the shit.
ah, wasting money on no games. very PC indeed
Zelda was never good
Whatever I save on not getting the games I can use to buy a video card. Best deal ever, mang.
yes, but what games will utilize it besides console multiplats and 2D indie shit?
Might as well stick to Zelda Classic.
Not even a little. Even if it does somehow manage to be good we then have to deal with NoA's localization and Nintendo's new focus on DLC and Amiibos.
I agree, but the one thing I'm afraid of is the lack of mystery. Provided I'm not mistaken, how can you recapture that sense of mystery and exploration the original Zelda invoked? These days game secrets are spoiled almost immediately.
The thing with Zelda (and Mario) titles is that they seem to sell no matter what. If Nintendo wants to do an experiment, they apply it to one of these IPs (or vice versa) as a sort of safe bet
That one actually piqued my interest when I first heard about it. The downside to that system was how, you could just buy all of the items immediately. Could be wrong, but perhaps it would be more interesting if there was a cap to how many items you could rent at a time, requiring the player to carefully pick what they'll use to explore.
Nintendo fucked up badly in just 2 years.
I mean fuck, the Zelda U game was supposed to be the big Wii U seller, and now it's also releasing the NX which is coming next year. The Wii U has almost nothing to show for it's short lifespan, and even less that proved how interesting the tablet could've been. It's shameful.
The future isn't looking bright either. Pokemon Sun and Moon look like X and Y 2.0, Mobile games are about to be full swing, none of their bad practices seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, and the NX shows no serious promise it'll be any different then the Wii U.
every fuckin company has been fucking up. this has been the worst generation in fucking ever.
Nope, all possible cautious optimism and hype is dead. The only reason it was delayed was to sell more NX consoles so fuck it. I'll pirate it when it comes out, I guess.
and the worst part is, a lot of people believe it was the "golden age" for video games. Fucking disgusting.
Of course I am. I'm not a retarded plebian.
Zelda is probably the only AAA series left that still does dungeons and good, tight level design on such a scale. Just a pity it takes so long to make those games.
Could be the best game ever, tbh. And I say this as someone who hated Skyward Sword, was the most disappointing game ever for me.
now what fucking creighton did you hear that from?
Journalists and people who's first game was Skyrim.
The sales for Zelda's main games have been steadily dropping with the exception of TP. They do experiment in the main titles, look at how radical of a departure WW was and the backlash it received for that. Turning Hyrule into an ocean and completely changing the artstyle was very left-field. SS just feels like an excuse for the team to play around with motion controls every chance they got, which resulted in the bad combat and insane amount of waggling. TP played it very safe in comparison and is why it's the only exception in the downslope of sales numbers.
You know what's even worse about that statement? Gen 9 is going to make this one look good.
oh so then no one important, okay.
You say nobody important but they have become the core market of our dead hobby.
No Nintendo didn't fuck up, all is going according to keikaku.
Nintendo publicly stated that they do not want to compete with MS/Sony. They are targeting a different audience.
Why can't people just accept the old Nintendo is dead?
TP factually is a great game, though with incredible level design, great OST and GameCube graphics. You haven't played many games if you think it (or any 3D Zelda) is bad.
And no, your little, fancy Zelda cycle is retarded. People liked it back then but also criticised it on an average and they still do this today. Same with Wind Waker, MM, OoT etc. And people will always hate SS.
This, except it's been a losing streak for far longer than a year. They just happen to be exceptionally abysmal this year.
You're a retard, though. They have a damn hard time and are actually doing great all things considered. They didn't abandon the Wii U, they're doing a better job supporting it than Sony (themselves) supporting the Vita, especially if we ignore all the PS4 and PS3 ports.
I actually kinda respect them for how much they have NOT abandoned the Wii U despite such fucking ridiculous sales.
This is middle school tier. The cancer has taken over. There is not a single chan that isn't completely fucked. I guess it was fun for a little while. RIP
I thank god everyday that Zelda does not have Skyrim combat.
