Can someone present a valid argument as why children can't look at digital butts in games...

Can someone present a valid argument as why children can't look at digital butts in games? How does it affect them negatively?

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Butts are sexist and mysoginistic, as well as racist and classist because why not. :^)

Because sex is bad, that's why SJWs want to push sex education to younger and younger children because it's bad apparently??
Really this is their logic.

Are you a pedophile or something?

ask Holla Forums, something about degeneracy and stuff.

butts are way worse than violence, user

They might grow up to be straight.

Welcome to the age of Talmud, where everyone believes children are retards and should be treated as such.

Children these days are fed with bullshit, parents should introduce them early to thematics such as death and sex early on so we don't keep producing millenials over and over again.

The same reason why children in Japan can't look at digital blood.

Not a single reply so far makes any sense at all.

If they get too acclimated to digital butts, they will eventually fry their peckers when they try to stick it in a computer port.


No, I can't. Because there is none.
The reason why is because of political correctness.

A better question is why can't adults be allowed to look at digital butts?

Why didn't you ask this on another websites where there would be a disagreement with you and you aren't preaching to the choir

Did they seriously put a curtain over that second one?

Showing butts in video games, especially women butts, is not only dehumanizing, objectifying and sexist, but it also reinforces cisnormative gender identities onto children, making them most likely to grow up and commit violence onto women

They can. No one is stopping you.


They changed Peach's thong into full cover underwear, they put a curtain over Tharja's ass and the Japanese changed Aska's full cover hotpants into a thong.

Don't forget that only women are used as sex objects and men, especially white males, are free from the oppression that it entails.

If they censor it, they are most definitely stopping me.

How many times have you seen a man wearing a thong in video games?

That never happens, because these games are made just for men to oogle at, and most men aren't comfortable enough with their homosexuality.

Exactly. Games need to be changed to be more inclusive of the lgbt community, women, people of color, transsexuals, and otherkin. Anita Sarkeesian was right, and anyone who disagrees is a misogynist and probably one of those gamergate weirdos who needs to be taken out and shot.

A lot.
Godhand says 'Hi'

Please don't patronize me, I don't need a man telling me that I'm right

Butts? You do realize that all video games in this and age featuring the female form must be covered in a burqa, right?

Woah. You saying I'm both a male and mansplaining is a trigger of mine. I'll have you know I'm a senpai-sexual lolikin trap with des/desu pronouns who shares a body with someone who identifies as an Apache attack helicopter.

Matthew 5:27-28 Douay-Rheims

Stop being a sinful degenerate. The jews and the eternal gooks want to divert your relationship with God with this perversion.

Amusingly, I find that hardcore action/fighting games tend to have the most sexy dudes on display. No wonder socjus types can't find them, they don't play anything but walking sims.

Remember that time that the male gamers complained about sexualized men or men who barely wore anything at all…

What the hell happened in 10 years?

Butts hypersexualize women. Impressionable young white men see them and internalize the subtle messages of misogyny and white supremacy. There's also an indisputable link between mass shootings and butts, as well as rape and butts, as butts have been present at every mass shooting and every rape

Is Holla Forums the most degenerate sfw board on this site?

President Obongo from the Congo

No, that goes to Holla Forums and Holla Forums

Oversexualization is a mental illness.

Ackchyually that doesn't sound so bad. With early sex ed, there's less risk of an adult taking advantage of children's ignorance to abuse them.

Sex is bad, now let's go play some vidya where we blow people's bodies into chunks of meat.


How is leftypolacks are as degenerate as Holla Forumsirgins? At least they're trying to better their life and the world, although misled. You're all just a bunch of full blown materialist nihilist cucks with no absolutely direction in life.

nice bait, tumbintlr.

Where does that leave you?

Because 'womyn' get 'ass' mad lol

Pick one.

Yeah shitlord. Those virtually naked musclebound males in games are just power fantasies.

Liberals were always big on government. What crack are you smoking?

He's not talking about the American definition of liberal.


I came here to laugh at you.

Go home Holla Forums you're drunk.


No, user. Hetero sex is bad, all other sex is good.

But it's not? Just because the main topic isn't porn doesnt make it safe for work.

Hey i'm going to film school next year, and i am materialist because cool stuff was created to be enjoyed.

You don't speak for me libcuck. Not that I'm a conservacuck or a nihilist either.

not good, guys

There are a few examples, here and there. Ringabel has an outfit, Gil and Urien (as many have pointed out), Algol from SC5, some of Yuri Hyuga's transformations.

Problem is: chicks don't typically dig dudes in banana hammocks. Some do, but not enough to make male characters in thongs popular, and nowhere near as sustained and pervasively as men enjoy scantily-clad girls.

Seriously, look at the PUA Community. If all it took for a guy to get pussy was to flash his bulge at some ladies, there wouldn't be an entire subculture dedicated to exploiting the average woman's insecurities and mental health for the purposes of getting laid.

There is no valid argument, because children are just the cover excuse used to get everyone to automatically support even the stupidest shit, and not the real reason for this kind of censorship.

The real cause is modern women being so thin-skinned that attractive 2D/CG waifus are considered legitimate competition for the attention of men, and by the modern culture of all women being in constant competition with one another to the point of only temporarily being able to work together against common threats before splitting again over petty bullshit, these threats must be eliminated at all costs. They're conditioned by the retardation of modern culture to feel like our fapping to still/moving images is basically revving up the sexbots complete with artificial wombs, and that we're ready to re-open Auschwitz with a special "Ladies' Night Every Night" promotion at any moment once we no longer need them.

This isn't helped at all by spineless weasels and betas (and I use this term in its actual definition as applied to nature, submissive males who win out by submitting to females' whims and sliding under the radar of alphas to hopefully impregnate a female before anyone notices), who all bend to the nonsensical whims of women with any kind of relation or power, when what really should be done is honestly telling them they're being retarded and that they should can it already. If you're male and start trying to ban everything that makes you look bad because you're an awful, hideous person, everyone will rightly mock you, but women get a free pass all too often because mocking them might close the opportunity to fuck them, and that's too great a risk for most desperately-thirsty men.

