ITT: Vidya girls that are a cute. A CUTE.
Pic related, Mrgrgr is so fucking adorable my shrunken user heart dokidokis at her happy lines about eating sweets.
ITT: Vidya girls that are a cute. A CUTE.
Pic related, Mrgrgr is so fucking adorable my shrunken user heart dokidokis at her happy lines about eating sweets.
shame the sequel got censored to shit.
Actually they just altered one costume from indian to cowgirl and mixed together two cutscenes so you get a complete ending without needing to NG+++ it.
But that doesnt really sell outrage and drama i guess. Gotta signal boost your narratives with some folks i guess.
On the contrary, they removed the bad ends from sidequests and altered numerous costumes. Peddle your own narrative elsewhere, I'm dealing in facts.
pic related
They removed bad ends because the japanese market complained, not to appease the sjws in the west.
Sometimes a shit western release is a shit western release, not more fuel for the whaaambulance.
there we go. I knew you could do it. Get it all out of your system.
fuck off and die
The qtest
Best girl.
Mei from Overwatch is pretty cute. I didn't play the beta, nor am I likely to buy the game but I think she's hot (no pun intended) and her lines and accent are so adorable, particularly her "Sorry, sorry" line.
The cutest.
Shes a fat tumblr sjw self insert
Sure, whatever you say user.
Imu is cute! Cute!
Aside of her ass, her personality is really cute.
Best vidya girl.
She's all right for a skinny chick I suppose.
Her accent is pretty laughable.
But Edea is a grating angst-ridden teenage skank who could have resolved the plot at any moment yet elected to throw fits instead of explaining her former allies that Agnès meant well.
She is literally a menace that tries to pass of as cute by making big doe eyes. You fell for it, user. You fell for your standard teenage slut's wiles and I pity you. Pic related, this is you.
Gear a cute. A CUTE.
pic related, right user?
Kill me.
There's a game, so it counts now
If you are going to shill Overwatch, at least post the real cute.
Feels good except for the grey hairs starting.
Can we mute her first? Her lines make me want to kill a bitch
It beats being bald
eye am the cutest
Most 2hus are super cute.
I'm keeping this shit till 90, aww riiiiight.
Come on, man. We all know pig is best girl
New skins coming for a f2p mobileshit game.
I'm having troubles keeping my wallet closed.
Wow truly the pinnacle of awful taste.
Lets play spot the shill.
Kill yourself my man
diccolo plz
I probably will, but first I want to see what happens to all the whales spending from 50k to 400k american dollars on this game.
Best girl.
I sure do love that unlockable Frozen reference line she has.
Kill yourself for liking an annoying blob of fat from a meme game.
her voice reminds me of 80s anime openings
All fairies are cutest
First it was the scat copypasta and that reverse-corruption one where a feminist is transformed into Vivian, and now this shit.
This is almost as old as the original respectful nod.
It seems to work the same way in real life too. Had a friend when I was younger who had long dark hair, girls would want to touch it and shit. All well and good, but I can't stand long hair personally.
thats not Koume
You mean best boy?
She's a cute grill.
That doesn't sound so bad
God, are you one of those autists who hate anything popular?
Yes she has a Frozen reference, what did you expect?
Yes she has a fuller figure, but she's not at all obese.
Kill youself for for being a joyless fuck who wants to ruin other peoples fun.
I want everybody in this thread to die, especially since he's one of the waifu thread autists who needs to go back to his containment.
Aren't you just the cutest autist.
Don't lie, you know she's adorable.
Video games to not be waist deep in pop-culture references.
You must never play video games, then
It's a sign of infection
I hate moeshit but somehow she was best waifu in DR2
BIG SPOILERS tfw best waifu killed second best waifu
She literally laid there and let people fuck her corpse.
She's a whore, fam.
Yeah, sounds like NeoFag
BIG MEGA DANGANRONPA 2 SPOILERS: to be fair dude you had like 15 people rip her body to pieces and literally fuck the gory bits, my only question is which of the DR2 characters is the one that fucked them? The easy answer is Nagito but he implied otherwise so I dunno, maybe teruteru I guess.
Teru ate his mom.
Good taste! Her Despair personality is great, too.
Also where does it say that?
Best despair.
The neetest
The idea of Mei was good, until I played the game and heard her voice.
Now I know she's nothing but garbage.
While she's not Lilly, Emi is fucking adorable. If she was real, I'd probably end up smiling and laughing every time I talked with her.
F/GO is enough of a game for this to count.