Expecting an Aonuma Zelda to be a trainwreck requires some Negroid level >80 IQ. Surprised you can even make posts.
When I hear "open world", these are the first things I imagine have to go, and thus why I worry. Zelda 1 did it, but fuck, do you trust any modern dev to deliver something on par with Zelda 1?
I am implying nx will be the last console.
That would leave us with a power vaccuum and little competition for places like Steam and Origin. Gaming would get even worse, since the only remaining platforms will consolidate leverage due to being the only option in town.
You think Nintendo is bad now? If they survive with the nx while Sony dies, they are going to go into maximum overdrive with their bullshit.
I'm sorry what
RIP optimization and good gaming in general.
Nintendo has fallen fucking HARD compared to the other two. At least sony just double downed on what made them money, casuals and weebs. Microshit was dead in the water. Nintendo has seem to be the only company that has fallen further and further within the span of 5 years. This gen has been terrible for many reasons but the biggest one was nintendo going full EA on everyone.
Things never get better, do they?
Why optimize when you can use vulkan and a million dollar graphics card to cover for you?
It's not far in concept from light arrows. I would take issue more with it being over designed, with little etches on the arrowhead, weird amber bubbles at the bottom, some kind of something on the top edge (like seriously why would you put that there), and really unsound looking string binding it to the shaft. But it's just a fucking arrow, so I don't especially care.
I'm more interested in discussing the glowing thing on his belt, honestly. What is that, a book? Stone relic of some kind?
They do, but this is one hell of a drop. Everything, including gaming, has been falling since 2008 and we're STILL not done yet.
literally the only fucking good news we've recieved these past few years is that disney dropped out.
what the fuck.
Also it will likely be fucked up hard by whatever retarded gimmick the Nx has.
I normally wouldn't give a shit, considering my last owned console was the Gamecube and I haven't legitimately acquired a video game by forking over my shekels since 2007, but this could very well be the catalyst for the death of video games as mass-appeal casual trash, and the beginning of its rebirth into a niche hobby ruled by people who actually know about it and give a shit once more. If all the big money-makers and trend-leaders say "fuck this shit, we're outta here" and head for greener pastures, the masses of retards who can barely operate a toaster, the piss-yellow "journalist" hacks and the identity politics drones will all fuck off to find their next hosts to leech off of, and we'll finally be free of our decades-long curse.
If all the publishers leave/die, and no gaming platform exists except regular computers and the niche weird stuff developed for them by dedicated functional autists, it'll be a new golden age. Too much complexity of and required knowledge for indie twats and random bazinga idiots to worm their way into it and pump out and buy a million walking simulators, too little profit and mass appeal for big companies to bother making any forays into the wild frontier or courting the typical retard to join them in it, and just enough livelihood and creativity tempered by seclusion and rightful xenophobia (plus a dash of in-group memery) to create a thriving isolated group that's insulated from the outside world of shit.
They tried to broaden appeal and bring in the herds of useful idiots to milk for money, but all they did was drain all their funds by making trash, and speed up the death of the industry by a decade or two. Now, it's all going to burn down and everyone outside of those who possess our specific knowledge and memories will scream "WHY, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN", while we rejoice and celebrate our newfound freedom from modern culture and the mass-retardation it breeds.
Good times ahead.
that is the sweetest look at our future anyone has ever explained to me
good on yah for having a bit of hope.
Is this a shoop?
I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't at this point.
I'd argue the opposite. The games that exist right now would just be thrown onto digital distribution platforms and the few remaining companies would go full EA. You don't get to own anything, microtransactions up the ass, subscription services for shit like Origin, etc. They are not leaving gaming, they're going to turn PC gaming into Netflix like they mentioned in that article a while ago. Stuff like Games for Gold or PS+ would become the default business platform.
It could end up like that.