If you don't believe me, women themselves have actually written articles about how they can't work together to get anything done because everyone is a catty cunt who's jockeying against everyone else for power/glory, and how all of them shoving each other out of the way for male attention or power/beauty/wealth/etc. that makes other women jealous leads to total chaos. They literally cannot see other females real or otherwise as anything but a threat to their survival and success, which at best leads to typical female in-group drama, and at worst leads to batshit-insane campaigning against the concepts of waifus and sexbots which have grown popular specifically because of this bullshit making men's lives when women get involved into a nightmare.

The best part of this ever-expanding mess is, for all their fear of being replaced by images, videos and even purpose-built fuck machines, women are actively-speeding up improvements to these surrogates with their paranoia, and the resulting obnoxious/dangerous behavior that annoys/hurts men to the point of giving up on women. They're creating their own demons, then trying desperately to banish them, only to feed the growth of their replacements. At this rate, unless a major cultural shift due to war/economic collapse/other society-reshaping calamity happens soon that forces women to drop the petty bullshit lifestyle culture encourages, women are going to get progressively more fucked and crazy. It'll keep getting worse until they've practically designed and built the sexbots with artificial wombs themselves, for all their bitching about such things that makes men work even harder on making their dreams real, before women end up dying out unceremoniously while bitching about misogyny the whole way down.

Mind you, there are exceptions (typically from backgrounds that force them to act and think like men alone and in social groups, i.e. military base kids or rural farmers), and I believe it's possible to "fix" this descent into madness. The whole problem comes from modern culture telling every woman she's a special pretty princess, and should use her natural looks if she has them to never need to do anything but manipulate male efforts to find mates and/or find a man to serve her whims long-term. Boys who don't grow up to be weaklings are traditionally taught from a young age that they need to pull their own weight in life (chores like mowing the lawn, early jobs, helping dad out with DIY stuff), that they shouldn't back down if threatened, and that sponging off others is abhorrent and for the weak, encouraging them to grow up to be self-sufficient and strong-willed. Meanwhile, girls are taught that being a spoiled princess is fun, and all they'll ever need to do in life to succeed is properly appeal to men who can't stop thinking with their dicks for 30 seconds. If girls were taught to pull their own weight and be self-sufficient human beings like boys were, even if it were something as simple as having their feminine role models be queens who get shit done themselves rather than useless princesses waiting around to be served, things would at least be a little better if not totally-fixed.

Oh I get it. You were talking about film, not kino.

Dunno. Perhaps there is research or there ought to be research done which develop metrics to measure health and outcomes for children who are and are not exposed to nudity in media.

If there were some negative effects that occur in a predictable manner, steps could be taken to counteract them. There's not really any point "arguing" either way, because empiricism is God.

Sage because I ain't googling "children+butt+study".

Don't say shit about Joseph.

Please tell me that you just typed this all out, that it's not pasta. So that I can believe in Holla Forums again.

Virgin Rage of The Cuck

Absolutely gold journal entry, fam.

I'm from Eastern Europe so you'd assume my country is full of degenerates but no. In my opinion, the west is very retarded with sexual shit. If you're not like the UK that gets triggered by all manner of butt and boob, you're fucking Germany where children and parents are nude all the time. The fuckers sometimes go to our beaches but they have no moral qualms about the fact that most people don't wanna look at naked fat middle aged parents and kids.

The only way you'd be able to change any of this is to suppress the power of the oligarchs spreading propaganda in western countries. That'd take a lot of money, power, or memery though.

this in my pasta/autism folder, thanks user

holy shit guy, tone down the autism

Western Europe is nihilist, so nihilist that even the Pope caught some of their diseases. Eastern Europeans have great faith and religious people in charge of influencing the nations.

God I missed it when having a character with those traits where consider a good thing.

At best you'll get a show that shows why being honorable will only make things worse over time so you have to turn into the bad guy at some point.

Usually its used as a punch line.

it's not for children, it's for people who don't want excessive tits/ass to ruin immersion and gameplay.

Japs shoehorn nudity for no reason, and it usually hurts the gameplay, even if it is nice fanservice for desperate otakus

People are going to just call you autistic and claim copypasta but I actually agree with everything you just said unfortunately

for a while it seemed like we were moving away from politically correct restrictions, or am i mistaken?


It interferes with socialization. In cultures like the USA's people are expected to dress somewhat modestly in public, and those who don't are ostracized as wierdos, so impressionable children must have their media intake filtered and/or commented on by their parents.

On the other hand, if female toplessness or public nudity were normalized, as in some cultures, such measures wouldn't be necessary.

literally the dumbest thing i've heard today




It worth pointing out that Tharja was left uncensored (like Japan) in the European version of Awakening.

There's also some irony that the USA version can look more risque if you didn't notice the the little bit of red swimsuit near her left hand, making it look like the curtain is covering a naked butt.

Impressive read user.


Kino literally means cinema, you fucking idiot.

le trips xD


because soccer moms might just sue the developers OP

also being attracted to butts is bad for your mental health, i won't provide sources for this

Question should be directed towards merkans since they're the ones with tits = bad violence = good thing going on.

The left and the right seemed to be unified in being anti-porn. Fuck them both, I just want to enjoy lewd things.


Fun hating faggots tend to join the winning team.
Post more lewd to keep them out of Holla Forums.

Kino is spiritual cinema that put a heavy emphasis on experience rather than traditional plot.

The reason why is because of puritanical religious attitudes that have permeated American culture and flavor our perceptions of what is acceptable and what is not. Sex-Negative feminism and SJWs have only latched onto the prevailing moral zeitgeist and co-opted it for their own use, despite being directly in contrast to the lack of (or opposition to) traditional religion.

The same shit happens in other communities. The UFO nutters, the Illuminati nutters, the Naturalism nutters… they basically practice a form of Christianity that has been stripped to the very core of it's narrative and rebuilt to suit their purposes. Ideas of a perfect wholesome original state, a fall from grace or corruption, an original sin, a devil or devils who trick us into blindly following the path to our own destruction, and salvation from the evils that plague us if we follow the path to salvation.

Yadda, yadda. Just a different flavor of the same shit.

Heh. Right.

He means the new genres made by some homosexual hipster fags at some Ivy League school
Thou i agree with the majority of them, except the over-partitioning of them
Kino is just movies that concentrate very heavily on cinematography and the journey through the scenery, story is almost non-existant or just there for the cameraman to trip into interesting images

that one with Cloud is actually Japan making fun of trannies, which Western media no longer dares to do.

If anything, Western media is not only degenerate, but afraid.