>is this easy mode?
shed be a lot cuter if she werent dead weight
anime style girls aren't cute, they are overdone and look stupid with those alien eyes
thats cool, i dont want hipsters liking what i like anyways
Cute dog.
Daily reminder that VNs don't count as games.
See pic below
zombie fairy is cuter
neither do sjw games you fucking fag
Undertale isn't any more SJW than Holla Forums is.
You can interpret that as you will.
back to tumblr anytime, cuck.
Your image supposed to prove something?
I recommend analysing what exactly "Social Justice Warrior" means.
Someone who thinks art is foremost a political weapon and that some art should be suppressed and other art applauded simply because it supports an agenda.
Yes, the game is propaganda. Yes, all the faggotry is intentional to promulgate more faggotry amongst the public and "punch up" at white males who are already on the ground and dead, statistically.
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
Wrong. The game is something the creator wanted to do. Take it or leave it. Are you too fucking deep in the hivemind to comprehend the concept of freedom and markets?
he sure wanted to promote his progressive worldview
Everyone promotes their world views more or less when they make art, you fucking idiot.
When you think there is "a right thing" to do, then you play into the concept of social justice. Now the warrior-part is where things go wrong. There are these mongrels who believe firmly that they can and should force their view of the right thing unto others. That's what warriors do, exercise violence to achieve a goal. Warriors are fucking garbage who are either too lazy, lack empathy, or are too thick to argue for their brand of social justice.
it's been a while since Ive read reasonable argument on Holla Forums
Heavy01, is that you ?
That's a terrible argument. Especially the reasoning for social justice. You don't need a special sort of justice, just regular old justice and equity. Anything else leads to legal uncertainty or some bigger mess. Social justice will always be garbage.
you are both a retard and a pleb with shit taste tbh
you wouldnt marry a fish
No one knows about equity. They only want the bastard child that is equality because the world is full of donkeys who are envious enough of race horses that they will cripple the speedy steeds just so they can keep up. There's the equal but inequitable world which is anything but justice being done.
To do art is to do a thing in refined manner. When something is done especially well, it becomes a "work of art" or "state of art".
Did I mention anything about needing anything, dumb nigger? You seem to be incapable of evaluating the concept outside the contemporary mainstream context of american ultra-humanism. Like it or not, social justice exists beyond such. When you are arguing here about what others should and should not do, you are enforcing your own kind of social justice. When you demand others to do soemthign, you are a fucking social justice warrior yourself.
That's not an argument.
Damn straight I would.
As a matter a fact, yes.
depends on the fish
No, I am evaluating it in general from the viewpoint of someone who has a bit of actual legal education. Social justice is a relatively modern concept that goes against any proper rule of law because it's designed to grant special privileges to people who are deemed to be "disadvantaged". When you have laws that are enforced differently depending on the person that means your legal system is shit.
Nice deflection.
But Jehuty is maleAlso not posting Dolores
you are proof that if you stand for nothing youll fall for anything, now go fall off a cliff undershit.
how many years it has been since the last time i saw undine.
great post user
Don't bother, guy. This is 8/v/, Holla Forums but with lots of Holla Forums in it considering that's the only two active boards left. Holla Forums never realised they were the equals of /mlp/ back on 4chan and warmrollers doesn't understand why 4chan had a "keep Holla Forums in Holla Forums". Because Holla Forums are a bunch of preachy, paranoid fucks who have to shitpost all over the place to feel superior to the sheeple blue pilled masses. It's got to the point that they've pretty much scared away everyone who isn't a raving lunatic nazi. Even the libertarians are mostly gone now. And now they want to scare away anyone who doesn't suck Hitler's dick on a daily basis and seeing as Holla Forums is the only board that seems to get posts anymore they immediately jump here to act like the fucking faggots they are.
Social justice as a concept doesn't have any inherent connection to the humanist/egalitarian movement that those mouthbreathers at /gg/ and Holla Forums call " the SJW-movement".
I also think it's quite obsolete to bring juridical establishment here since talking about the general understanding of justice within populace isn't exclusive to what is done inside court rooms.
What the actual fuck?
How can you be this fucking retarded? Anti-SJW could easily have a strong sense of social justice. Just try to think what the words you use mean, jesus…
This amounts of stupid is actually quite fascinating.
Especially: "something that has a target audience (a consumer product) can't be art".