But on the other hand if the entire North American console market gets dumped on one single console NoA might just have to change it's ways. Reggie, Treehouse, 8-4, and the rest of them would be forced to suddenly contend with a market that they weren't prepared for, haven't courted, and frankly don't want. And they can't just ignore it because Nintendo of Japan has long dreamed of a return to the golden age and have been trying as far back as the Gamecube if not the the N64 to get it back by throwing whatever they can at the wall and trying to get something to stick. If NoJ sees an opportunity to return to the NES/Famicom days and NoA stands in the way of those aspirations… well, people are going to get fucking fired. NoA, as it exist now, might even be dissolved.
Guess we'll have to wait a bit longer, but don't say it won't happen.
This actually does sound good, but what makes you think these people will actually leave. I realize the definition has been absolutely fucked with ever since independent games gained popularity, but don't indies have crowdfunding. If the publishers leave, wouldn't they only ones left be indies?
I do hope for an eventual reset
I just can't see them changing, even if they're the only game in town. They practically are with the 3DS, but you know that's going. Plus I see devs just fucking off to PC before going back to Nintendo. Bethesda wants to do that with their platform, that's why they want paid mods, so they can fund such an excursion. Devs are still pissed to this day about what Nintendo pulled back in the day. It's why they chose to suffer on the PS360 despite the Wii doing better than both combined. They don't want anything to do with Nintendo if there is any other choice.
Since Zelda 1 is a retarded shit game without any actual level design that even was a retarded shit game back then and completely cucked by Crystalis or even some licenced games, yes, I expect about every developer to make games as good as Zelda 1 or better.
Are you a Dark Souls "OMG xD Souls is totally like Zelda 1 and 2, so awesome, it's what Zelda should be today) child by a chance?
go to bed Aonuma
If they did wouldn't nintendo make more?
MM/LA best Zelda, don't particularly care for Souls. Crystalis kicks so much ass. I still think Z1 did open world in the best way possible, which still lead to looser and therefore inferior level design than later games in the series.
Excuse me. Stopped reading there. Don't assume that everyone reading your message is a guy. I can't even believe I have to say this.
zelda has had a history of being pretty good, but the golden rule is to pirate first then play
then roll 100 6 sided die, if they all come up on the sixth side and it's fun, buy the game if you're also willing to stick your finger in your ass, and if you are willing to do that, you're a faggot.
In the worst of cases it will get all 7.0s and a below 80 metacritic score, you will the see the normalfag audience dropping it/cancelling preorders. The game would still sell like hotcakes while being bundled with the NX as a launch title.
Best of cases it's a good open-world action RPG filled to the brim with content and voice acting perhaps.
You're right that neither Nintendo nor the devs that hate them would never change by choice, but if it was a live or die situation they very likely could just man up and change. If it's a choice between big egos nursing a grudge and making money business's are going to go with making money. If they instead choose to continue their grudge then they won't be in business very long and someone else will come in and fill their place.
Even the worst Zeldas are okay to mediocre at worst so it'll probably be fine.
Don't forget VR trash. I hope and expect it ends up like 3D tvs but it will take time, given all the money being poured in currently.
Best case scenario, it's so expensive and not useful and VR goes back to its niece, gaming goes back to its roots and is freed.
Worst case, more casuals buy VR and we get 3D walking simulators five ways to sunday
I think that's true, but I also think you're underestimating how big dev's egos are. Skyrim may suck dick, but it blew SS out of the fucking water when they both dropped in 2011. Do you see Nintendo really doing anything drastically different to get back in the game, or are they still fucking around like Bethesda doesn't exist?
Yes, you are edgy for liking an old, bad, challenging game. Now you can go to bed, Mike.
It's a fucking 80s game. That it had shit level design and no proper dungeon doesn't have anything to do with the "open world" (it's a bird's eye view MS Paint drawing). While it's true most open world games have shit level design and don't do handcrafted dungeons because developers don't have the time and money left, level design will forever be the top priority for modern Zelda and the main reasons developer don't do good dungeons is simply because they're talentless, lazy hacks.
but user, if we returned to LoZ/AoL everyone would just say Zelda is a dark souls ripoff
Holy shit a nintendrone, I didn't think any were left.