They should be afraid. They've been lying and selling out their own peoples and cultures for years

How is this autism?
Very well written and punctuated description of why this insanity is going on.
Just because this large text was posted here doesn't mean it's a pasta, even if it is - the "point" in OPs question was answered.

You mean, stuff like this doesn't exist?

This is a wall of text that people need to fucking read right the fuck now.

eight hundred and twenty fucking one words of truth.

Coming back to be a faggot and reply once, before fucking off to go do stupid shit again.

Not a pasta, even if I unconsciously formatted it like one, maybe it should be spread around so I can at least say I made one thing of note in life. It actually took me less effort to put that to text than it does to jerk off, since the only practical thing school taught me was how to elaborate on ideas in long-ass paragraphs full of information with no real mental labor required, so that's that.

I may be a massive faggot who's never accomplished anything of note or purpose in life, but I sure can write plenty of big words about the things good.

Thanks, I suppose. Just trying to explain why modern women (emphasis on "modern", shit wasn't always this fucked since attitudes and norms were different in the past) are so fucked in the head and prone to doing stupid shit, and why they seem so unified in rabidly trying to ban the 2D waifus and the sex machines despite using a dildo to get off to pictures of Fabio.

For similar reasons, I feel a deep void in my soul, thanks to the knowledge that tomboys are all-but-dead in real life, thanks to insane identity politics cunts claiming the short-haired/dyed-hair and "girls wearing men's clothes" looks plus the "self-sufficient and strong-willed" attitude just to warp them into twisted mockeries of attractiveness. There was a real alternative that stood in the face of this nonsense, up until it got corrupted from within and summarily destroyed like all good things standing in the way of "progress".

Thank you for posting.
Ignore the retards as we need more people like you around these parts.

Some people sometimes look like getting paid for shitposting
You just wrote something all sane men think very clear in a post, dont get riled by kids who will soon see the madness you described
Or foreigners who still havent seen the horrors of social studies in action

What is Rocky Horror Show that is still played regularly.

How does not being afraid less degenerate? At least Western media is degenerate because it got controlled by jews while Eastern media is degenerate because orientals are inherently degenerate.

It's just an autistic rambling. You have no idea of what caused it, so you blame it all on women. Women are responsible too, but they're one of the symptoms, not the disease.

You need to learn more about the massive cultural shift that happened in the Eurosphere after 30 Years War, and what caused it. How the Age of Enlightenment popularized nihilistic and materialistic philosophy by diverting the religious belief of the society.

It all can be stemmed down to…


Oh god, that spoiler.

that's kind of hot


You have no clue what you're talking about. I've played eroges with better gameplay than most Western games.
Lewd and gameplay are completely unrelated because more often than not they are not done by the same person your retard. I cannot see a single thing wrong with adding lewd girls unless you're underage or something.

I like how there's not a single reaction to the fact that Peach is wearing a thong.

Only liberal cucks produce and consume porn and feel nothing bad about it.

the kids will be adults one day

if you coddle them with teletubie tier shit all the time they will eventually get an extremely warped view on the world. and this is how SJWs are born and how my little cousin is allowed to play Red Dead Redemption and Senran Kagura

You're definitely not one of those kids huh.

You're right, they also need to be taken to the church and play outside to enjoy nature.


but bible contains sex and violence how could you

And teach that they're a bad thing when they have no purpose.

k i'll remember to teach my cousin to have her boyfriend always finish inside or god will struck him with the thunder

excessive tit/ass fanservice totally ruin immersion and gameplay, I'm an adult and I don't want my games to look like playboy & hentai shit.

excellent opinion but we're not talking about how tiddies affect gameplay in otherwise good game hint: they don't


Titties and panties don't make a good game bad, but they can sell a bad game to loosers like me.

Overemphesis on fanservice and waifu baiting is a major red-flag that the gameplay is probably shit and the devs are compensating for it.

Don't forget /fit/'s #1 best game ever pick.

Not bothered by them, just explaining how easy and quick that was to write out, since I'm always baffled that people can find something that looks so simple and concise to me so long and complicated. I never had a problem churning out several-thousand-word essays like most people complain about having issues managing, shit was always dead-easy to me, and I'm the kind of faggot who read a lot of books as a kid so I'm used to reading and writing tons of words easily.

In other words, I'm a wordy motherfucker and it comes easy to me, which makes it weird to me when people say "too many words/autism ahoy", but this isn't my blog so who gives a rat's ass.

I'm well-aware of the evils of Jewry, it just wasn't that relevant to what I was trying to describe, which was mainly the type of mental fuckery that leads women to sperg out over sexy fictional female characters existing in the same world as them. Also, this board isn't Holla Forums, which is fine and dandy all things considered but tends to invite plenty of shit-flinging when anything political comes up, since Holla Forums anons tend to not care about politics besides generally being sick of them after the rise of SJWs infecting media with their own special brand of Cultural Marxist retardation. Only reason I'm not in the same boat is because the mix of a tidal wave of shit vidya and identity politics infecting every form of escapism with terminal cancer pushed me away from games a bit into Holla Forums territory, and the rest fell into place from there.

Regarding modern female idiocy, Jews are basically just taking a fat shit into an already-open wound, making use of useful idiots and exploiting retarded attempts at evolving social policies to reap infinite shekels. Women are especially-susceptible to their brand of "buy all our garbage, you need it goyim" bullshit, thanks to a mixture of sudden pushing of "muh equality for all" mixed with ill-preparation for full freedom's responsibilities thanks to "just sit there and look pretty, dear" cultural shit of the time, and thus they make use of the vulnerability as much as they can afford to and then some. They got tossed into the mix with none of the built-up experience regarding responsibility versus fun and avoiding obvious scams that we have, babes stranded in the wood without the sense to call for help, and the hook-nosed fucks saw the ripe opportunity to make a whole bunch of loyal, unquestioning consumers with all the common sense of a moldy ham sandwich out of them.

Unsurprisingly, a whole lot of the people publicly-documented as being involved in the rise of suffrage, the several horrible waves of feminism, and the "useless pretty princess" standard that evolved into the "hooker-by-any-other-name who buys all her unnecessary face paint and leather/fabric straps barely passing for clothes at Goldstein and Goldstein like a good goy" standard are openly and proudly Jewish. Same goes for the civil rights movement giving black people full rights (which initially went very well as they were just as civilized and morally-compelled as whites at the time, to be perfectly fair and honest) and rap music/thug culture/crack distribution sending it all downhill fast, until the majority became good little consumers who'll never question it when Schlomo tells them they need "dat bling", mostly Jews leading the charge and coordinating behind the scenes for both series of events. And now, even the typical white guy outside this kind of "vile" place is falling into the same trap without proper parenting and cultural support, getting off to cuckold porn, believing rhetoric about all evil in the world being his own fault and falling over himself to lick women's and minorities' feet all day long, all thanks to Jew-owned media empires, news outlets and colleges telling him he should. What a shocking series of coincidences.