In case you ain't trolling around, please, explain me the logic behind:
1. Having a target audience means you have a consumer product.
2. Having a target audience means that it's not art.
3. Art cannot be sold.
Also, social justice isn't an ideology. It's an abstract concept.
undermeme isn't Holla Forums material and this is known.
go back to tumblr you retarded faggot. video games aren't art. you fell for the shitty postmodernism meme and you should probably kill yourself.
reminder that it was Holla Forums material until about a week after it came out
Please, answer my questions.
Here's another: how does the question wether videogames are art or not relate to the postmodernist ideology?
reminder that the demo had nothing to do with the rest of the game and wasn't progressive bullshit devoid of any decent gameplay. fuck undermeme.
Please, just fucking leave. Allowing a general for that cancer was such a mistake.
since the undercuck got dubs I have to.
it doesn't, but most consumer products do have a target audience while art must have universal appeal.
art must have universal appeal, having a target audience diminishes its value.
art is priceless, putting a price on true art diminishes its value.
postmodern cuckery puts things that are not art up on a pedestal as art. see modern art, retarded jewish people buying said modern art for upwards of a million dollars.
this, you allow some tumblrfaggotry you allow all of it. mark is a fucktard for letting it run that long.
Posting more cute monster girls and pixies
its been a long time, it almost feels like it was a different life
I know a lot of people think she's annoying, but Serana from Elder scrolls V is girl I wouldn't mind living forever with.
Do you understand what a fucking target is? An arrow made just to hit targets also cannot be an effective weapon, because it necessary forgoes little things like piercing hide.
Kill yourself. Nothing can be explained to you if your starting level if this far below the simplest of analogies, and you still think it's everybody else who is stupid.
that's a derailed thread if I've ever seen one
and as always it is the usual suspects
Why don't you leave? Undyne is on topic. Your bitching is not.
1. Why can't art appeal to a niche? I think you are talking about the concept of universal beauty. The thing is that beauty comes in many genres. While there are some universal attributes, there is plenty of space to have varied preferences. Not all people like the same kind of art. Look at Van Gogh or Da Vinci. You can recognize the skill in both, they certainly are art, but can you really claim that they will appeal equally as much to all people?
2. It really doesn't. Doing a specific thing allows you to have deeper appeal to a specific group instead of making bunch lame shit that just kinda appeals to everybody. Universal preferences like sexuality or appreciation of power can carry you only so far. Why do you think that products that often seek to maximize breadth are often considered to lack depth?
3. Uh-huh, so I guess the artist can fuck off and pay his rent with his love for his art. You have pretty skewed understanding on the purpose of currency.
>Do you understand what a fucking target is? An arrow made just to hit targets also cannot be an effective weapon, because it necessary forgoes little things like piercing hide.
A nuke has a target. A nuke cannot be an effective weapon? Also, what the fuck are you trying argue here for? An arrow cannot pierce? Art cannot pierce because it can't hit multiple targets?
your shitty memegame is not on topic by any meme
because art that has a target audience simply isn't art.
yes, you said it yourself
and here he outs himself as a pathetic progressive faggot. take your shitty """game""" elsewhere.
the artist that cannot support himself has no place in any society, you communist faggot.
i feel like I should contribute have some chest.
more monster ranchers
So, if an artist isn't allowed to take compensation for his work without nullifying his status as an artist, and if he cannot support himself without handouts, then you are saying that no society has place for artists, right?
You also forget that not everybody will necessarily recognize the value of Da Vinci or especially Van Gogh. That means there isn't an absolute universal appeal. Does this mean they lose their status as works of art?
art is a hobby, not a profession.
these people, like you are not normal.
i thought art implies skill
like those old greek and roman statues
i guess you can do a hobby skillfully
most hobbies that aren't dude weed lmao tier require skill.
Another moron joins the fray.
You are basically saying that if you strive to do better than just what is required from you, you are a hobbyist, not a professional.
And they call me the communist, ha…
It implies and attempt at doing something skillfully. Bad art exists. It means it attempts at being art but fails at it.
Hobby is something productive you do for yourself without the aims of it becoming your main way of supporting yourself monetarily.
you know the topic is cute girls in vidya, not who can post the most pics of his waifu
exactly, also you know nothing about communism that basically says "if you try hard you get paid anyway"
from each according to his ability and all…
key word productive.
Why not? I didn't get the memo with the specific definition of how this thread shall be executed.
Just to be more specific: you can do art either as a hobby or a profession.
Visual arts certainly can be productive.
because you're cancer. your shitty fanart saved from tumblr from a "game" tailor made for, by, and about sjws has no real place anywhere outside containment.
because it takes away from potential other posts
we get it, undyne is cute
if you have others to post, do that instead
user, I'm sorry but I don't think you're allowed to have this much good taste.