Holla Forums Holla Forums for some reason cares a lot more about Jew scores than 4chan Holla Forums. It's kinda weird.
You would believe after pic related people would be finally redpilled on reviews and know how moneyhatted and useless they are. It's all about who gets the most marketing money.
I love that i can filter neogaf faggots with just one click. Thanks Fox Engine!.
Forgot pic. Looks like the userscore went up a little, though.
I just popped in to call a spade a spade champ. I don't need an argument, this thread is full of them.
No clue what point you're trying to make. Are you with me? Are you against me? Who is the NeoGAF faggot and why?
Why do so many people lack insight into human nature and logics?
The post you quoted basically has nothing to do with any other post in this thread, how could there be a related argument?
Its NCL, user
not NoJ
also I hope nintendo gets a monopoly, because as you described, it will expose the bullshit NoA has been doing to actively damage NCL's reputation and sales figures, and heads will fucking roll.
Nexon Co did that exact thing to Nexon NA, When it figured out that Nexon NA was sabotaging their library to reduce costs and increase profits (but damaging market share) it sent in a Nexon KC official who fucked their shit up.
Do tell.
But scores DO matter.
You see how normalfucks have been taking sides on that gay ass youtube dramawar?
yea, thats a good example of why they matter. fucking normals are obsessed with fitting in, and they will listen to absolutely fucking anyone about a product and follow them to hell for it.
Look at star fox zero, a bunch of scubs fail to understand how youre supposed to keep track of two screens at once, they relay to idiots that the game is broken and unplayable, and those people then relay that same. Ive talked to normalfag friends whos response to me liking zero was "dude you dont have to lie, i know the controls suck"
these people havent played the game.
I follow your reasoning on dungeon design, though I do think the fact that dungeons can be visited in a varied order in an open world game presents new challenges that linear games simply don't have to deal with, which impacts their design greatly. Granted, LttP may have done that better. I never finished that one.
I hope what you're implying about Nintendo devs not being talentless, lazy hacks rings true.
About a year ago a bunch of guys started quitting NNA, there were rumblings of an NKC guy getting sent to NNA to clean the place up after they "had" to can DFO.
A few months it was silent, until we got info of being being fired, "shifted" and demoted, the structure of NNA was changed, suddenly there were new hires all over the place, and they designated a korean to rule over the place and watch for any cuntery.
Even their low profit games like Vindictus now have dedicated support teams both in game and outside of it. Some of the more controversial cash items have been altered in the games, or been given free alternatives, and all their games now have to have a community organizer to set up events and keep people updated on the games.
Super strange happening, but understandable, NKC was not happy about their sullied reputation or the financial failures being blamed on it.
Of course they matter to normalfags and in regard to marketing. They shouldn't matter to you/intelligent people that have the money to buy the game regardless and find out themselves how bad or good a game is or even the experience to SEE if a game can be actually fun or shit. I see one gameplay video of Uncharted and know it's a pile of shit with disgusting controller aim, linear level design but good graphics to make me tolerate this fact.
They can be visited in a varied order because there is fucking nothing you could break. because the game is so simple and shit.
TBH I have no idea how they're even going to make it work properly without going for level scaling which is horrible. They tried the same with ALBW again and people criticised it a lot because dungeons become easier and easier when games should actually become harder instead of easier. This way dungeons also were less unique and less item-centric.
I'm sure Nintendo realized this and we won't be able to actually do the dungeons in Zelda U any order we want. Maybe some like in OoT but not all of them. Instead there just should be many optional, smaller dungeons and enemies we can approach any time like in other open world game. At least I hope so.