Regardless of the Judaic faith, its followers and people's opinions on these things, the point of modern women being fucking retarded to the point of being neurotic about men having waifus still stands. The gentleman with the unusually-large nose selling them trash and telling them they should aspire to be worthless sacks of shit wouldn't do nearly as well at his business if said women had proper sense, morals, aspirations and self-sufficiency drilled into them by their parents and culture to start with.

so is the game suddenly better when you localize out boobies?
you're basically taking out the only good aspect of the game and nintenchildren eat it up.

in other games that aren't strictly ecchi focused it's rarely in your face and chances are you'll never notice fanservice in senran kagura if you stick to multiplayer. sometimes you have petty virtue signaling censorship just to show off on twitter for more kickstarter shekels (skullgirls, vanguard princess without free cunny DLC)

the only "good" game i can think of that is negatively affected with excessive sexual violence is Sengoku Rance, you try to play a strategy game and your MC always gets sidetracked into fucking something

What would new Sex education be like?

A shit game that's censored is a shit game.
A shit game that's uncensored is a shit game.
A good game that's censored is a good game, just mangled.
A good game that's uncensored is a good game.

Is this really that hard to figure out? A pure uncut good game is the optimal state, and much like dick, is always preferable to the cut version. Being cut won't ruin it, but it will never give you the full experience.

Some games can marry fan-service with great gameplay, and some don't have to. Most, I would say, just use the fan-service to cover up deficiencies in mechanics or pacing. Though I'm sure there are exceptions where a particularly unskilled localization team can actually manage to make a good game horrible, in much the same way a surgeon with shakey hands can screw up when cutting a dick and end up slicing off the balls or gouging the side of the shaft. It's not the norm, though.

Are you fucking kidding me? Liberals feel even more twisted guilt over porn than conservatives do. Even the loudly "sex-positive" liberals are so clearly in overcompensating denial. It's so much of their identity and lifestyle precisely because it's a huge fucking psychological issue to them.

They became the government and the media.

Progressives want to turn everyone into homos who have unprotected sex in toliets.

You know what, user. Weebshit and feminism, both came from the same source. It is sexual liberty. Jews created and promoted sexual liberty. If you want to remove social justice warriors, you'll have to remove anime and glorification of sex in the media too. SJW is where the slippery slope of sexual liberty will lead you. I don't think Holla Forums will be okay with this.

I consider libertarians, revolutionaries, nietscheans, capitalists, socialists, Nietzscheans, nrx and all faithless people to be liberals. This liberal vs conservative thing is only a recent phenomenon in America to justify their dumb politics. The true conservative politics have died during the age of enlightenment.

because it further destroys the white race

Just look at fucking japan. Japanese young men just want to fuck pillows and stay as clear of women as they can. So women fuck niggers or white boys and destroy the japanese civilization, turning it into yet another mixed bag of shit.
All because of cartoon butts.

And then there's this fuckwit here.

If they were allowed to develop a healthy appreciation for the female body (and standards) they wouldn't be such massive betacucks that let women walk all over them for the hope of a pity fuck. And they wouldn't be so easily shamed by the Marxists.

Have you looked at the economic situation in Japan? Housing prices in cities are through the roof, the place is already overpopulated and massive percentages of taxes go into caring for the elderly. Japan is now readjusting and normalizing their population numbers after the post war boom.

Actually, they don't fuck much of anyone either. A vast majority of them remain virgins even past the age of 25.

In short, Japan's problem is economic and one of population density, while Western one is both economic and ideological.

Did you know that in Germany, in the age bracket of 20 to 30 years old, the subhumans outnumber the native Germans?

I lost all interest in 3DPD because they're undesirable.
Yeah, the women there are some of the nastiest bitches in the world. You're making a common short-sighted mistake: 2D obsession is the symptom, not the cause. If women actually held themselves to standards, men might be interested in them.


As opposed to… what, busting their shitters trying to get good grades and high marks in the right clubs so that they can aspire to be a salary-man and work themselves into an early grave. Karōshi. Worked to death. When exactly would they even get to see their wives and family? The company takes care of all that shit. They'll even send a man-whore over to your place to pleasure your wife while you're expected to be out drinking with the boss and bowing honorably, complimenting him on his form, as he kicks you in the ass.

There are few hells on this Earth as degrading and intolerable as that of being a Japanese Salaryman.

No fucking wonder their youth are noping the fuck out - choosing instead to hide in their bedrooms and fucking their pillows for comfort.




You need to go back to Holla Forums.

One picture isn't even anime you fucktard. Are you even trying?

Every fucking time.

Sad but true. Women are too "strong and independent" to be women but they can never be men, so they are in a limbo of shit. I have a stronger emotional connection with boatgirls than with actual women.

And they wonder why nobody but desperate betas wants to be around them.


I just thought they looked kind of like Bane masks and that was funny to me.

The concept of objective beauty


Invented by the white Patriarchy in recent years to keep womyn down. Everyone knows that more enlightened populations, such as blacks and Arabs, love true women with a whole lot more love on them!

Anything but abstinence would be a serious improvement.


The worst part is, it manages to make certain amount of sense.


It's a battle against everything that can merely be called beautiful.Art,game,women,etc. everything that can be used as propaganda is being used.No matter what people say, beauty is,at least partially, objective and that's why most people in the world have similar concept of what a good looking woman should be.And this is something you can find everywhere in history.
Look at what they are pushing as beauty standards now:fat women are beautiful,masculine women are beautiful,hairy,manjaw,not healty,mixed race,women who don't care about how they look,etc.
Digital butt or anime are a simple beauty but beauty nonetheless:stylized so no many defects,clear skin,symmetric,harmonious,usually hourglass figure,healthy,big eyes,etc.
Western society now is focused on a thing only:lower your standard for everything.



I'm sure you are, tumbltard.

Did you even read what i wrote?