Such an anger!
wabbit season
Tsk, tsk.
hey hey what the fuck! where are my images? why did it embed again?
You could've just said "2hu thread"
I didn't think any other anons played F/GO, patrician taste my friend.
This guy gets it.
Cute buns, dude.
Though you forgot Reisen II.
well that feels bad, but it would help if she were in a video game.
That was a stupid mistranslation. In the original game, it's implied that something was taken from her body to bear her kids, so most people believe nurse bitch took her ovaries and tried to make some kids with them. There's even a doujin about it
the cutest
This is correct.
That's a Zogok, right?
Wasn't her body crushed in 1? I honestly don't get how did they get her body parts if it was all mincemeat.
Nagito was lucky
>you will never get to have a wholesome marriage with her and have children
why live?
All 2hus are cute. Even the hags
The internet is one hell of a wild ride I tell you what.
I'm just letting you guys know I'm a virgin
We're all Holla Forumsirgins user
You ever ask yourself how did everything go wrong when you've never fucked a pussy? ;_;
The feels are getting too srong
Have you two considered getting /fit/?
I was going to say it was a Z'gok, but I had to go consult the Mobile Suits Illustrated book just to be sure.
Yeah but what about my porn addiction and inability to talk with people
Cutest Megaman grill.
Please tell me someone has the screencap of that one thread with the fish oil guy.
>Wife is a brilliant person, but susceptible to suggestion because she takes in everything and can't filter trash
There are worse fates.
It's just one guy.
The only fat tumblr self insert is Zarya.
lol, I can make up things to buddy
Sure you can, are you mute? If so I'm very sorry, that is a real thing, unlike porn addiction
Yes im mute and you should feel sad about me, a stranger on the internet.
I thought this was a thread about cute vidya girls.
Then you faggots made it into some /r9k/ shit.
Don't bully Maria, she repented for her sins
Oh god.
kill the rainbow bitch
Whatever. Just gonna keep posting.
Don't just let shit like this happen. You gotta get angry. == YOU GOTTA GET MAD. == Anger and hate are a great motivator.
Ayyyyyyy lmao
That is where you two fucked up. If you were talking out your problems, hambeast would not have anyway to enter your wife's mind.
I am angry. My hatred for this sow is beyond measure. I almost added "boy" to the end of that, because I'm outraged that you think I'm somehow okay with this.
I don't know if you've ever found yourself in a situation where you're dealing with some deeply-rooted personality flaws, but it's one of those things you can't fix with a hammer and plastic lining in the back of a van. It's why people turn to drugs and alcohol. If you take one away, they'll turn to something else that's equally destructive and fuck their lives up with that, instead.
It's why the original posters of Holla Forums don't bother with anyone anymore, because it's pointless. The victim doesn't want to be helped, and will spend their dying breath damning you for trying.
It's been three years.
When the hammer drops and the papers come, I'll accept it as I accepted all of her other flaws. And then I'm going to have cold and sober words with the bulldyke, where the Internet cannot help her. My wife will have already fired the "I want a divorce" shot, and so there will be no larger threat that can be brought to bear.
Keep playing on the normalfag's terms, you misguided faggots.
Let this be a lesson to you all.
Even her SFM porn is shit you could have posted that instead you faggot
Shit user, you're a really in a dead-end now, I would have suggested fucking with the rainbow landwhale in a non-sexual way since it would be bestiality by hacking her shit and spreading it, fuck her up real good so that she is too busy either picking up the pieces or trying to kill herself to fuck up your marriage even more
You can still do that but it would be revenge, best case scenario the cunt chimps out in a big public way and your ex realizes she been getting advice from a fat worthless piece of shit and rethinks her relationship with you
In any case hambeast will probably anhero, so do it
Pigs eat everything including bones. Just sayin'.
Is that a Gypsy?
On what planet could a tumblrite incarnate with no personal experience be taken as an authority about relationships? What is her string of achievements in the matter? Drunk romps with fellow deviants?
Meant for
Ur waifu a shit and smells of dead fish. This is her level of appeal.
Patricians, the lot of you.
jesus christ at least post a modded screenshot of her
What's with all the posts disappearing? I know we had a lot more that is showing.
A good ol' fashioned politics derail with an avatarfag. Keep calm and post qts
noice familia
I don't care if Fates' writing is weak, f!Kamui does things to my dick
This is a cute thread, not a lewd thread.