Then again, Zelda 1 didn't let us do dungeons in any order either, even though it was a simple as fuck game.
user, I hate to break this to you but…normals control the market, not you.
If normals buy it, you get more, if normals dont, you dont. The only exception is when you hit a niche so uncommon that people who are smarter than the average normalfag latch on in such a number that it becomes successful, like Dark Souls or EVE.
That doesnt happen often, sadly.
Something tells me you never played the game, and so need to go.
Something tells me you dont play games at all and so REALLY need to go.
That is not happening
Its going to be a tumblr teir trainwreck
how even.
Let me sum up the Nintendo at e3 2016
Nintendo reveals some shit, but everything gets overshadowed by the pointless buzz generated by the ability to play a female version of Link in the next major Zelda game.
Also no Mother 4
Yes I know that its NCL and not NoA but the localisation will be full of Tumblrism and it'll be a crappy open world RPG like Skyrim
Mad respect to Itoi for sitting on something so hot yet knowing his limits and ending on a high note. Though it may have something to do with Japan apparently hating M3.
Now we just have to pray NoA doesn't translate M3.
you dont even know that
its a fucking zelda game, they would have to try REALLY hard to fuck anything up, especially because aonuma got it through his thick skull that nobody likes the dialogue heavy bullshit.
There is zero evidence the game is going to be a disaster, everyone is still just hysterical over the fire emblem shit.
The whole company is a wreck now, there hasn't been any sign of stability since he died, and this isn't hysteria over Fire Emblem, everything post Iwata has been Trash
Xenoblade Chronicles X, Fatal Frame, Bravely Second, Mario Tennis, Star Fox Zero
Sure not all of them have had censorship but all have had a major issue that solid leadership would of fixed
Stop being Senile, Nintendo has gone haywire with no control
They did. Miyamoto and Aonuma streamed some a while ago at a game conference.
Bare bones empty grass overworld with a black and purple palette swap.
Minimal variety and budget, basically a fourth of an actual game.
Tech on around 2009 level.
Mute link and same sort as always.
But it will have selectable gender.
Source: not being asleep during the last decade of Nintendo's fuck-uppery.
so three examples of censorship from Nintendo of AMERICA, one abysmal mario spinoff, and a game that got shit on for being too complicated for idiots to grasp.
You arent convincing me. Should have at least brought up mobile games.
sure buddy.
Star Fox Zeros problem is not the controls but its an unfinished game that got rushed
I'm more excited about trying A Link Between Worlds, tbh. But I have some other zeldas to beat before I get it.
Pretty much this. While I would like the first, my gut is telling me Nintendo doesn't have the balls to really shake it up too much, so I think it will be the third with maybe one or two neat new mechanics.
Unfinished how?
be prepared to question every user on Holla Forums for their shit taste. Game is pretty ace
Go cry on the subreddit of your choice.
That isn't going to fucking happen.
people are still paying millions for rehashes of movie remakes, now a whole bunch of TV remakes too.
people still buy shit comics from Marvel and DC.
They'll most likely leave videogames when people stop paying subscriptions, paying for pre-order, buying DLC, and defending it like a rabid fanboy.
Infinity failing is showing that literal children are more responsible consumers sense than Nintendrones, or children don't have a steady income or money to burn through their money.
it's not 'ace'
it's good, and that's all, and that's all a game needs to be to stand out from the shit heap
I'm not even a furry, those hips just don't lie.
Despite all the issues Nintendo has had, link between worlds got me excited for zelda again. I think it has a chance to be very, very good.
I am convinced that NoA will fuck up localization to the point of making me hack my wii u
the game will be better than Skyward Sword, but that's not saying much good
Its not the best entry in the series, but its exactly what it needed to be to make zelda great again, dont be an ootfag.
same here man, that was a real turnaround, I had high hopes after wind waker, and that shit was dashed HARD in the following games.
Id love to try out triforce heroes, but i lost my 3ds when i moved, and havent found it yet.
i cannot be excited nor can i expect anything but a disappointment from nintendo these days. they have zero credibility left.