Nothing partial about it. Outliners such as chubby chasers do not negate the objective beauty standards that haven't changed in the past 6000 years.

Gotta prep the bull so he can fuck us in the ass and we thank him for it. After all, what with female entitlement, boomers robbing us blind and getting flooded by subhumans, the white man needs to be primed for a life of servitude and poverty, least they do the unthinkable and chimp out and bring the whole house of cards down.

reading is for fags. this is a video game board

Indeed i was referring to fetishist and such,which usually come from fucked up experience/strange shit in the brain,etc.

I seriously hope people will stop this.Just looking at those absolute fags happy to live in simil-Japanese coffin hotel is a pain.

At least you are funny.

A-again, j-just power… uhm, fantasies.. (damn, that package…)

Ainsley Hariott had a sex change.jpg

That certain amount being 100% because it's true, at least until the last paragraph.

I'm not convinced this is all social and that there aren't biological roots in it as well. The female brain is functionally different, they think differently, and there's only so much that social factors can do to train them otherwise.

I heard this game is a male power fantasy too. Is that true?

The left was in since WW2.
Since the cold war it's been heavy on political correctness.
Late 90s saw one of the final shifts in political correctness.

Then the final stepping stone for those in power to want control over media. Resource conflict.
Peak oil as predicted was hit in 2000 by the M. King Hubbert model, so now the vibe changes and those running things want to make sure people don't change with it too much. They tighten grip on media and power, even though the predictive models no longer line up with actual oil.

Post-90s has been the true slipping slope with political correctness in full swing. Convenient timing for something like Facebook to popup on the other side of the slope too.
As of 2015 oil is no longer following the M. King Hubbert model, notice how media is redirecting their focus again? Also that sudden alt-right influence in media is cute.

As you said though, both sides are just chucking liberal-esq stuff around. False liberals really, they just want another reason to control things more tightly. No real change comes from it.

The few true liberals in this are just trying to protect their land and family, but their cause gets drowned out by bullshit media.

This is what happens when you give women the vote. Like every other civilization in history that has deemed it wise to give more liberties to its females the West is now on a one way street to destruction, and we get to see it unfold, live.

Normal sexuality bad, mindless violence good, reaffirming normal heterosexual attraction? why look at Burgerland's attempt to teach fucking children Gender/Sexual identity and SJWs excuse that its CURRENT YEAR and there's nothing wrong with brainwashing kids and damaging their fragile development all in the name of equality!


most Holla Forumscks actually have no problem with the human form but rather the defilement of it.

Having women be sensual and beautiful is one thing, turning them in to degenerate sluts is another thing entirely.

There is a large faction of Holla Forumslacks that can be best described as Luddite, no fun allowed, sexually repressed autists that think everything is "degenerate" and the only purpose in life each and every one of us should have is to be a shill for ideology.

You're missing out fam

I am pretty sure most of the faggots you are talking about aren't even white, we have had a massive influx of sand and curry niggers in the last few months claiming to be Aryan. A lot of them have tried to re-brand degeneracy as a anything that goes against shitskin religious dogma rather than what is best for white societies to remain free and innovative.

Is that why the whole board has gone to complete shit? I mean, I now regularly see the mods bumplocking threads for no other reason than they aren't another "general" or shilling whatever bullshit they are now feeding the proles.

It's become the "no fun allowed" board where everyone thinks they're a "movement" much like GG boards did.

Moralfag hypocrites. We were warned of those types:

This thigh gap is bordering on the levels of anorexia, jesus.

What a stupid thing to cry over.

Listen, I like Shimakaze as much as the next weeaboo, but I am not a fan of anorexic chicks.

A lot of it also has to do with constant Hillary shilling and general board disruption by outside forces.

that is just a start, tens millions have poured in to this type of shit.

I think talking head have noticed that chunks of Holla Forums's ideology are starting to take root due to the discontent over immigration and other stuff so now they are trying to destroy them from within.

better now?

Oh I get it you're a fat chick that googled the pic to find the name so you can better fit in.

Needs a bit more "meat on her bones" I bet.

As long as you don't encourage "polyamory" or being an "ethical slut".

That doesn't make the both of us any more leftists, we hate feminism too, we just have a fetish I guess.

Try "every RPG's unarmored model".

What? How did you assume I'm even a grill to begin with? I just don't like inhuman proportions, at least not in girls who are supposed to look like humans (with boat accessories). Pics related are the good kind of thigh gap.

Shit bait, but now I'm curious who could have hated JoJo so damn much he photoshopped tequila Joseph in Caesar's restaurant scee.

I THINK is less absurdly-skinny and more just poorly drawn anatomy placing the legs farther apart than they should be. On the other hand the tendons are a bit too prominent for her pose, so it could be a bit of both.

You have good examples though.

You might call yourself a man, and have the anatomy to make such a claim true, but you are not a man.

Stop using my flag for your bullshit, you goddamn yankee shithead.
That flag fought for states rights, not some fascist shittery.

Fellow Confederanon here.

I like to think the South and Japan would be good friends.

What role you take in bed doesn't have to reflect on what's your role in the relationship.

I'm still the one who takes decisions and leads, and if you can't separate your sexual life from your regular life then maybe you can't have a healty sexual life either?

Also my subbing only has to do with being teased and be the cute one, another thing I believe most of you can hardly achieve

Everyone is covertly gay, folks! not really

Yeah, yeah, sure. Cute as your attitude.

Eh, so long as they buy our cotton.

Cotton clothing ain't gonna go out of style any time soon, don't worry.

there's nothing manlier than a man having to justify his sexual preferences or otherwise he feels his manliness is in question and he starts sobbing, amirite fam

I switched device and lost my reaction folder, I miss it ;_;

Me neither.

No, seriously, fuck em.
Fuck moral guardians. Don't care where they come from - be it bible humping christians, alahu akbar retards, fedora-tipping atheists or political correctness/social justice crusaders.
They are ALL idiots.

Life doesn't work like faggotron.Shit you do define what you are.For example,your girlfriend let you take the decision because you aren't a real man in the relationship,she doesn't have fear or respect for you as a male,she goes along with you, like a mother who fake to give the lead to her child while having a strong grasp on him.I bet you even think you take the decision while she subtly direct you.


Dear lord, what a horrible transformation

I love how you all go apeshit on my masculinity, but that's beside the point.

