New Capcom Humble Bundle.
New Capcom Humble Bundle.
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Wow user, why do you want Resident Evil 6?
da fuck are you doing?
The fuck for you retarded dipshit?
The fuck for you retarded dipshit?
You're doing it wrong retard, are you one of those shills who enjoy direct linking to Shitaku?
I bought RE6 last Sunday for ten bucks. Fuck me, would've liked to get DMC4 for five extra bucks.
and DmC for shits and giggles
Hey the graphics are pretty good. Can't believe SFV looks so real. Heres a webm
I had DMC4SE in my gift inventory for a while and I don't have anyone (who probably wouldn't backlog it) to give it to.
Remember when you could pay what you want and get every game in the bundle?
What a shameless product placement.
Bruce Lee should be ashamed of himself.
What the literal fuck.
Jews took advantage by only giving 1 penny for the entire bundles. Obviously something needed to be changed. I'm not happy about this either but that's why we can't have nice thinggs.
I spent like $3 on the humble might and magic bundle for the DRM free M&M6 and HOMM2. Is that bad?
You could have gotten those games without giving shekels to Israel so yeah, that's pretty fucking bad.
I am always willing to pay for a service that distributes DRM free games for a legal purchasing route. What's the alternative, giving steam money to support DRMed games? I pirate the ones with DRM but it would be wrong to not support those who distribute games without that cancer.
A good bundle will still make good money even with those people paying a penny because you have plenty of other people paying more than what it's worth.
You're the reason video games died
I buy physical copies first and foremost if they exist. Nice moving the goalposts though.
Keep on being a good goy
Why are you shitposting?
Because you and this thread are contributing to the digital games meme that's killing the industry
You forgot your anime image. Did calling out your shitposting startle you?
Sounds like good old crapcom alright.
Still, might pick it up. There are few games I don't have in my steam library.
remember when humble bundle was about indie devs raising money for charity?
Then you had people buying 100+ bundles for 1 penny each and then reselling the keys after the bundle ended. At the end of the day it was changed due to dev pressure because they weren't happy with the amount of shekels being paid out
I'm not here to argue, I'm just explaining the reasoning for it. Good bundle or not, people will always find ways to take advantage. Minimum's were added because we can't have nice things.
I was thinking I couldn't want to play this game less, I was wrong. Perfect time to set how many goes to devs.
Also DMC in tier below DMC4, this is golden.
Capcom shrilling thread?
y-you still around user? I really want special edition.
I'd be more interested in this one if it included more complete versions of games. For example, bump Resident Evil Revelations up to the complete version and that'd sell me. I hate buying only part of a game.
Your next line will be "but of course my dog ate my childhood disk!". Which wouldn't even matter because you'd still be legally entitled to a security copy of the game, as per its EULA.
You are a goy and a nigger.
Damn, I already have every single one of these. I could probably go for resi 6 but it's probably cheaper on steam instead of rebuying everything
10/10 bundle
they need a helicopter ride
Send me an invite if you're still checking this thread.
I'm in chat with ya right now.
Th-thanks kind user.
No problem.
Make sure you get around to playing it. Peeves me a bit to have my gifts backlogged.