Yeah, i may just hack it anyway as money is getting tight, but my wife wouldn't want me to fuck with it as she gets paranoid about me messing with them, though im pretty sure she had a pirating cartridge for her ds
you dont even need to "hack" anything. right now its just a temporary exploit that goes away when you turn off the system. no installing or anything.
your wife needs to stop being a faggot
Triforce heroes is like, if you took an overworld out of zelda and just let the dungeon designers have fun with a weird multiplayer mechanic. It can get plenty intense and fun as it's got lots of good design and they fix the mario partyesque levels of HATE in four swords by making everyone share a health bar. it may make you hate them more?
That picture is both cringy and adorable
BTW, how is Four Swords? I've been meanings to try and acquire something for mutiplayer, as me and a friend have been playing Double Dragon Advance on the Game Boy Player.
Neat, i guess i'm playing star fox soon after all. I'll look into it
oh boy shotas I hope
Happy fapping, Holla Forums
theres on in every thread
it inspired me to do research on gelbooru
Hes a tight little qt, too
Four Swords isn't terrific, it was mostly letting Capcom dick around with their own thing and their own villain + accompanying Master Sword expy. Friends improve it drastically I played it singleplayer on the DSiWare version
Amiibo DLC locked dungeons and items kikery.
Some treehouse translation bollocks for the international versions.
Expecting anything else is just plain retarded.
Literally japanese cod
Well fuck that i'm not even going to pirated it.
Nintendo already anounced that it's not coming to the Wii U and will instead be on their next console in 2017
they announced its coming to both.
Do you even read your own sources?
ay least the porn will get better
There hasn't been a good Zelda game in almost two decades now. There has been some mediocre ones, and some bad ones (WW, SS). I do not hold out hope that Nintendo now in their worst years are going to deliver anything worthwhile.
Considering Nintendo has always just done whatever the fuck they wanted and has gone on with little to no serious support from anyone else, for what… three or four generations? Microsoft and Sony leaving would honestly just give Nintendo more support than they've had in years.
Especially if they go back to not selling at a loss, and continue to use mobile as a cushion.
The only chance I can see why that wouldn't happen, is if some young new face whose never been in the company takes over.
I want to believe but I don't know what to think anymore.
I expect nothing. Twilight princess & skyward sword were "good" while windwaker was "great", but clearly unfinished.
They've been progressively getting worse, & unless Koizumi gets in there to reign in miyamoto & aonuma, I don't expect much.
If the changes to the 3DS version of Majora's Mask are any indication, don't expect anything.
MS might bow out but Sony? They've been around since 1995 and are doing quite well.
Frankly Nintendo isn't even in the same game anymore. Most wiiU owners have it as a SECONDARY console. Nobody games exclusively on Nintendo.
What did Todd promise anyway? I never bothered with the Skyrim hype due to having such a terrible PC at the time that I didn't even bother looking at new games.
He promised The world. He said you could explore everywhere you could see.
I wish. I remember reading something where he (Most likely jokingly) said they should switch and have Aonuma handle a Mario title and he'd take Zelda. Aonuma wasn't having that.
I believe Aonuma wanting to "go back to basics" is a good thing for the series. But I just have a feeling that Koizumi could make a Zelda game that'd feel even fresher.
Again, scores are important and of course you want a game you like to sell well, we don't have to talk about scores here, though. People do this all the time and unorinically believe a good score means a game is good and a bad score means a game is bad. We don't even have to talk about scores here at all, it isn't adding anything.
And Dark Souls is utter mainstream trash for NeoGAF children and trannies. Not quite FIFA tier mainstream but still mainstream. Pic related.
Because I stated a fact?
I didn't say it can't work, I said I have no idea how they could pull it off with Zelda.
You didn't even move the argument one inch with your shitpost.
God, and here I hoped it's just a 4chan/NeoGAF meme.