The thing is that sexual roles doesn't define your political view, we're very much flamboyant nazis and so, we keep our private life for ourselves .

This means you won't be able to tell what I do in my bed if you knew me in real life, nor would you able to distinguish us from any other channers.

Also subbing doesn't have to do with strap ons or dildos, she just loves bouncing on me instead of having me on top, stop projecting your prejudices~

Do you know many "occassional" smokers? It's called addiction for a reason.

And it's difficult to forego smoking for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. And don't even pretend it would be harmless not to do that.


Feminism: not even once

First thing that came to mind

Come on man, these gaps are almost as wide as your asshole when your bf-, err I mean gf is done with you





Someone needs to post the screencap of "sucking my gfs penis doesnt make me gay".

great argument yourself, buddy
we're past the point of intellectual conversation
you might want to take your fedora rhetoric back to leddit, friend

You are right. There is the need of a some kind of sign to identify your kind.
As always the traitor moves undisturbed while is ruptured asshole leaks on the floor that is the Nation.

Which religion? Mormonism, or Islam?

Don't you have anything more important in your life than "the Nation"?


One thing is for certain. Women need to stop being pressured into the workforce. There is a direct correlation (and yes I'm saying this correlation implies causation) between women in the workforce and declining birth rates in every country its been done.


Recognizing logical fallacies is taught in many academic courses, from philosophy to formal logic.

And intellectual discussion with Holla Forumsturds is like teaching pigs fly.

Maybe or maybe not.I found the time to talk about some poor user's ass membrane and their incredible structural deficiency though,aren't you happy?

Because games are for children, and they should only contain things safe for the youngest of the young.

you're not in your safe space environment here
this is less of a debate, but more of a talk
ad hominems mean jack shit when you have no name attached to you, unless of course you name- or tripfag, in which case you did it to yourself, really



Once a week, right? I recall there is a saying in Japanese about that.

Old Christian ladies and young SJW bitches will yell at them, causing distress. Because that's what America was build for, and the Japanese respect that with the power of 36 kilotons TNT.

If you're bored you can always just kill yourself.


Nobody is going "apeshit", everyone is mocking you because we can smell the blood of butthurt in the water.

Nobody mentioned political views, people just pointed out you're a submissive bitch.

That's what you like to think. In reality everyone can tell it's just that is getting your ass fucked. - pretty sad, actually


Nice warped logic.

Soon video games will be nigh indistinguishable from reality, but the only morally safe thing to publish will be "Sit in a Cube and Contemplate your Original Sin" Simulators.

I wouldn't go so far as say that Jews are greedy goldfish. They got chased out of nations because they simply refuse to integrate, and their ideology/religion teaches them to look on the goyim with contempt. Not the smartest way to act when you're surrounded by them and they hate your guts because you killed their kike on a stick.

Furthermore, the reason why Jews support multiculturalism in the West, but not in Israel, is not born out of some masterplan concocted by the Elders to usher the NWO. They support multiculturalism because they believe it is an effective way to prevent another shoah. If there is no national/ethnic identity in white countries they can't unite to purge the kikes. Multiculturalism, to a heeb, is a safety blanket.

Multiculturalism also shows that there is no grand design at play. Israel exists because the Western powers keep it supplied with weapons, money and military aid. And the Jews, in their endless wisdom are flooding Western countries with niggers and mudshits that hate the Jew.

Wonder what the Jews will be saying come 2050, when most Western countries are minority white and the subhumans have used the democratic process to hijack the government (and its arsenals) and are now aiding Israel's enemies to wipe them off the map.

I replied earlier in the thread but I thought I'd go for a more serious reply on what I think is the core issue with the US and countries like it. I come from Eastern EU so I've essentially been used to the values that we have here. What I find off about the West is that in general, kids are considered a 2nd priority to the parents' personal life and job. Because of this, parents don't take care of their children much. I've noticed this a lot. Like when a Mexican goes into the US for a job. It's not that the Mexican is bad, but his children will be terrible because he's too busy working to take care of his or her children. And this seems to also apply to people living in the big cities. You're dropping your values like mad. Why? Because if you provide money for your children, you provide them safety and insurance that they won't live as badly as you or will not live as badly as kids you've seen when you were little. This is a problem. It means that the parents will end up focusing more on money, then they will on actually taking care of the child itself. Why are there so many kids in COD? Because the parents are busy working and they've let the child play the game on its own, thinking that the game will be an alright alternative.
This is not okay for a few reasons. It means that the player considers that video games are the babysitter for the child at hand. This means that they also have a certain demand that the game is a good learning environment for the child itself. In reality, when they complain that a game might be too violent for the child, or too sexual or whatever else, they are putting the responsibility as a parent onto the game developers. They've spent less time taking care of their own child and more time trying to get the game that the child plays to be a bigger parent than they are themselves.
This of course in turn gives off a bigger consequence. Since the parents are abandoning their own responsibility to teach and take care of their own kids, the government can easily manipulate what the kid can and will learn. They will give that kid its ideals, its general thoughts on what's good or bad. This is a fantastic turn of events to make a political agenda happen. A political agenda no different from "Everything is racist and sexist and you have to point it out.".
When a game has an 18+ label or a 16+ label, it is up to the parent to prevent the child playing that game. The rating system is there to prevent children from playing games they're obviously not meant to play. But in modern standard, it's easier to make all games T rated due to the large sales they'll do. They just have to remove all the nasty blood and deeper writing. And this way the parent won't bother to check if the game is actually that appropriate for the child. And even games that are adult rated are more designed to be played by children which in turn grants easy sales. All because parents are lazy and can't bother taking care of their own children.

That's just you implying tho.
I would rather discuss something else that is making me curios now, are you guys afraid of looking weak?
Is the fictional pack of wolves that is the Chan making you feel like you need to compete with other's manliness or else you would be discriminated?

And more importantly, do you believe that looking emotionally weak is a weakness?

I can only talk about my own experiences here
I am past the way of thinking that is prevalent in teenagers, which is "everybody is thinking about me", "oh no, what if he thinks THAT, or she THIS"
people are generally too busy with their own shit to care about mine, therefore I could care less what I appear as towards others, their attention span lasts just long enough to think something like "huh, he looks weird" and then they bother with whatever is currently happening in their own lives

looking emotionally weak is a weakness, because it can be exploited by those willing to do so

What you interpret as fear is actually instinctual disgust aimed at you.

shared on facebook

not even kidding, it's the only platform I have
maybe I am not doing the right thing, the only thing I know is that doing nothing is 100% certainly wrong, so doing something can at most be just as wrong as doing nothing

Is Holla Forums blocking brazil? I can only post with vpn on, I get stuck into an 'complete captcha' loop forever

One can only hope.

I hope to God you don't lead them back here. Tag it as 4chan or something at least

The usa is very religious and because of that they hate sex.

In Germany it is the opposite. We are into sex but hate violence. Games like Left 4 Dead 2 get censored but nudity is totally fine. I got a entire folder with mainstream nudity here in my computer.

said it was an 'Text I found on the internet"

but looking emotionally weak while you're actually not is the best way to exploit others

And yes, it works on females too

I don't like anime but isn't it funny how in CURRENT YEAR Japanese shows are much more pure? I mean in modern western shows you can see racemixing, niggers dating white girls, cuckold propaganda, interraacial families and and and. Modern western shows are much more degenerate than modern japanese shows.

This, I recently turned on my tv and saw a bit of that "comedy" where the actress who played sabrina the teenage witch acts in. What I thought was her gay friend at first turned out to be her husband. First time ever I got that wrong, scary shit.

There is no valid argument, only rationalizations. If you end up producing a boy who later ends up becomes minded towards tits and ass, that's more your child's biological inclinations.

What I believe is a better question is to ask why people seem to be more inclined these days to prefer androgynous men and women. There seems to be a push that big tits and wide hips=bad, unmasculine men and unfeminine women=good. While it is just an extension of my sexual tastes, I can't consider anyone a man if he's the sort of person who has a /cuteboys/ folder, and I believe that androgynous people are freaks of nature or people with warped minds. Anyone who tries to rationalize traps and trannies as being females or the desire for traps and trannies as somehow heterosexual should be put in a mental institution. Even gay men will tell you that liking traps are gay, if I have to fucking put Aslan in a choke hold in order to get you out of the closet I very much will.

Every industry has people with their own kinks and fetishes, it's just that you have to watch out for any astroturfing or subliminal shit, and people with racemixing and cuckold fetishes are like cancers in that respect.

You mean leftists. Because the whole of Hollywood is one gigantic leftist propaganda machine.

Thanks for the correction. Honestly I beileve that anyone who is genuinely attracted to people like Daisy Ridley or Ellen Page are people who are only attracted to the fact that both have been in movies, and that Ridley has a "OI BY DA WAY OIM' EENGLEESH" accent. I also believe that anyone who finds them hot has never seen a lot of women, or their local women are just that ugly in comparison. Additionally it seems like the big wig directors and producers are afraid of casting women who could be seen as "competition" to the female demographics.

I would be surprised to see if any new Hollywood movie this year or the rest of the decade didn't feature frumpy looking lead women, or women who can actually act. The Ghostbusters reboot is being shat on for just about every good reason imaginable, but the lead characters being played by older fat blogging women who can't carry a good joke is the biggest reason why you shouldn't watch it.

Simply atrocious.

then they will expect all the whites to form a coalition and die for Israel, their greed and vanity knows no bounds and they see all whites as their slaves.

That's because women do view them as such, and this extended to pretty much every other visual medium. We can see it in games as well.

It's because women are deeply insecure about themselves and can only find validation through male praise, but since they lack the motivation to improve themselves, or God forbid, be feminine, try to be attractive and try to attract men by showing them they can take care of the house and kids, and be emotionally supportive, they'll apply a scorched Earth policy of destroying any and all competition until legbearded hamplanets are the only vagina left on the market.

Gets the point across though.

But there will be no more white countries to cry about sad tales of the Holohoax, just multicultural caliphates out to shoah the Jew once and for all.

I thought that traps take pride in their ability to imitate women. So an attraction to a perfect looking trap would be only gay AFTER revealing that it's an actual trap and not a genuine woman.

And there are names for different eye-shapes in Japanese. In the pic related you have tsurime eyes on the left and tareme eyes on the right.

What's the name of those evil-looking eyes you often find on demon girls? That shape is extra lewd, gives me a huge boner.

Pic please.

Everyone knows that those are just male power fantasies and don't count because nothing can sexualize men.

Kinda like this. Generally, the eyes are not very wide and slant downwards towards the nose. Or is that a form of tsurime?

Beats me. Take a guess yourself.

Do you have a moment to talk about my masters?

That bullshit again…

It's always these two things, they either claim that men are never displayed sexy because men would think it's gross, and when you point out that they are they will say that it is a male power fantasy.

Most Holla Forumscks are also fat sacks of human garbage, much like /fit/, but unlike /fit/ are not doing anything to actively better their condition. They can scream and cry about "degeneracy" and the defilement of the human form and corruption of the human spirit all they want, but one look at how they treat their own bodies makes it apparent that they really don't give a fuck about degeneracy as a principal to be upheld, and only care about degeneracy as an insult to hurl at others who disagree with them.

Where have you gotten this information?


guys, we are going to get a speeding ticket
this thread went from shit to autism at 88mph
we are seeing some serious shit here


Toppest of keks,this is the same argument SJW make
See how fucking retard this is?A normal person know this by instinct, deviants develop

Someone is upset

Because its degenerate.

lets build the wall already

fucking pols from right to left need to stay out of Holla Forums

It doesn't. People (devs, publishers, gamers) are just hysterical, afraid of being labeled as sick pedo perverts.

Nope and nope, attraction to a "woman" because of looks that are possibly imitatable by dudes is to carefully weed out anything that's left, the things that actaully come to women by virtue of being women. You see a hot woman in good makeup, and absolutely make sure it's only the good makeup that attracts you. That's massive homogay faggotry of the Nth degree. Even if it's a real woman you tolerate her only because you can concieve there being a man under all that makeup, or even worse, fantasize there somehow being a man there even beneath the flesh because you convince yourself that flesh could maybe be just really convincing makeup.

or you can accept that some dudes have really girly figures due to weak testosterone/stronger mom genes. or are you gonna tell me pic related is a straight thing to fuck and totally not gay.

Your pic related is batshit crazy. Never stick your dick in crazy.

This. Also, if you reduce sexuality to rubbing your dick to something pretty, you could add some lipstick (and surgery) to a pig ,and fuck that.

kek, keep fantasizing, I'm not the retard who thinks they're here to blogpost about their feelings of judgement

Actually, we do need more sexualized men in video games.