Please just kill yourself. This guy wrote the story for OoT and MM and then didn't to much more than that. Aonuma was mainly responsible for WW and MM, not this literally who, you dumb hipster faggot.
And Skyward Sword was utter dog shit. When you can like this game, how can you even be worried about the next Zelda? It could be a 1/10 game and you could still end up liking it.
But you could explore everything? The problem was the game is a generic pile of shit with everything looking the same.
And Fallout 4 was a disaster and killed the franchise.
If someone wants to know exactly why Fallout 4 is a disaster, this post sums it up nicely:
All of this paired up with them tackling a "sandbox" type of level design which they have no experience with.
No, no, I'm sure this is it. I'm sure this is the one time they get their heads out of their asses. Just HOW could it possibly be a gigantic piece of fucking dog shit? They're delaying it so much it just has to be great! Especially when having to make it work on two consoles!
It'll be great.
But user, nintendo is the only video game company that can turn around this gen! Besides, they said 5 years ago that they can survive 3 blunders and still be fine, remember? :^)
I'm starting to think Nintendo has always been a bunch of clueless retards.
The games back then were so good nobody noticed or cared that Nintendo was retarded. Now quality of fallen so hard that people are noticing "Hey, Nintendo's fucking gay"
I stopped being excited for Zelda games half-way through Twilight Princess.
wow, you managed to get halfway through that game?
I actually stopped playing for like a year, then ended up coming back and finishing it because I literally had nothing better to do. Come to think of it that was the last "first party" Nintendo game I've ever bought. Fucking hated the Wii too, jesus christ it was NOT made for long games. Just thinking about it makes my shoulder hurt.
Nah, but I think that being forced to milk the same franchises for decades has finally started to take its toll. The team can't do any better because they can only remake OoT so many fucking times before they hit a brick wall.
That's pretty much my point, nigger. If the Wii U had the best games then people would overlook the retardation of its specs and tablet controller, but the quality isn't there anymore so all people see is the retardation.
If you look back at it Nintendo made some incredibly fucking stupid decisions in its heyday, like the North American NES redesign or the hideous original Gameboy screen. But nobody cared because Nintendo systems had the top-tier games. Imagine how well that shit would've gone over if the games were mediocre.
They were always stupid but now they don't have the quality to cover their asses.
I will never be "excited" for a Zelda game. There's no telling what you're getting when you buy it. I'm definitely *interested,* but in the long run I couldn't care much less if it blows or not.
It's almost like Iwata was the only thing holding them to any kind of standard. He got sick and they made Amiibo when he wasn't looking. As soon as he died everything just collapsed into pure shit.
Someone doesn't understand marketing or advertising or even logical fallacies.
They had the biggest marketing budget actually. and the best marketing team. Marketing the NES as a toy to toy dealers was genius that revived the entire industry.
What killed the N64 was losing everything they could market, what killed the GC was their inability to market it after fucking everyone over, what revived them with the Wii was their fckhuge marketing campaign, and what killed the WiiU is their retarded conflicting marketing scheme where NoJ tries to make it more of an all ages console while NoA fucks everyone and tries to make it a Wii 2.0, severely fucking it's sales in america because they're retarded.
It's not really a meme.
Koizumi didn't "just make the story for Ocarina and Majora." He designed the Z targeting system. And set up the three day cycle from an other project he was doing in Majora's Mask, and the mask transformations.
The guy also understands the importance of plot without letting it overshadow the game itself. Link's Awakening had very simple plot, yet is way more memorable than Skyward Sword. He's also handled the Mario games he's worked on very well. Compare that to Aonuma's shaky record.
People want him on Zelda because on paper, he seems like a perfect fit. Again, I don't have anything against Aonuma, I think he's perfectly capable of making a great Zelda. (Making A Link Between Worlds not suck is a miracle in itself.) I just feel the series needs some fresh air again. And so do a lot of other people.