I blame universal sufferage and birth control; making women think they are capable of holding any significant power.

Oversexualization is a mental illness.

Retardation is a developmental disability.


Because this is a Christian nation and we must protect our children against sin you fucking degenerate cuck.
Fuck off to >>>Holla Forums

So, fapping to anime tiddies?

not just Holla Forums but Holla Forums, Holla Forums, goons, reddit, mra, trp etc anyone not here for the board purpose
for fucks sake this is thread is reminding me of /r9k/ migrants, it only gets worse from here

I agree
Libertarians did nothing wrong

Not him, but sometimes I like it when my gf is the aggressive one for foreplay. She only likes missionary, so we switch back for sex no matter what, but it's fun to mix it up a bit.

faggot shit

Why are you posting pictures of a dying genre made to sell toys? Can't you grow up from childish robots already?

I don't even watch robot anime, but giant robots are cool mang.

Sure, if you're six.

Are we being invaded by tumblr, i can't even tell anymore.

I know, right? It's fucking 2016 already. We need to let kids express their sexuality and introduce them to the joy of wearing bikinis and twerking. Sexist luddites are like, so not in right now. Get with the times, bigots.

Using Duke for such a poor troll image is just low. The man deserves better than that.

I often wonder what the backlash would be of a game staring a fukboi trap would be like?
Like a very sexualized trap.
Doing all the feminine posing and looking feminine, but has a wiener.
A+ tier "trust us, it isn't a girl because we say it isn't a girl" trap.

I'm thinking there would be tons of SJW's mad at it displaying conventional standard femininity , that it isn't the ultimate goal of trannies and see it as nothing but an excuse get away with having a sexualized female without (and this would be the ultimate irony) being creepy.

It makes fat women feel bad or something.


Wow you guys sure get defensive when someone points out how wrong your logic is.

But thank you for posting all these characters from these bad games, they really prove your point really well >->

Samson and Adon for Smash!

Poison has always been a girl. Capcom just doesn't want to admit it.

That's not making fun of trannies, that's letting you be a tranny.

Bethesda are a bunch of progressive cucks.

What exactly is wrong with Ellen Page?
She has a nice face.


Radfem dyke

Pretty legit, and I agree

Elder Scrolls have racial realism, political realism, and Thalmors as an obvious Jewish allegory.

Fallout 3 has Tenpenny Tower and Brotherhood of Steel's status elevated to Nazis.

Fallout 4 has a dysfunctional interracial family with an exclusive atomic wallpaper that resembles star of david.

Both Fallout 3 and 4 make fun of chinks and have anti communism message.

What now, lad?

I think it's just a mixed dev team

Or maybe Todd being sick of working with zionmax.

Can you present a valid enough argument about why your taste is shit enough to actually want upskirts of Mario characters?

Because butts are dirty, silly.


Kinda hard to notice when you could count the games that have it with both hands.

japan is in the middle of a demographic crisis. clearly their sexual games and anime have corrupted them.

Oh look, another SJW that doesn't play games.


What helps your narrative, faggola.

I think it's more about the company protecting its interests rather than any real social justice.

Dealing with legal shit is a waste of resources even if you won them, so these localization companies just play it safe.

Though it is an interesting subject. I would love someone researching into this and interviewing those people who run the localization companies. I bet they will claim that "this is how america wants it", but is it a real issue, or are they just coming up with imaginary issues for foreign companies to give them more money?

What double think? List these rare games that have naked or scantily clad men. Surely you can name less than 10 fucking games.

Hold on, should you be proving that it's oh so common? The burden of proof is on you.

The fact that stuff like Urien is usually the first to crop up when the topic is brought up is because he stands out since it's so damn rare.

Muscle March
Climb your friends
Metal Gear Solid 2
Cho Aniki
Street Fighter series
DMC ayyy
The Witcher series
Xenoblade X
Final Fantasy IX
Any of the fucking Jojo games

Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy X
Diablo 2
Star Ocean 3
SMT: Nocturne
Pretty much any SMT has scantily clad men or male figures
Almost any fighting game
Golden Axe
Devil May Cry 3 starts with dante shirtless


You quoted the wrong person

Never even meant to quote anyone, no idea how that happened

Even if I do count those two bad examples, still a grand total of ten Ips.

Yeah, let's make list of games with scantily clad women and see how big you list looks now.

See above
Such as?

I was just listing 10 games to see if I could, not part of this argument.

Oh so what about all those games with scantily clad women for humor? Are you just going to ignore those? Of course you will, you spineless faggot.

Just to reiterate how unbelievably wrong you are, here is one of the covers for Golden Axe. Made in the early 90's, before your hugbox was came out.

What the fuck are you doing?

I meant to say

He's being retarded and we keep responding like the irritable morons we are.

Name ten games where scantily clad women are there without being for fanservice purposes. Only one I can think of is Fatal Frame V.

What games? The ones that humour your boner?

Whatever helps you dismiss "wrongthink" from your hugbox user.

Pointing out flawed examples.

Please, you were proven wrong by 2 anons.

You already ignored our lists of games with shirtless men.

We don't dislike you because we disagree with you, we dislike you because you talk shit and won't back it up.

I guess we have to determine what you understand for "scantily clad" first.

I didn't ignore it. I already addressed how Raiden was done for humour, and Golden Axe guy wasn't done to be sexy.

You acted like a handful of games is a significant amount. The entire point, which you can't honestly deny, is that male fanservice in games is small. It's why stuff like Voldo or Snake's skintight suit are notable; because it's not common.

So you were baiting this entire time.


Welcome to the world of video games. I see you are new in this hobby.


Read the guy I was quoting.

There are plenty eye candy for the women, I don't know what you are on about.

Forgot the pictures like an idiot.


I wonder if those pixelated barbarians are scantily clad enough for that user, or if he/she is actually asking for men in micro-thongs


Showing how ripped he is IS fanservice dipshit. It's been proven that men want to see strong men doing badass things. That is fanservice. Fanservice isn't just skin dumbass.

Yes, plenty.

Also you're forgetting that women like seeing strong, muscly men. So it is definitely fan service either way.


Look up the definition of fan service retard.

I think this thread is actively making me more gay. I'm going to go look at trap porn now.

I want underage to leave, if you have a base of what you want to say in your head and a decent WPM you can make this in like 5 minuets.


Ha! I love that picture.

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